
CHAPTER 33 very interesting finish

He surprised everyone! The stakes have turned pale. Only Mayly didn't change her hair. 'what is this?' he said "Who do you think is here? Yushuangshiksohusup, God, there are six more!"

The men shouted something to Fattin, and Fatty decided the voice.

I have nothing to say. Three more men entered and began looking around the room. In less than a minute, the closet opened and the prince appeared!

The man with the black face approached him and shook him like a mouse! He shouted something in a foreign language and the boy started. He was dragged down the hall. Fatty protested and followed her. "I say, there! I say, you know..."

The dark-faced man raised his hand and turned towards him, but before he could hit the meatball, there was a loud noise in the hallway. "police!" The police are coming! Tom watched them cross the marsh. We've been assigned someone!"

It was followed by noise and excitement that no one could hear. Seizing the opportunity, the fat man escorted the prince back into the room, pushed the other children away, pushed the key into the door, and locked them all in!

Ash turned the key and smiled at the six surprised faces. "Cheer up! No one can come to us! We are locked again, but the key is all right!"

Bett was crying. "Oh, you fat bastard, I didn't like him." Are we safe now? Can I break down the door and open it?

they don't try. - said Maily. "They're too afraid to save their skins!" We can sit here, listen to the fun, and come out when it's quiet!

"The helicopter is gone again!" Pip spoke suddenly and went very quickly across the castle. Obviously he warned me to leave. "But I didn't think it was necessary." The prince cut off his words in a dishy tone to the children and said pleasantly. There was no excitement outside the window. Suddenly, two policemen appeared and ran towards the house. a man who ran away suddenly

The cart disappeared through the yard and was immediately followed by a gang of policemen. Screams, shouts and bangs can be heard from time to time. - Sorry. It's not fun anymore. Maily said sorry. "Well, I'm not." M said scared. "Fun!" Not my thoughts on fun. star!"

After about 30 minutes, there was silence. Were all the men arrested? party and others heard. Then they heard the loudest voice. "Frederick! Where are you? Frederick!'

— The Attorney General. Maily opened the door and opened it. Heto screamed at the top of his lungs. "Hey! We're safe!"

He turned to others. "Come on," he said. "He must be safe now. Come on M. Are your legs shaking so bad you can't walk?

"little bit." said poor Em, running after the others. The inspector met you at the top of the stairs. Gerana looked at the ground. "Are you all here?" he said 'Who are you?' He pointed at the prince. "Bonga and the Prince," Patty said. 'I understood well. Did you catch them all?

"I think so." said the chief pulling the prince towards him. 'it's fine?' he said "Didn't they do anything to you?"

"No sir." said the prince. "My brother was the one who kidnapped me. I—" "We'll talk later, dear," said the boss, "Frederick, that was a good thing of you. I don't know if you're going to come sniff this place yourself, or if I'll find the prince and call myself in the middle. You can also take all the Find-Outers except Buster. where is he?"

"I had to leave him." Fatty said sorry. "I was afraid it would fall into his hands. Unfortunately, it's no longer fun. He likes scrap metal."

"We have a police car at the edge of a swamp." said the chief

Show the police a few things you've got and they'll come right over and I'll take you home.

"I will go." Mayly said. "I think it's strange to have a farm in the middle of a swamp."

Everyone went out with a grateful heart. The horrified woman looked at them outside the door. 'who is he?' The party asked in surprise. "servant". said the boss "Someone has to feed the chickens and pigs and ducks so let's go."

They roamed the farm yard and went back behind the big barn where the helicopter landed. There, Abig had a flat landing space. They looked around the clearing and then moved into the nearest stable. They talked more and more happily and they thought it was all over and they were very happy. They stopped at the sudden sound. "What was that?" Larry said. "It looks like it came from a castle. Are there animals trapped there? Can you please?" The sound was heard again, followed by a loud crash and more banging. The palace door rattled. "Careful." said the boss "Abul seems indifferent." He sniffs, moans and screams. "That's not a bull," Maily said. — Like a mixture of man and cow! I see through the window, not through the door!'

The windows of the palace were very high. He leaned against the palace wall, climbed a thick ladder and looked out the window. He smiled and climbed back down. "Your friend." He opened the outer door and said cheerfully. It appeared as a large, dirty, sweaty, crazy creature with fists and spiky hair. "Father!" The boss, who was startled and almost fell again, said. "Okay! Is that really you?" Keep going!"

Yes, Mr. It was Goon, he looked pitiful. He was dirty, very angry and seemed to be in all kinds of confusion. A straw caught in his hair as he stood panting like a dog. He looked puzzled at the small crowd in front of him, and when he saw the leader, he closed his mouth. "hello teacher". said poor Gun, trying to untangle his hair. "Where did you disappear without notice?"

Where?" "I followed you everywhere."

"I think something is going on here." said the army, still panting. "I was on the last train and I got lost in this swamp." I watched him drown and screamed with everything I had.

"Oh Mr. Gun! How awful!" Beth said cheerfully. - Did someone save you?

"Rescue Me!" Gun, looking like a monkey again, snorted. "Yes, they immediately pulled me out, pushed me into the stall and broke it! For what? They should all be arrested. Your relationship with the police is wrong! Get me behind!"

- Do not worry. I arrested them all. said the chief. "You missed the fun."

"Well, uncle, you're not half funny." Em said with a sudden burst of laughter. It was as if he had seen him for the first time. "ERN! You're here too! What are you doing here getting caught up in all this?" cried the weapon. "I'll teach you how to smile!"

"Act on it," M. Patty said in a serious voice. I feel sorry for poor Gon. He did it all, Bold, provided all the information!

"This gentleman was very clever. Would you like to come here?" he said bluntly to the boss. "He came here before we got married.

There was a time when he fell into a swamp. Otherwise he would have done everything."

Mr. Gun looked pleased. He also suddenly felt very kind to Fatty. After all, he was not a child!

The boss looked at Mary. — Good brain, good courage, rare intelligence. But generosity reigns supreme, Frederick. One day I will be proud of you!"

Fatty was really red. Gunn heard all this but didn't understand what his boss was saying. He came to them and washed their clothes. "So it's all over, is it?" he said "what are you doing?"

"I need a shower." The leader looked at him and said. "You don't know what you look like, Gunn." And if you stay in jail all night, you will starve. Ask the farm woman for something to eat and drink.

"Of course I can," Gun said. "Call me anytime, sir?"

"I will." said the inspector. "The police car is waiting for you to come back."

"Fire, brother." Em called but her brother refused to answer. He disappeared towards the farm looking awkward and awkward, but he wasn't sad at all. Were you before the child? And the boy didn't confess? It wasn't that bad!

"This time it was a strange mystery." Bets said hanging on the boss's hand. "At first there seemed to be no clues. I couldn't get anything. Then it suddenly boils and explodes in all directions.

Everyone laughs. Fatty said, "Batsquitin liked mysteries. "Isn't that right, Beth?" Me too."

- SodidI, - I completely agree. "Not half! Spittion Sidand Pers not finished."

"Yes. Spit!" Everyone nodded and the leader smiled. "Wait, when is your next vacation?" he said "Christmas? Right side. Here is the next mystery. And everything can be just as well!'

The end