

Maybe we get news! We need to go see the prosecutor right away." It gets fixed. — The chief inspector must speak! He went up again. I never have. Gothenemis, yes. Goodman Management is just that. Wait till I get them!"

On the way up, I thought about the enemies for a moment, then called headquarters again and asked for the leader. "busy." said the other voice. "What do you want from him, Gunn?"

"I heard the news that Bonga and the prince are missing." said the military in an arrogant voice. "Interesting."

"The right side. "Wait." said the voice. Just then, Gunn heard the inspector's high-pitched, confident, slightly annoying voice. "What is it?" busy.'

"Sir, it's about Bonga and the Prince or whatever his name is," said the army. "I have a younger sister named Bongawa. I wondered if anyone was thinking of asking him a question. "Maybe he knows something about his brother's disappearance."

A moment of silence passed. Then the voice of the chief prosecutor was heard again, surprised. the sisters? which sister This is the first time I've heard of him.

enthusiastic enthusiast. 'OK. I met her two days ago with her caring cousin.

Another amazing break. "Are you really saying that, Gunn?" - Finally, the voice of the chief prosecutor spoke. "It is amazing."

"Of course sir." Goon said shocked and annoyed. 'Why not? Would you like to interview the princess?

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." said the chief "I have to ask a few questions here. We have no news of sisters, princesses or cousins! We need to find out why."

Goon looked forward to causing such a commotion. Halet asked Inspector Jenks all his favorite questions. He had to say that. Goon, you finally do! It was a chance to meet those Tetarians and their umbrellas and Fatty. A thought occurred to him. Where did Fati meet them? - I love the boy! thought the poor soldier. "Well, I did some research. And it was that fat boy who introduced the princess!" Then the inspector goes to the boy's house and takes everything!

While I was thinking about this, my phone was stuck in the car on the left. Then there was light. He could say that his cousin Em introduced him. After all, it was Em who gave him all the details. It was absolutely true. You don't have to include Fatty. The inspector's voice rings the phone again and Gun jumps. "Are you there?" I asked a few questions and no one seemed to know anything about his sister Princess Bongawi. But let's say you need to check if it looks like you have more. How did you meet him?'

"Well, my cousin Em was with him and told me about him and who he was," said Goon. "M-your cousin M!" The prosecutor was surprised. Here I am reminded of a relative of Mr. Gun who is fat, freckled, and particularly expressive. Wasn't he caught up in another mystery? Oh yes - and it was good in the end. But with Em! Princess Tetaruan! Again, the investigator wondered if the phone call was a scam. But no, it was impossible. He is Mr. I knew Gong's loud voice all too well!

- What did Em do to the princess? - The prosecutor finally asked. - Well... he was holding a national umbrella. said Mr. Gun, who was beginning to feel that his story was not very trustworthy.

There was another stop. The prosecutor swallowed several times. You were lucky? What did he get from the sun? This story of the princess, Em, and the national umbrella seemed meaningless to him. The prosecutor did not know what to say. "Hey, sir. This is all very unusual, but if you think it's important enough to call me about it, I think there's something there. It's up to you to contact this princess and ask her some questions. Why is he here, when is he here - what is he doing, with whom, etc. do it now I'll send someone over, what did you find?

"Fine, thank you." Goon is happy to tackle the issue first. He pressed the handle and went to retrieve the helmet. Too bad he went to the boy's frog, Maily. Master Frederick Trotville. Here you go! But she soon shows him that she must answer his questions. He will give up No Nonsense to those insects. He rode his bike to Fatty's house. He knocked loudly on the front door. The servant answered and asked about Mayly. "She left." Hain said. "Where's Shegon?" Gon asked. Ms. Mai's mother, Trotville, heard Mr. Gun's rather loud voice and came into the hall. "Oh, it's you, sir." he said politely. "Did you want Frederick?" it's off i'm afraid Would you like to ask him something?

"Well ma'am, I wanted to ask her a few questions about Princess Bongawi." said Mr. Keep going. "But maybe you don't know. Was here? Ms. Trotville was surprised. "What kind of princess?" he asked. "I've never heard of him."

"She's the younger sister of the missing Bonga and Prince," Gunn explained. The lady said: Not Trotville. He was not interested in the morning news that the prince had disappeared. She thought she didn't like a cold bath and ran away. And what does it have to do with Frederick? "I don't think I can help you, Mr. Gun." He said. — Frederic was at home two or three days, and, as far as I know, was not at all with the princesses. If he knew me, I think he would have introduced me. Good morning."

"But... you mean you didn't ask him for tea or something?" said Mr. in despair "If I haven't met him, why should I meet him?" said Mrs. Trottville, thinking Mr. Gun was mad. "Good morning."

He closed the door and, sweating, led Mr. Gun outside. Now he had to find the fat boy. where was he It can be next to a dear friend - Hilton - Someone else's Orthopedic - Larry and Daisy

one or the other. Mr. Gun first rode his bicycle to Larry's house. But it was empty again. Larry and Daisy were outside. "Probably with Master Trotville." said their servant. But Mr. Gunn knew better. No one will ever lock him in there again!

He continued to blush profusely in the face and rose to pip. He rode his bicycle to the front door and knocked furiously on the doorknob. Five children were in the yard with Buster. Buster flinched at the knock and Patty stomped on him. Beth looked around the fence to see who was standing at the front door. He was terrified and ran back. "This is Mr. Gun. Old Clear Orff. "He looked very red and angry," she said. "Oh dear, do you think he's coming to ask us about the princess I'm pretending to be?" He's really stupid, I'm sure he thinks I'm real!

Fat stood up. "Come on," he said. "I rush through the door at the back of the garden. When someone calls us, we're not here! If you go

Hunt Princess Bongawi, let's hunt! do him a favor calm down buster

If you bark, you lose the game!'