
Chapter I

You had a strong hatred for your mother Queen Eleonora. She's the queen of the shapeshifters and is very vain about her power and strength. She started the Demon vs. Shape-shifter war during her first decade in reign and won successfully. Making it one of the most well-known wars in history. Shape-shifters such as yourself feed off of the power and soul of others and are meant to be selfish and cruel misfits. But you're different.

Instead of feeding off of others' soul and power, you often leave yourself starving. It just seems wrong to be that selfish and cruel to other people, which would obviously end up killing them.

"Xenophilius!" You hear your mother calling impatiently. You rush down the stairs quickly and stand in front of your mother, who was sitting on her throne. She hastily threw a piece of paper at your face.

"It's Xeno, mother." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Whatever, I got a letter by a crow saying that you're going to this school alongside other oddballs. Demons, Angels, Mages, and other misfits can go too, this gives us more souls to feed off of!" She said, laughing deviously.

You chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, amazing!"

"The more power you steal, the better at shape-shifting you'll get, and the more powerful you'll become! Also, "

She said, handing you a notepad and pen. "I want you to go around and spy on those students and report it at the end of each semester, so we can find out those puny demons and creatures their weaknesses. Can you do that for me?"

You gave a tiny nod.

"Good." She said, patting your head and rubbing her hands together maliciously.

You walk back to your room, glanced at the letter, and read the words, "Misfits High". This is it. You'll be attending this school and will finally be able to escape the clutches of your mother's hands.