

Chapter 9

They all flew quietly to a small door that opened through the garden to the boulevard below. Busterrantu, even half. what happened huh? Then he can do his part too!

Mrs. Hilton went to find the children. When I took Goon to the garden, there was no one there. There is no one in the summer house! How special!

"I'm sure you heard it here a minute ago." He said. "Beep! Mize! Where are you?"

There is no response from Mr. Gunn. "I'm with Larry," Gunn said, looking for the bike. all. Mrs. Hilton called again, turned purple, and expected to find Meiher in Frederick Trotteville. "Maybe you want to go there?"

Endlessly following Mary, who can't go from one house to another. He frowned and swam sadly…

"Seriously," thought Mrs. Hilton. "Police discipline is getting worse by the day!"

Mr. Lee Man-gun

Other than Find Outer and Mr. Gun, I was really excited. Em was shocked to hear about Prince Bongawa's disappearance. He learned it in a rather unusual way. He's been following the little prince over the fence ever since he met Princess Bongawi at Patty's house. He wanted to say that he met his sister. But somehow it didn't catch my eye. However, Em didn't give up and that very morning she went through the fence to find the prince. He was shocked to see two police officers nearby. They attacked E-Mart once. "What are you doing in this area?" Hana asked, wrapping her arms around Em's neck. "I'm here to find someone." said Emwrigling. "Remego. You are sick.'

The police expressed their regret, saying: "If you intervene in this place now, you will suffer even more." - You can disappear like the little prince!

It was the first time he had heard of her disappearance. He looked at the two policemen. - It disappeared? - he said surprised. - Cow, think about it! When he left?

"Night," said the police, watching warily. "Did you hear something?" Imagine living in that tent.

"Yes. Em immediately said, "I didn't hear anything." "I think I met his sister the princess a few days ago!

'Oh yes?' said a cynical policeman. "And you drank tea with the Queen Mother and dined with his father?"

Not. "But I ate ice cream with his sister," he protested.

'Oh yes?' – both officers said at the same time. One of them shook him so hard that Enamelmost fell. - Now you are wandering. He said. It is always best to avoid snoring problems. You and your story! All you want is a good whip!"

He felt it was the last thing he wanted. He caught him through a hole in the fence and was upset that she didn't believe his story. He decides to tell Fatty that the prince is gone. The fact that it was in every newspaper didn't remind him. He left alone without Cid and Perse. Perce was in a bad mood that morning, and Sidas was usually full of Stick-Me-Tight lipstick, so he couldn't say anything to get it off. I felt he wanted intelligent company. Sid and Perse are not very interesting companions.

He decided to rent a bike from one of the caravans nearby. It was an ether supported by the caravan. He looked around and found the owner. At last he found him, a son more than himself. - Can I borrow your bike? I said M

"Sixpence," said the thrift shop owner again. Reluctantly, he ran with the 6 pence, climbed the paddy field, crossed the railway tracks and headed for the castle gate. Meanwhile, Gunn went home empty-handed. As he turned the corner, he saw a chubby boy cycling towards him. It was M. Em didn't want to see his brother, but he quickly turned his bike around and went the other way. For some reason, Go thought that the fat boy in the distance was Mai's boyfriend, who was wearing a mask. Hevegan kicked his foot in anger. Oh oh! So the frog was up to his tricks again. huh? Soon it will be Mr. It will end Goon! He follows her on the bike until he catches her. So Mr. Goon rode a bicycle. The pedals went up and down violently, and he rang angrily in the corner he was watching fiercely. Anyone who saw Mr. Gun at that moment would have thought he was doing something very important. Hearing MC's words, Em looked over her shoulder. Gunshots from the corner. He was shocked to see his brother following him down the street. The top pedal started very quickly. "Hello!" - In the middle of the street, I heard the statorian's voice. Em's heart failed him. said the uncle calmly. But what was Emd doing now? Will his brother take him to protect the princess with a national umbrella? Emedall left and was shot in the corner. Sodid army. The two continued to run fevers and Emma became more and more nervous. Mr. Gun was very angry. He was sure Fatty would lead the dance. Wait until he gets it! She pulls her hair out and shows she can't fool him!

He found himself cycling around the other corner and up the mountain. He couldn't stop. The chickens and ducks ran away. Ern was panting in near tears on the floor of the dark castle. Gunn also set off at a fast pace. He also landed in a dark castle, but not at the bottom. He came to see Em.

"Okay, take off that wig." Mr. Gun ordered in an unimaginable voice. "When I find out I want evidence of Princess Bongawi, I'll tell you what I think of those who go that way!"

He surprised his brother. What was he talking about? Did he think Em was wearing a wig? It was dark inside the palace, and at first Mr. Gun didn't notice that it was M. When his eyes began to adjust to the shadow, he knew who it was. His eyes almost popped out of his head. girl name! What are you doing here?' he said almost "Hey uncle, aren't you following me?" Earning said in shock. "I was scared. Didn't you know it was me?" He kicked me well after dinner." Mr. Gunn tried to calm himself. He was still looking at Em on the floor. "Why did you leave me?" He asked loudly. - I told. You are following me. said M.

"I ran and followed you." Gunn said with dignity. "Well, this Iranian uncle came after me." said poor Em again. "Did you see the bar?" With a menacing voice, mr. Goon asked. - No, uncle. Em said it was time to wake up. The gender is on the floor. What could happen to his angry brother! Em had no idea what the contents were.