
991 - 1000

Chapter 991 Rainbow Raiders!

Perhaps there were too many people sitting in the crowd and Ling Lan's seat was somewhat at the side, Little Aihua wasn't aware that Ling Lan was at the scene. She just saw countless strangers on their seats looking at her with gluttonous and greedy stares. She was so afraid that she had to curled up in a corner of the cage to just get some semblance of comfort.

She began to pinch her palm with great force, hoping that the pain could calm her down. At the same time, she was so terrified that the tears welling up in her eyes would begin to drip down her face, attracting more attention to herself. In the back of mind, she remembered that Jiang Hui had once told her that "crying doesn't solve any problems, and only being calm would bring about hope".

Despite Little Aihua encouraging herself, she still had two tear drops run down her face uncontrollably and silently, because she suddenly realized the fact that she might never she see her family again.

"Aihua, don't cry!"

Little Aihua heard a soft voice behind and she turned around to look who was talking to her.

It was a boy who was also put up for auction along with her. He was two years older than her. He comforted her after seeing Liu Aihua silently sob to herself in her cage.

He comforted because he was in the same situation as her, children who still had their memories intact. He wasn't like the other children who had already forgotten who they were after having their minds wiped and becoming items for people to buy.

Perhaps it was because he seemed lonely or he saw himself in her. When he saw that there was a little girl who also had her memory intact, he couldn't help but let down his guard and comfort her.

"Understood, Elder Brother Qiao!" Liu Aihua nodded thankfully towards the boy. Now, even the smallest of comforts, would make Liu Aihua's heart calm down.

The auctioneer was very considerate and put up all of the detailed information of the auction items on auction screen, making it convenient for those attending the auction to look through and choose the items they were interested in.

"There are actually two titled domain realm masters? Not bad. Not bad." After seeing the auction list on the auction screen, a chubby old man beside President Tu showed an excited expression on his face.

Compared to other auction items, humans were considered the much safer purchase, as the auction venue had a special method that made it if the buyers were to die, those who were sold to them would also commit suicide, dying along with them. This was the reason why this part of the auction was popular. By purchasing children with a lot of potential or domain realm masters, not only would the buyers acquire a strong security force in the future, they wouldn't have to worry about any privy eyes at the auction.

After the auctioneer declared the auction had begun, he began going through the serial numbers of the items one by one. Little Aihua's serial number was at the end because she was added in at the very last moment. Not long after, the auctioneer reached the number of the boy who was comforting Little Aihua. The atmosphere in the auction house suddenly became intense and everyone jumped in to participate in the bid for the boy.

This was because the boy had awakened a water element based innate talent and had awakened it for a long time already. Of course, the reason everyone had their eyes set on him was because he was only 12 years old. Additionally, his physical skills had actually reached the peak stage of refinement. The black market also determined that in one year he would definitely advance into Qi- Jin stage.

If things went as planned, advancing into Qi-Jin stage at 13 years old and in addition to his awakened innate talent of the mild-mannered water element, this boy would definitely reach the domain stage when he grew older. This was why he was so popular among the auction house attendees.

As the boy's bidding price rose higher and higher, the boy's expression became colder and colder. It was almost somewhat numb.

President Tu, who was calmly sitting beside Ling Lan, suddenly raised his brows and smirked. It seemed that there were others who didn't like the black market other than Ling Lan.

Not long after, the highest bidding price had appeared in today's auction. The auctioneer shouted out excitedly, "Buyer number 27 has bid 250 million coins. Is there anyone else? This is item will definitely become a domain realm master in the future. Going once…"

The auctioneer was trying to ignite the fighting spirit of other buyers. However, without a doubt, this price was already quite high for a future domain realm master. Many of the attendees were all sly old foxes or merchants themselves, and would of course not be provoked or disturbed by the auctioneer's words.

The auctioneer excitedly and yet helplessly struck the mallet the third time, "Congratulations buyer number 27…"

Right at that moment, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya, who sat on the other side of President Tu, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the stage.

"Stop right there!" Right as these words were said, many black market guards immediately jumped out from all sides in an attempt to intercept Ye Shao and Dibi Luya.

Bam! Bam! Ye Shao and Dibi Luya expanded their force of presence in an instant and sent those guards who were attempting to intercept them flying backwards.

The two of them on the other hand, didn't change the direction of their movements in the slightest and quickly jumped up onto the stage. Their goal was that boy. Right as they were about to reach the boy, a strong mud wall suddenly appeared in front of the boy.

Seeing this, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya immediately released one fire dragon and one water dragon out from their hands to ruthlessly strike the mud wall.

Bang! A large explosion resounded through the auction house. The mud wall instantly cracked open from the force of the fire and water dragon.

Ye Shao then suddenly vanished from where stood. Right as he appeared behind the boy and was about grab him, a person clad in white had already stood in his way. At the same time, a black cloaked elder had also appeared in front of Dibi Luya.

"Who are you people? You actually dare to cause trouble in our Chaotic Lands?" A sharp and thin voice rang by their ears.

It turns out, the person clad in white who was standing in front of Ye Shao actually had heavy make-up on his face. He was actually a middle-aged man with his fingers out like a woman and had an effeminate voice.

Hearing this, Ye Shao was apologetic and replied, "I'm sorry. It's only because we saw our people be forced to be auctioned off. We were angry and made a move impulsively. We're not looking for trouble so I hope everyone can let us off."

"You think just saying sorry will resolve everything? Haha, is that what you think we in the Chaotic Lands do?" The black cloaked elder replied coldly. "Don't think you can do whatever you want in the Chaotic Lands just because you're both domain realm masters. Here, we have more than enough domain realm masters."

After these words were said, President Tu, who was already pale from seeing Ye Shao and Dibi Luya make a move, was now trembling. If it wasn't for the fact that Ling Lan had helped him up, he might have been so scared that he would have fallen on the floor.

He didn't think that two domain realm masters were hiding among the mercenary team he had hired. He especially didn't think that they would cause trouble in the black market of the Chaotic Lands. He could feel his future being all grayed out. The Chaotic Lands would definitely make his merchant group take responsibility. A lighter punishment would be to refuse trading with them, while a larger punishment could possibly be to completely wipe out their entire merchant group.

After hearing the forceful words of their opponent, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's expression did not waver.

Ye Shao even shook his head and said coldly, "If that's the case, then we want to know why our people would appear on your auction stage? Light and Dark Dragon are both very angry about this and decided to come here themselves to resolve this issue."

After the names 'Light' and 'Dark Dragon' were spoken, the other auction attendees, who originally thought Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were giving up their lives, couldn't help but shudder in fear.

"You're from the Rainbow Raiders?" The effeminate middle-aged man suddenly gasped after hearing those names.

"That's right!" Ye Shao and Dibi Luya replied proudly.

Every world has its strongest individuals. In the Chaotic Lands, Frost Monarch, Hades and Ninja were the strongest. In the adventurer world, there were also seven kings that ruled that world.

Among these seven kings, the ones who no one dared to offend were Light and Dark Dragon from the allied adventurer group, the Rainbow Raiders. It was because they were like brothers to each other and they not would never be apart. One imperial level domain expert was already invincible. Then, two imperial level domain expert… Even if it was another imperial level domain expert, they still wouldn't dare to offend these two people.

Thus, almost all parts of the Chaotic Lands would tremble after hearing the names of 'Light' and 'Dark Dragon'.

Chapter 992 Hurt?

'Who is so important that two kings came out to rescue him?' Everyone looked at the young boy who had no expressions on his face and started guessing his identity.

"Hmph!" A sudden snort shocked everyone.

"You can look for your man, but you don't have to destroy three of our bases. That is too much," the person who snorted at the start was heard again.

Ye Shao was stunned. 'Are you mad? What are you talking about?

'Ye Shao, who didn't know what was happening, just randomly said, "If you dared to mess with the Rainbow Raiders, you must be prepared to bear the consequences."

"How arrogant. Most people might be afraid of Light and Dark Dragon but we're not." Another furious voice could be heard.

"No matter where he came from since he's already ours, he will stay ours."

A frightening force of presence rushed towards the boy. Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were stunned. They thought that the three kings of the Chaotic Lands would give some face to Light and Dark Dragon, but they surprisingly didn't. They just wanted to kill the person they wanted to take back.

"Hades, you half-dead man! How dare you try to kill my child!" A cold voice suddenly sounded. A strong force of presence blocked the vicious aura that wanted to kill the young boy.

"Dark Dragon, you killed people in our territory without informing us. Is this how you show respect?" An angry voice replied.

"Ninja, it's time for you to stop. You've done so many cruel things. Aren't you afraid that your life will be shortened by your sins?" A lazy voice sounded after that.

"Light, your hands are tainted with blood too," Ninja sneered.

"Tsk tsk. The people we killed are people who deserved to die. We have a clearer conscience than you," Light replied without taking a step back.

"Pfft! Light, who are you trying to fool?" Ninja scoffed at Light's blatant lie.

"Let's not waste time bickering. Light and I didn't come here to fight with you. We just want to bring our child back," Dark Dragon replied coldly.

"What about our people?" Hades shouted angrily.

"What about them? I haven't even taken my revenge on you for making my child suffer!" Dark Dragon replied with a cold smile.

"Haha, since that is the case, let's settle this now," Hades was so angry that he started laughing maniacally.

The moment his laughter ended, four invisible energy collided in the air above the atrium.


A loud explosion occurred.

The huge force flattened the auction stage, even the roof and the walls of the atrium had collapsed.

The people in the atrium hugged their heads and scurried away when they saw four imperial stage domain experts fighting on top of them.

If these four people didn't hold back their strength just now because they were worried about the people below, most of the people there would be dead by now.

President Tu brought his men and left the atrium hurriedly. After he ran for a distance, he quickly realized that Jiang Hui wasn't beside him anymore.

'He may have ran in a different direction or he is slower than us.' President Tu was frightened by what had happened so he quickly led his men back to their base. He was going to leave the next day and never come to the Chaotic Lands again.

As for Jiang Hui, President Tu wished him good luck, and hoped that he was able to escape from those domain realm masters.

The four unwelcome guests were in the destroyed atrium.

They split into two groups and stood opposite each other.

On one side, a person with a black cape was standing beside a person wearing a ghost mask. No one could see their faces.

On the other side, there was a cold-looking elder in black clothes and white hair as well as an amiable-looking elder in a red cloak.

Even domain realm masters like Ye Shao and Dibi Luya felt that they couldn't withstand the energy from these imperial stage domain experts.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were still lucky. Their opponents on the other hand, got injured internally from the residual force and were vomiting out blood.

"Dibi Luya, bring Little Xing away." Light spoke to Ye Shao and Dibi Luya.

"Yes." Dibi Luya immediately accepted the order and grabbed the little boy beside Liu Aihua.

"Bring her along too." The little boy didn't forget his companion. He pointed to Liu Aihua.

"Troublesome." Ye Shao pouted when he saw the little girl from Little Four Mercenary Team. However, he still grabbed Liu Aihua and ran away with her.

"Damn it!" Hades was furious when he saw Light and Dark Dragon taking their people right under their noses. He shouted, "Stop them!"

Eight figures immediately dashed out of the ruins. They rushed towards the escaping Ye Shao and Dibi Luya.

"Howl!" Dark Dragon shouted. Balls of black air started to spurt out of his mouth and fly towards those people.

"Damn it." Ninja moved his body and came beside Dark Dragon. He wanted to stop what Dark Dragon was doing. Dark Dragon quickly pulled his hands away and a black dragon appeared in place. He moved his wrist and the black dragon moved to attack Ninja.

Bang! Dark Dragon and Ninja collided. They were both imperial stage domain experts, but it was obvious that Dark Dragon was more powerful than him. While he was stopping the eight domain realm masters, he still also managed to block ninja's attack.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya managed to rush passed the eight domain realm masters. Hades, who had started fighting with Light, shouted, "Frost Monarch, if you don't act now, all three of us will be embarrassed."

Actually, if Dark and Light Dragon found them personally and talked to them, they might have agreed to give the little boy back to them. However now, Light and Dark Dragon destroyed three of their bases and even humiliated them in front of so many people. If they forgave them easily, the three of them would be laughed at by the people from the Chaotic Lands.

"Cough! Why do you have to do this?" A cold voice floated over.

Light and Dark Dragon's expressions changed. They dared to come because they felt that Frost Monarch wouldn't act. They might be wrong…

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya felt that their legs were stopped by something. Their expressions froze as they looked down on their legs. Their feet were covered with ice and the ice was slowly moving up their legs.

The Frost Monarch had acted!

Were they unable to save their young master even after Light and Dark Dragon came? Their faces turned pale.

"Hey, don't you know that you might hurt me too if you do this?" A lazy voice sounded beside their ears. The four imperial stage domain experts were shocked when they heard the voice.

Ye Shao looked at the direction where the voice came from and saw Jiang Hui sitting on a chair among the ruins smiling at them at them cheerfully.

Chapter 993 Frost Monarch!

Ye Shao saw Jiang Hui's feet were covered with ice too. He was sitting so the ice had already climbed up to his chest.

He was going to become an ice statue soon, but Jiang Hui still had a smile on his face. He looked as though the ice on his body, which was about to take his life, was non-existent.

A young person was on the edge of death but he didn't look frightened at all. There was obviously something wrong with the scene. Unless this fellow was either an idiot or a lunatic, this shouldn't be his reaction. However, he didn't look like a lunatic or an idiot.

Dark Dragon was in deep thought. Light turned serious too. The expressions on Hades and Ninja couldn't be seen so no one knew what they were thinking.

However, regardless of what was going through their minds, the ice was spreading up from Ling Lan's chest. Within a few seconds, it had reached Ling Lan's shoulder and was climbing up her neck.

As the ice reached her jaws, Ling Lan raised one of her eyebrows and said lightly, "This is not good. If it continues moving up, I won't be able to talk."

The ice that was moving up from her jaw suddenly got suppressed. No, they were moving back. They moved down Ling Lan's neck quickly like the tides in the sea.

In a blink of an eye, there were no signs of ice left on Ling Lan's body. Not only that, the ice around Ling Lan was also starting to melt. Within the span of a few seconds, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were also freed from the ice.

Light and Dark Dragon were surprised by this scene. 'Who is this young man? He was able to escape from an attack of an imperial stage domain expert.'

People as powerful as Light and Dark Dragon were able to sense a person's age from his vigor of life. Thus, they knew that Ling Lan was still very young.

"Cough, I haven't been out for many years so I didn't know that there is such a powerful youngster." An old man with white hair walked towards them from afar. He had a crystallized ice walking stick in one hand. He walked towards them slowly, but he seemingly reached them within just a few steps.

A few meters in a single step. This was a technique only domain realm masters and above could understand.

The old man raised his head, revealing a face full of wrinkles. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at everyone through his squinted eyes. Everyone suddenly felt a chill up their spines. Even Light and Dark Dragon couldn't help but shudder from the cold.

Frost Monarch's understanding of the ice element seemed to have increased further over these years. Even without activating his domain, he was able to release his force of presence. Light and Dark Dragon had their guards up. They didn't forget that Frost Monarch was one of the three kings of the Chaotic Land, the most powerful one at that.

"As expected of the Frost Monarch." Ling Lan bowed respectfully. From his action just now, she knew that his understanding of the ice element was way above hers. This was enough to gain her respect.

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"Cough cough… Everyone calls me Frost Monarch because they respect me. Actually, I don't have the right to be given this title." Frost Monarch coughed and shook his head.

"Frost Monarch is the title for the most powerful ice element master. You deserve this title," Ninja refuted.

Light and Dark Dragons were enemies with Ninja but they still agreed with what he said.

"You all put feathers on my cap. Actually, before I enter the imperial stage through my physical skills, I shouldn't use names that indicate I'm a king." Frost Monarch didn't agree with what Ninja said.

Hades felt a little awkward. By right, Hades meant the king of hell. However, Frost Monarch was right. A real king should be someone in the imperial stage. However, imperial stage was not so easy to enter. There were only nine people who managed to break through to imperial stage in the entire universe.

As for them, they were known as imperial stage domain experts but in actual fact, they were just half a step into the imperial stage. This half step was a huge difference.

"However, after meditating for more than ten years, your understanding of your domain had reached new heights. It won't be long before you advance to the imperial stage." Ninja was in envy.

The more powerful a person becomes, the harder it gets for him to gain more understanding of his domain. He might even reach a bottleneck and never surpass himself ever again. Frost Monarch was already the most powerful among them. After he came out of his closed door mediation, his force of presence had gotten stronger. It seemed that his meditation was effective.

Frost Monarch sighed. "It's not so easy. I don't know if I'm able to enter the imperial stage when I'm alive." He looked at Ling Lan who was listening to them quietly. "This young man might advance to the imperial stage faster than me. He should be the Frost Monarch, not


From what Frost Monarch said, Ling Lan was an ice element domain realm master that was very close to imperial stage too.

Light and Dark Dragon's expressions changed drastically when they heard this. They looked at Ling Lan with vigilance. They would place much importance in people who were as powerful as them while being much younger than them.

Ninja and Hades turned to look at Ling Lan too. From their tightly clenched fist, everyone could tell that they were in great shock.

"Frost Monarch, you've spoken too highly of me. My understanding of the ice element is much less deep than yours," Ling Lan said honestly.

This was the truth. She wasn't being humble. She was half step to imperial stage but Frost Monarch's control of ice element was much more profound than her. She was still unable to release her domain energy unintentionally just by looking at people.

"This is embarrassing. I'm more than a hundred years older than you. I've more time to understand the ice element." Frost Monarch said regretfully, "I'm already half a step into the coffin. Yet, you're still young. You still have a long path ahead of yourself."

Ling Lan smiled and didn't say anything. Whatever she said now would seem like boasting. She would feel bad if she boast in front of a dying old man.

"Enough of my lamenting. Little brother, I apologize for hurting you just now. However, the rules of the Chaotic Lands must be obeyed. I hope that you'll not interfere with this matter." Frost Monarch didn't want to offend a future king. Plus, Ling Lan managed to melt his ice, proving that she was not much weaker than him.

Plus, there were two half step imperial stage domain masters on their opponent's side. If Ling Lan entered the battle, the strength of both sides would be equal. This wasn't something Frost Monarch wanted to see.

Chapter 994 Haggard!

Light and Dark Dragon's expressions changed when they heard this. If Ling Lan really decided to watch from the side, they wouldn't be able to win against the three kings especially with Frost Monarch there.

With their strength, they were able to leave successfully if they were losing but the people they brought with them would be in danger. They wouldn't be able to save who they wanted to save too. This would be a huge blow to the Rainbow Raiders's reputation. Their reputation might even drop and they might even become the laughing stock of the mercenary world.

Compared to Light and Dark Dragon, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's expressions were strange.

When Ling Lan started speaking, Little Aihua cleverly kept her mouth shut. She remembered her father telling her that little children shouldn't interrupt talking adults during important times. She was afraid that if she shouted happily, she might cause more trouble for herself.

Ling Lan gave a half-smile when she heard what Frost Monarch said. Her expression told Frost Monarch that things were not so simple.

Light and Dark Dragon looked at each other in surprise. It looked like this domain realm master who came suddenly wanted to interfere in this matter.

Frost Monarch frowned slightly when he saw this. A cold aura exuded from his body. "Little brother, is there anything you're unhappy about?"

Ling Lan smiled gently, "Frost Monarch, there's one matter I would like to ask for your opinion about. If someone hurt my team member and then snatched someone else from my team again after that, what should I do as the leader of the team?"

Frost Monarch's expression darkened. Then, he glanced coldly at Hades before retracting his gaze and calmly replied, "It seems like your men accidentally entered our market. I'll ask someone to return your men unscathed to


"There's no need for that. The person I want to find is saved by the Rainbow Raiders," Ling Lan smiled.

Liu Aihua quickly lifted her hands off her mouth when she heard Ling Lan talking about her. She called Ling Lan excitedly, "It's me. Brother Jiang Hui, I'm here."

Ling Lan nodded at Ye Shao. Then, she nodded at Light and Dark Dragon to expressed that she was grateful to them for what they did.

Light and Dark Dragon heaved a sigh of relief and then gave a relaxed smile. They were really lucky. Now with Ling Lan on their side, they didn't have to be frightened of the three kings of the Chaotic Lands.

Frost Monarch gripped his ice walking stick firmly and the ice walking stick suddenly made a low humming sound. His gaze turned cold. He persuaded Ling Lan nicely because he didn't want to create more trouble. It wasn't because he was afraid of her. But since the other party didn't want to let go of this matter, he wasn't afraid of fighting with Ling Lan too.

Boom! The entire space started vibrating. Ye Shao, and Dibi Luya almost got injured by the vibrations. The two children in their hands got knocked unconscious and blood was flowing down from their facial orifices.

A huge and frightening ice mountain had appeared behind them. No, there were two ice mountains. Cold air oozed out of the ice mountains, turning the entire place misty from the cold.

Even domain realm masters like Ye Shao and Dibi Luya couldn't help but shiver from the cold. The two children in their hands were almost frozen. If they didn't get away from this place soon, the two children might freeze to death.

"Run as far away as you can." A familiar voice sounded beside Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's ears. It was Ling Lan. She had helped them to block Frost Monarch's lethal attack.

The two people didn't dare to waste any time and quickly retreated with the children.

The three kings couldn't stop them, as they had people in front of them who were of higher priority.

However, as the underground kings of the Chaotic Lands, they had many subordinates under them. They ordered their subordinates to chase after the children.

Ling Lan and the people on her side couldn't stop those people too.

The three kings looked satisfied when they saw many domain realm masters chasing after Ye Shao and Dibi Luya. Light and Dark Dragon were worried. But, they quickly put down their worries, as their respective opponents, Hades and Ninja, had started attacking them.

As for Ling Lan, she had already asked Little Four to inform her comrades to help Ye Shao and Dibi Luya after they finished their missions.

Soon, only the six strongest domain realm masters were left in this ruined auction atrium.

Ling Lan and Frost Monarch were fighting with each other by firing ice mountains in full alert. Both of them knew that each other was waiting for an opportunity to launch a lethal blow.

Ling Lan's eyes were filled with excitement and fighting spirit. After advancing to the domain stage, this was the first time she met such a powerful opponent. Frost Monarch was half step to imperial stage. In terms of experience and understanding of their domain, he was better than her in both aspects. The collision of the ice mountains just now appeared as though they were of equal match but in actual fact, Ling Lan was weaker.

The old and weak-looking Frost Monarch didn't move a single step during their fight. On the other hand, Ling Lan had to take half a step back to prevent herself from getting hurt internally. This half step proved the difference of their power.

"I have always thought that I've reached a bottleneck and as long as I overcome this bottleneck, I can advance to imperial stage. However, I think that I might have underestimated the difficulty of achieving the imperial stage." Ling Lan thought to herself. "Frost Monarch has a deeper understanding of ice element and yet he is still unable to breakthrough to the imperial stage. It looks like I have a long way ahead of myself."

Ling Lan observed Frost Monarch's ice element domain carefully. Since their domains were the same, the things Ling Lan could learn from him were greater. The way he used his domain gave her new inspiration for her own.

At this moment, Frost Monarch looked up and multiple ice needles appeared in the cold air.

The ice needles shot towards Ling Lan. In response, Ling Lan clapped her hands together and ice walls were formed around her.

Ice shards started flying everyone when the ice needles stabbed into the ice walls, which resulted in cracks appearing on the ice walls.

Ling Lan frowned as she heard the sound of something breaking. Her ice walls couldn't withstand the pressure from the ice needles and had collapsed, revealing a huge hole pierced ice needles where Ling Lan was standing moments ago.

Not far away, a wisp of cold air congregated into a human figure. Ling Lan appeared there.

When Ling Lan noticed that her ice walls were unable to withstand Frost Monarch's volley of ice needles, she instantly changed her body into ice particles and dispersed into the air. Then, she congregated in another area. This was the first time she appeared so haggard in a fight that she had no choice but to escape like this.

Chapter 995 Disciple!

At that moment, the cold air around Ling Lan suddenly froze, forming two ice dragons. Then, the ice dragons seemed to be infused with life force as it opened their maws and attempted to bite her.

Ling Lan frowned when she felt the cold air beside her freezing. In response, two ice spikes appeared behind her and pierced the ice dragons that were rushing towards her.

Suddenly, Ling Lan's chest got pierced by an ice blade from her back.

An old and wrinkled face slowly appeared on the blade of the ice blade. Frost Monarch's face slowly formed in front of Ling Lan. On the spot where he used to be standing, there was just a melted ice statue.

However, Ling Lan also turned into an ice statue the moment she got stabbed.

When Frost Monarch realized what he pierced wasn't Ling Lan, his expression turned from one of satisfaction to one of seriousness and an ice shield was quickly formed behind him.

Bang! A sharp ice blade stabbed into the shield.

Ling Lan's body appeared again. This time however, she was behind Frost Monarch. Then, countless afterimages was seen flying between the two.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged many blows.

"Cough!" Frost Monarch's face turned slightly pale. The massive and continuous drain of his domain energy was a little too much for him to handle.

"I didn't expect you to be able to change between states easily." Frost Monarch was surprised.

Between the three kings, he was the only one of the three who had managed to get a full grasp of all of the states of his element. Hades and Ninja still had some problems when changing the states of their element, as they still couldn't transition their states freely as him yet. The fact that they couldn't transition between their states freely wouldn't be noticeable to most people but for powerful people like him, it was an obvious loophole.

Many imperial stage domain experts who came to the Chaotic Lands proudly were killed by him because he made use of this loophole.

Thinking that this battle would just be a repeat of his previous battles against imperial stage domain expert, he used the same tactic he used against many of his past opponents at Ling Lan. However this time, he met a difficult opponent.

Frost Monarch started to become serious now. He finally took Ling Lan as a real opponent now.

"I'm just curious. How did you discover my force of presence?" Frost Monarch revealed his query. He had merged his force of presence with the cold air around him perfectly, leaving almost no traces behind. This was his domain technique. He was able to merge with his ice element seamlessly which had allowed him to kill innumerable people in the past.

"No matter how perfect a disguise is, it's still a disguise. There will still be a difference." Ling Lan couldn't tell him that this was her innate talent that discovered him. She was able to 'see' the danger with her Profound Insight so she reacted accordingly.

It had to be said that Ling Lan's Profound Insight allowed her to escape many dangers. It was her ultimate trump card during crucial moments.

Unfortunately, Profound Insight was a naughty innate talent. Ling Lan had tried to understand her innate talent many times so that she could use it better but Profound Insight never gave her a chance to understand it.

Ling Lan didn't make herself clear but Frost Monarch knew that his technique must have loopholes in it.

"This battle with you allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the ice element. If you continue to exist, I might be able to enter the imperial stage sooner than I expected. Unfortunately, in the Chaotic Lands, we never allow anyone who threatens our position to exist." Frost Monarch had a look of pity. Simultaneously, killing intent could be seen in his eyes.

The more outstanding Ling Lan was, the more he wanted to kill her. Frost Monarch knew that if he didn't kill this young man today, he would become stronger than him in the future. He could learn a lot from this battle but this young man in front of him could do so too. Because of his young age, his opponent might even benefit more than him.

If Ling Lan was given more time, she would be able to catch up with Frost Monarch. Frost Monarch even suspected that his opponent had a higher chance of entering the imperial stage than him.

Such a threat must be removed as early as possible.

Frost Monarch became merciless in his attacks once he decided to kill Ling Lan.

Ling Lan felt the ice element around her getting out of control. Earlier in the fight, she already had this feeling. However, she managed to just resolve it. But, this feeling came back even stronger.

Ling Lan tried to control the ice elements, but the ice elements were rejecting her. She had lost control of the ice elements.

Frost Monarch's wrinkled face turned hideous. An ice dragon quickly materialized around Ling Lan and moved to constrict her. Multiple ice needles also appeared in the air and shot towards Ling Lan who couldn't move anymore.

Ling Lan turned serious, as her ability to change into ice particles was sealed by her opponent. It was now impossible for her to escape by just changing into ice particles. This was the most dangerous situation she was in since the assassination at the Scout Academy. Ling Lan felt that she was very close to the doors of hell. This feeling was even stronger than the assassination at the Scout Academy.

'This is his goal from the start!' Ling Lan finally understood how frightening Frost Monarch was.

Now, she needed to think of a way to survive.

Malicious intent quickly flashed past her eyes. Her spiritual power, which she had been restraining all these while, exploded.


Although the ice element around her was controlled by her opponent, she was still able to retaliate back. The techniques from the Divine Command sect, which she had been hiding all these while, was finally revealed to the world.

The strong spiritual power exuding off her caused the ice dragon that was tying her up to disperse almost immediately. The ice needles that were flying towards her dropped to the ground after hitting the Heptashield.

Some of the needles even bounced back towards Frost Monarch.

In response, the Frost Monarch blew lightly in front of him. The needles that bounced back got blown to the ground.

Ling Lan used her Divine Command sect technique to counter Frost Monarch's technique. She thought that her opponent would continue attacking her but he surprisingly didn't. He was just looking at her strangely.

"I didn't know you are his disciple." Frost Monarch held his ice stick tightly. He seemed to be recalling some memories.

"How is Mu Shui-qing?" Frost Monarch asked.

Ling Lan raised her eyebrows. "You know my master?"

"You're indeed his disciple." Frost Monarch appeared enlightened. "Well, he is the only person who can groom such an outstanding disciple like you."

"Are you close to my master?" Frost Monarch sounded as though he was close to Mu Shui-qing. However, the sense of danger in Ling Lan's heart just grew stronger. She turned even more vigilant.


"Of course! We studied in the same Scout Academy and even sat next to each other!" Frost Monarch seemed to be immersed in his memories.

Frost Monarch was from the Federation too? But, why would a powerful person like him come to the Chaotic Lands and become a king here?

"That year, that block of wood (nickname for Mu Shui-qing) told me that I'll stop at the imperial stage if I continue my method of practicing. I didn't expect him to be right." Frost Monarch appeared frustrated. They had the same amount of potential in the past but they chose different cultivation paths. In the end, Mu Shui-qing managed to enter god-realm and become one of the only two god-realm formidable warriors in the human universe. On the other hand, he got stuck as a titled domain realm formidable warrior for many years. Frost Monarch felt that he was a failure as he recalled his past.

Chapter 996 Test!

"Bastard, since he said that I'll stop at the imperial stage, then why can't I advance to imperial stage even after so many years?" Frost Monarch's expression turned wild. He looked at Ling Lan with bloodshot eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Shui-qing is a god-realm formidable warrior now. You managed to become half step into imperial stage at a young age because you know the secret of advancing to imperial stage, right?"

Frost Monarch found an excuse for his failure. He lost to Mu Shui-qing not because Mu Shui-qing was stronger than him. It was because he knew a shortcut.

"Damn it, why didn't he tell me?" Frost Monarch shouted angrily. He felt that he was fooled by Mu Shui-qing.

Ling Lan took a step back cautiously when she saw Frost Monarch turning crazy. Luckily, the Heptashield protected her seamlessly.

Frost Monarch was really driven mad by his own thoughts. His mind was filled with murderous intent. "Since you fooled me, don't blame me for being merciless. I'll destroy your disciple and end your legacy. Hahaha…"

Frost Monarch laughed crazily. His wrinkled face shook as he laughed. Amidst his crazy laughter, the sky suddenly turned dark.

A wall of blue ice appeared above them and was getting thicker slowly. The thicker it got, the darker the color. The light that was able to shine through it got dimmer and dimmer too. Not only that, the same wall of ice appeared on the ground a few meters away.

In an instant, Ling Lan and Frost Monarch were enclosed in an ice box. Only the ice element existed in this box.

By right, an ice element domain realm master should love an enclosed space filled with ice elements. However, Ling Lan wasn't happy about this at all, as she was in grave danger. The ice element in this space couldn't be controlled by her. That meant that she was rejected by the ice element in this space.

"This is Frost Monarch's domain territory." This was the only explanation for this phenomenon.

Not only was Ling Lan able to understand how it felt to be discriminated against by the ice element that had always adored her, but she also felt the drain on her spiritual power which was maintaining the Heptashield, as the amount of spiritual power she used to maintain the Heptashield for another second was double of what she used the second before. That meant that she would use more and more spiritual power as time passed by.

It looked like this world discriminated against other forms of energy too.

Ling Lan frowned. Her spiritual power was strong and ample but it couldn't withstand such a depletion rate. If this continued on, her spiritual power would be exhausted in less than 10 minutes.

Rather than waiting for her spiritual power to be depleted, she would take the risk!

Ling Lan was a ruthless person, whether to herself or to other people.

She let go of her Heptashield and released all her spiritual power.

"Spiritual blast!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Multiple explosions occurred in the ice box. The spiritual blast impacted the domain territory heavily.

"Pfft!" Ling Lan and Frost Monarch vomited out blood simultaneously. Their faces went pale too.

Ling Lan used her spiritual blast to hurt Frost Monarch. However, she received a backlash too. Frost Monarch's ice box was unable to withstand the force from all the spiritual blast so the remaining damage was sustained by Frost Monarch.

"This is your trump card?" Blood kept dripping down the corner of his mouth, showing that he was injured heavily. "Mu Shui-qing's disciple is only capable of this?"

He suddenly straightened his hunched back. He waved his ice walking stick and shouted, "Die!" His face had turned hideous from his anger.

Six walls of ice quickly formed all around Ling Lan. They started closing in on her from six different directions.

Ling Lan wanted to move but she realized that she couldn't. She could only watch as the six ice walls moved towards her and trapped her inside.

There seemed to be an unlimited amount of ice particles in this place. The walls of ice around Ling Lan got thicker. She was successfully trapped inside.

Ling Lan felt that it was getting harder to breathe. She never felt cold before but now she felt the coldness seeping into her skin. It reached into her bones.

She never expected herself to die by the ice element. For some reason, Ling Lan didn't think about how to survive. She was just astounded that she was trapped by her own element.

"Boss, stop wasting time. Think about your other innate talent." Little Four stomped his foot anxiously.

"Ah!" The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly fell backwards and disappeared from Ling Lan's mindscape.

Little Four appeared on top of a mountain. He lowered his head and twirled his fingers helplessly. 'Sob, can I leave this place? I don't want to face that scary instructor!'

Unfortunately, Little Four's wish was not fulfilled. He was the virtual god and the owner of the main chip that made up this space, but there were still people he was afraid of. Ling Lan was one of them but the person Little Four was most afraid of was Number One. In front of Number One, Little Four's naughty brain would turn off automatically and become very obedient.

"What did you promise?" Number One looked at him and asked calmly.

"I won't interfere with Boss's evolution," Little Four lowered his head and replied.

"How many times did you break this promise?" Number One continued asking.

Little Four thought carefully and cautiously raised one finger. He said in a soft voice, "Once?"

Number One continued to look at him coldly. Little Four quickly raised another finger. "Twice?"

When he saw Number One still glaring at him, he lifted the third finger and said dejectedly, "Since I was wrong, it must be three times."

Number One lowered his gaze and answered indifferently, "Your memory is not bad after all."

Little Four heaved a sigh of relief after Number One stopped glaring at him. 'Sob, who said that Boss's aura can freeze people to death? Compared to Number One, Boss was as warm as the sun in spring.'

"For the sake of Ling Lan, don't interfere with her evolution next time. She needed to move forward on her own." Number One waved his hand after he finished speaking. Little Four flew out of Number One's space and got locked up in a little black room.

"You'll be confined for three hours." A cold voice sounded beside Little Four's ears.

Little Four's reminder to Ling Lan caught Number One's attention so he decided to lock Little Four up for the time being.

"Ah, let me out! Boss is in danger." Little Four, who was very obedient all these while, turned agitated. He started slapping the walls around him.

"This is a test for her. None of us can help her." Number One's voice was heard again. After that, no matter how much fuss Little Four kicked up, no one answered him.

Chapter 997 Another Innate Talent?

"A second innate talent?" In the real world, Little Four was prompted by Ling Lan and she began to think about this deeply.

Her other innate talent was Profound Insight and could be used to alert her of dangers. It could also see flaws in a technique and could even help predetermine attacks.

However now, her Profound Insight didn't react at all. Could it be that the Frost Monarch was close to becoming an imperial stage domain expert which made her Profound Insight useless on him?

Or perhaps she had never actually use her Profound Insight to its full potential and that was why she couldn't discover anything with it?

Ling Lan opened her eyes and thought of a way of getting out of this dire situation.

A cool blue color suddenly entered her eyes, but it blocked her vision. 'Can I not see anymore? Am I too late?'

The ice box was filled with the Frost Monarch's ice element domain energy. The ice element that did not belong to Ling Lan instantly invaded her eyes and wounded them. Ling Lan could only feel a sharp pain in her eyes. Now, she was even seeing a blood red liquid dripping down from the top of her vision.

In all the redness, Ling Lan seemed to see a silhouette move about. She was overjoyed that she could finally see something and she quickly direct all of her domain energy towards her eyes.

Finally, the fogginess that had blocked her vision finally began to clear up.

But, what she saw wasn't what she expected. Ling Lan saw herself drawing her last breath in third person as if she was an audience to the scene in front of her. She also saw the Frost Monarch laughing maniacally next to her body. She then saw Light and Dark Dragon escaping from the auction hall. She them saw her comrades rushing towards Frost Monarch and the other two king after seeing her dead. They were unsurprisingly all blown back in one attack and in the end, all perished.

No, there were a few who managed to get away with their lives: The beautiful Luo Lang and Luo Chao, along with the elegant Li Lanfeng. Their overwhelming beauty allowed them escape with their lives. However, they faced a fate much worse than death, as they were tragically used as slaves by those three people…

Not able to withstand being shamed, Luo Chao committed suicide in the end. Luo Lang attempted to take the life of the person who shamed him, but failed and was killed instead. Li Lanfeng on the other hand endured the shame and embarrassment and survived. In the end, he successfully killed all of his enemies by plotting against them in the far future, helping avenge the death of his comrades. Then, Li Lanfeng became a marshal who controlled three divisions and caused great bloodshed in the human universe.

'Is this the results of her death?' Ling Lan felt her heart was being ruthlessly battered by someone, causing her to be in great pain.

In a battle of life-or-death, she was not as strong as the other person so she didn't regret dying. However, she definitely couldn't accept that after she dies, her comrades would all perish. Their endings were either be shamed, humiliated, die a brutal death or live tragically, none of them were able to live a good life after her death.

'I can't die!' This thought appeared in Ling Lan's mind.

'Who cares if the ice element doesn't listen to my command? I, Ling Lan, never had only one way to control my element up in my sleeves.'

Perhaps it was because her eyes had felt Ling Lan's strong will to continue living, the images that appeared before her vanished in an instant.

This time, Ling Lan just saw countless ice particles in front of her. Normally, her ice element would let Ling Lan feel grouped ice particles. She wouldn't be able to see them individually and could only use her domain energy to condense them together. This time however, she could see the ice particles. They were actually filled with emotions. There was suspicion, rejection, doubt, joy and even those that wanted to get close to her.

However, the ice particles that wanted to get close to her were heartlessly sent back by a foreign domain energy. Ling Lan seemed to be able to hear the cries of agony of the ice element and feel their pain. She could even feel their desire of wanting to return to her.

"That's my own ice particles!" Ling Lan had a sudden realization. Her ice particles was still in this space and was only blocked off by the Frost Monarch's stronger domain energy.

Ling Lan would, of course, not just sit around since she knew those ice particles were her own. She released her domain energy and got closer to those ice particles that were being friendly and had good feelings towards her.

Bam! Bam!

After feeling that another domain energy approaching, the Frost Monarch's domain energy began to surround Ling Lan's domain energy. His domain energy didn't allow the ice particles that belonged to her to get close to her.

"Ugh!" Ling Lan, who was originally already at her limit, was wounded again by another attack from Frost Monarch, who was just looking at the scene in front of him, and she could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood from the attack.

'Damned domain energy! Leave me alone!' Ling Lan shouted in her mind. She wanted the domain energy that was blocking her to completely disappear.

Refusal? Disappear? Or Disintegrate?

Suddenly, three choices appeared inside Ling Lan's mind.

Ling Lan stared blankly for a moment, but immediately realized something. This was the domain of her evolving Profound Insight. Her choice would determine the direction her Profound Insight domain would evolve into.

'What should I choose?' Ling Lan couldn't make a decision.

Since she didn't know, then she should pick what she needed the most right at this moment.

'Refusal' was probably to reject the opponent's domain energy and create a space where she could protect herself.

'Disappear' was probably to cause her opponent's domain energy to disappear and let her gain back control of the ice element?

Then what was 'Disintegrate? Was it to disintegrate the opponent's domain?

By categorizing the choices in that way, Disappear and Disintegrate had similar results. However, since they were different choices, then the outcome should still have some differences. As for Refusal, Ling Lan's intuition told her that it wasn't enough to satisfy her wish so she tossed this option aside.

In the end, her options were either Disappear or Disintegrate.

Just looking at the name, 'Disappear' seemed stronger, but….Ling Lan was a realistic person so she chose, "Disintegrate!"

When Ling Lan had made her decision, she saw the ice box that sealed her slowly melted around her. The Frost Monarch's domain was being disintegrated.

'Disintegrate' was as expected the meaning of the word. It could completely disintegrate any domain that was forced on her by her opponents.

The Frost Monarch who was proudly waiting for Ling Lan to breathe her last breath within the ice box. Suddenly, he felt that he was no longer in control of his domain. Then, he saw that large ice box around him was beginning to melt with the water flowing out uncontrollably.

"That's not possible." This was in his domain and only he had his energy within it. His opponent's domain energy was already suppressed by him, so it shouldn't be able to appear in it.

However, even with his doubts the ice coffin still continued to melt around him. Then, he looked at the standing Ling Lan whose face was facing towards the floor.

Ling Lan's eyes suddenly opened and killing intent flashed within her eyes.

Frost Monarch's domain began to crumble. The ice walls in the sky, on the ground, front, back, left and right side all cracked up, fell to the ground and melted.

"Taking all of the energy that did not belong to me!' The innate talent Profound Insight was as expected one of the best talents in the history of the human race.

Ling Lan landed on the ground slowly with her black windbreaker slowly flowing in the wind.

"Frost Monarch, I've already seen your ultimate technique. Now, it's only fair you see mine as well," Ling Lan said calmly as she raised her hands and held them at her chest.

Right as she finished speaking, Ling Lan's hands clasped together and countless ice pillars were erected from the ground around them. At the same time, a string like sound began to rang in the space. There was also a sharp screeching noise as though there was someone pulling the string on an instrument forcefully.

Chapter 998 Kill Them All!

Frost Monarch's facial expression seemed stiff. That was because he saw the space around him was being aligned with countless ice fibers crisscrossing all over each other, creating a seemingly inescapable area.

What worried Frost Monarch most was that his domain could no longer appeared in this area, meaning that he wouldn't be able to use his domain to protect himself.

If he had used his overpowering domain against Ling Lan and completely restricted Ling Lan's domain in the very beginning, then he wouldn't have been in this situation. The person who had control would not have been Ling Lan, but him instead.

Frost Monarch felt that something would go terribly wrong if he continued to stay within the area. He instantly turned himself ice particles with the intention of wanting to leave the area that was gave him an ominous feeling to his very core.

When ice particles congregated back into his body, he was stunned to discover that he was still in the area with the ice slivers. He couldn't even get away after turning his body's state. How was that possible?

It should be known that he actually didn't even feel like he was captured. Although his domain could no longer appear, his domain energy from within his body was not hindered at all.

Ling Lan smirked when she saw Frost Monarch become dumbfounded by situation. She was the only one who knew why he was in that situation. It was because her Profound Insight domain had already wrapped around the entire ice domain. In other words, his domain energy that was seemingly able to go out of his body was enveloped by an even stronger domain energy.

Ling Lan's domain could completely disintegrate domains, elements, and energies that did not belong to Ling Lan in the area. Thus, no matter how many times the Frost Monarch tried to will the ice particles to escape, he wouldn't be able to escape from the Profound Insight domain.

Not only that, the disintegration domain energy of the Profound Insight domain would also slowly seep into the Frost Monarch's body. By then, even if he wanted to change into ice particles, he wouldn't be able to do that anymore unless he successfully escape her domain.

However, was that even possible? Ling Lan smirked and a breeze of chilly wind slowly blew past her. Ever since she saw the future after her death, she didn't want these three kings to continue on living.

"Kill them all!" Ling Lan's facial expression was calm but her eyes betrayed her, as they were burning with flames of anger. She reached out her hand to the sky and then clenched together as she brought it down.

Innumerable ice slivers inched towards Frost Monarch from all directions with each movement creating a screeching noise. In the beginning of the fight, Frost Monarch had sealed Ling Lan in an ice box so Ling Lan now, was repaying her debt. She used the ice slivers to create nets, then casting them one after another at Frost Monarch.

"Sh*t, break!" The nets wrapped around Frost Monarch's body tightly and slowly dug into his flesh, causing immense pain for Frost Monarch. In an attempt to break free from the nets, he furiously tried to move his body but the nets just dug deeper into his flesh with each struggle.

However, the seemingly thin nets made of ice slivers were oddly strong. Although the Frost Monarch had broken off many of them, the speed at which he broke them was not as fast as the speed of the nets were covering his entire body.

"AHH!" In the end, only a scream of agony was heard from Frost Monarch.

"Ugh!" A puddle of blood appeared on the ground of the ice sliver area. The Frost Monarch, who stood at the top of the Chaotic Lands, had disappeared from this world just like that.

Ling Lan slowly restrained her killing intent. She then looked at the puddle of blood and said calmly, "You understood the words of master wrongly. Master said you never had the chance to become an imperial… not that you can only become an imperial."

After saying that, she softly flicked her index finger and the ice slivers all around her turned back into ice particles. They glistened in the light before disappearing into the air.

Ling Lan now finally had a chance the look towards Hades and Ninja who were fighting with Light and Dark Dragon. She discovered that the four of them had stopped their battle and were all looking at her with fear in their eyes.

Ling Lan just sent a glare towards them. Light and Dark Dragon both had scared expression on their faces. Hades and Ninja on the other hand just looked at each other with terrified expression on their faces. Then, the two of them decisively went towards two opposite directions and ran off.

A person who could take out the Frost Monarch was definitely not an opponent they could defeat. In addition, Light and Dark Dragon were there too watching them closely. If they were to stay and fight, they would most definitely die there. Hades and Ninja weren't idiots. They didn't want to die there like Frost Monarch had.

"You want to leave? Come down here!" Seeing Hades was planning on running away, Ling Lan put out her right hand and reached out to grab him.

An ice dragon was shot out her hand and bit into the leg of Hades.

Hades was a decisive individual, as he decisively used his hand as a sword to cut off his own leg and quickly escaped, before disappearing from Ling Lan's vision.

"Sh*t, they actually got away." Light and Dark Dragon were too slow. Ling Lan actually managed to grab onto Hades, but they two of them could only watch as Ninja escaped and didn't try to intercept him.

Seeing that Hades was so ruthless to himself, Ling Lan frowned. It should be known that she had ordered her comrades to destroy many of the bases that belonged to Hades. If Hades was to escape, then he would become a huge problem in the future.

"Little Four!" Ling Lan called out to Little Four in her mindscape.

Number One, who had been watching Ling Lan's battle this whole time, heard Ling Lan's call and flicked his finger. He flicked Little Four, who was in the little black room, back into Ling Lan's mindscape.

Seeing Little Four hold his head with the eager expression of wanting to tell Ling Lan what he had done to him, Number One's thousand year icy cold expression actually warmed up a bit and there was just the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

"Didn't think that Ling Lan would actually manage to wield the most difficult evolution of Profound Insight, Future Sight! She also chose the corresponding domain to evolve… Now, her growth is something that even I cannot predict! Ling Lan, Ling Lan, just how many surprises do you plan on giving me?"

Number One had a satisfied expression on his face as he closed his eyes once again.

In actuality, if Ling Lan did not acquire the domain from her Profound Insight during her last moments, Number One wouldn't actually let Ling Lan be killed by Frost Monarch… If she had actually reached the point where she would die, Number One would take over her body and make a move himself. After all, Ling Lan was his most prized disciple. How could a teacher watch on coldly as his disciple dies in front of him?

Thus, from the very beginning, Little Four's fear and worry was all for nothing. However, Number One would never tell that to Little Four.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya took Qiao Xing and Liu Aihua and ran like mad like madmen. They knew that if the eight domain realm masters were to catch up to them, they would definitely die a gruesome death.

Qiao Xing and Liu Aihua also knew that they were in a very dangerous moment so they both laid on the shoulders of the other two, not daring to move or make a sound. They were afraid that they would affect Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's escape if they disturbed them with their noises.

However, no matter how fast they were running, how could they compare to the people who were chasing them without any excess baggage?

Suddenly, a fireball and an earth spike simultaneously reached them from the air and ground respectively.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya felt danger approaching so they could only give up on moving forward and dashed towards the side.

Bam! Bam!

The two attacks missed, but they were also now surrounded by eight domain realm masters who had caught up to them.

"Haha, keep running, go on." One of the more effeminate middle-aged men out of the group put out his hands in a feminine manner and smirked. It was indeed one of the first domain realm masters who had intercepted Ye Shao and Dibi Luya at the beginning.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya's expressions showed extreme anxiousness. They looked towards the direction they ran from and hoped that they would be able to see the silhouettes of Light and Dark Dragon. However, even after almost spraining their necks, they still couldn't see anything

Chapter 999 Hide!

"Stop looking. Those two bastards won't be able to defeat Hades and Ninja. Plus, with Frost Monarch making a move, there will be no chance for them to come and save you. Anyone that dares to come and mess around in our territory will be killed, no exceptions," a man in black smiled arrogantly as he said.

"Give up. No one can save you." The other domain realm masters rubbed their hands in excitement and anticipation. They loved the feeling of tearing flesh apart with their bare hands.

Ye Shao, Dibi Luya, and Qiao Xing gave looks of despair, only Liu Aihua appeared puzzled as she looked at a certain direction.

"Uncle Liu, Liu Aihua's innate talent is pretty powerful. She even managed to notice us." A lazy voice sounded from the side.

Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound in surprise. Six people had appeared without their realization.

They all wore black windbreakers with metal masks covering their faces. Some were sitting while others were standing or squatting as they looked at them in a relaxed manner.

"Little Four Mercenary Team!" Ye Shao exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect the members of the Little Four Mercenary Team to be here too. However, their opponents were domain realm masters. Weren't these people afraid of death? They were only at refinement or Qi-Jin stage.

No, wait. Ye Shao and Dibi Luya remembered Jiang Hui's display of his strength back in the auction hall. Then, they looked at how calm the members of the Little Four Mercenary Team were, and they seemed to have understood something.

These people who just showed up were the members of the Little Four Mercenary Team who had just completed their mission. But, where is the pet? Well, the pet had to protect the old and weak so it stayed behind at the main base.

Well, the truth was, Little White was hungry so it went back to the base to eat.

Liu Furong cupped his hands and bowed towards Ye Shao after he recognized them. "Thank you for saving my daughter."

Ling Lan wasn't here so everyone recognized Liu Furong as the leader of this rescue mission. His daughter got implicated in this matter so he became their spokesman.

This was when Ye Shao knew that the little girl he was carrying was the daughter of this middle-aged man.

He waved his hands hurriedly. "It is our honour. Please there's no need to thank me." If it wasn't for their leader, he wouldn't be able to escape from the auction hall too.

"My little girl is too naughty. It's my fault. I didn't teach her properly." Liu Furong turned and glared at Liu Aihua. "Little Aihua, do you know your mistake?"

Liu Aihua looked at her father. She was finally able to relax now. The tears that she had been withholding fell down and she finally cried loudly. "Sob… I know my mistake, daddy."

If she didn't leave the big brothers' protection, she wouldn't have been abducted. Liu Aihua endured much suffering this time so she finally understood that if she didn't have the power to protect herself, she couldn't do whatever she wanted.

Hence, the thought of becoming stronger was deeply imprinted in her heart. From this moment, Little Aihua had stepped on the path of becoming a powerful warrior.

Xie Yi, who was sitting on a crate, consoled Liu Aihua when he saw how sad she was. "It's fine. Everything is fine now." He turned to look at Liu Furong and spoke up for Liu Aihua. "You can't blame her too much. If those people didn't have evil intentions, this wouldn't have happened in the first place."

"That's not true…" Liu Furong shook his head. "The Chaotic Lands is a place full of crimes and havoc. How can we let down out guards here? A mistake is a mistake. There's no excuse for it." Just like how they let down their guards when they came here. They made a mistake too. They couldn't push the blame.

Everyone understood what Liu Furong's words meant so they turned quiet.

"Who are you?" The leader of the group of domain realm masters was furious when he saw the members from the Little Four Mercenary Team talking among themselves as though they were non-existent.

"Us?" Qi Long looked up and said seriously, "We are here to kill you." Since they knew that these were the people who abducted Little Aihua, they must follow Boss's order and kill all of them.

"Hahaha…" The leader of the group of domain realm masters was so angry that he started laughing. "Insolent bunch of youngsters." His face turned cold. "In that case, die."

The instant he finished speaking, all the domain realm masters released their domain energy and rushed towards Qi Long and others. Qi Long's words had provoked them. Because of this, they ignored their target, Ye Shao and Dibi Luya.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya quickly threw Liu Aihua and Qiao Xing towards Liu Furong before they rushed forward and attacked the two domain realm masters who were charging at Liu Furong.

No matter what, they came here to help them. In such moments of danger, they couldn't leave them alone and run away. Plus, they didn't really trust the abilities of the members from the Little Four Mercenary Team. Even if they had a high chance of dying, they would rather fight with their enemies themselves than to let the Little Four Mercenary die while trying to save them.

They only hoped that the oldest person in the team, who was the father of the little girl, would grab the opportunity they created and leave with the little girl and their young master.

As long as their young master was able to escape, they were willing to die here. Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were prepared to die with their pursuers.

Liu Furong saw Ye Shao and Dibi Luya throwing the children at him so he quickly waved his hands in the air and multiple green vines shot out, forming two huge nets in the air. The two children landed in the nets safely. After that, plants spurted up from the ground and pushed the nets behind Liu Furong, away from the center of the fight.

Liu Furong wasn't the only one who activated his domain. The other five members activated their domains too. The eight domain realm masters who rushed towards them were shocked. But, they immediately calmed down afterwards.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya were stunned too. They thought that they had hidden their true powers well but they didn't expect the people from Little Four Mercenary Team to be even better at them in terms of disguise. There were six domain realm masters in their teams. Even an S grade Mercenary Team wouldn't have such a powerful team.

They couldn't help but suspect that the Little Four Mercenary Team was an SSS grade team in disguise. However, they remembered the information they got from President Tu and knew that the Little Four Mercenary Team was really a newly formed mercenary team.

Ye Shao and Dibi Luya felt dizzy. If they weren't fighting, they would have grabbed a member and questioned him about their real identity.

All in all, the presence of the Little Four Mercenary Team didn't make sense at all.

Chapter 1000 Condition!

It had to be said that under the harsh training from Ling Lan, the domain realm masters in Little Four Mercenary Team were more powerful than the average domain realm masters. Besides Zhao Jun who was new to the domain stage, the other five people finished off their opponents in no time.

Liu Furong controlled his plants and sucked out all the life force from his opponents. His opponents became green men with plants growing all around their bodies.

He thought that he was the fastest to finish off his opponents but when he retracted his domain, he realized that Li Lanfeng, Luo Lang, Qi Long, and Xie Yi had already ended their battle and were watching Zhao Jun's first match using his domain. They were pointing at him and discussing something.

Liu Aihua and Qiao Xing sat obediently on the sidelines. Liu Aihua was completely relaxed now. When she noticed that her father had finished his fight, she waved at him happily. Qiao Xing, on the other hand, appeared tense. However, he was much calmer than before. He would look at Qi Long and others occasionally with admiration and puzzlement.

Liu Furong came beside Liu Aihua and patted her head lovingly. Then, he looked at everyone and asked, "How is Zhao Jun doing?"

"Not bad but, he made some low-level mistakes," Xie Yi smiled and replied.

"You sound as though you never made mistakes during your first fight." Luo Lang rolled his eyes at Xie Yi. This was a scene that all of them had participated in before. However, their first opponents were at the pseudo domain stage and Boss was beside them so they didn't need to be as stressed as Zhao Jun. They were able to get the hang of their domains without worry and even managed to find their first domain technique.

"If he can't find his domain technique, Zhao Jun will have a really stalled out fight." Qi Long saw how much pressure Zhao Jun was under so he was worried for him.

"However, he spent quite a while at the Qi-Jin stage so it shouldn't take him too long to find his technique." Li Lanfeng was confident in Zhao Jun.

The four people were watching at the side but their domains were all activated. If it ever came to a time when Zhao Jun couldn't handle his opponent, they would step in and help him.

Liu Furong felt sad when he saw how hard Zhao Jun was fighting while enduring so many hits to his body and face. He remembered the time when he first used his domain energy in a fight. Although his regiment commander was right beside him, it was safe to say that fight was one of the most dangerous fights he took part in. He was almost killed by his opponent and was tortured until he was half-dead but his regiment commander still didn't do anything to help him. He just stood at the side and watched him heartlessly.

Ye Shao finally killed his opponent after reaching his limits so his domain collapsed the instant he finished his battle. He sat on the ground and panted heavily. If his opponent's domain was just a little more powerful, he would have lost this match.

He looked at his side and Dibi Luya was still fighting. Ye Shao's element was metal so his offensive power was greater than his opponent whose element was water. Hence, he finished his fight quicker than Dibi Luya. Dibi Luya however, was quite unlucky. He met an earth element domain realm master whose defenses were strong and unrelenting, resulting in a battle of attrition. The person who would win would be the one who was able to last longer.

Ye Shao wanted to check up on the conditions of the members from the Little Four Mercenary Team. But, he just saw five of them standing at the side and chatting among themselves casually. They didn't seem tired at all. Ye Shao was astounded. He exhausted all his energy just to barely defeat his opponent. Dibi Luya was probably in the same situation as him. He didn't believe that they somehow managed to face the two most powerful domain realm masters among this bunch of domain realm master. The only explanation was, these people in front of him chatting were much more powerful than Dibi Luya and him.

These were a bunch of titled domain realm formidable warriors. As their leader, Jiang Hui… If he dared to stay back to fight Frost Monarch, it meant that he was near the imperial stage, right?

Imperial stage domain expert! There were only nine people who had managed to advance to the imperial stage in the human world. Of course, there might be some powerful people who hid their identities. Was Jiang Hui going to join them soon?

Ye Shao started to respect the young Jiang Hui.

At this moment, Ling Lan had asked Little Four to find where Hades and Ninja were hiding. She then told Light and Dark Dragon where Ninja was and took off to look for Hades herself.

Compared to Ninja, Hades was more of a threat to their mercenary team. Hence, Ling Lan chose him as her target.

The moment Hades returned to his base, the base was already in a mess. He grabbed one of his subordinates and asked fiercely, "What happened here?"

"Hades, there was a rumour going about saying that Frost Monarch is dead so everyone is running away," his subordinate said anxiously.

"Damn it!" Hades got hurt by Ling Lan so he was burning with anger already. When he heard what this person said, his anger exploded and he squeezed the person to death. The person didn't even have the time to scream before he died.

"How dare you betray me. Die!" Hades got enraged when he saw his subordinates running away. He lost his senses and started wantonly killing his subordinates.

Suddenly, he felt something and his expression changed to one of fear. The crazy killing intent quickly disappeared. He couldn't care less about his subordinates anymore as he quickly rushed into the depth of his base.

Ling Lan landed on the place where Hades was at just moments ago. She saw the sea of blood left behind by Hades and frowned. She then chased after Hades without hesitation. She mustn't let such a crazy person escape, as he would be a huge threat to her in the future.

Hades escaped into the depth of his base. After that, he activated the defensive system of his base before feeling more relaxed.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Then, he entered the hall in front of him.

There were three people sitting in the hall. One of them was a young man with an earnest smile. There was also an elder with black hair and a youthful face, lastly there was a muscular man with radiant skin.

Hades flew into the hall and sat on the host's seat. He looked at the three people in the hall and said, "I agree to your proposal. However, there is one condition. You must help me to kill the person who is chasing me."

The young man smiled and shook his head. "Hades, times are different now. What we said before is not relevant now." He looked at Hades's chopped leg.

"You!" Hades was indignant. These people were taking advantage of his plight. However, he thought of Ling Lan and controlled his anger. Without Frost Monarch, he needed these three people's help if he wanted to kill Ling Lan.

"What is your criteria then?" Where there is life there is hope. Hades took a deep breath before asking

"Hades Palace will merge with Soul Society unconditionally," the young man said calmly.

"Damn it!" Hades slammed his hands on the coffee table beside him and the coffee table shattered into pieces.