

The cell door opened waking me up from sleep, how long was I asleep though. The bag containing the plastic plate and water laid beside me empty, the stench of this place has grown on me and little wonder if it will go away once I leave this place.

Was I sure of leaving this place though? I'm sure anyone doing this to me wants me to rot in here forever.

How was I going to defend myself and get Justice for my best friend?

The stunning looking officer from before beckoned on me to stand up and follow him.

Damn! He is so attractive, is that a crush I'm developing for him, did he find me attractive? He had that sexy pout anytime he looked at me.

Darn it, Ronnie, he doesn't find you attractive, you are a suspected murderer remember? I reassured myself.

"Uhm, where are we going to," I asked him as I stepped out of the cell.

"You have been granted bail" he responded in a stern voice.

"What! How is that possible?" I shrieked.

He turned abruptly and looked at me, he was so tall that he had to bend over to talk to me. Oh boy! He looked like he was angry, I could see it in his shiny fiery eyes.

"Oh please, don't act innocent, I know your type, mummy comes in and with one call, you are released"

"What does that even mean?" I asked

"Tell me you didn't murder your best friend you little wrench" he got closer to me until there was no space between us with my back pinned to the wall.

"Uh, officer... I looked at his name tag " Michael, I am not a murderer" I stuttered

"Is that all you have to say" he whispered

"Yes, that's all I have to say" I whispered back

The tension was killing me, he was too close to me and I could feel his chest rising with each breathe. A minute passed as we kept looking at each other.

"Your lawyer is here" he broke the silence, led me to the confined room I had been in with my mum and didn't say a word to me.

Mr Johnson our family lawyer looked suspiciously at both of us as if he had caught us doing something wrong.

Officer Michael walked out, slamming the door behind him.

"Hi, Mr Johnson" my voice was shaky

"Oh come on now Ronnie, it's just Johnson to you"

"I guess my mum told you everything, huh?" I asked

"Yes she did but I want to hear it from you," He said.

I narrated the incident to him and also told him about the two officers who tried to rape me.

Mr Johnson looked at me, all I saw was pity in his eyes, I didn't like to be pitied, I was a strong independent woman and I was going to clear my name.

"How is your head? " he asked

"It still hurts"

" You still haven't written a statement?"


"Is everything okay Ronnie?" Mr Johnson asked


"You don't sound like yourself, I know things look messy now but trust me, I will clear your name"

"Did I get released because of my father's influence?" I asked him

"Ronnie, don't be like that"

The things Officer Michael said kept ringing in my ears.

"What if I killed my best friend after I got hit, maybe the person who hit me drugged me too and then made me killed Hannah"

"You are spiralling, take a deep breath Ronnie"

Tears rolled out of my eyes, would I have been released if my Dad wasn't influential and wealthy, I felt hurt, deeply hurt, this is why I moved out of the house, I didn't want to be involved with my family, not that I have anything against influence but I wanted to make a name for myself, I didn't want people grovelling on my feet because of daddy.

I took a huge step the day I left, I was happy but all it took was a day and I was sucked back into my family's drama.

Mr Johnson handed me a tissue and then mumbled about getting an officer so I would write my statement before leaving.

To make things worse, it was officer Michael who brought the papers and pen. My crush turn nemesis.

I kept sniffing as I reluctantly got the paper and pen from him.

My hands were shaking as I wrote my statement of the report.

I could feel Michael's gaze on me, it felt painful, as if he hadn't done enough by accusing me and making me feel like shit, he just had to stand there and watch me like a hawk. Where did Mr Johnson go to anyway?

As if he read my mind, Michael said "don't look so pain-stricken, your dear lawyer will be with you shortly"

"Why are you so mean?" I asked him without looking at his face.

Before he could reply I threw another question at him

"Why are you so sure I Killed my best friend, you barely know me! Don't you think it is a little harsh for you to assume the worst about me?"

"You are still covered in blood ma'am, that is all I need to know"

I looked at him and shook my head then ignored his presence while I finished writing.

Mr Johnson walked in as soon as I was done, good timing. He took a glance at what I wrote, gave it to Officer Michael and then ushered me out.

I took one last look at Michael, silently praying I never get to see him again.

"You have been granted bail but investigations are still ongoing, you don't have to say anything to anyone, let me handle it okay?"

I nodded and kept walking.

"I and a detective will be heading to your Ex's place tomorrow, we need to find some answers"

Mr Johnson kept talking about the case, while we walked to the parking lot, I wasn't paying attention to the details.

My head was pounding, I needed an aspirin.

Everything came back to me, it hit me so hard, getting knocked out by someone, to waking up with a murder weapon while my best friend laid at one corner dead, to being locked up in jail and almost getting raped by two men to being saved by tough but kind Officer Tina and lastly to Officer Michael who wasn't such a great judge of character.

Michael, I can't wait to gloat at him when I get cleared, to prove to him that I wasn't some cold-hearted murderer.

"Everything alright Ronnie, you have been quiet"

"Yeah Mr Johnson, I'm fine"

" You sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"Why do you keep calling me Mr Johnson, it's just Johnson to you Ronnie"

"What if I killed her Johnson," I asked him

"What if" Johnson sighed

"I'll tell you this Ronnie, you didn't kill Hannah, you passed out for a couple of hours remember? Someone is trying to frame you and we will get to the bottom of this".

Johnson squeezed my hands reassuringly while keeping the other hand on the steering.

"Where are we going," I asked Him

"I thought you would never ask" he responded smiling, "I'm going to get you some food while I will take you home"

"Home? Which home?"

"Your parent's house, as per your mum's instructions"

I opened my mouth to argue but he didn't give me a chance.

"You can't go back home Ronnie, your place is in a mess and you can't stay in a hotel either, you need your family now, let them take care of you.

Johnson made a quick stop at a restaurant, got me food and then took me home.

The ride was the longest I have ever had, My mum called every ten minutes to ask where we were and she kept getting the same response, that we were on our way.

we had been stuck in traffic for over an hour now.

After a long drive, Johnson dropped me in front of my parent's huge mansion.

I was terrified as my hands pressed on the intercom, I wasn't ready to face my Dad and my siblings, I didn't want them to give me the I told you so look, I wasn't ready for the questions and interrogations, All I wanted at the moment was take a shower, an aspirin and then cry myself to sleep.

I doubt any of that was going to happen, immediately the gates opened and I stepped inside, I felt I was back in the very trap I had escaped from two years ago.