
Misplaced Princess

Emily's 18th birthday would be the day her world would be turned upside down, threw into a new life in a seemingly familiar world how will she cope? With more questions than answers will Emily be able to piece anything together? Emily is not alone in her journey but will the secrets be more than she can bear? A story of supernatural forces, royalty. loyalty. love. and betrayal.

LillianRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Four

The sun had just barely peeked above the mountains when Emily woke up. She left the castle while everyone seemed to still be fast asleep. It was a brisk morning, but Emily enjoyed the cold breeze that tickled her cheeks. It wasn't until she was outside that she had noticed just how enormous the castle was. It was literally a castle, stacked tall with grey bricks and little pointed roofs. Flags bearing the royal families crest waved from the peaks. A snarling wolf on a red background. What else would suit the Ululate brothers?

Emily tightened the cape she had worn around herself and trotted off. In the courtyard of the castle a few people could be found scurrying about, but it wasn't until she made it through the gate that she saw the real activities. Shops a plenty, families laughing through the streets, people of all ages enjoying life. It seemed to Emily people had never seemed so joyful. If this world was her minds making, then she guessed it only made sense that most people seemed happy. It wouldn't be much of a get away if everyone had been upset.

Emily proceeded through the town taking in the sights. She would have loved to buy some things, but she had no money. In her previous life she hadn't left with any and Emily was more than sure the currency of her past life would have no bearing here anyway. Emily headed for the edge of the town in search of a bulletin board. How else would you start a quest?

Emily wasn't surprised to find several postings. She stifled a giggle at the predictableness. To be living in the very place she had held so dear. She plucked a single request from the board.

'Help Wanted! Monster in the Woods!'

The note read. 'Please see Marv in the bar for more details.' It continued.

So, to the bar she went. She had passed it on her way to the edge of town but still she couldn't help but think a map may have been helpful for this large city. She had to ask directions a couple times but eventually she found her way to a large nearly empty building. A lone bar tended stood wiping the bar in a circular motion.

Emily cleared her throat as she approached the man. She put on a sweet smile. "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for someone named Marv?"

The man looked at Emily and just stared for a moment. "You're looking at him. What can I help you with?" His sight went back to the counter and the invisible stain he seemed to be trying to vanquish.

"Well, actually, I saw your sign on the billboard and I wondered what you could tell me about this monster." Emily said.

This statement seemed to grab the man's attention. "What do you plan to do with it? Hug it to death?"

"Excuse me? I am a very capable fighter." Emily glared at the man and crossed her arms in a pout.

"Oh? Where are your weapons then?"

"Well I just didn't bring them with me, that's all." Damn it. She hadn't thought about what she would use to kill a monster. Surely, she could sneak something from the castle. She was sure it had to be filled with weapons. Besides, she could put it back once she was done.


"Look, do you want this monster of yours vanquished or not?"

The man shrugged. "I guess it's your funeral. No payment until you bring me the damn things head."

"Deal." Emily smiled.

Some time later Emily was headed into the forest, alone.

Herself confidence had begun to waiver as she made her way into the damp, dark tree line. Marv had given her a small sword so she could leave while there was still plenty of daylight. Though the dense trees seemed to block most of the available sunlight anyway. Regardless, she persisted. She was going to see just how much her new life was like The Knight's Table. She had ventured into the forest in the comfort of her old office chair many times. What was so different about being here in person instead?

Emily made it to a small clearing. She had intended to walk straight through it but the branch that cracked under her foot seemed to stir something. She froze, looking around frantically. Just as she had regained her composure and dared to step forward something in the corner of her vision moved. She whipped her head in the direction but saw nothing. She continued forward cautiously, her hand on the hilt of her blade.

This time the movement to her side wasn't so discreet. She whirled around pulling her sword from her belt. She almost dropped the sword when she saw this monster.

"What the…?" She muttered, pointing the blade at the beast. Except it wasn't exactly a beast. It looked like a tree. Only it was moving towards her, using its roots as feet. It had an almost humanoid figure, it had legs and arms made of branches. Its head was the same width as its shoulders, and it had a big bush on top of its head. It reminded Emily of hair. The creatures menacing green eyes stared down at Emily. It had to be at least 10 feet tall. It was in that moment that Emily felt brutally unprepared.

She didn't swing her sword and the monster didn't swing either. Instead it spoke.

"Leave my forest now human. This is your only warning." Its voice was deep and slow.

Emily didn't waiver. "You are causing problems for the local villagers. You are destroying their lands and spreading illness. If you can agree to stop, I can agree to leave." Emily's knees shook but she refused to back down. People were suffering. Even if she died here at least she will have tried. It's more than she could say for her previous life.

The creature laughed a loud hearty laugh. "These villagers as you call them deserve every ounce of suffering, they receive. They have killed my people and polluted my land. It's never enough they always come for more." As he spoke the creatures voice became louder and harsher.

"Are you saying an agreement cannot be reached? You are killing innocent people, children even. I cannot allow that to continue."

No more words were exchanged. It seemed the tree person had reached the end of his patience. He swung a slow but heavy hand toward Emily. Just barely missing as she jumped backward out of the way. She cursed inwardly.

She swung her sword with all her might, also missing. However, her untrained movement also caused her to fall off balance. Swords were heavy and Emily wasn't more than skin and bones. The creature grabbed Emily by her neck with his large tree hand and squeezed.

"You stupid ungrateful humans. All of you. You don't deserve the grass beneath your feet!" the creature yelled and threw Emily with a large thud against a tree on the other side of the clearing. Emily's vision had grown fuzzy, but she watched as the monster neared her. As the creature was nearly on top of her Emily laughed to herself.

"Guess its not so different from my old life after all." And she laid her head back awaiting her inevitable punishment.

Except it never came. Instead a man had jumped into the scene, cutting the tree in two with one swipe. Emily was floating in and out of consciousness.

The man checked Emily's pulse and gently swept her into his arms. She could feel the man's warmth and snuggled in closer to him. The man's scent filled her nose, cinnamon and maple. The last thing she heard was the man sigh, clutching her tightly against his firm chest.

What do you all think? :) This chapter was fun to write. See you tomorrow!

LillianRosecreators' thoughts