
Robbed by bandits

"Are you all right?"

Recognizing the voice, my eyes went up at once like a reflex. The man's dark eyes reflected the shock in my expression. His hand was at the back of my waist, the other was on my elbow, holding me in place.

The loud pounding in my chest gave me difficulty in breathing. I was never been this close to any man. I was a royal entertainer, but my job was only to offer dance, to entice audience with my moves, not to lure men.

"See? He's a nice man," Raja's voice echoed in my head, reminding me how awkward our position was. I quickly stepped away from him as if I'd be burned if I didn't.

"Why? What's wrong?" The man's forehead creased, confused of my action. Why would he need to understand anyway?

"Nothing, sir... I just want to say thank you for saving me. I'm going now—"

"You don't seem to know Solterra. Are you from another kingdom, perhaps?" He advanced once step. My grip on the cloak tightened. My obvious anxiety made him stop from going further.

"I'm sorry. Do I scare you?"

I shook my head. It's true. I'm not scared of him. I'm actually scared that he might recognized me as that entertainer. I don't want anyone to recognize me as that girl. Most importantly, I don't want to be thrown back to Eravia. There's no way I'd go back to that life again.

"No," I replied. "I'm just not comfortable around men. I apologize if that offended you."

"Oh. Apologies if I made you uncomfortable. It wasn't my intent to touch you without consent, but it was necessary to do it."

I nodded once.

"Asking for help wouldn't hurt you, would it?" Raja again with his suggestion.

'Does keeping your mouth shut hurts, Raja? It's my decision to make.'

'But it would be beneficial for the both of us. I'm just concerned for you, my lady.'

"Do you need any help? I'm Demitri by the way."

'Now you don't have to ask. He offered the help himself. Don't tell me you'd say no,' Raja and his very helpful mouth.

'His clothing suggests simplicity but I could smell gold from his pockets. I think this man is capable enough to provide for your needs.'

'Should I say thank you for that information?' I replied sarcastically.

'You're welcome.'

"How nice of you to ask that. Thank you." I smiled to the man to at least return the favor.

His eyes drifted to my bare feet. I was suddenly embarrassed. I looked hideous for sure. I don't need a mirror to confirm that.

"Were you in such a hurry that you forgot your footwears?" Demitri was quiet an observant. It's not only that. The way words rolled out of his tongue seemed like he already has his own answers to his question. I can see that he's a smart man. The exact reason why I should avoid him.

'Avoid?' Raja echoed.

"If you don't mind, I'll go ahead. I have to... meet someone," I lied. "Um, thank you again, Demitri."

His part his lips, but before he could utter a word, I was already walking away.

'He was about to ask your name. You're very impatient,' Raja told me.

'I thought you can't read other people's minds?'

'I didn't read his mind. I knew it based on his expression. Now where are you planning to go? You could have saved yourself from hunger and being homeless if you had only accepted Demitri's help-'

'Which is not a good idea,' I interjected.

'How would you know if you won't try it?'

It's just, I feel like there's something about Demitri that would bring more complications to my life. Plus the fact that he already had seen me before. More reasons why I should not associate myself with him in any way.

'You could have at least asked him to buy you a pair of footwear so you wouldn't look too weird walking around people barefooted like a girl from neolithic era.'

'Will you please give me a moment of silence, Raja? I have to think.'

'Of course, my lady.'

I continued walking. Raja gave me a moment of silence as I wished. I was glancing side by side as I went on and on. Until I stopped in front of an adequate looking tavern.

It would be nice to sit and drink inside comfortably, wouldn't it? I sighed when I heard a rumbling noise and realized it was my hungry stomach.

'You've wasted opportunity. Now, how can I help with that mundane needs of yours?'

I scorned. 'Don't worry. You don't have to do anything about it. You just have to seal your mouth tight.'

'How thoughtful of you, my lady.'

It's ironic how he can be sarcastic and stay polite at the same time. I don't know if I should be offended or be honored.

"Uhm, hello?"

I jumped a bit when I heard a voice from behind. I turned and saw a woman, probably just a decade older than me, looking at me with round, curious brown eyes. She has a pleasant face, her dress was tidy as well as her hair. She looked fine, decent.

"Perhaps, are you lost, young lady?"

Just say you are a traveler who encountered bandits along the way, Raja suggested.

"Uh... sort of," I replied shyly.

Her foreahead creased, empathy was evident in her eyes.

"What kingdom are you from, then?"


"L-Ledoss," I echoed Raja's answer. "I'm actually a traveler, madam. I was heading north, but I encountered a group of bandits along the way. They stole everything I have..." my voice broke at the last word like a line delivered by a skilled actor. I felt sorry for lying but this is a chance to ask for help. I can't just stay overnight walking without point of direction.

"Oh goodness heavens! What tragedy you've went through!" Sympathy and horror reflected on her face.

"Come, come. Let's talk about it inside my tavern," she added and led the way inside.