
Mist Forest

A painter who arrives in a faraway mansion loses himself in the mist, arriving in a place of no logic It will not be continued.

Perpetual_Palace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Aren't you moving around too much these days? Come on, sit down and have a drink."

Resting on a red leather couch, a man with gray hair leaned backward drinking a brownish drink.

"Sorry, I have to go soon. Otherwise, I won't get to the mansion in time."

His old friend was already aware, but even so, made the offer

"Good luck with your paintings then. When you come back make sure to bring some expensive gifts."

He stood up smiling with the drink in his hand, leading the guest to the door.

"Get there safe, Will."

"Sure thing. And don't get too drunk, Marc."

Afar from the house, William could see Marc waving his hands. William waved back, far less nervous about his job now.

William went to the train station where he took one of the seats after showing his ticket.

Leaving the bags beneath his seat, William watched the city pass by as the train gained momentum.

Outside the window, guards could be seen walking with swords at their waists.

A faint reflection on the glass of a man with black eyes and blond hair tied at the ends also could be seen.


"Ugh, that was tiring."

After traveling for a long time, William stretched his body upwards.

Already in the hotel room left by the family that contracted him, he took a luxurious letter that was lying on the table.

'Good afternoon, Mister William.

In the evening, at 19:00, you may come to the forest, where a servant will be waiting for you.

He does not talk but can hear you if you require something.

Sincerely, Oliver Ardens'

"I still have some hours until then."

The clock's hands marked 17:35.

Taking some paper and a pencil from his bags, he started to sketch the scenery outside the window, a small town filled with nature.


"Nice to meet you, Mr. Butler."

There was a man with whites in his hair wearing a suit in front of William, unfitting the rough scenery of bushes and trees.

Answering with a polite nod he turned and start to walk on the bumpy trail. As they went a fog that was on the ground began to rise and thicken.

"Is someone there? Hello?"

The servant vanished amid the mist. William was left alone, wandering in the woods without seeing his destination.

"Great, what should I do now? I need to get out before night and freeze to death in this forest."

So he continued to walk, always in the same direction. He didn't remember even the direction he came from anymore.

"Hm? …A house?"

Wandering in the humid and uneven forest, a house revealed itself.

"Hello! Anyone inside?"

William knocked on the door, but no response came back.

"Oh well, at least inside will be warmer."

The door wasn't locked. After entering and closing it behind him, he sat down in a chair.

"Phew… At least I didn't meet with an animal outside. But why someone would build a house here? Am I near a village, perhaps?"

The room was dark, with just a whitish light coming from the outside, still covered by a thick fog.

He lit the candle that was on the table, brightening the surroundings.

The floor was made out of wood, like the chair and table. Surprisingly, all was clean.

It seemed to be a small library. On each wall, there were filled bookcases. The smell of old paper densely hovered in the air.

William now could see some books on the other side of the table he was sitting, near the candle.

"[The biology of speaking wolves], [Improper Burials], [The possession of wandering memories]"

"...What are these books ?"

The moment William was going to read one, he heard some noise in a nearby room.

A person? Walking to the next door he entered with haste.

"Sorry for intruding here. I was lost so I entered the house..."

"Hmm? What?"

Lying down on a bed, there was a young girl with long black hair.

She was wearing a simple dark navy dress and black thighs. Strangely enough, there was a dark flower growing in her hair.

"Wait a moment in the library. Close the door please."

The girl, with a faint blush on her white face, stood up from the bed leaving the book there.

No longer paying attention to the visitor, she started to seek something in her room.

Looking around William could see that he had intruded into her room. He went back to the table, closing the door with a soft click.

After a while, she came, and sat down on the opposite chair, near the books he had seen before.

"So you were lost in the woods? Why? How did you arrive here?"

As she made more and more questions, her fingers tapped the table.

William started to tell his story without leaving any details out. While talking, he noticed that she didn't show many expressions.

"So you are a painter, William? I don't think there is a mansion or a small town near here. At least not from what I know."

"Is that so?"

He shouldn't have wandered too far from the town, since he only walked for some hours. Seeing his lost gaze, the girl stood up and brought some towels.

"But you won't be able to go anywhere in this fog. Here! Go take a bath, and rest."

Pushing his back, she guided him to the bathroom.

"…Thank you, Alicia."

Looking around, only she appeared to live here, all alone. Despite her blunt expressions, there was only innocence in her words.


After that William stayed in the library chatting with Alicia.

During these days, he witnessed Alicia controlling vines to get far away things.

She also stopped reading, but when questioned about it, she stayed silent.

"So, you also went to a beach to paint one day? Do you have a drawing of it?"

After staying some days together, he could read her unmoving face. Alicia was talking monotone way, but William could see she was excited.

"Yeah, I still have it with me. Here, have a look."

Giving her his sketchbook, she had a faint smile while looking at the drawing. For a while, she just looked at it.

"Wow, it's really pretty... Thank you for letting me see it. Can I look at the other drawings Will? "

When he nodded in response, she switched her sitting position on the couch and laid across it, even above William who was sitting beside her.

He let a chuckle at her cute appearance, but Alicia didn't seem to mind. Every time she changed pages, her eyes shined like a child.

Taking a single paper sheet, he began to draw the scene.


Both of them had already taken a bath and were throwing some chit-chat before going to sleep.

"So you don't feel any hunger?"

"No, not anymore anyways. And I don't go outside either... Sorry, that I can't help you, William."

Despite all peculiarities, he never probed too deep into her past. Alicia didn't seem to want to talk about it either.

"Pfttt, there is no problem. After all, aren't I doing well thanks to you ?"

He roughly messed her hair, which still was a little wet from her bath.

"Hey, you have to properly dry your hair. Come here."

Taking another towel, he started to dry it with care.


It was very quiet, but i small laugh escaped her lips. William didn't hear, but he could see her tilting her head from side to side.

Hope you enjoy the story!

Perpetual_Palacecreators' thoughts