

Chapter 505 Profound Blossom Sect's Disciple Examination 6

"90 seconds?! That's impossible!"

When the people there heard Su Yang's new requirement for those who used to be Profound Blossom Sect disciples and wish to return, they felt pity for these ex-disciples.

Resisting the Demon Heart Pill for 30 seconds was already difficult enough, but they now have to endure it for three times longer than the other participants.

In these peoples' eyes, Su Yang purposefully made it impossible because he also didn't want these ex-disciples to return to the Sect. After all, Jin Yubo almost died before he could even last 30 seconds.

However, regardless of how slim their chances seemed, the ex-disciples were relieved to know that they would be given a second chance to become a Profound Blossom Sect disciple.

"90 seconds? That's quite cruel." Sun Jingjing chuckled beside him.

"Hm? You also think I am bullying them with an impossible task?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Eh? You really think that some of them could possibly last 90 seconds?" she asked with a surprised face.

"If they really acknowledge their mistakes and actually want to return to the Profound Blossom Sect from the bottom of their heart, there's no reason why they cannot endure 90 seconds. Although it's definitely not something easily achievable even for those with a strong Dao Heart, it wouldn't be fair for those who risked their lives to remain in the Sect if we let them return so easily, right?"

News of the Profound Blossom Sect giving their ex-disciples a second chance quickly spread and reached the ears of those who abandoned the Sect on that day, causing many ex-disciples to appear for the exam the very next day.

Hell, even those that already belonged to another Sect decided to show up and take their chances.

On the fifth day of the exam, Su Liqing noticed a group of beauties within the crowd, and her eyes widened with surprise.

This group of beauties once worked at the Medicine Hall with her, and they even called her Master.

And since not many people appear on the third exam, Su Liqing left the stage briefly to approach Su Yang and said, "Su Yang… my disciples… they are also here…"

"Hm? Your disciples… so those girls?" Su Yang naturally remembered the cheerful disciples from the Medicine Hall that always welcomed his visits with bright smiles.

"This may sound very selfish, but I…"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Su Yang spoke with a smile, "Do whatever you want."

"Are you sure…?" she looked at him and then Liu Lanzhi with a worried expression.

"If Su Yang already gave you the permission, there's no need to question any further." Liu Lanzhi suddenly spoke, "While their decisions on that day had greatly disappointed me, it's not as though I truly hate the disciples. Furthermore, since they are your disciples, Elder Lan, I'm sure they are not bad disciples, so I am willing to forgive them."

"T-Thank you, Sect Master!" Su Liqing bowed to her before approaching the group of beauties in the crowd.

When the crowd noticed Su Liqing approaching them, they were greatly puzzled.

However, the people there didn't dare to block her path and created an empty path for her to walk.


When Su Liqing stood before her ex-disciples, they all looked at her with ashamed expressions on their faces and was unsure of what to say to her, almost like a bunch of children aware of their mistakes and before a scolding.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourselves? At least give me some excuses." Su Liqing asked them with a calm expression.

"W-We have no excuses to make, Master… We were afraid of the Million Snakes Sect, and everyone else was leaving, so we ran away like cowards."

Su Liqing released a low sigh and spoke, "You girls were not the only ones afraid since I was also trembling, so I understand your feelings. However, you also pledged to protect the Sect even at the cost of your lives when you became disciples for the first time."


The girls remained silent, as they didn't want to make the situation even worse.

"Do you girls want to return to the Sect?" Su Liqing suddenly asked them.

The girls nodded with a dazed look.

"Do you think you can endure the Demon Heart Pill for 90 seconds?" she asked them.

"W-We won't know until we try it. Even if the chances are slim, we have to try."

Su Liqing sighed and said, "Although you may not realize it, I owe you girls a great deal for volunteering to work at the Medicine Hall when nobody else wanted to work there, and I never got the chance to thank all of you."

"I have already got permission from the Sect Masters to allow you girls to return to the Sect, so there's no need for you to take the exam."


The girls looked at her with shocked expressions, seemingly in disbelief.

"Once the Sect becomes active again, we will need people working in the Medicine Hall, and I will need a few disciples to help me. And it's not as though you are completely off the hook. I will definitely work all of you to the bones as punishment," said Su Liqing.

"T-Thank you, Master! We will not forget this debt for the rest of our lives!"

The girls began crying there and then.

"I am not the one you should be thanking. If not for the Sect Masters' permission, even I cannot help you. Come with me to greet the Sect Masters."

The girls nodded and followed Su Liqing while the people around them watched with envious gazes, especially the other ex-disciples.

Once they stood before Su Yang and Liu Lanzhi, the girls kowtowed on the ground and spoke in a loud and clear voice, "Thank you, Sect Masters, for your leniency towards these unfaithful disciples! We will never abandon the Sect ever again, and we will protect the Sect even at the cost of our lives!"

Chapter 506 Unknown Genius

Seeing the girls kowtowing before him, Su Yang spoke with a smile, "Honestly, I don't really blame anyone for running away. After all, the Profound Blossom Sect was not exactly a reliable Sect before, if I am being totally honest."

"W-Wha—?!" Liu Lanzhi looked at him with wide eyes, clearly speechless by his words that should not be said by any Sect Master.

"What? I am merely speaking the truth. The Profound Blossom Sect lacks an appropriate defense mechanism and is no different than a turtle without its shell during an attack. If I was an ordinary disciple, I would've also ran for my life."

Su Yang shrugged, and he continued in a calm tone, mercilessly mocking the Profound Blossom Sect without a care in the world, "Even an average Sect would have at least a defensive formation protecting the Sect, and we don't have any of that here."

"D-Defensive formations?! Do you have any idea how much resource is required to cover an entire Sect with any formation, much less a defensive one? Even most Elite Sects do not have such luxury!" Liu Lanzhi said.

Because formation techniques are extremely rare in this world, even surpassing Alchemy in terms of complexity and difficulty, very few people in this world have the opportunity to even learn it.

And even if the top formation experts in this world gathered, it would require decades of effort to create one that could cover an entire Sect.

The Divine Sword Sect, for example, had spent hundreds of millions of Spirit Stones over the course of 100 years to surround their Sect with a defensive formation.

"Ah? Formations are that rare in this world?" Su Yang shook his head with disappointment. "Guess I have to make one myself."

"W-Wait a moment…" Liu Lanzhi stared at him with wide eyes and spoke, "Y-You know how to create formations, too?"

Su Yang looked at her with a face that said, "Obviously!"

"Although I said that I will be making one, I won't be the one to actually create the formation. I am only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so even if I can create a formation, it won't be very powerful."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Ask someone even more powerful than me to create it, of course."

Liu Lanzhi looked at him with an even more puzzled face and asked, "Someone even more powerful than you? Besides Lord Xie and a few individuals at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, who could possibly be stronger than you now?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "There are two individuals currently in this Sect that's much stronger than me. One of them can even turn me into dust by merely sneezing. Don't worry, I will introduce them to you later."

"S-S-Such powerful entities are currently within the Sect?! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Liu Lanzhi began panicking, as it is considered incredibly offensive and rude to not greet such powerful experts then they are visiting any Sect.

"Your reaction is exactly the reason why I have been hiding their existence. However, you have already met both of them before."

"Huh? I have met them before…?"

A face suddenly appeared in her head. It was a young girl with otherworldly beauty.

'Could it be that little girl who killed the experts from the Million Snakes Sect at that time?' Liu Lanzhi pondered with a serious expression.

After the Medicine Hall disciples were accepted into the Sect again, Su Liqing told them to return to the Medicine Hall for the time being, and they disappeared from the scene shortly later.

On the sixth day of the examination, a total of 817 people have been accepted into the Profound Blossom Sect.

And on the final day of the examination, an uproar occurred when a very beautiful but mysterious little girl partook in the examination and quickly attracted the attention of everyone there.

"12 years old… fifth level Earth Spirit Realm?!?!?!" Fang Zhelan's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the results, and the spectators exploded into an uproar.

"What?! A 12-year-old fifth level Earth Spirit Realm expert?! Just what is her background?!"

"I know all of the renowned and powerful families within the Eastern Continent, but I don't recognize this little girl!"

"How can such a talented individual be a nobody?! Somebody here must know her!"

"There must have been a mistake with the results!"

However, even many moments later, not a single soul from the thousands of people there knew this young lady's identity.

"Nobody here knows the identity of this young girl with such shocking talent? This is truly unexpected." Divine Sword Master said with his eyes wide open.

"Reaching the fifth level Earth Spirit Realm at the age of 12… even my talents pale in comparison to this girl…" Xie Xingfang mumbled with a dazed face.

"Um… I'm sorry, but can you redo the examination again just in case there's been an error?" Fang Zhelan asked the little girl a few moments later.

The little girl nodded with a nonchalant expression and touched the totems again.

A few seconds later, the results came back without the slightest change.

"12 years old… fifth level Earth Spirit Realm…" Fang Zhelan stared at the totems with a dazed face.

"Did I pass this time?" The little girl asked her a moment later, and Fang Zhelan quickly nodded.

When the little girl advanced to the second exam, Sun Jingjing couldn't help but ask her, "Little girl, where are you from? To reach that level of cultivation at your young age, you must have a very powerful Master teaching you already. I cannot imagine why someone like you would join any Sect."

The little girl with sharp facial features and a nonchalant expression looked at Sun Jingjing with emotionless eyes and spoke in a calm voice, "I don't have a Master."

"Eh? How is that possible?" It was not just Sun Jingjing who doubted the little girl's words, as everyone there was staring at her with doubtful eyes.

If someone as young as this little girl could reach the fifth level Earth Spirit Realm without a Master, what does that say about half of the Cultivators in this world that couldn't even reach the Profound Spirit Realm without joining a Sect? Could they even be considered real Cultivators anymore?

"Su Yang… this little girl…" Liu Lanzhi turned to look at him, who was silently staring at the little girl with a pondering expression.

Chapter 507 Monstrous Talen

"Y-You don't have a Master? Then how did you reach the fifth level Earth Spirit Realm at your age? That's impossible no matter how I think about it." Sun Jingjing expressed her doubts.

Unless she was someone like Su Yang, who has memories of his previous life as an Immortal, it was simply impossible for a 12-year-old to reach the fifth level Earth Spirit Realm no matter what kind of fortunate event she may have encountered.

Furthermore, this little girl was wearing ordinary — even slightly ragged clothes, so the possibility of her being in some kind of wealthy family was low — unless she purposely wears shabby clothes to deceive others as a hobby.

"I don't understand. Why is it impossible?" The little girl asked her while remaining calm.

"T-Then if you don't mind me asking, how did you reach that cultivation level?" Sun Jingjing asked her with a perplexed face, as it was simply too hard to believe that the little girl had managed to reach that level without any help.

"How… you ask?" The little girl tilted her head with a puzzled face, seemingly confused by Sun Jingjing's question. "I absorbed the energy around me normally."

"T-That's…" Sun Jingjing was speechless.

"Jingjing, there's no need to question her. It doesn't matter to us how she attained her strength, but whether she will pass the exams or not." Su Yang suddenly said to her.

"Eh? You still want her to take the exam? Even though she's a 12-year-old Earth Spirit Realm expert?" Sun Jingjing looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. Any normal individual would waste no time and immediately accept such a monstrous genius into their Sect.

"Even if she's the most talented individual in this world, if she doesn't have the right Dao Heart, she will only go so far in the Cultivation Path," he responded calmly.

Furthermore, while this little girl appears to have talents that are out of this world to these people, in Su Yang��s eyes, she was only above average.

Sun Jingjing nodded, "R-Right. I'm sorry. It surprised me enough to lose focus…"

A few moments later, Sun Jingjing destroyed the Demon Heart Pill, scattering red mist everywhere.

The little girl sat in the lotus position and proceeded to resist the Demon Heart Pill.

Five seconds... ten seconds... fifteen seconds... twenty seconds… twenty-five seconds…

The little girl remained unfazed even when under the effects of the Demon Heart Pill, almost as though it had no effect on her.

Even when 30 seconds had passed, the little girl remained sitting there calmly, completely unaware that she'd already passed the exam.

And because the little girl showed no signs of struggle, Sun Jingjing allowed the little girl to continue taking the exam even past 30 seconds. Of course, she was also curious to see whether the little girl's talent was real or not.

Forty seconds… fifty seconds… an entire minute had passed since the little girl breathed the Demon Heart Pill, yet she continued to sit there calmly.

Only when five whole minutes had passed did the little girl finally open her eyes.

"Did I pass?" she asked Sun Jingjing with an uninterested face.

Sun Jingjing nodded with a dazed face.

"I see." The little girl then stood up and casually walked to the third stage.

"What a freaking monster! She managed to resist the Demon Heart Pill for 5 minutes! And it even looked like she had the ability to stay there for much longer!" The crowd cheered for the little girl who has dominated the examination thus far.

On the third stage, the little girl squeezed a drop of her blood through the hole she poked in her fingers into the Heaven Consuming Water.

The blood caused a beautiful ripple on the surface of the water before sinking deep into the bowl.

A few seconds later, the Heaven Consuming Water turned pale red. However, it did not stop there and continued to deepen in color.

After about ten seconds, the Heaven Consuming Water had turned completely crimson, almost like it'd turned into real blood.

However, the blood water did not stop there, and it continued to change to another color.

"G-Gold?! How did the water change from red to gold?!" Su Liqing was baffled by the results, and she turned to look at Su Yang, who was silently standing there with a calm expression.

"It's not red… did I fail?" The little girl looked at Su Liqing, who quickly shook her head.

"N-No… I don't think you failed…"

"She's right. You did not fail." Su Yang suddenly appeared beside them and said.

The little girl turned to look at Su Yang with a slightly dazed face.

A moment later, when she snapped out of her daze, the little girl raised her fists towards Su Yang, almost like she was prepared to fight him.

Su Yang smiled at her actions and said, "There's no need for us to spar. You have passed the exam."

"Okay…" The little girl nodded.

"What's your name?" he then asked her.

"Yan… Yan Yan," she replied.

"Welcome to the Profound Blossom Sect, Yan Yan." Su Yang handed her a disciple identification slip and continued, "You can come back once you have settled everything back at home."

However, Yan Yan shook her head and said in a calm voice, "My parents are no longer in this world, and I have no home to return to."

"Is that so… then you can start your life in the Sect today." Su Yang nodded.

"Are you not going to question me about my background?" Yan Yan asked him with an attentive gaze.

Hearing her words, he spoke with a smile, "If you want to tell me about it, I will listen to you, but I am not a busybody, so I won't pry into your life without a good reason. Furthermore, now that you are a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, as your Sect Master, I am only interested in seeing your growth and nothing else."

Chapter 508 Heaven's Favorite

After Yan Yan was accepted into the Profound Blossom Sect as a disciple, she did not leave the place and remained standing beside Su Yang.

Of course, he did not have a problem with this and allowed her to silently stand there.

However, Liu Lanzhi, who was also there, couldn't help but glance at Yan Yan every so often with the corner of her eyes, clearly showing great interest in her identity.

Yan Yan noticed Liu Lanzhi's stares and turned to look at her and said, "What is it?"

Seeing Yan Yan's emotionless expression, Liu Lanzhi couldn't help but swallow nervously despite the differences in their age.

"I was just wondering why you decided on joining the Profound Blossom Sect when there are other renowned and even more established than us out there."


Yan Yan remained silent for a moment before speaking in a calm voice, "The energy in the world told me to come here."

"Huh? Energy?" Liu Lanzhi raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

Yan Yan nodded and continued, "After my parents' death, the voices around me guided me to this place."

Hearing such gibberish, Liu Lanzhi looked at Yan Yan as though she was crazy.

Su Yang, however, chuckled after hearing her words and spoke, "By energy, she means Profound Qi."

"W-Wait a second… Are you implying that Profound Qi can communicate with humans, and she has the ability to understand it?" Liu Lanzhi now looked at Su Yang as though he was crazy.

"There's no need for implications, as it's merely the truth. Although very, very rare — about one in a few trillion — there are people beloved by the Profound Qi in this world at birth, allowing them to communicate with Profound Qi. We have a term for people like this — Heaven's Favorite."

"Unbelievable… how does that even work? What is it like to communicate with Profound Qi, the source of all power in this world?"

Su Yang shrugged at her words and said, "I wouldn't know, since I was never born with such an ability. Though, I used to know someone with the same ability, and she explained it as something similar to speaking with spirits."

"Speaking with spirits… like ghosts?"

"Something like that, I guess."

Liu Lanzhi looked at Yan Yan with a pitying expression. If she has been speaking with ghosts for her entire life, it would explain why her emotions are out of place. After all, anyone would go crazy if they hear voices when there's nobody actually there.

"However, her ability is not limited to just speaking with Profound Qi. Because she's beloved by it, one of the main sources of power for Cultivators, her Cultivation also greatly benefits. Not only does she absorb them much faster than others but she can also convert it to her own strength much easier than normal people. If you compare her to your average Cultivator, she's at least a dozen times faster when it comes to Cultivation, which explains her abnormally high Cultivation base at her young age."

Yan Yan looked at Su Yang with wide eyes filled with surprise. This is the first time in her life meeting someone who not only believes in her 'nonsense' but also fully understands her life. It was almost like she was fated to be with him.

"I understand why the voices brought me to this place now…" Yan Yan mumbled with a trembling voice.

"My parents never believed me, and they even thought there was something wrong with me, like I was possessed by something."

"Well, I don't really blame them for not understanding, since this world is highly uneducated overall…" Su Yang shook his head.

"Su Yang… how fast do you think she'll grow with this unique talent of hers?" Liu Lanzhi suddenly asked him.

"Well… if I personally trained her, she should reach the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm within 2 years."

"Peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in two years?! She'll only be 14 years old by then! That means she's even more talented than you, Su Yang!" she looked at Yan Yan with wide eyes and a loose jaw.

"Huh?" Su Yang looked at her with a weird expression, and he said, "You know… I began to Cultivate seriously only last year. In other words, it took me 1 year to reach my current level from the Elementary Spirit Realm."

"Oh? What's this? Are you actually comparing yourself to her? Is this jealousy?" Liu Lanzhi spoke in a teasing voice.

Su Yang smiled and said, "It's not fair to compare us in the first place. Though, I must say that I am indeed slightly envious. After all, anyone beloved by the world's Profound Qi is guaranteed to live a successful Cultivation life, and they all become experts that stand at the apex of this world in the future without fail."

"However, while she's very fortunate to be born with such talent, it's also very, very unfortunate at the same time…" Su Yang looked at Yan Yan while sighing.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? How could that possibly be unfortunate? Are you going to say something along the lines of 'in exchange for having such heaven-defying talents, she'll live a short life'?"

He shook his head and spoke, "She won't die early, but it's truly unfortunate that she was born in this world, where the overall quality of its Profound Qi is embarrassingly low."

"Even if she has heaven-defying talents, she will be limited by this world's Profound Qi and stop growing after reaching the Sovereign Spirit Realm no matter how much she cultivates."

"I can bring her to my hometown, the Divine Heavens, but it's not guaranteed that she will have the same talents over there, as she's only beloved by the Profound Qi in this world and not that world. And before you ask, yes, Profound Qi is similar to humans and animals by being unique in our own ways. Every world has its own unique Profound Qi, so even if she's beloved by the Profound Qi here, it might not be the case over there, where she might be reduced to being an ordinary girl."

'If she was born over there instead, she could've become an incredibly formidable Cultivator that stands at the peak of the world. But alas, she was born in this dump, wasting her talents.' Su Yang sighed inwardly as he looked at the beautiful little girl beside him, feeling as though Heaven was playing with her.

Chapter 509 Summoned Beas

Towards the end of the seventh day, the final day for the examination, the Profound Blossom Sect has accepted a total of 893 new disciples.

There is only less than six hours left before the exam ends, but there are still 100 slots to be filled.

"In six hours, the disciples' examination will come to an end, but seeing how we are very close to accepting our limit, if we do not have 1,000 disciples within six hours, we shall continue the examination until we have 1,000 new disciples. Of course, we will only extend it for another 24 hours, so if we do not have 1,000 disciples by then, we will close the examinations until next year."

"On the other hand, once we have accepted our 1,000th disciple, we will immediately close the examinations. If you did not get a chance to participate in this year's examination but wish to return next year, we will give you a token so that you can skip to the front of the line and be the first to partake next year's examination."

When the participants there heard this announcement, they quickly grew more anxious, especially when the number of available spots began disappearing one by one.

Six hours later, because the Profound Blossom Sect did not meet their quota of 1,000 disciples and still had 36 open slots, they decided to extend the examination for another 24 hours.

Four hours after the time extension, the number of available slots has decreased to 17.

After another two hours, the number of available slots has decreased to 7.

"Why did you extend the time, Su Yang? I didn't think you would be so generous." Liu Lanzhi asked him.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Because I'm in a good mood."

"Is it because of her?" Liu Lanzhi's eyes pointed at Yan Yan, who has been standing there this entire time like a doll.

"I guess you can say that. This will be my first time teaching someone beloved by the Heavens, after all. I'm interested to see how much and how fast she'll grow."

After another hour had passed, there were only 3 more available slots left.

"Just three more disciples, huh?" Liu Lanzhi nodded with satisfaction.

Although accepting only 1,000 disciples is a lot less than what she'd expected from their current status and reputation, it's still much better than previously, where they would only receive a few dozens of disciples every year even during the Sect's prime days.

"Oh, right. Su Yang, I have a question—"

Just as Liu Lanzhi opened her mouth, the ground began trembling.

"What? An earthquake?"

The people there did not care much at the beginning, expecting the trembling to go away after a few seconds.

However, the ground continued to shake even after an entire minute had passed, growing stronger with every passing moment.

"W-What is going on?! This is not an ordinary earthquake!"

The people there began growing increasingly worried and nervous.

"Su Yang, what is happening? What's causing this earthquake?" Liu Lanzhi asked him.


However, Su Yang remained silent as he stared at a certain direction with a serious expression.


Liu Lanzhi also turned to look in that direction, but she couldn't see anything there no matter how much she looked.

A few more moments later, someone pointed at where Su Yang had been staring at and suddenly exclaimed in a shocked and terrified voice, "L-L-Look over there! What the heck is that?!"

The people there turned to look at where that individual was pointing, and that was when everyone there could see an enormous black snake that had appeared out of thin air many miles in the distance.

This black snake had blood-red eyes and a dreadful aura around it, and it was also emitting powerful killing intent. Furthermore, its frame was so large that it was taller than a mountain, and its head was even touching the clouds.

"Oh, my Heavens! I have never seen a Spiritual Beast that freaking huge before!"

"H-Hey! Doesn't it appear to be coming towards our direction?"

The people there began panicking when they realized the enormous snake was approaching them.

"Run! Run for your lives if you don't want to be squashed to death by that monster!"

The people there began running away from the examination area.

"Su Yang! What is that thing?!" Sun Jingjing and the other disciples quickly approached him.

Wang Shuren, Elder Zhong, Bai Lihua, and Xie Xingfang also appeared before him a few seconds later.

"Judging by the energy it's emitting… that's a summoned beast." Su Yang spoke a moment later.

"What?! A summoned beast?! So someone summoned that monster?! Who would do such a thing, and for what reason?!" Liu Lanzhi exclaimed with a shocked face.

And just as Liu Lanzhi asked that question, another voice resounded in the area. However, this voice did not belong to anybody in the examination area and sounded like it came from very far away.

"Hahahaha! How do you like this Demonic Blood Serpent, Su Yang?!"

When Elder Zhong heard this familiar-sounding voice, his eyes widened with shock, and he mumbled loudly, "Fu Kuan!"

"Fu Kuan, the Sect Leader of the Million Snakes Sect?!" Bai Lihua exclaimed upon hearing his name.

"The Million Snakes Sect?!" Liu Lanzhi's body trembled after hearing their name.

Fu Kuan's voice suddenly resounded again, "The Million Snakes Sect had planned on using this trump card to take over the arrogant Xie Family in a few years, but because of you, Su Yang, I have changed my mind and decided to not only accelerate our plans by a few years but also use it to destroy the Profound Blossom Sect at the same time!"

"What?! Have you gone mad, Sect Leader Fu?! This is treason against the Xie Family! My family will not let this slide, and they will punish you with death!" Xie Xingfang said in a furious voice.

"Hahaha! If you can stop this Demonic Blood Serpent that far surpasses the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I will gladly give you my life! But if you cannot kill it, it will surely destroy both the Xie Family and the Profound Blossom Sect and take over the Eastern Continent!" Fu Kuan roared loudly while standing on the head of the beast.

Chapter 510 Sacrifices

"That summoned beast is above even the Heavenly Spirit Realm?! Could it possibly be at the same level as my grandpa, the Sovereign Spirit Realm?!" Xie Xingfang's body trembled at the thought of such a powerful monster roaming this world.

"If that's true, which is very likely since even I cannot see its cultivation base, then I'm afraid that only the Ancestor has the ability to kill that beast…" Elder Zhong spoke with a deep frown.

"What should we do, Su Yang?"

The people there looked at him, as he always seemed to have a solution for any situation no matter how bad it appeared.

"Hmmm…" Su Yang rubbed his chin with a calm expression and spoke, "That summoned beast is not only in the Sovereign Spirit Realm, but it's even at the peak of the Sovereign Spirit Realm. I'm afraid that none of you here can defeat it, and this is true even for that old man at the Sovereign Spirit Realm."

"W-What?! Then what the hell are we supposed to do? Even if we cannot defeat it, we cannot just sit around and do nothing!" Bai Lihua said.

She then pointed at him and continued to speak, "And why the hell are you so relaxed in this situation?!"

Su Yang shrugged and said, "Why would I be panicking? Although none of you can kill it, I have plenty of methods to kill it."

"Why didn't you say so in the beginning?!"

Sometime later, the Demonic Blood Serpent stopped moving a few miles away from the Profound Blossom Sect, almost like it wasn't in a hurry to destroy everything in its path.

"Su Yang, do you have any last words before I trample your entire Sect to the ground while you watch powerlessly?!" Fu Kuan laughed out loud.

A few moments later, Su Yang used his spiritual energy to lift himself into the air and hovered before the Demonic Blood Serpent.

"Let me come with you, Su Yang!" Xie Xingfang also followed him into the air.

"Y-Your Highness!"

Since he was obligated to protect Xie Xingfang, Elder Zhong also followed them.


Bai Lihua sighed. Even if this has nothing to do with the Heavenly Swan Sect, she was also obligated to protect the Xie Family as an Elite Sect's Leader.

As for the others, since they were not at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, they did not have the ability to soar in the sky, forcing them to watch from the ground.

"Good luck, Su Yang!"

"Stay safe, everyone!"

The others cheered for them.

"Even if all four of you attack at once, you will not be able to defeat my summoned beast!" Fu Kuan stood before them with an arrogant expression.


Su Yang stared at the Demonic Blood Serpent for a good moment before speaking with a grim expression, "I cannot imagine the Million Snakes Sect having enough resources to summon a beast of this level. How many people did you sacrifice to summon it? 1,000 people? 10,000 people?"

"Oh? So you knew?" A wide and terrifying smile appeared on Fu Kuan's face as he spoke, "It's not much, really. I only had to sacrifice about 90% of the Sect's disciples in order to summon it."

"W-What?! You sacrificed your own disciples — and 90% of the Sect?! Just to get revenge on the Profound Blossom Sect?! You are insane!" Xie Xingfang covered her mouth with her trembling hands in shock.

The Million Snakes Sect has about 40,000 disciples, and if Fu Kuan had sacrificed 90% of his disciples, that would be around 36,000 lives sacrificed.

"Fu Kuan… you madman…" Even Elder Zhong couldn't help but feel his stomach spin after learning that 36,000 lives had been sacrificed to summon this Demonic Blood Serpent.

"I doubt those disciples had willingly sacrificed themselves. What did you do to them?" Bai Lihua asked him with a cold gaze.

"Nothing much, really. I just gathered them in one place before putting them to sleep with drugs. They all died peacefully and unknowingly. As for the remaining 10% of the disciples, I will use their lives to replenish the Demonic Blood Serpent's strength before I destroy the Xie Family after this."

"The Heavens will not forgive you for this! Heavenly Retribution will come sooner or later to punish you!" Xie Xingfang exclaimed with tears in her eyes, as she cannot even begin to imagine the bloody scene at the Million Snakes Sect right now.

Su Yang released a long sigh and spoke in a slow but clear voice, "If I knew this would've happened, I should've just destroyed the Million Snakes Sect on the same day of that incident. At least those disciples would not have died in vain."

"But you know, Fu Kuan… what you are doing right now is quite pointless."

"Pointless, you say? Is that all you have to say now that I have cornered you, Su Yang? How pathetic of you!" Fu Kuan looked at him with a frown.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "You have sacrificed thousands of lives — your own disciples at that — destroying your own Sect in the process... all for what? Just to kill me?"

"You must be pretty confident that you would be able to kill me like this, but where is your confidence coming from, I wonder?"

"Hah? Have you gone stupid from fright? You may be a genius, but you are still human! You may have some ability, but your power is limited! You are only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but my Demonic Blood Serpent is at the peak of the Sovereign Spirit Realm! Not even an Immortal can ignore such a large disparity in Cultivation!"

Su Yang merely shrugged his shoulders and spoke, "I will only be wasting my breath if I tried to explain it to you, so I will show you just how pointless your actions and sacrifices are by killing that beast you are so confident could kill me."

The next moment, Su Yang retrieved a beautiful sword with a semi-transparent blade that emitted a domineering aura from his storage ring, causing the atmosphere to instantly change, almost as though a divine presence had appeared.

Chapter 511 Divine Moonstone Blade

When the semi-transparent sword appeared in this world, it was as though a treasure was being born in that area, causing all of the Profound Qi in a 1,000 mile radius to gather around Su Yang.

Once the Profound Qi got near Su Yang, the sword trembled, flickering with a profound light, before absorbing all of the Profound Qi nearly instantaneously.

"W-What kind of treasure is that?!"

Not just Fu Kuan, but the rest of the people there were all shocked speechless by the appearance of this mythical treasure.

'Not even the low quality Divine-grade Spiritual Treasure that is my family's heirloom could emit such a powerful aura!' Xie Xingfang swallowed nervously.

Above Heaven-grade Spiritual Treasures is the Divine-grade, and in the entire Eastern Continent, there exists only one of this treasure, which belongs to the Xie Family. However, the beautiful sword in Su Yang's hands emitted an aura that far surpasses the Divine-grade Spiritual Treasure, which only suggests that it's above even the Divine-grade.

Meanwhile, a few miles away from their location, inside the Profound Blossom Sect, Qiuyue's eyes snapped open when she felt the unnatural flow of Profound Qi.

"This feeling is…"

She stopped her cultivation, immediately left the house, and she soared towards the Su Yang's location.

When she was close enough to see the summoned beast and the sword in Su Yang's hands, her eyes widened with surprise.

'The Divine Moonstone Blade?!'

Qiuyue was surprised to see her sword being used by him. The Divine Moonstone Blade is a treasure that belonged to the Sacred Moon Temple and was once used by Yuehai, her mother. But when she ran away from the Sacred Moon Temple, Qiuyue stole the sword and took it with her. This is another reason why the Sacred Moon Temple was hell-bent on capturing her, as she has one of their most precious treasures.

"Fath— Su Yang! What is going on?" Qiuyue flew right beside him and asked.

"Y-You are!?"

When the other people there saw Qiuyue, their eyes widened with shock.

"The Goddess from that time?!" Xie Xingfang's body trembled after feeling Qiuyue's otherworldly presence.

'Who the hell is that? I can feel an ominous feeling coming from her… she's a dangerous one…' Fu Kuan stared at Qiuyue with a deep frown. Because the Million Snakes Sect did not linger around after their defeat, Fu Kuan did not know of Qiuyue's existence.

"Y-You are Su Yang's Master! If it's you, who even the Ancestor lowered his head to, you should be able to defeat that monster, right?!" Elder Zhong suddenly said while pointing to the Demonic Blood Serpent.

"Master?" Qiuyue turned to look at him with a frown. "I am not his Master."

She then looked at the Demonic Blood Serpent with raised eyebrows and said, "Peak of the Sovereign Spirit Realm? Although its cultivation base appears to be high, its internal energy is not stable. That thing is as powerful as someone at the second or third level Sovereign Spirit Realm at best."

"So? Do you need me to kill this beast?" She asked Su Yang with an unfazed expression, almost as though the Demonic Blood Serpent was no different than an ordinary snake in her eyes.

"No, this is a good chance for me to test out the full extent of my abilities. Even though I am slightly cheating by using the Divine Moonstone Blade, an Ancient-grade treasure, I currently don't have any other treasure on hand that can withstand the Asura God Clan's techniques."

"Asura God Clan's technique? Don't tell me you are going to use the same technique you used to scare that little girl?" Qiuyue recalled that time in the Holy Central Continent when he made Wu Jingjing piss her pants by using some sword technique from the Asura God Clan.

Su Yang nodded.

"Can you protect those people down there?" Su Yang's eyes pointed at the disciples at the examination hall.

Qiuyue nodded and approached them, before creating a powerful defensive formation around them.

"W-What a powerful formation! And she even created it in the blink of an eye!" Liu Lanzhi was dumbfounded by Qiuyue's ability, wondering if she's the one Su Yang mentioned that would be helping him with the formation for the Profound Blossom Sect.

"What are you looking at?" Qiuyue looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Just who are you, really? An Immortal like Su Yang?" Liu Lanzhi asked her in a low voice.

Qiuyue looked at her with narrowed eyes and spoke, "You know his background? Who are you?"

"I-I am the Profound Blossom Sect's Leader! And yes, he told me a little bit about his background before…"

"Is that so?" After staring at Liu Lanzhi for a moment, Qiuyue no longer paid attention to her and returned to watching Su Yang.

Meanwhile, Su Yang said to the other Heavenly Spirit Realm experts, "If you don't want to get caught up in the blast, I suggest you retreat to the disciples. You'll be safe there."

"Are you sure that you don't need any help, Su Yang? Even if it's dangerous, I am willing to stay behind and help you defeat that beast!" Xie Xingfang asked him with a worried face behind her veil.

No matter how talented he may appear to be, it was simply reckless to fight someone an entire realm stronger than yourself, especially when the opponent is a spiritual beast at the Sovereign Spirit Realm.

Spiritual beasts are known to be naturally stronger than human Cultivators at the same level, so if a Cultivator wanted to defeat a spiritual beast at the first level Sovereign Spirit Realm, the Cultivator would require strength at the second — or even the third level and above to fight it.

Of course, there are genius Cultivators that can fight spiritual beasts above their current level, but those people are too few and far between.

"Don't worry about me and go to where the others are. Things might get a little bit hectic here in a moment, as I am might not have perfect control over this technique, and I don't want to hurt you."

After staring at him for a few more moments, Xie Xingfang nodded and made her way into the defensive formation around Qiuyue, as did the other Heavenly Spirit Realm experts.

Chapter 512 Squirming in Fear

Once everyone besides Su Yang was inside the defensive formation, Qiuyue overlapped the formation with a few more defensive formations. A single one of these defensive formations could block a hundred Cultivators at the peak Sovereign Spirit Realm and not even receive a single crack, much less a dozen of formations all grouped together.

"Senior, do you think he can kill that Demonic Blood Serpent?" Xie Xingfang asked Qiuyue in a respectful tone.

Qiuyue looked at her and shrugged her shoulders with a serious expression, "How would I know?"


Xie Xingfang and the others there looked at her with a baffled face. How could an expert like her not know the outcome? Surely she must have a lot of experience — enough to determine the results of a fight before it even began.

However, in truth, despite her cultivation base and having lived for thousands of years, Qiuyue lacked experience in combat, as she has lived a very secluded life since she was young.

Of course, she had to deal with the Sacred Moon Temple hunting her down, but she only needed to escape, which did not require much fighting.

After arriving at this world, where every Cultivator is no different than ants in her eyes, even if she needed to fight, all that was required of her to win the fight was to release some of her Cultivation and it would shock her opponents to death.

Seeing Xie Xingfang's dazed look, Qiuyue continued to speak a moment later, "If Su Yang told you to not worry about him, then there shouldn't be any reason for you to worry about him. Of course, this situation may appear to be reckless and out of his hands, but I trust in his judgement and confidence."

Hearing her words that did not have even a sliver of doubt, Xie Xingfang nodded and decided to trust in Su Yang too.

Meanwhile, in the air, Su Yang and Fu Kuan stared at each other in silence.

"Thank you for being patient." Su Yang said to Fu Kuan with a nonchalant expression on his face after Xie Xingfang and the others left his side.

Fu Kuan coldly snorted with disdain on his face, "Hmph! There's no need to rush things. As long as I have this Demonic Blood Serpent by my side, I can kill you whenever I want easily, and I want your death to be a slow and painful one!"

His gaze then went from Su Yang's face to the sword in his hands, "I should thank you beforehand for giving me such a wonderful treasure."

Su Yang raised the sword and spoke with a smile, "Even if I handed this sword to you right now, you would not be able to handle it. Did you know that Spiritual Treasures at the Empyrean-grade and above can grow their own conscience?"

"When that happens, they can choose their owners — those who can wield them and those who cannot even touch them."

"And over the last few thousand years, there has been only two individuals that have ever managed to gain the Divine Moonstone Blade's approval."

"A load of bullshit!" Fu Kuan forcefully waved his sleeves, causing the Profound Qi there to scatter.

"If you don't believe me, why don't you take this sword and see what will happen to your body afterward?" Su Yang suddenly extended the sword towards Fu Kuan with a calm expression, almost as though he was offering the sword to Fu Kuan.

"Su Yang?!" Xie Xingfang was dumbfounded by his actions. There was a high chance that Su Yang was only bluffing, but if Fu Kuan somehow managed to obtain that treasure, it would be disastrous for all of them.

However, Qiuyue spoke in a calm voice, "Su Yang's not bluffing. That treasure truly has its own consciousness. In fact, even though I am able to touch it, I have no control over it. If anyone besides Su Yang and my mother touches it, the Divine Moonstone Blade will try to kill them by pouring an insane amount of Profound Qi that they cannot handle into their body, instantly exploding their body and killing them."

Xie Xingfang's body trembled upon imagining such a scenario, where her body explodes just by touching this treasure.


Fu Kuan stared at the sword with a deep frown. Although he was pretty certain that Su Yang was only bluffing about the spiritual weapon having its own consciousness, he could sense a very subtle but dangerous feeling coming from the sword.

It was a feeling that came from his instincts — one that made every cell in his body tremble.

After a few moments had passed without any movements from Fu Kuan, Su Yang retrieved the sword and spoke, "I am a busy man, so I won't linger around any longer."

After saying those words, Su Yang gently caressed the semi-transparent blade with his fingers, causing black flame to rise from where he touched.

By the time his fingers reached the tip of the blade, the entire sword was engulfed in black flames.

However, despite having his hands directly inside this dangerous-looking black flame, Su Yang could only feel a comfortable warm feeling, almost like his hands were wrapped in a soft blanket.

Meanwhile, the Profound Qi in a 10,000-mile radius was rushing towards Su Yang's location and absorbed by the Divine Moonstone Blade, causing the black flames to appear even darker and fiercer, like flames from the deepest part of hell.

At this moment, Su Yang did not appear to be a mere Heavenly Spirit Realm expert, and he emitted an aura that was similar to the Demonic Blood Serpent — no, it even surpassed it!

When the Demonic Blood Serpent sensed the killing intent and dreadful aura coming from the black flames, it began trembling whilst making a weird noise that almost sounded like it was crying.

"Demonic Blood Serpent?!" Fu Kuan looked at it squirming around like it wanted to escape with a shocked expression. He simply couldn't believe his eyes. How could the Demonic Blood Serpent, a summoned beast at the peak of the Sovereign Spirit Realm that required over 36,000 human sacrifices to summon, tremble in fear before a mere Cultivator at the Heavenly Spirit Realm?!

Chapter 513 Overwhelming Prowess

Su Yang could feel his body surging with spiritual energy and power. However, he was fully aware that the majority of this power would not last long, as it came from the strand of Celestial Qi inside his body after it gained the Divine Moonstone Blade's power, and he has at most a dozen seconds before it disappears.

Of course, having a dozen seconds is more than enough for him to kill the Delonic Blood Serpent and Fu Kuan.

Once the Divine Moonstone Blade was entirely engulfed in black flames, Su Yang's eyes flickered with a profound light, and his arms swung the sword horizontally.

"First Asura Secret: Heaven Consuming Strike!"


The black flames scattered from the semi-transparent blade and an enormous arc of flames flew towards Fu Kuan and the Demonic Blood Serpent.

Fu Kuan's eyes widened with shock when he saw the enormous arc of flames that radiated a massive amount of energy speeding his way.

And in the time it takes one to blink their eyes, Fu Kuan instinctively retrieved his life-saving treasure and activated it without hesitation, veiling himself in a golden light that instantaneously transported him to a safe distance a hundred miles away from the Demonic Blood Serpent.

The instant Fu Kuan activated his life-saving treasure that was worth over 5 million spirit stones, the arc of flames arrived right before the Demonic Blood Serpent.

When the arc of flames touched the Demon Blood Serpent even slightly, the flames expanded and engulfed the Demonic Blood Serpent almost instantly, causing it to scream in harrowing pain.

However, the arc of flames did not stop at the Demonic Blood Serpent and continued to fly into the distance — until it collided with the mountain range behind the Demonic Blood Serpent.


The moment the arc of flames touched the mountain range, it turned everything it touched into dust, instantly disintegrating a dozen large mountains with ease.

After destroying a dozen mountains, the arc of flames traveled for a few more miles before disappearing into thin air.

By the time the arc of flames disappeared, the Demonic Blood Serpent was burnt until not even its ashes remained.


Fu Kuan stared at the empty space and the cleanly destroyed mountains with his eyes popping out of its sockets and his jaw wide open, as he has never seen such a destructive technique before.

If Su Yang had used this technique inside a city or in a Sect instead of the wilderness, he would've erased an entire city or Sect instantly!

"J-Just how powerful is Su Yang?! That is not something someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm can achieve! Even my grandfather would have trouble destroying an entire mountain by himself, much less a dozen of them, and with such ease!" Xie Xingfang exclaimed in a shocked manner after witnessing Su Yang's true abilities.

"Unbelievable… Just what kind of sword technique did he just use? It surpasses anything I have ever seen before!" Elder Zhong's body trembled at the presence of such a profound sword technique, feeling overwhelmed even by its lingering aura.

"So you survived, huh?" Su Yang looked at Fu Kuan with a calm expression, but his face and body was covered in sweat.

Using the Asura God Clan's technique just a single time has exhausted the majority of his Profound Qi, not to mention the strenuous effect from using his Celestial Qi to enhance the technique's strength.

But despite feeling like he could collapse at any moment from exhaustion, Su Yang managed to remain awake to speak with a smile on his face, "I'm actually relieved that you did not die so easily, since that would be too lenient of a punishment for a sinner like you."

"Y-Y-You…" Fu Kuan's body was frozen from fear. Even if he wanted to turn around and run away, his body refused to listen to him, causing him to stand around like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

"I am going to make sure that you will bear the responsibility for every single one of those 36,000 lives you have stolen and wasted."

Su Yang used the Nine Astral Steps to instantly close the distance between him and Fu Kuan.

"Screw you! Toxic Finger Strike!"

When Su Yang got close to him, Fu Kuan suddenly swung his claw-like hands that were coated in strong poison at Su Yang.


The Divine Moonstone Blade in Su Yang's grasp flickered and disappeared for an instant.

And in that instant, it has severed both of Fu Kuan's arms.

After cutting off Fu Kuan's arms, Su Yang stabbed Fu Kuan's dantian with the Divine Moonstone Blade.

"Divine Sword's Absolute Seal!"

Su Yang then sealed Fu Kuan's cultivation base and his fatal injury, transforming him into an ordinary mortal and preventing more blood from leaving his body at the same time.

However, he was not finished with Fu Kuan, as Su Yang then tapped Fu Kuan on the forehead with his finger that was glowing with a mysterious black light.

"Nine Thousand Ancient Curses!"

Fu Kuan could feel a mysterious change had occurred within his body, but he could not tell exactly what had changed inside him.

And all of this had happened in the time it takes one to blink their eyes, making it impossible for Fu Kuan to react.

"W-What on earth did you just do to me, Su Yang?!" Fu Kuan roared, feeling as though his body no longer belonged to him.

Su Yang did not say anything to him and merely used his remaining strength to return to Qiuyue and the others.

"I have permanently sealed Fu Kuan's cultivation base so he is completely powerless now. He is no longer a threat even to mortals. You can do whatever you want with him, Lady Xie." Su Yang said to her.

"A-Are you sure?" Xie Xingfang mumbled in a dazed voice, clearly still in awe after witnessing his overwhelming prowess.

Su Yang nodded and said, "He has sacrificed over 36,000 lives, and they were even his own disciples. I think it would be more appropriate if I let the Xie Family handle him. Furthermore, he's nothing but an ant in my eyes. I simply couldn't care less about him."

Xie Xingfang nodded a few moments later, "I swear on my family name that the Xie Family will punish him accordingly and bring justice to those he killed even if it's only slightly!"

Chapter 514 Dreadful Curse

"Oh, and you don't need to be lenient on the punishment, as he cannot kill himself no matter what you do to him." Su Yang suddenly said to her in a cold voice.

"W-Wait a moment… he cannot kill himself? What do you mean by that?" Bai Lihua asked him with her interest piqued.

"I have placed a curse on him. He cannot kill himself even if he wants to desperately die," he calmly responded.

"H-How does that work?" Elder Zhong asked, as he was also intrigued by such a profound curse.

"I cursed his soul. If he even thinks about trying to kill himself, the curse will inflict harm on his soul, making him experience excruciating pain that is worse than death until he gives up on that thought. However, that pain will not kill him no matter how painful it gets. Furthermore, it will restrict his movements until the pain stops, so he cannot force himself through the pain."

After learning how the curse worked, the people there showed horrified expressions on their faces.

"What a terrifying and cruel curse! You cannot die even if you want to!" Liu Lanzhi covered her mouth in shock.

"It may seem cruel and inhuman, but for someone as sinister as Fu Kuan, he fully deserves it." Xie Xingfang spoke in a cold voice, as she has zero sympathy for someone who could sacrifice their own disciples and kill them like insects.

"Allow me to escort Fu Kuan back to the Xie Family for you, Your Highness." Elder Zhong suddenly said.

Xie Xingfang nodded, and Elder Zhong went to fetch Fu Kuan, who was trying to run away with his remaining 2 limbs.

However, without his Cultivation, Fu Kuan only managed to run a few hundred meters before being caught by Elder Zhong.

"Where the hell do you think you are going, Fu Kuan?" Elder Zhong grabbed him by the neck and carried him back to Xie Xingfang that way.

"Get on your knees!" Elder Zhong forced Fu Kuan to his knees when they arrived at Xie Xingfang's side.

"Fuck you!" Fu Kuan growled.


Fu Kuan screamed when Elder Zhong suddenly stomped on one of his legs, shattering all of the bones in that leg.

"W-W-What are you all waiting for?! Kill me already!" Fu Kuan shouted with his entire face covered in sweat.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you." Xie Xingfang stared at him with a disgusted expression behind her veil, almost like she was looking at something revolting.

"I am going to bring you back to the Xie Family and have you bear responsibility for every single life that you have stolen even if it will take 100 years."

"F-Fuck you! Like hell I am going to allow you to torture me for the rest of my life! If you are not going to kill me, then I will gladly do it myself!"

Just as Fu Kuan prepared to bite his own tongue off and commit suicide, the curse placed upon his soul by Su Yang activated, causing Fu Kuan to feel excruciating pain all over his body that would make even the toughest man in this world beg to be killed instead.


Fu Kuan's screams were ear-piercing and sounded even worse than the sounds a pig makes when it's getting slaughtered, and those who heard such a terrifying scream felt their heart tremble in fear.

Feeling as though he was being burned alive while his body was continuously being pierced by thousands of swords, not to mention his headache that felt as though his soul was being crushed by an invisible force, Fu Kuan attempted to bite his tongue off.

However, he quickly realized that he was unable to close his mouth even a millimeter, much less bite his tongue!

'W-What's going on?! Why can't I move my body?! And what's this excruciating pain?!'

Fu Kuan cried inwardly and began to panic.

However, even as he panicked, the pain became increasingly more intensive, and within just a few seconds, Fu Kuan has lost even his ability to think under this pain.

"You should give up on even thinking about killing yourself. Su Yang had placed a curse on you, where you cannot kill yourself even if you want to." Xie Xingfang said to him after she could no longer bear to listen to his screaming anymore, as she was slowly going insane just by hearing it.

A few moments later, when Fu Kuan has lost all of his desire to commit suicide, the pain quickly subdued.

"I… I cannot kill myself…?" Fu Kuan mumbled in a low voice that was void of all emotions, almost as though he'd lost all hopes and gone insane.

He then slowly turned to look at Su Yang with a horrified expression and spoke, "Are you… are you even human?"

"That's quite rich coming from you, who sacrificed the lives of his own disciples— 36,000 of them, at that." Su Yang replied with a calm expression, clearly feeling no pity or regret for his actions.

"But you should still consider yourself lucky for getting away with just that curse. If I had to punish you myself, you would be begging to have that curse instead."

'He's considered lucky with that curse?!'

The others there were also looking at Su Yang at this moment, and they were silently telling themselves to never offend him no matter what.

"Aaaaah! I will kill you!!!" Fu Kuan suddenly launched himself at Su Yang with his last limb that was not broken or severed.

His eyes were blood red and his mouth wide open, almost like he was trying to bite st Su Yang's handsome face.


A loud and crisp noise resounded as Liu Lanzhi suddenly appeared and slapped Fu Kuan in the face, sending him flying back.

"Aiya! Although he cannot kill himself, other people can still kill him! He's no different than a mortal now! What if you had killed him with that powerful slap just now?" Su Yang exclaimed in a joking voice after witnessing the fierce slap by Liu Lanzhi.

"Hmph! I wish I could kill him with my own hands!" Liu Lanzhi coldly snorted.

Chapter 515 The End of the Million Snakes Sec

A few moments after getting slapped by Liu Lanzhi, Fu Kuan slowly struggled to stand up from the ground, before spitting out a dozen bloody teeth.

Although Liu Lanzhi held her strength back during the slap, because Fu Kuan was as weak as an ordinary mortal and he did not refine his physical body, that slap felt as though a bull had charged at his face.

Now with less than half of his teeth remaining, Fu Kuan looked at Liu Lanzhi and shouted, "You fucking bitch! If not for Su Yang, the Profound Blossom Sect would have disappeared months ago!"

Liu Lanzhi's eyebrows twitched upon hearing his words, but she did not express any rage and managed to remain calm.

"I won't disagree with you on that since that is the truth. Indeed, without Su Yang, the Profound Blossom Sect would not be here today, and neither I or the Sect could ever repay him fully."

Liu Lanzhi spoke from the bottom of her heart, causing Fu Kuan to tremble in anger.

He simply couldn't have imagined that he would one day fall so low just because of one Junior from a small place like the Profound Blossom Sect.

"Your Highness, please take him away. I do not want his presence dirtying the air near the Profound Blossom Sect any longer." Liu Lanzhi bowed to Xie Xingfang a moment later.

Xie Xingfang nodded at her and then turned to look at Elder Zhong.

Seeing her signaling eyes, Elder Zhong nodded before grabbing Fu Kuan by the neck again.

As Elder Zhong began dragging Fu Kuan away, Xie Xingfang turned to look at Su Yang and bowed to him, "As someone from the Xie Family, I deeply apologize for this incident. The Xie Family is responsible for keeping the Elite Sects — Million Snakes Sect — in check, but due to our lack of involvement, they have been getting too arrogant and abusive. I promise that we will increase our involvement and make sure that this doesn't ever happen again in the future."

"P-Please lift your head, Your Highness! This incident is entirely the Million Snakes Sect's fault, especially Fu Kaun, the Sect Leader! You shouldn't lower your head for scumbags like them!" Liu Lanzhi quickly spoke.

"I know, but it won't feel right for me if I didn't personally apologize, especially when I was basically useless this entire time. It makes me feel as though I am not worthy of my surname."

Xie Xingfang then continued, "Once again, I apologize for this incident. I will make sure to award the Profound Blossom Sect for dealing with Fu Kuan and keeping him from causing any more havoc. While it's truly unfortunate for those 36,000 disciples to have lost their lives because of a single person's insanity, you have saved potentially millions of lives by slaying the Demonic Blood Serpent — including my Xie Family."

"What's going to happen to the rest of the Million Snakes Sect disciples?" Liu Lanzhi asked her.

"The Million Snakes Sect will no longer exist after today, so they will have to find new homes," Xie Xingfang responded.

Nobody there was surprised to hear that the Million Snakes Sect would cease to exist after today, as the majority of their disciples have suddenly died, and their Sect Leader is also no more.

Unlike the Profound Blossom Sect that managed to survive with less than a hundred disciples, the Million Snakes Sect's disciples did not willingly leave the Sect but had been unwillingly sacrificed instead. It would be a miracle if even one of the remaining 10,000 disciples would be willing to remain in the Sect after an incident.

However, the biggest reason why the Million Snakes Sect would not survive is simply because they do not have someone like Su Yang to guide and support them.

A few more minutes later, Xie Xingfang and Elder Zhong left the area.

"We will personally send you an invitation to the Xie Family to receive your rewards later." Xie Xingfang said to them before leaving.

"I should also return to my own Sect as soon as possible. Once the news of this incident spreads, it will shake the entire Eastern Continent, and who knows what will happen at that time." Bai Lihua said.

And she continued, "By the way, congratulations on accepting so many talented disciples. I cannot wait to see their growth and how powerful the Profound Blossom Sect will become in a few years."

"You won't need to wait so long. You will see the results by next year." Su Yang said to her with a smile. "If you are convinced at that time, you should send some of your disciples over to us. They will receive the same training, too."

"Hmph! Only if it can make me speechless! And even if you somehow manage that, I will only consider it!"

Shortly after Bai Lihua left, Wang Shuren said to Su Yang, "Will you be stopping by next week? I completely understand if you want to take a break after everything that has happened today."

"Break?" Su Yang showed her a grin and spoke, "You have already rested enough this week. I will be sure to spice things up during my next visit!"

Wang Shuren's body trembled with an unusual feeling of delight after hearing his words.

"I will look forward to that." She said to him with an enchanting smile before disappearing from the area.

Once everyone besides the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect were left, Su Yang said to Liu Lanzhi, "I will be in closed cultivation for the next three days to recover my Profound Qi. The new disciples should be returning soon, and until I return, lecture them about the Sect Rules and whatnot. I will deal with the others afterward."

Liu Lanzhi nodded.

Su Yang then turned to look at Qiuyue and spoke as his eyes began to close, "I'll trouble you to bring me back to the house."

After saying those words, Su Yang allowed his consciousness to sleep, causing his head to fall between the soft peaks on Qiuyue's chest.


Qiuyue's face quickly flushed red, but she didn't dare to push him away, and she even tightly embraced his body a moment later.

Chapter 516 Fu Kuan's Punishmen

"S-Su Yang?!"

Liu Lanzhi and the other disciples felt their heart skip a beat when he suddenly collapsed.

"Calm down," said Qiuyue after seeing their panicked reactions. "He's only fallen asleep after using too much Profound Qi. There are no injuries on his body as far as I can tell. He should be awake in a few days."

"Really? That's a relief." Liu Lanzhi and the others released a long sigh of relief after hearing her words.

"I am going to bring him back to his living quarters," Qiuyue said as she carried Su Yang in her arms like a sleeping princess.

"T-Thank you… um…"

Liu Lanzhi wanted to express her gratitude, but she wasn't sure how to address her.

"Qiuyue, that's my name."

"Thank you, Senior Qiuyue!" Liu Lanzhi bowed to her.

"And I am not Su Yang's Master," she suddenly added.

"T-Then you are…"

Qiuyue cleared her throat with a blushing face and nodded, "I am his Dao Companion… or something like that."

Although they had already expected this answer, Liu Lanzhi and the disciples still gasped in shock.

'To have such a beautiful woman as a Dao Companion… Su Yang really is a lucky man…' They all thought to themselves.

A Dao Companion is basically a spouse but for Cultivators, as they explore the Dao together regardless of their cultivation practice.

Once Qiuyue left the place with Su Yang, the other disciples also returned to the Sect.

Meanwhile, Liu Lanzhi and the Sect Elders prepared to receive the 997 new disciples.

A few hours later, the new Profound Blossom Sect disciples began showing up one by one at the front gates. The new disciples are then instructed to gather in one large area and wait until all of the new disciples have arrived.

In the meantime, news of Fu Kuan, Sect Leader of the Million Snakes Sect, sacrificing the lives of his own disciples spread throughout the Eastern Continent like wildfire, shocking the entire world to their core.

"What?! The Million Snakes Sect's Master sacrificed 36,000 of his own disciples' lives to summon a demonic beast to attack the Profound Blossom Sect?!"

"They even planned on attacking the Xie Family?! That's treason of the highest order!"

"I heard that the summoned beast had a cultivation base that's stronger than even the Xie Family's Ancestor, but Su Yang slew that demonic beast in a single strike! Does this make Su Yang even more fearsome than the Xie Family's Ancestor?"

"I also heard that he's destroyed an entire mountain range in the process! Just how ridiculously powerful is this guy?!"

"What's going to happen to the Million Snakes Sect now that their Sect Leader is a criminal and most of their disciples are dead?"

"The Million Snakes Sect is done for. In fact, the Xie Family has already officially announced their disbandment."

"What about all of the techniques and treasures in the Million Snakes Sect? Who does it belong to now that they have ceased to exist."

"The Xie Family, obviously!"

Normally, when a Sect is forcefully disbanded or destroyed, their techniques and treasures are up for grabs on a first come first serve basis. However, since the Million Snakes Sect used to be an Elite Sect, and they have many valuable treasures that could disturb the current power balance of the world, the Xie Family will be inheriting their wealth.

In fact, thousands of people and bandits have already begun rushing to the Million Snakes Sect in hopes of looting some treasures when they heard the news.

But unfortunately for them, the Xie Family had long arrived before everyone, preventing even an ant from getting inside the Million Snakes Sect and looting their treasures.

Right after Xie Xingfang left the Profound Blossom Sect, she'd sent a message back to her father, Lord Xie, of the situation, allowing the Xie Family to move before the news even began spreading.

When the Xie Family reached the Million Snakes Sect, they were shocked by the scene inside the Sect, where over 36,000 lifeless bodies littered the center of the Sect. As for the 4,000 disciples that were fortunate enough to keep their lives, they were found sleeping peacefully near the corpses, completely unaware of the situation.

However, when they finally woke up and learned of the truth — how most of their fellow disciples have died and that Fu Kuan, their Sect Master, was the cause of it — all 4,000 disciples were filled with disbelief, before being overwhelmed by despair and dread.

"Words cannot describe the tragedy that has occurred here. However, you are all Cultivators, powerful practitioners who overcome their weakness and fear on a daily basis. Do not let this incident be the end of your cultivation path."

The people from the Xie Family tried to calm and encourage the Million Snakes Sect disciples, but alas, this incident was simply too shocking for them.

Although some of them might recover from this traumatic experience, the majority of these disciples will most likely never be able to cultivate again.

After securing the Million Snakes Sect and collecting all of their treasures and techniques, the Xie Family buried the 36,000 sacrificed disciples outside and around the Million Snakes Sect, surrounding the entire Sect with tombstones and turning it into a cemetery.

Meanwhile, Fu Kuan was found guilty on multiple criminal charges from mass murder to treason and was given a life sentence in prison.

Furthermore, he has to receive 100 whips in public for every life he's taken, which would total up to over 3,600,000 whips.

A normal mortal would die after a few dozen whips, much less 3,600,000. However, Fu Kuan would be fed a restoration pill and given time to rest to heal his injuries whenever he's close to death so that he does not actually die.

Although it will take many years, even decades to have Fu Kuan receive all 3,600,000 whips, the Xie Family was determined to punish him and bring justice to the disciples that he'd killed.

Chapter 517 Qiuyue's Resolve

Four days have passed since Su Yang collapsed after defeating the Demonic Blood Serpent and Fu Kuan, but he still hasn't shown any signs of awakening.

"He should have awakened by now…" Qiuyue stood by his side with a worried expression.

There was a possibility that Su Yang had suffered internal injuries after overspending his Profound Qi, but because of his unique cultivation technique, it prevented even someone like Qiuyue from looking inside his body, almost like it was blocked by some invisible force.

Of course, Qiuyue could easily force her way through this barrier with her cultivation base, but that could further worsen his injuries, something she cannot afford to risk.

"I have no experience in this sort of situation…" Qiuyue began pondering on what she should.

Unlike previously, when Su Yang used only a very small amount of his Celestial Qi to fight two Heavenly Spirit Realm experts at the Southern Region, he used much more Celestial Qi to defeat the Demonic Blood Serpent. Furthermore, he used a powerful technique that would burden his body even if he did not strengthen it with Celestial Qi.

'Even if I find him cultivation partners to recover his Profound Qi like before, he cannot absorb their Yin Qi if he's still unconscious…'

In the midst of her thoughts, someone entered the room and asked, "Is he still asleep?"

Qiuyue turned around to see Qin Liangyu standing by the door with a worried expression on her face, and Qiuyue nodded her head.

"This is the exact same situation as back then at the Southern Region, right? Should I start looking for partners for him? I'm sure the disciples will gladly assist his recovery."

"Although the situation may appear similar, he's exhausted himself a lot more this time. Who knows when he'll actually wake up. It could be days… even weeks from now. And unless he's awake to absorb the Yin Qi, it would be pointless to find him partners."

Qin Liangyu turned silent with a pondering expression.

A few moments later, she spoke, "Does he actually need to be awake to absorb Yin Qi? If I'm not wrong, Yin Qi is basically like Profound Qi, and albeit very little, we, as Cultivators, naturally absorb Profound Qi even when we are not actively cultivating."

"You don't mean…" Qiuyue looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

Qin Liangyu continued to speak, "We can fill this room with Yin Qi. Although it might not be very effective, it'll definitely speed up his recovery."

"While that's a decent idea, have you thought about whose Yin Qi we should fill this room with? If it's someone below the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I doubt it would even help slightly since he's not actively absorbing it, so it'll be much less effective. And how many female Cultivators at the Heavenly Spirit Realm that are willing to do something so shameless do you think exist in this world?"


Hearing such a question, Qin Liangyu silently stared at Qiuyue, almost as though she was suggesting something.

A few moments later, when Qiuyue realized why Qin Liangyu was staring at her so intensively, she spoke with a baffled face, "You want me to do it?! Are you serious?!"

Qin Liangyu nodded, "Senior Qiuyue, not only do you meet the criteria, but you are also the best choice in this situation, as you are without a doubt the strongest female Cultivator in this world! If it's your Yin Qi, Su Yang will definitely recover much faster!"

Qiuyue's face immediately flushed with redness after imaging herself self-pleasuring while being inside the same room as Su Yang.

"T-That's absurd! As if I can do something that embarrassing! Furthermore, if you are talking about the strongest female Cultivator in this world, there exists someone else who's much stronger than myself!" Qiuyue exclaimed.

"What?! There's someone who's even stronger than Senior Qiuyue in this world?! Who would that be?!" Qin Liangyu asked with wide eyes, her voice filled with bewilderment.

"Who else besides Xiao Rong?! If it's her Yin Qi, Su Yang might even recover his spiritual energy instantly!"

"Xiao Rong?! She's actually that powerful?!"

Because they never really introduced Xiao Rong to Qin Liangyu, she never realized Xiao Rong's real abilities.

'I cannot believe it! To think that innocent little lady is actually stronger than Senior Qiuyue! And I have been treating her like a little sister!' Qin Liangyu cried inwardly.

A moment later, Qin Liangyu spoke, "But… even if Xiao Rong is stronger than you… seeing how her character is… I don't think she will be able to fill this room with Yin Qi."

Qiuyue nearly facepalmed after recalling Xiao Rong's innocence. It was certainly an impossible task for someone like her, since it would be no different than asking a child who cannot even grasp the understanding of 'self-pleasure'.

Seeing Qiuyue's expression, Qin Liangyu continued to speak, "If Senior Qiuyue is reluctant to fill this room with her Yin Qi, I can do it myself. Although I am only at the Earth Spirit Realm, I should be better than most Cultivators at my level..."

When Qin Liangyu began loosening her robes, Qiuyue suddenly spoke, "Wait!"

"Senior Qiuyue…?" she looked at her with a puzzled face.

"It's fine. I can do this."

Hearing such words, Qin Liangyu did not say anything else and nodded before tightening her robes again.

"I will leave Su Yang in your hands, Senior Qiuyue." Qin Liangyu proceeded to leave room to allow some privacy for Qiuyue.

Once Qin Liangyu closed the doors, Qiuyue looked at Su Yang's sleeping face and mumbled in a low but resolute voice, "Senior Sister Lingxi is right. If I want to remain by his side and not get overshadowed by his other partners in the future, I must strengthen my resolve and become much bolder! If I cannot even do something so simple to help the man I love, even if it's slightly embarrassing, I will have no right to be by his side, much less his partner!"

Chapter 518 An Unexpected Even

After taking a moment to resolve her heart and mind, Qiuyue laid beside Su Yang on the bed and loosened her robes.

'I have never really done this before… how does one self-pleasure?' Qiuyue pondered to herself.

She then looked at the area between her legs, the most obvious spot that comes to her mind when it comes to pleasure.

After swallowing her saliva, Qiuyue began reaching for the clean slit between her legs, gently caressing it with her slender fingers.

"Mmmm… this is…"

A tingly sensation suddenly rushed through her body, causing her body to tremble slightly.

However, the feeling of pleasure did not last long and disappeared after just a few seconds.

The reason was simple — being that she was not feeling that horny and couldn't get into the mood for self-pleasure.

'This won't work…'

Knowing the cause for her lack of feeling, Qiuyue gave up trying to pleasure herself after just a few moments and began looking for methods to increase her passion.

She then turned her attention to the sleeping Su Yang beside her, and she thought to herself, 'The curse in my blood forbids me from having sexual intercourse with anyone that does not have the Sacred Moon Clan's bloodline. However, as long as it's not sexual intercourse, it should be fine, right?'

After taking another moment to resolve her heart, Qiuyue's trembling hands began reaching for Su Yang's robes.

A few seconds later, Su Yang's robes were completely loosened, allowing Qiuyue to see basically everything.

'I can't believe I am doing this to someone who's not even conscious…' Qiuyue sighed inwardly.

However, the view of Su Yang's delicious body quickly wiped away any irrelevant thoughts in her mind.


Qiuyue stared at the sleeping dragon and its treasured jewels between Su Yang's legs with her mouth salivating.

Her hands then approached the two jewels that hung below the sleeping dragon.

'It's so soft and warm…' Qiuyue thought to herself as her fingers played around with Su Yang's family jewels.

A few moments later, as though something had awakened within Su Yang, his sleeping dragon suddenly began awakening — until it stood fully erect.


Qiuyue's hands jerked back when she saw this scene, as she was afraid that Su Yang might have awakened because of her.

However, even after many moments, Su Yang's eyes remained closed, and his body was as still as ever.

"He's not awake…?" Qiuyue released a deep sigh of relief after realizing that he was still asleep, but her heart continued to beat like war drums.

'How can his thing be erect when he's asleep? Is that even possible? Just how does his body function?'

Although she was puzzled and intrigued by Su Yang's body's reaction, she did not have the time to think about it, as the stiff rod standing before her had quickly occupied her mind.

The slit between Qiuyue's beautiful legs was dripping wet with Yin Qi, but she was too focused on Su Yang's penis to notice that.

A few seconds later, her hands began to reach for it once again.

"It's so big… and hard… So this is Father's manhood..."

Qiuyue mumbled as both of her hands touched every inch of his rod.

After playing around with his rod for some time, her urges to stick this thick rod into her maiden hole was incredibly high and almost irresistible, but Qiuyue managed to calm her urges by sticking Su Yang's penis into another hole — her mouth.



Slurping noises filled the room as Qiuyue gave Su Yang a fellatio that lasted for many minutes, almost like she couldn't have enough of it.

While Qiuyue sucked on Su Yang's rod, one of her hands began to reach for the soaking wet cave between her legs, rubbing the small pink pearl inside and stimulating her lust even further.



Although it felt weird at first, the longer she sucked on Su Yang's penis, the more experienced she got, and after half an hour, it began feeling as natural as breathing for her.

Her lips gently caressed the outside, while her soft tongue wrapped around everything on the inside.

An hour later, Qiuyue could feel the rod in her mouth suddenly become hotter.

However, she was too mesmerized to stop, so she continued, until suddenly, a large amount of sticky substance gushed out of the rod and into her mouth.


Although she was surprised by how quickly it filled her mouth, Qiuyue managed to keep all of the Yang Qi in her mouth without leaking any of it.

However, when she realized that the Yang Qi did not stop coming out even though her mouth was already full, she decided to swallow all of it to make more room.

Many moments and many mouthfuls later, when the Yang Qi finally stopped coming out, Qiuyue released her mouth from Su Yang's little brother and began panting heavily.

'Just how much Yang Qi did I swallow…?' Qiuyue rubbed her stomach with a full feeling, almost as though she'd drank a large bowl of soup.

'However… it was tasty… I didn't know they would have a sweet flavor to it.' Qiuyue began to understand why Xiao Rong wanted to taste his Yang Qi.

Of course, she was unaware of the fact that Yang Qi normally has no taste to it and that Su Yang's Yang Qi was a special case due to his cultivation technique and the spiritual herbs he's consumed that increased his Yang Qi's quality to the point where it has a taste.

Qiuyue then looked around the room, and to her surprise, it was filled with extremely dense and rich Yin Qi — to the point where it's slightly foggy inside the room.

Not only is she a virgin, but because of her high cultivation base and her unique bloodline, her Yin Qi is richer than most women out there.

'This much Yin Qi should be enough to recover his spiritual energy…' Qiuyue thought to herself as she tightened the robes on Su Yang's body again before she left the room with her face still red.

Sometime after Qiuyue left the room, Su Yang's eyes slowly opened, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

'That was truly an unexpected event…' he thought to himself before closing his eyes again.

Chapter 519 Waking Up

After leaving Su Yang's room, Qiuyue dropped to her knees with her face flushed with redness.

'I did it… I finally did it!'

Qiuyue could still feel her heart beating crazily fast, feeling as though it could burst out of her chest at any moment now.

She couldn't believe that she'd actually manage to do something so vulgar to Su Yang, and while he was asleep, too.

'But… I probably won't be able to do it again, especially if he's not sleeping…' she sighed a moment later.

Even though she had the courage to do it this time, she wasn't confident that she could do it again, especially if he was awake, as that was simply too bold and embarrassing for a maiden like her at this moment. After all, it required her to muster all of her courage to do something like this while he was asleep, and she couldn't even imagine Su Yang watching her giving him a fetallio without giving herself a headache.

However, no matter what, this event was a huge step forward for Qiuyue, who must prepare herself for the future when the curse on her is finally lifted.

"Are you okay, Senior Qiuyue?" Qin Liangyu asked her with a worried tone after seeing her kneeling on the ground with a dazed expression.

"I-I am fine," she responded after clearing her throat and standing up.

"That's good to hear. What about Su Yang? Do you think he'll recover faster with your Yin Qi?"

"Who knows…" Qiuyue shrugged her shoulders. "We can only wait for the results now."

"By the way, there's no need for you to be so formal. We are no longer strangers, and you are someone who has experienced even more than me with him. If we have to rank our positions, you are already above me, since you have given him your body whilst I have not."

"Eh…? Senior… Sister Qiuyue hasn't cultivated with him yet?" Qin Liangyu stared at her with wide eyes filled with surprise, as she was sure that they have long dual-cultivated with each other. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you waiting for?"

"It's complicated. If I could cultivate with him, I would've already done so long ago. However, because of a curse that restricts my choices in partners, I cannot cultivate with him yet."

"I had no idea that something like that could happen… However, even if that's the case, you have been with Su Yang for longer than me, so I cannot be the senior one." Qin Liangyu said.

"One more thing. What happened to that cat? You have been teaching her how to become more 'mature', right?" Qiuyue suddenly asked her.

"Xiao Rong… she's a very quick learner. She's almost like a completely different person compared to just a few days ago."

"What have you been teaching her…?" Qiuyue looked at her with wide eyes.

Qin Liangyu blushed and spoke, "It's nothing special, really. I am used to teaching kids back in the Southern Region."

"The slower you teach her the better, since that lustful cat is the last person in this world I want to get ahead of me!" Qiuyue tightened her fists, her eyes filled with determination.

Qin Liangyu chuckled after hearing her words. She didn't expect such a childish yet competitive side from Qiuyue, someone she still regards as her Goddess.




The following day, Su Yang slowly opened his eyes again.

"What happened yesterday feels like a dream, but…" He stretched his body for a good moment before noticing the wet stain on the bed that was near his crotch area.

Although barely noticeable, there were also signs of his clothes being tampered with. However, the most damning evidence that what happened yesterday was not just a mere dream was the dense Yin Qi that still filled the room.

In this entire world, the only person who could release this much dense Yin Qi was Qiuyue and Xiao Rong, and knowing Xiao Rong's character, there could only be one person this Yin Qi belonged to.

It was obvious that Qiuyue was the one behind the Yin Qi, and he was certain that Qiuyue herself already knew that he would find out after waking up.

However, the real question was whether or not he should let her know that he was actually awake the entire time while she gave him a fetallio.

"Injured or not, unless they are heavily drugged, anyone would wake up if you play with their treasured jewels so roughly…" Su Yang chuckled after recalling how she handled his jewels in an inexperienced manner, almost like a child playing with a toy that she likes but does not understand how to play with.

"Anyway, I should hurry and absorb her Yin Qi so that it doesn't go to waste."

Su Yang then sat in the lotus position and began to cultivate, quickly absorbing all of the Yin Qi in the room.

A few hours later, after converting all of the Yin Qi to Profound Qi, Su Yang could feel his Dantian filled with spiritual energy again.

"As expected of someone from the Sacred Moon Temple, her Yin Qi is exceptionally dense and potent."

Unlike the Yin Qi that one absorbs straight from a woman's body during cultivation, Yin Qi created from self-pleasure is much weaker, even incomparably weaker.

Qiuyue's potent Yin Qi is a unique feature that only those from the Sacred Moon Temple's blood shares, as they are directly related to the Moon, the strongest source of Yin Qi in this universe, and this is also a major reason why the Moon God cursed his own bloodline, as he refuses to share and taint this powerful bloodline.

After absorbing all of Qiuyue's Yin Qi, Su Yang got off the bed and left the room.

The second he walked out of the room, Qiuyue's figure entered his view.


When Qiuyue saw Su Yang's face, the event from yesterday immediately replayed inside her head, and she even began tasting his Yang Qi inside her mouth again, causing all of the words and excuses that she had spent many hours preparing to say to him when he woke up disappear like smoke.

Chapter 520 Gathering the New Disciples

Seeing Qiuyue standing there like a statue, Su Yang showed a gentle smile on his face and spoke, "Thank you for going out of your way to help me recover faster. Because of your Yin Qi, my spiritual energy is fully recovered."

"I… I… I don't know what you are talking about…" Qiuyue immediately faked ignorance from her embarrassment.

On one hand, she wanted to tell him about what happened yesterday so their relationship can continue to deepen, but on the other hand, she did not want to bear the embarrassment of telling him what she did to him while he was asleep, as that might make her look like a desperate nympho.

Su Yang chuckled at her cute reaction and felt the urge to tease her, "If it wasn't you, then it must be Xiao Rong who filled the room with her Yin Qi. I must reward her for her efforts later."

"Ahem!" Qiuyue suddenly cleared her throat before speaking in a hurried manner, "A-Actually... the Yin Qi belongs to me. I just didn't want you to feel like you owe me anything, so I lied."

The smile on Su Yang's face widened, and he spoke, "Even if you say that, I am someone who cannot ignore such things. Therefore, I shall still repay the debt. And since you are my beloved daughter, I will listen to one of your requests as a reward."

"R-Really? You will do anything I want?" Qiuyue's eyes flickered with delight and excitement.

"As long as it's within my abilities," he replied with a calm head nod.

"Okay! But I will not claim this reward immediately! Give me some time to think about what I want!" she said.

Sometime later, Su Yang left the house to meet the new disciples.

"Elder Sun, can you gather all of the disciples for me?" Su Yang said to him, who was the first to enter his view.

"Su Yang! You are finally awake!" Elder Sun's face showed relief after seeing his face.

"Did something happen during my absence?" Su Yang raised an eyebrow.

"No, nothing really happened. However, all of the new disciples arrived a few days ago, but we could not do anything without you, so I am relieved to finally see you awake. This means that we can finally get things moving in the Sect."

"Thank you, I will immediately get to work."

"Where do you want the disciples to gather?" Elder Sun asked.

"The gathering area within the Outer Court is fine."

Elder Sun nodded, "Then I shall notify all of the disciples to gather there as soon as possible."

He then retrieved a communication jade and activated it with his spiritual energy, before speaking into it. "Sect Master Su has woken! All new disciples will stop whatever they are doing and gather at the gathering area in the Outer Court immediately! You have three minutes! If you are late, you can forget about being a disciple!"

Elder Sun's words quickly resounded within every jade slip in the Sect, causing all of the new and old disciples to storm out of their houses. However, not everyone was prepared to leave the house, and their appearances showed. Some of them were still in their sleeping clothes when they left the house, whilst some were still taking a bath when Elder Sun summoned them, so they left their houses with only a towel on their wet body.

Sometime later, when all of the disciples gathered, Su Yang appeared before them while wearing the Sect Master's robe, a black robe.

His domineering gaze swept the crowd, causing the disciples to tremble in awe.

Liu Lanzhi appeared beside him a few moments later and spoke, "Besides lecturing them the Sect Rules, we haven't done anything else. Their ranks, allowances, and techniques are all still undecided. Even their living quarters are all temporary."

Hearing her words, Su Yang nodded, "Thank you. I will take it from here."

He then spoke to the disciples, "As I'd mentioned during the examination, the Profound Blossom Sect has two factions now. If you wish to follow the mass and practice cultivation normally, step to my right side. If you want to walk the path of pleasure and love and become a dual cultivator, step to my left side. Although you had plenty of time to decide by now, I will still allow you five more minutes to decide which path you want to take."

Five minutes later, when the disciples had chosen their paths, Su Yang looked at the disciples on each side.

There were around 800 disciples standing on his right side, whilst the rest stood on the other side. Furthermore, out of the 100 disciples that wish to become dual cultivators, the majority of them were females, which completely flipped the male and female ratio from the past.

"Out of 100 disciples, only 9 of them are men. This is quite troublesome…" Liu Lanzhi mumbled with a frown.

The male and female ratio was very imbalanced, and she doubts that these 9 men could handle so many partners at once, especially when they are new.

However, if she leaves things as it is, many of these females will not have a cultivation partner until next year, when they recruit more disciples, which is a situation they must avoid.

Liu Lanzhi turned to look at Su Yang and spoke, "Hey… do you think you can handle these disciples until we have more male disciples?"

Su Yang raised his eyebrows. "Are you suggesting that I be their cultivation partner until then? I thought the disciples are only allowed to cultivate with fellow disciples."

However, Liu Lanzhi shook her head and spoke, "Well… that rule technically only applies to the Sect Elders, not the Sect Master. Because the previous Sect Masters only cultivated with each other and the Sect Elders, there is a misconception that the Sect Masters are not allowed to cultivate with the disciples. During its earliest days, the Sect Masters cultivated with the disciples without any restrictions."

"Furthermore, the current Profound Blossom Sect is no longer the same place it used to be. We have new disciples and new rules. If you wish to cultivate with the disciples, I have no problem with that."

Su Yang nodded and said, "We'll see how things work out first."