

3 days later...

"mom" i went out to my room and went to my mom's office at house.

"yes love?" she asked and smiled. I went closer to her and sat in front of her.

"mom i want to travel alone and make vlog" i told her, i really want to do that.

"but, can you hadle yourself alone, darling?" she asked me with her worried eyes.

"mom, i can" i assured her. "for the past 3 days? I've been deciding if i will travel alone and yes mom, i decided that i will do it" i smile at her.

"Oh my baby" she held my hand "where are you going then?" she smiled again.

"maldives, mom. 3 days in maldives i guess!" i told her.

"well, can i pay your bills and plane tickets?" she offered.

"m-mom, i can pay it" i smiled.

"mariko, let me please? I want to." oh gosh my mom is not gonna stop me until she get what she wants.

"fine, i'll leave tomorrow at 2pm if ever mom" i stood up and ready to leave the office of my mother.

"okay darling! Love you!!" she smiled and hugged me. I went downstairs to look for a water to drink because i am thirsty.

"oh" i looked so happy when i saw a juice on the ref so i decided to drink that apple juice. I sat on our breakfast table and wanting some food to eat.

"nani, please cook me my favorite waffle" i did the beautiful eyes so that she will cook for me.

"of course! You really want my waffles huh hahaha" she laughed.

"yes nani!!! You know, since i was a child ypu were the one who's cooking it so i really love it '' i giggled.

" okay, wait for your waffles then" she smiled and went to the kitchen. I opened my instagram app to check my account then i saw a messages, as usual. I looked for it and read it.

A girl said, " hi ms. Mariko, you're truly pretty and kind. I heard you donated a charity on the orphanage that my sister is working there"

Yes, i did that. I donated a charity for the childrens when i was so sad and depressed. I found it nice because i can help those kids and at the same time, i felt happy. REALLY REALLY HAPPY because of the kids i met and other staff.

Mariko Herrera : oh, thank you for that.

I replied and after a minute, i saw that she story my reply to her that i noticed her. She was so happy as i watched her reaction when i replied her, i didn't know that she was waiting for my reply. That's why i wanted to reply as long as i can to the people that are good to me.

"you look happy" nani smiled at me genuinely.

"yes nani, i have so many fans. I did not expect this" i smiled back.

"you deserve it, mariko. And you also deserve my waffles! Enjoy" she went out because she had laundries to finish.

"thanks nani! You are the best!" i shouted.

"you too!" she shouted too and then she went out already.

I continued scrolling my mesages until i saw a message since last month.

Harris Guzman : hey, I'm sorry

Harris Guzman : i didn't mean to not answer your call that night

Harris Guzman : i.. I was busy

Busy???? Busy on what? Sex? Lol fuck him!

Harris Guzman : i didn't know that it was an emergency, mariko

Harris Guzman : I am really really sorry for that.

Harris Guzman : i heard about what happened, mom told me when i went home.

And then i saw again a message, one day after those messages he sent.

Harris Guzman : hey, please reply.

after that, i saw again another date

Harris Guzman : please reply mariko, im getting nervous.

And then, i saw again another date.

Harris Guzman : im worried. Please reply

It's just like that, repeatedly senting a message when i am not online. Last month was a disaster. My mom and dad just separated right after we knew what dad did to us. My mom rushed the annulment because she was hurt.

I decided to reply on harris's message.

Mariko Herrera : it is okay.

After that, i went upstairs and took a bath. I am planning to go to the mall and find something to wear on my travel alone.

I spent one hour to get ready lol. I went to mom's office in our house.

"hi mom, I'm going shopping some clothes to wear on my vacation!" i told her happily and jolly.

"okay darling, take care!" mom told me that. So i went to my car and drove fast so that i can buy all i want on the mall.

When i got inside the mall, many people are staring at me. They looked amaze! I was just wearing a short and an oversized shirt and now oh gosh

" hi miss mariko!" the lady guard greeted me.

"hello ma'am , can i go now?" i smiled

"of course miss, enjoy shopping!" she smiled at me genuinely.

I went first on the designer's bag. I think about buying a bag.

"hello miss mariko, how are you?" the manager faced me.

"hello sir, can i have a handy bag with my designer's design please?" as i told him that, he held me immediately give what i want.

"here maam" he held me the bag.

"exactly! I want this and i'll buy it" i smiled. Last year when i last bought a bag for myself so i guess it is time for me to get my reward again after a tiring month.

I paid like 67,000 or something. I had my savings so it is okay for me to spend it since its for myself and i can pay it immediately if i have earnings on my YouTube account.

I went to other stores again and find something to where like bikinis, dresses, sunblocks, sunglasses and anything that i need for my vacation. I was also planning to buy a camera and some equipment for my YouTube videos.

To be continued...