
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Emily opened her eyes to find a dark figure standing beside her bed. The figure stared out the window at the night skip. Her head was foggy but otherwise she felt quite fine. She remembered having the most unusual dream…

She sat up slowly and swung her feet over the bed before the shadow turned to look at her. He just stared silently. The moon light coming through the window lit up his face just enough that Emily could make out the figure. Her heart skipped as the dream flashed so vividly back through her mind.

"How much do you remember?" Adam asked. His tone soft but it still came off almost threatening.

"Remember?" Emily asked. "I don't even remember coming to bed, much less what you're doing in my room… your highness."

"Hm." He said.

"What am I supposed to remember?"

Adam looked at her a moment longer as if trying to solve her like some sort of puzzle. "Last night. You weren't feeling well."

Emily thought had. "Wait…" She jumped up from her bed as she realized her dream was anything but. She backed away, putting distance between herself and Adam. "What did you do to me?" Her heart pounded violently in her chest.

Adam sighed deeply. He took a step closer to her, further into the moonlight. "It was never my intention to hurt you. I had to be sure before I could tell you. He now sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from Emily.

"What happened Adam?" Emily asked. She had her back pressed against the furthest wall.

"The night you arrived here; you were found in what we call the forbidden forest. My brothers and I were there as we normally were that time of night. I saw you first…" He stopped. His tone had taken on a sadness that retched Emily's heart. She took one small step forward.

"What happened?" She asked again, but this time more gently.

"I attacked you." He said simply. "I'm not what you think I am. I've transferred my burden onto you." He turned to face her. His eyes gleamed. "My brothers and I… We are not human."

Emily's breath caught in her throat. Not humans? How? "Th-then, what are you?"

It seemed Adam was also having trouble getting words out as his expression twisted in misery. "Lycanthrope." He eventually said in not much more than a whisper.

"Like a werewolf?" Emily blurted out without thinking. She didn't doubt those creatures to exist in this world. However, she most definitely didn't expect Adam would be one.

He shook his head. "Not exactly. Werewolf's and Lycan's are similar but different."

"What's the difference?" Emily asked. She wasn't necessarily thinking. This had been the furthest ting she ever expected the king to say.

"Werewolves are more savage than we are, they lose connection with their human form when they change. They also can't control when they shift. We have slightly more control. Lycans are one with our beasts. Typically, we can communicate with our wolves, we can be rational…"

"If your so rational, why did you attack me?"

"I…I couldn't help myself…" He said softly.

"What are you talking about? You could have killed me!" She yelled. She immediately felt bad for doing so. Adam was trying to explain himself… It just felt the explanation wasn't good enough.

"You… smelt…like any being I had ever smelt before. I just lost control and had to have a taste." He lowered his head into his hands. "Believe me, princess I know how it sounds." He sighed. "I'm afraid I've done worse than kill you."

It clicked, just like that the switch in her brain flipped. "Wait, you don't mean that I'm… one of you?" Her heart skipped at the thought.

Adam just nodded slightly.

Emily slid down the wall she stood against. She sat on the floor with a blank expression as she considered what this meant.

"I-I wish there were some way I could take it back." Adam spoke so softly his voice was but a whisper. It seemed Emily's hearing had improved drastically. She wondered if it had anything to do with, he knew identity. Did this make her a monster? Would she some day attack an innocent person?

"That's why you've let me stay here isn't it?" Emily's expression hadn't changed, and her voice carried the shock she felt.

"Yes." He said shortly.

Emily looked at the man before her for a moment. He did look quite troubled. His hair was more disheveled than normal, he had bags under his dull golden eyes.

"I think you should go. I need to be alone." The words were weak as they left her throat, but they left none the less. Adam left through the garden door. Emily couldn't bring herself to get up from her position on the floor. She felt as if the little stability she had gained had been shredded before her eyes. What would her brother think? What did this mean for her, truly? It seemed to be a closely guarded secret in this family. Would she ever be able to leave? It's not as if she had somewhere else, she could go. Especially now. Emily stared at the floor in front of her trying to comprehend everything. She began to wonder if she were really any better off here, in another home with a man who nearly killed her.