

The home. "I hope it's not official. When I can't seem to get up. I feel like I'm stuck in the grass."

Ms. Pip's mother, Hilton, appeared at the window. "It's Frederick answering the phone." he called "He is back home and will be with you soon. Be careful with it because they may not recognize it because it is too brown. You probably don't know any of you, you're gypsies!''

Everyone sat up at this news. "Oh, I wish I could answer the phone." The bets have said. "May has a beautiful voice with a smile on the phone."

Everyone knew what he meant. - Yes, soon. Larry said. "God, I always wish I was as confident as Fatty. Never yell.

"And he always knows what to do." Bets said. "I mean... you think he's here for fun?"

"Yes, of course I will." Larry said. "I'm sure he's got lots of new tricks and disguises and stuff. And he wants to practice in mono for a while. I know!'

"Then it would be nice to keep an eye on someone special." Daisy said happily. "We cannot take the first moment of his return with us!"

Of course, Fatty was busy hiding. By placing a ball between the gums and the mouth, you can make full cheeks look 7 times thicker. She had bushy eyebrows hanging over cheeky eyebrows and various fringed hairs. In fact, most of his considerable pocket money was spent on such things, and he used one of many disguises to deceive others or others, for the pleasure and eternal pleasure of others. "Now...we'll be careful," said Pip. "Whoever comes to the gates is suspicious. Man or woman or child!" It could be old oil!"

They didn't wait long. Footsteps were heard on the way, and a large feathered hat had lifted itself over the railing on the way to the kitchen. Long gold earrings dangled from his ears, and a brown face, curly black hair fluttering under a hideous hat, looked up at them. The children watched. The faces smiled and spoke. "Would you like to buy me some nice weather?" good luck!"

Around the fence stood a tall gypsy woman in a long black skirt, a dirty pink blouse, and an eagle scarf. Scattered on the feathered hat are black curls. "Fatty!" sprinting at full speed, Betsatonse shouted. "Oh, fat, you, you!" I recognized your voice - you didn't hide it enough! "


The other three children did not scream or run away. This woman looked too tall to be fat, but now she is tall. As Beth ran for joy, the gypsy retreated a little. 'respect! "Hey, are you calling Meili?" he said in a hoarse voice. "What are you talking about?"

Betting is stopped suddenly. He looked at the woman with her eyes half closed and looking back madly. The gypsy then pushed a horde of rotting Heather Beth in front of her and nearly pushed her away. "Happy white eater," he exclaimed. "Buy it, lady. I mean, I haven't sold spray since yesterday.

Your bet will be voided. He looks at the others. They were still sitting at Beth's sudden shock. She blushed and turned to the other three boys. The woman followed him, shaking her head menacingly. "If you don't want my skin, let me read your width." He said. "It is unfortunate to cross a gypsy," he said.

"Nonsense." Larry said. - Please leave.

"Why does he want to call me fat?" - said the angry woman...

bad bet "I don't want to be insulted by you like you, okay?"

Suddenly, the chef came out with a tray of lemonade for the kids. He immediately saw the gypsy. "Now you go," he exclaimed. "Recently, there have been a lot of gypsies coming through the opposite door."

"Buy horse spray." The woman complained again and splashed the chef's angry face. "Run and tell your father there's another gypsy." When the cook spoke, Betts ran away. So was the gypsy! It disappeared along the road at great speed, and the children saw the big feathered hat moving quickly over the fence. They laughed "My God," said Pip. This horrible old creature seems to think it's fat!

But of course his voice towards women is very hoarse. He brought Betts."

"And I paid for it." Daisy said. - Hi, here's another one!

- He's a butcher boy. said Pip as the boy on the bicycle whistled, a basket of meat spread before him. "Probably fat." Bets said, going back to work with a calmer expression. "You better look happy." He's a handsome butcher guy.

Everyone stood up and looked at the boy standing by the back door. He whistled loudly and called the cook. "I knew you were everywhere, Tomlane, there was a whistle in my head. Do you want some meat on the table?

The four boys looked at the boy's back. You can be bold with curly brown hair. She slid forward to check if her hair was right or not. Pip looked at his feet and they were like Fatty's? The boy turned and felt their eyes. He looked at them mercilessly. "Imagine you've never seen anyone like me." he said He twisted and posed like a model. - Look carefully. I'm a good copy of Butcher! saw?'

Others watched helplessly. It can be fat. It was her figure. However, the teeth were very similar to those of rabbits. Are they real or part of a disguise? Pip tried to take a step forward. The boy suddenly turned back, half terrified by the serious expression of the four boys. 'Here! Do you think there is something wrong with me? He looked down and said. "Is your hair real?" Beth realized it was loose and inappropriate and said suddenly.

The butcher's son did not answer. Surprised, she reached out and stroked her hair. Then, surprised by the seriousness of the others, he forgot the whistle and hurriedly set off on his bicycle. Four people took care of him. Larry said.

said Pip. "Even Dick pretending to be the butcher's son doesn't ride a bicycle with a piece of meat. It would be much cheaper to buy a sausage. They went to the pantry and looked at the meat on the table. Surprised to see them bent, the cook entered. "Don't say you're so mean." she said as she followed. "Now don't put your teeth on raw meat, Master Peep!"

Pip seemed to be biting into flesh. He crouched down carefully to make sure it was a real joint and not just one of the many "attributes" Fatty used in various appearances. But it was good meat. When the knock on the door was heard, everyone came out again. "Fatty!" Beth screamed and ran down the path to the front porch.