
Beginning of the Fight 

Three hours later...

As mid-day arrived bit by bit, more than three dozen specialists between levels 17 and 18 were already on the outskirts of the Flame Faction, blocking off possible escape points for Lothur.

Some of the City of Darkness specialists were still gathering their strongest men to face Lothur with everything they had, so the other men searching for his head had not yet decided to start the attack.

He was an abomination that would by no means be easy to eliminate. So as people who could die easily, they were preparing as best they could to exterminate him once and for all!

Arno was already standing there watching the situation, together with his men, a little worried.

Some of those men who had arrived there first wanted to attack Lothur immediately and take advantage of his weakness after the previous battle to assassinate him quickly.

But when they got there, they discovered that he had not been exhausted in that battle and was in his peak state.