


Telegram knights sat with telegrams. "Fatty!" Guild fees. It was a very useful mask as I often wear a full body fat boy mask. Bets hugged her chubby body. But my dear, he wasn't fat when the boy came back. This child's face was small, his eyes were wrinkled, and he was small! There's another smart guy in disguise who never pretends to be! The stake is red. - Sorry. he said as he backed away. - I thought you were my friend.

Her mother now stood blankly in front of the open door. What was Beth doing with the full body boy? The boy was as shy as Beth. He handed the telegram without a word. - Bets, act. said Mrs. Hilton sharply. - I'm surprised by you. Don't make stupid jokes like that.''

he was shy The whole boy looked at him with a surprised expression. Larry, Pip and Daisy laughed until they hurt themselves. - Everything is funny. Beth said sadly. "I'm fighting with my mum a lot at the moment but to be honest it's like one of Fatty's disguises."

"Of course, if you think all telegraph operators are fat and Fatty's in a boy's uniform, we're in for an interesting time," said Pip. "Oh God, I wish the old vet would come. It's been a long time since the doorbell rang. The next man must be Fatty!

She did! He rode his bike up the road with the same fat, good smile on his old face, and Buster sprinted to the pedals! "Fat! Fat!" Everyone was screaming too. could throw

He rode his bike into the fence and all four were with him. Buster was furious with excitement and barking non-stop. They all patted Mayly on the shoulder, hugged Bettei, and dragged her into the yard. "You're fat, you've gained weight over the years!" Beth said. "We thought you might be a mask and we saw and we saw."

"And Bets made a terrible mistake!" said Pip. "He just wrapped his arms around the telegram boy!" He was shocked."

Fatty smiled and told Be. "He kept looking around like he expected Bets to give him a few more hugs."

"Oh, good to see you again." Betts said happily. "I don't know how I could have imagined that the dreadful gypsy and the butcher's child would be here in the morning."

"We really thought you might be a mask." Larry said. "My God, you're brown and almost black." Everyone will think of you as a foreigner! No paint? I didn't know you were so tanned.

- No, it's just me. Maily said politely. "No powder, no color, no false eyelashes, nothing. I must say you are all brown.

"Uh," Buster said, trying to sit on Beth's lap. Betts, who was always able to explain what Buster's waves meant, said, "He said he got a tan, too." But he won't show it. Dear Buster! We miss you!"

Everyone sat down on the remaining monads on the ice cubes. Fatty smiled around him. Then he made a shocking announcement. "Well, Seekers, you're not as smart as we thought!" You've lost your trick. You didn't recognize me when I came in this morning wearing a mask!

They all put down their glasses and looked. disguise? What did he mean? "What mask?" "You are not a mask." Larry said. - What are you kidding me? "I'm not kidding." Maily said, sipping her lemonade.

To test my trusty detective in the morning - and you didn't recognize your boss. You should be ashamed! But I was a little afraid of betting.

PipeandBets went through those who had appeared since that morning. "Ms. Lacy - No, you weren't him, Patty. Postman - no,

no way. The man who repairs the roof - no, he has no teeth on his head. The gypsy—no, she was very surprised anyway. He was running like a rabbit when he tried to catch my father.

"Butcher, no." Larry said. "And we know he's not a full body boy. His face is so contorted. 'Just kidding, Patty.' You weren't here until morning. Keep-Write! »

- No joke. Mary drank some more and said. I mean, this lemonade is amazing. I was here this morning and I thought only Bets could see through me."

Everyone looked at them in disbelief. "And who were you then?" Finally, Larry said. - Gypsy woman! Mayly said smiling. "I got it right, didn't I?"

- You didn't. Daisy said in disbelief. "You're pulling our legs. If you see it, you know you can't be there. A terrible creature!

Fatty reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of long, gold-plated earrings. He pinched one in each ear. She took the fat black curls from another bag and put them on her head. She unfolded the crumpled heather and shoved it in Daisy's face. "Buy time!" – he said in a hoarse voice. His face suddenly changed into a gypsy brown. Others watched him quietly, truly shocked. She was a fat gypsy without a big feathered hat, scarf, basket and long black skirt!

- You are ignorant! Daisy said, pushing Heather away. "If you're really worried." One moment you're fat, the next you're a gypsy of life. Get your hideous head out!"

Fatty smiled and took it out. - Do you trust me now? he asked. "Oh my God, he twisted his ankle the first time he was on the road. To be honest, I thought little Bets was going to take her daddy here. I was wearing terrible heels and could barely run.

"That's why you looked tall." said Pip. - Of course the long skirt hid the legs. You misunderstood us. farewell my Let's drink to health, Finders!"

At the last lemonade appearance, everyone toasted Ms. Hilton's health. He heard Fatty's arrival and wanted to welcome him. Mayly stood up politely. He always had a great attitude. Mrs. Hilton held out her hand and looked at Patty in surprise. "Seriously, Frederick." He said. "I can't approve of your trinkets!"

Beth squealed with joy. "Fat! You didn't take off your earrings! Bad fat. He immediately dragged them off and at the same time shook my hand trying to say something polite. Betsgazedatthiminlight.GoodoldFatty

It was nice to have him back. What happens all the time when you are fat!


Betsquith expected some adventure or mystery to appear as soon as Fatty returned. They all meet that morning in the playroom on the floor of Mai's yard. Here she did a lot of disguise and make-up and tried out her new ideas here. Mostly, the barn had a scary old tramp, a smiling woman with split teeth, and even an old woman with a wrinkled face and a few missing teeth, wearing layered skirts and coming to the barn. Yes - Fatty may appear to have missing front teeth. The incisors are so closely observed that a black hole appears when they smile.