
Mission Complete: Respect Achieved

Max, a lustful corporate slave died. He reincarnated into a fantasy world as one of the children of a Duke. He doesn't have any goal yet, he just wants to fuck. That's it. ----- Be warned: This is a Sexual Fantasy only, logic is not working and the MC is dumb only thinking of his dick. ----- I don't want someone saying later on that there is no logic on his action or something like that, he was a psychopathic anyway, why do you care, the plot is only to make it more fun to read so chill. This is just for fun! Another note: I'm not a native english speaker so yeah there will be a lot of grammatical errors. ----- I do not own the cover photo or the original story, this is a rewritten 'Sexual Fantasy' here in Webnovel, you can visit it if you want the original. ----- I'm continuing the story now, If the the original author wants me to take it down, just say or comment in any chap NP since your not replying to me.

CherryPoPsicle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Duke Maxwell?

Maxwell relaxed atop the crudely built wooden car, or so he wishes he could say. The truth is that it was very uncomfortable to travel on roads that is not smooth enough. Besides, the carriage is in poor condition, his back felt as if he had carried a great weight on it for a long time. It hurts so much that it makes him stay awake at night,

"Martha" Maxwell yelled.

"Sir?" the woman at the reins of the carriage answered.

"Remind me again of how long before we get there?"

"If my calculations were right, then we're one day away before we arrive sir" Martha replied calmly as she was asked this question for how many times.

"Okay" Maxwell sighed. He placed his hands behind his neck and began to watch the sky. "Just one more day"

4 months had passed since the battle that day happened. After searching for a place to stay in the woods to regain some of his strength, Maxwell went to Freta City where he sought a doctor who can fix his bones and heal his wounds.

On the same day, he found a healer and was actually healed with some magic, leaving him without any scars. It's just there's the phantom pain that sometimes hunts him and the psychological trauma he got. Since he did not want to be found, he did not reveal his identity and just paid with what he earned from his small merchant company in which he was currently operating.

It was not difficult to convince them to follow him on the journey crossing half the continent even if it was perilous because he actually pressured them.

Well, he did not actually show his powers but told them what he knew. He told them that there was no more lord that will keep the city safe and reasoned that the duke and his family are dead so the place will become a war zone soon. Furthermore, he explained that the King will soon die and almost all the nobles will surely fight for a higher position making the whole of Ashelan a terrifying place to live in.

Maxwell knew about the situation of Ashelan, he just doesn't care. He never really had to care since Rodmania is situated in the northernmost part of the kingdom, a place where the war would never come, but his new companions don't have to know that. Also, the king was not dead yet, and as far as he knew, he could live for another 4 or 5 years.

Maxwell had manipulated them into following him on his journey because he basically needs a guide and someone who can protect him at night. Well, he's doing them a favor by bringing them further from the 'war',

The decision to depart from Rodmania and Ashelan was not made on the spot or in haste at all. At first, his idea was to stay and become the new duke of Rodmania, since there were no more descendants that can inherit other than him... because they are dead.

After thinking for a while though, he realized that he will only rule a barren land in the cold north with a destroyed castle, no soldiers, and no money.

He can ask for enlistment conscription of men in his lands to form his banner but they would most likely betray him because of his age, plus, it takes time to train an army, a makeshift army. The war that might happen anytime soon also adds to dissuading Maxwell from staying.

He and his trading caravan bought all the grains they could from the most prosperous city of Apron and on their way, sold them to a party who needs them at a high price. All this strategy will never work if there's no war in the making. Food will surely rise in price in times of crisis and there were a lot of great lords wanting to buy and stock for their army.

He never believed that traveling across the continent was so difficult and complicated though. On their journey, they were constantly attacked by bandits and armies of some lords. Since he does not want to be constantly disturbed, he sampled them of the full might of his RAGNAROK. Now, the lords and their army who saw them will always flee in panic and terror.

Four months later, he was now close to his destination. The most fertile land and the center of the continent, the Lester Empire. He was just one day away before reaching its Brenor City.

In these four months, he and his caravan had earned a nickname.


The caravan on the other hand was called 'THE LIGHTNING CARAVAN'

As a preemptive measure and to take advantage of his growing fame, Maxwell had a large lightning bolt painted on the front of the carriages. From that day on, the attacks on his caravan became almost non-existent in which they were able to travel with peace of mind.

On his long journey, Maxwell had managed to understand many things that had previously been confusing to him. For example, the continent, it was simply called that, because it was the only known existence of a land mass in this world, so they didn't bother naming the massive land mass. On the other hand, he was researching all the cities and kingdoms about the existence of the island in the sky, but they only received ridicule when he starts asking the inhabitants of the regions he traveled. Apparently, since the beginning of time of this continent, there was a lot of legends about the floating island where gods watch the mortals. There were many reports of sightings but they were always taken as delusions of a madman because multiple investigations have been carried out on the matter by great kingdoms without a single result so far.

The night came so fast Maxwell didn't even notice it, he gathered a few blocks of wood and with a little bit of his magic he lit it up but he almost turned it into complete charcoal. His control over his magic was never been good before and now that he had increased it so precipitously it was even less so. His control was so bad took him a full 5 years to create his God's speed ability.

Creating a skill of that caliber was not easy at all. First, he had to send a very small amount of magic to his brain and control it very carefully to stimulate his thought processes in such a way that only enhancement would remain because if he becomes distracted, he might make his body limp. Another point is that there is a risk of damaging his brain or maybe even erasing his memories but thankfully he discovers that his immunity also affects his inner organs, it just consumes a lot of his mana. After that, he had to stimulate the muscles of his body to burst with immense force that allowed him to move at a great speed, but this very process also damages his body as the stored energy makes his muscles spasm and go limp.

Come to think of it, Maxwell was very good at only taking 5 years to master the ability.

Now what he had to do was to strengthen his body so that it could further accommodate more energy giving him greater speed and power.

Maxwell looked at his status panel.

[Maxwell Magnar]


Strength: 17

Agility: 18

Resistance: 18

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 12

Mana: 2489

Magical P: 50


Sexual points:17

Element Affinity: Lightning


In order to heal fast without hidden injuries, Maxwell invested all the points he collected along the way into vitality. Each point after 20 cost him 100 sex points and he had 30 if he wanted to increase it by even one point he needed 1000 points, an astronomical figure for him. Something he inevitably discovered during his travels was that having sex with a simple commoner turn him far fewer than sleeping with a noble woman.

Maybe his system was racist or maybe because of magic that runs through each noble bloodline. Maxwell wasn't sure yet if it was the reason. So, during his travel, he wasn't able to profit as he first thought would happen.

Another thing to keep in mind in this world was that there were also sexually transmitted diseases and since this was a different world he doesn't know if it can be cured or if it was a more dangerous disease. That's why he couldn't sleep with just any woman he found along the way.

Maxwell sighed and look west.

Empire Lester huh….

The place where the greatest nobles and knights of the continent met. The center of commerce and politics.

I'm looking forward to it.