
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

This is Horrible

"Come on you jackasses!"

A pale young man screams in agony at his computer, for any longtime warframe player the pain he is experiencing is all too familiar, he has been in an arbitration for 45 rounds and was reveling in all the vitus essence he had obtained when the mastery 8 on his team thought it would be hilarious to run out of their hidey hole with the defense target and get him instantly killed....

The defeat screen makes him cringe in agony, he falls out of his chair in anger and just so happens to fall at the exact angle to break his neck perfectly.

"How pitiful."

A loud voice sounds out.

An ethereal hand grasps his corpse and pulls it upwards. The boys eyes pop back open and he looks around wildly, wondering how he is floating.

"State your name and age."

all the boy can weakly reply is.



The booming voice grows in anger at the length at wich this process is taking.


The hand drops him but it is not over as he falls through the floor and into a dark abyss.

He lands on a hard surface, he cannot lift his head to look up, a feeling glues it to the ground.

"Wow, 0 karma. Not a single bad or good deed done in your pathetic life, all you did was play games all day, pathetic creature. You get a decent reincarnation, no super hell for you."

Sebastian closes his eyes for the last time and he cant help but feel some slight excitement well inside him, he is getting isekaid! Where will he end up? In Danmachi with epic waifus and badass heroes? In naruto with dank ninjas? Or even dbz with universe breaking beings?

He wakes up and opens his eyes, a distinct clanking can be heard from both his right and left, he looks around and sees figures slamming pickaxes into rocks tirelessly.

A deep sense of impending doom wells in his heart, and his stomach drops when he hears a whip crack and a scream.

A gruff voice yells out

"Get to work slaves, if you want some delicious calorie paste you better work you damn worms!"

Sebastians eyes go wide for a second.

He quickly stands up and looks around, he sees many ugly scarred figures in white clothing which is dirty and ragged to the point of no return, he looks down to see his own frail and scarred body.

But what scares him the most is the lacking feeling in the left side of his body, he notices that he is missing half of his left arm. A slight freakout ensues until a warden whips him multiple times bringing him back to a mostly normal state. After taking a massive hit of copium his salvation arrives.

[Status displaying]

Race: Grineer[100%]

Level: 0

Status points Available: 0


Vitality: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Intellect: .3

Mastery Rank: 0


Strength Quote.


What the fuck.

All his stats are garbage and he cant believe his intelligence is below one he didnt think he was that dumb. And why was Vay Hek shitting on him in his status page?

What is the average stat points anyway, he questions.




[Answer: Average grineer stats are 12 in all stats and 2 in intelligence]



12, are you kidding me, im practically gollum with these damn stats?!?

Why is my intelligence 3 I GOT A D- IN MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH SO WHAT!

Sebastian lets out a deep sigh and takes notes of his surroundings. He seems to be in a rubedo mine. A small pickaxe and wooden crate lie infront of him. He understands he has no other choice.

He lifts the pickaxe weakly, barely holding it.

He strikes down an a rubedo⁰ deposit, upon impact the pick bounces off and flies out of his hands, clanking next to his feet.

Some nearby slaves laugh at him.

"Useless, haha. Cant even lift 20 pound baby pickaxe.'

Sebastian growls and picks up the axe and drags it forward with determination. He raises it with his arm and strikes down, a tiny chunk of rubedo falls off. He collects it and puts it inside the crate. He observes the others and sees that they have 2 or 3 crates plum fool of rubedo.

Sebastians eyes go bloodshot with hopelessness. He continues grinding on, he has gathered 100 hundred pebbles of rubedo. His crate is 1/3 full. The light diminishes in the cave and all the other slaves pick up their crates and begin following the wardens in a line to the outside.

They gather around a long complex and a slot like window is cut into the front, a grineer stands there with a paper and a pen. Sebastian notices the vasto¹ wrapped onto his chest and gulps.

"The foreman pay me good today."

A buff grineer infront of Sebastian makes small talk with a few other no name side characters.

Finally after 3 hours of waiting its his turn.

"Raxx, 317, forward. Present mineral."

Sebastian places the box onto the conveyer belt and it shoots through a hole, he notices the contents poured out and being scanned as they pass into the main facility.

"huh, 100 Fine rocks of rubedo. Is this a joke?"

Sebastian gulps and looks up.

"No, foreman sir."

The foreman notices his brothers missing arm and sighs.

"Fine. 100 credits have been removed from your 100,000 credit³ debt."

"100,000, jesus christ."

Sebastian can't help but think to himself.

"Raxx, next time dont take a loan out for a custom Karak⁴"

The foreman replies to Sebastians exasperated look. He retrieves his box and walks off. If this bodies memory serves him right then he literally just sleeps outside on the ground anywhere.

As he lays on the cold dirt he stares at his status page longingly.


[Strength 1 ----> 1.3]


[System has been updated!]


*stops sobbing*

[Scenarios tab has been added.]

Sebastian taps open the tab and a tab appears before him.


[Dimension trials]

He first taps onto trials.

[Easy trials: ]





What the fuck is THE GOBLIN?

Is it just a goblin?

Sebastian shrugs and clicks on the dimensions tab instead.

[Available dimension scenarios]

[DARK SOULS 3. Difficulty: OMEGALOL]

[SESAME STREET. Difficulty: Heh]


"WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE CHOICES!?!?" Sebastian cant help but scream out in his mind, in pure agony.

Out of curiosity and spite he clicks onto Dark Souls 3.

[Difficulties loading]

[Easy: Play as Nameless king

Reward: No. ]

[Medium: Play as Gundyr!

Reward: Uncommon skill. ]

[Hard: Play as unkindled ash!

Reward: Rare skill. ]

[NO: Play as yourself!

Reward: YOU WILL DIE! ]

Sebastian cringes at his choices. He closes the tab and swipes back to THE GOBLIN.

He clicks on it warily.

[Play Trial: THE GOBLIN ?

Reward: 1x common item

1x common skill. ]

He hesitantly presses play.

He blinks and when he opens his eyes he sees a dark tiles floor and small torches lining the huge arena, the moon shines down on a stool.

A little green humanoid sits and stares at him, the gross goblin is naked and clutches a rusty dagger, it stands up and before Sebastians eyes a boss health bar appears.


The goblin smirks and the boss theme for Vordt of the Boreal valley begins playing loudly.


The el goblino charges recklessly.


This is the dictionary, any game related words that the unitiated might not know will be here.

Rubedo: Common crafting material in warframe, guns, blades, and explosives need this metal substance to be manufactured.

Vasto: Common reproduction Orokin age revolver, not even close to its golden age counterpart. Chambered in .357 Grineer

Credits: Its money ya ding dong.

Karak: Most common grineer infantry automatic rifle, chambered in 7.62x45 Queens load.


I came up with this idea over night so dont expect anything from this, my bleach FF is my main kush brudda.

not dropping Rage, just planning out the next arc, this is just for writers block. Dont expect any consistancy on this one.

SoupHarbingercreators' thoughts