

Spit them both out, young Sid.

Whether Sids got the cheese out or not, the five boys in the barn couldn't afford it. Beth giggled and Pip pushed her hard. There was a knock at the palace door. Fatty opened it and looked solemnly at Em. Then his face turned to surprise and joy. He smiled widely and extended his hand. "M! Em-kun! Nice to meet you! Docom, M, I'll introduce my foreign guests!"

Well, SidandPers

Em was the same old Em. A wavy red face with slightly protruding eyes like her uncle. He smiled shyly at Maily, looking in amazement at the four silent 'strangers' in such fancy clothes. "Nice to meet you, Miley." He shook hands for a long time. He then turned to the two boys behind him. They weren't his age and looked a lot alike. "These are my twin brothers," she explained. "This is Sid and this is Perth. It's called SidandPerce. Remember your manners. Now, like I said, 'Goodbye.'''

"Hello." Firth said, shaking his head from the bright red sled, struggling to be polite. "Ah." Sid barely opened his mouth. "Still sucking that lipstick, Sid?" Didn't Itelli spit? Sid covered his mouth with an annoyed expression on his face and shook his head. "Actually, his teeth are glued back together," Perce explained. 'It's impossible. I couldn't talk all day yesterday."

"My love," Mayly said sympathetically. "Ah." Sid opened his mouth again and said. "Aren't you sick?" Mary was surprised. "But now I've forgotten manners.

Well, may I introduce you to some of my very esteemed friends?

Em, Syd and Perce looked at Bets, Pip, Larry and Daisy unblinkingly, not recognizing the smallest commoner. The bet was over and he was afraid to laugh. — You must have heard of Bongawa, the Little Prince of Tetarua. Patty continued. "My sister is Princess Bongawi." He motioned to Betts in astonishment. "Robaduk!" "Sotisist is the prince's sister!" Em exclaimed, looking at him. I saw fat Bonga and the Prince. We camped in a nearby field. He's a funny guy with a funny face. Heterneto Sid and Perth. "Do you know that there are rebellious husbands and brothers?" He talked about Beth's anger. - Like two peas in a pod!

"That's right, M.," said Perth. "Ah." Sid said, putting on a bit of lipstick for a more casual look. Beth bowed her head, half closed her eyelids, and looked at the three married men. "Popple, Deepa, Escape." he said in a high and powerful voice. - What is he talking about? asked M.

"They say your hair is too brick." Mayly said cheerfully. "coup." M said wiping her hair with her hands. "Well, I didn't know because I went to see the royal family or get my hair done. Who are the rest, Patty?

"This is Poitois." Pat Daisy waved and said. "She is the princess's cousin and is waiting for her. A very pretty girl."

I entered it because Daisy entered it. Pers bows, but Siddid doesn't. Histoffy froze again and was very angry. His chin was constantly moving. "And the rest are Kim-Pippy-Tock and Kim-Larriana-Tick," said Fatty.

Bet on a long laugh. Pip moved forward and brought his face close to Em's and quickly rubbed his nose. Em flinched and started again. "Nothing." Meili said comfortingly. "It's a way of greeting a friend." Sid and Perse shrugged in fear of the same greeting. "nice to meet you." Em sighed and said. Then hegazedate Fattinave. "You don't even have half-respectable friends." He said. "What about the other friends? Larry and Daisy, Pip and Little Betts?"

- I'm not far. Maily said honestly. "You said you were going to camp somewhere, Em?"

"Yes." said M. "We're going camping together, Syd and Perce together

I have debts. Masaid wants to see the last of us for a moment. So we pitched our tent in a field next to one of the school camp fields. We are not half happy."

"right." said the Persian. "Ah." Sid said. Suddenly he put his hand in his pocket and took out a roll of tin. He removed the lid and expressed a bold tone. Add oil. It was filled with disgusting dark brown caramel and was broken into large pieces. "Well, thanks, Sid." Patty said. "I don't want to spoil my dinner. My visitor will be giving a speech this afternoon, so please do not suggest that my visitor go. I don't want them to be ignorant of your fudge.

"Ah." Sid closed the lid carefully again and said understanding. "Where does she get her lipstick?" - asked Mely. "I found something really cool!"

"I'm going from the ooplastal to a fair near the camp," explained Perce. The "E" we use when we throw a ring at an object is our Sid. I eat cheese like this every day," he said.

"Ah." Sid said proudly. Larry said suddenly. Em, Sid and Perce looked at him. "What are you talking about?" Perth asked. "He says Sid looks like a blur." Fatty said immediately. "Nasty toffee," he says.

There was a pause in which at least five children wanted to laugh. "That's a little rude." Emmat finally spoke. "And I fixed it. Nice to meet you, Mai. Sorry. No one else could see it either."

"Brother, have you seen Mr. Gun?" - asked Mely. "Not." said M. "I will run like Isabim. Don't you remember how he looked at me last year when I was with him? Sid and Perse don't like him either. I say Fatty, is there still a mystery?

"Not yet." Mary said. "But you never know when someone's going to cook, do you?" "Tookie-Ula-Rikity-Wimi-Woo". said Pip solemnly. "We go-we go-

ice cream."

"Why - speak English!" M said surprised. "Do you hear that?" I mean, why don't we go get some ice cream? There's someone by the river we can go to. I don't want to go to the village when I see hyung. big smile. He looked back at the four hopefully. Em, Sid and Perce loved "Mask" so much they wanted out. Fatty couldn't figure out why they couldn't! If I had followed the river, I wouldn't have met or attracted many people, but it would have been nice to see the few faces I did meet!

"Aiki, Fancy, Tommy, Whipleywek, Kim-Pippi-Tok," he said, greeting Pip politely and waving him to the door. "We all get ice cream from the river. The princess must come first, M.

"Sure." Erin said hurriedly. "Now, like my brother, it goes well with noodles. It goes well and I don't mind wearing it. It's a very small duck." Bets covered her face with a hood to hide her giggles. Mayly saw Ernas