

After the head of the man last attacked by Lothur fell to the ground, still with a terrified expression on his face, this young man momentarily looked at the three people still breathing.

They were not well at all. Each had already lost the ability to see due to severe blood loss from their injuries. But they were still having their last breaths.

Lothur saw this and wielded his ax, quickly ending their sufferings by butchering them.

"Lothur..." Elke called his name after a few moments when this young man finally stopped moving his ax, and the blood stopped breaking from the pieces of flesh on the ground.

"Elke, stay there for a moment. I'll clean up the mess." He commented without looking at her, ignoring the blood of his opponents on his body.

But Elke did not obey him and quickly moved closer to where everything had happened, seeing the state of those people who had disrespected her.

She swallowed her saliva at seeing such a terrible scene and then started to help him.