

"do not say that." Meili said angrily. "I'm positively pissed off. Shake the Ornod, that's all. "Did you see where the woman driving the cart is going?"

Sid shook his head slowly. "Do you know anything about him other than having twins and living in that trailer?" Fatty asked, trying to get something out of Sidathall. Sid's head shook again. "Manina's truck is here to load things from the trailer." said Firth suddenly. - What was the name of the truck? asked Fattiatonse. "Nobody," Perse said. "So you and Sidare will help." Fat Abomination said. "You know nothing—you don't even know his name!"

"Ogleby-oogleby," said Sid, suddenly excited. Everyone was looking at him. "What this means?" The party was amazing. "In other words, Sidhihukan." "Woogle-Bee-Woogle-Bee!" Sid blushed and said boldly. - Doesn't he follow foreigners? he said with his own smile. "Come on Sid, write it down. And watch your spelling!"

Sid took M's pencil and scribbled on a page in her notebook. Everyone turned to see what he had written. "MARGE and BERT," said Siddharth. — Marge and Burt. Larry said. "You mean margarine and butter?"

Everyone looked at Sid. He shook his head and took something in his hand and shook it from side to side. - What happens? Beth was curious. "Rock-a-by-baby - Sid, you're hot!" "Oh, I know - she's pretending to hold two babies - she must have named them twins!" Daisy exclaimed. Sid nodded with satisfaction. "Ah." He said. "Oh oh oh oh oh oh."

"I don't know if finding the twins' names will help," Fatty said with a very suspicious look. "But suppose it is." Thanks for the help Sid, exactly. Well, stop eating toffee. I'm honestly ashamed."

- What should we do now? asked Pip. "We're going to find out who rented this trailer and see if they can give us the name and address of the woman who took it." Mayly said, motioning to the empty trailer next to her. "Come on. We are going now."

- I can come? M asked seriously. But Maily said, "No, he doesn't ride a bike." He didn't want Ern, Sid and Purcell wandering around all morning. Walking in such a big company is very impressive. "good." M said sadly. "saliva".

The bet seemed happy. "Oh, Ern!" I forgot to say "I'm happy". Daring, don't you remember how he messed up all the words when we found out?

"Yes." Mayly said sitting on the bike. "Pants! Nice! Great!"

interesting morning

Now the full-scale investigation into the Find-Outers begins. They went to Malo, where the police are all campers. Mayly copied the message address into the field. "CARAVANSTOLET," he said. "I'M CARAVANSLTD.TIPHILL, MARLOW ON."

They found TipHill, a small path up the hill. In a semi-small field was a caravan with the words 'CARAVANS LTD. "Apply here to rent a caravan".

"You were here." Mayly said. "Who wants to do this part?"

"Oh, you fat bastard." The bets have said. "You always do this well. We will come and listen, he said.

"No, that's not going to happen," Mayly said. "I don't laugh much.

I was pushed from behind by Idothis, Idoitalon.' "Well, do it yourself." said Pip. Meili entered through a small door and entered the caravan door. knocked it down When it opened, there was a boy sitting there with a cigarette in his mouth. 'Hi!' he said 'What do you want?'

"I'm interested in having someone rent one of the RVs near the school camp," Mayly said. "Can you give me his name and address?" I will be very grateful. He left before I even asked what I wanted to know.

- I mean - this is not vela-di-da! said the boy. "Do you think I'll take the time to find out the names and addresses of your fellow campers?"

Greasy appearance from the side of the caravan. There he saw the masters' names in small letters. "Regg and Burt Williams". He suspected that the young people were just employees. "If you don't have time, I'll ask Mr. Reginald Williams." Patty said boldly. came back The young men almost fell on the steps of the caravan. 'Oh it's you! Why didn't you tell me you knew Mr. Reg? he cried "Press halfway and I'll give you the address."

big smile. Carrying those lazy monkeys around was fun! "charming. But hurry, said Mayly. the young people flocked Fat Mr. Reg thought he must be a very scary person to shake off anyone who mentions his name! - What kind of caravan is this? he asked. Of course he recognized the name Mayly. "It was called 'River-Visor,'" he said. "tiny."

For youngsters, there are finger counters. - Welcome, ma'am. The Storm, twenty two Harris Road, Maidenbridge. Not far from here. About two miles. "Thanks." Mary said as she wrote it down on a piece of paper. "Are you going on a date with Mr. Legg?" the boy asked worriedly as Maily turned and left. "Not." Mayly told the youngsters encouragingly. Others came from where they were waiting. "I understand!" He showed them his name and address and told them. Furtuna, twenty two Harris Road, Maidenbridge. It's about two miles from here. Come on, let's go, he said.

The five were a little excited and set off for Maidenbridge. It was the lady. Has the storm taken the prince? What will he tell them? They came to Maidenbridge and asked about Harris Road. It turned out to be a narrow, rather dirty street with terraced houses. They reached number twenty-two. It was dirtier than other streets. The windows have tattered curtains and the front door badly needs painting. "I'll take care of that myself." Fati said. "Go to the end of the street and wait for me. It seems strange that most of us are sitting at the door.

Others obeyed and set off. He parked his fat bike on the side of the road and crashed. The old woman behind the hair answered. He looked at Meili, who was waiting without saying a word. "Oh sorry." Meili said politely. "You're a woman?" the storm?"

"No. I'm not. You're in the wrong house. He doesn't live here," the woman said.

It was a shock. "So he's gone?" - asked Mely. "As far as I know, he's never lived here," the woman said. "I have lived here for sixteen years with my husband and grandmother. I don't know Mr. Storm. I'm not on the street and I'm not doing this.