

They met at Larry's the next day and decided to cycle to Tiplington together. Emvas rides with Larry, who lends him an old bicycle. "Two hours." Maily said. "Well, do you want Ern to wash and wash her hair?"

Clean his nails and put a clean shirt on him when he's done. My orders.'

The order was executed incorrectly. Nothing Mai says can upset him. "It's a cat's whisker," he told Pip.

"may be." said Pip. "It's not too late, Ern." "I'm not." said M. "salary!"

It took Pipa a minute or two to figure out what "Snake" meant. Of course - "Long time no see!" Where did Ernle learn to mix these words? "snake!" what to say!

Em happily headed to Larry's the next day. He tried to stop Sidand Pers. "Well, you can't," he said. "Look at the hair, the face, the nails, the dress!" Shame! That way we can avoid partnerships."

"Well, this is the first time I've ever brushed my hair or cut my nails." Perth grumbled. He crossed to the other side and boarded a small ferry. Heten approached Larry. I was shocked to meet my brother on the way. Gun-san walked up to her and her face was redder than usual due to the hot sun. "Here! Little Eagle!" he started it "And where are you going, I want to know!" Are there any more fairy tales about a prince riding in a carriage with twins?

- No, uncle. no, he said. "I'm afraid I can't wait. You can't be late. "Where are you going?" Gun asked, placing a heavy hand on Ern's shoulder. - From Larry. said M. Sămănta. Goun looked at him intently. "You're all unkempt, the hair is messy and you're all out there," he said. "What happens?" "I'm not saying anything, brother." said poor Em. "We're all going to Tiplington Fair." That's all.

"What is this disease-adal?" Mr. Goon said in surprise. 'Why are you going there? "Is that fat boy holding something?"

"may be." M said as he shrugged his shoulders with a sudden movement. "He's smart, hey." He thinks he's Itellhim, right? Not like you! We are investigating hard. You know we're up to something!"

On the way to Heran, Gunn took a deep breath. Now did Emmen say what he said? That, Mr. What did Goon need to know about Tiplington? Why did the fat boy risk his fate there? Mr. Gun thought the matter over and went home. Suddenly he changed his mind. Will go to Tiplington too! They have to watch what the child is doing. You never know when he will sniff. Mr. Gun sat down on his bike, sighing. He didn't like cycling in hot weather. He was sure it wasn't good for him. But the staff in charge called and left. It started before the others waited, and before they left, they each got ice cream at the candy store in the village. Buster was sitting in Mei's bike basket as usual with a satisfied look on his face. He was happiest when he was with all the Find-Outers. And M was happy. He forgot his brother. He's proud to be with the Find-Outers and proud that they want him. It shone on her flat, plump face. "Slovenian," he said. "distance".

- What does street mean? Daisy asked to release him. "I mean, I'm glad." Betts said with a smile. "Swat Isaid". Ern said in surprise. — I said sweaty. The choir said in the light of all. They went on the road to Tipplington. About an hour later, they saw a familiar dark blue man pedaling a bicycle. "It's Gon!" said Pip in surprise. "He probably won't even go to Tiplington!" Don't tell me she goes to the baby show too! girl name! tell him i was

at the bar?"

it's red — Okay, Edid. He said. "Shouldn't I have?" I didn't think it was important?

"Of course, that shouldn't have happened." Meili said angrily. "Now we'll always shadow him. But she probably doesn't want to do the most important thing. Watch the twins on the baby show! If you want her to discover the twins, bring her the Eminto Baby Show, stake and Daisy . do."

"Wow." said Ann "Please let me out of the children's show!" I'm not sid I saw the children's show! »

"Well, you won't run away from her." Daisy said sadly. "If possible, I will take you to Emen. So don't you dare disappear." "Hard," said poor Em. Really pathetic.

- Sagonized. Mary said. - I can't stand the sun.

"Are you speaking abroad again?" - he asked with interest. "You're nothing." Mary said. "Now, anyway, Mr. He cried out loud. Bark, Buster, Bark. Every time: "Hello, how are you!" "

When the bell rang, he barked madly and everyone screamed loudly, six boys walked past him and Mr. Goon flinched, annoyed and uncomfortable. "Hello!"

Mr. Goon almost fell into a ditch. He scowled at the six speeding cyclists. It is almost sold out. But Tiplington is not far away now. He limped and walked. If he knew anything about Tiplington, he should have been there. He didn't know why the boy was mocking him. The fair was certainly not that kind of show. It was a small square. At the Inonevic Tent there were flower shows, fruit shows, a jam show and a children's show. There were typical shows like mini roundabouts, swings and balls. The seer sat in a small tent, read the hands of those in front, and told them great fortunes, sea voyages, and all the usual stories. The fair was supposed to be held for three days, but on that day only local flowers, fruits and babies were on display. "Fortunately, I received the message yesterday." Beth said on entry that she paid 6p to enter. Buster was sent free, but Fatty kept him on hold. "When does the children's show start?" Daisy was surprised. "There is an announcement in this tent. Some babies are coming too. God, that's beautiful, I'm sorry!"

Various carts were operated. The four children left, but Daisy and Betts watched them enter the tent. Daisy suddenly grabbed Beth's hand. "Look—double wagon—one more, twins!" he said - Where's Em? "We don't know if there are babies in the trailer."

Emhad is completely gone. He was seen riding an elephant on the ring road, blushing, sweating and panting, cycling towards the gate. I didn't like the look. So after the detour stopped, I slowly slid onto the elephant and made my way to the seer's tent. I hid behind him and looked at mr.

Goun's move. Em has nothing to do but help his brother. Daisy and Betts disappear into the tent just as the children's show begins. How annoying that Emto is disappearing! But it may come soon. "Four pairs or twins!" Beth said. "Oh, I mean - aren't these kids fat?" Apparently I don't like them very much. And they look so hot and pathetic. I'm sure these tents are too hot for them.

"Come here and look at the twins." Daisy said. "I mean, we don't need them because we know the twins' names, Marge and Bert!

"Yes." Betts recalled. "We can only ask for their names. It's simple."

The first set of completely different twins, one big and one small, were named Ron and Mike. Their proud mother informed the two girls. "It's not good." Beth whispered. "It's boys. We need girls and boys."

The next two girls, Edi and Glad, said their mother. The next pair were boys up to the chin. Alf and Reg. "Here's a girl and a boy," said Bets. - What is your name?

"The girl is Margery and the boy is Robert," her mother said proudly. "Are you older than your youth?"

Betsand Daisy thought they were too big, too fat and too hot. But their names were correct or almost correct!

"Marguerite and Robert!" BettoDaisy said softly. "Marge and Burt. where is m We must ask him to come and see them.

Excited, they left the tent and eventually ran back to Earth behind the Prophet's tent, where he was still hiding. They took him to the tent. "You should know I found the right kid!" The bat patted Daisy on the back and said! He called. "Why..." he began. Only then did he realize why! Gun was standing right at the entrance to the tent. He was primarily interested in what Bets had to say to Em!Oho. So they gave Emver something special. Goon thought. Go to the roof and mr. Next comes the gun. "Ah." Beth said. - Well, these are the babies at the end of the line. If they're what we're looking for, go easy on the Cloak Hook.

In the arms of many babies. Betts and Daisy watched worriedly. He nods or nods. But the most annoying is not even Herndid!