
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Videojogos
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86 Chs

TG: 9 : Korea/Mandatory beach episode

Damn this coffee is fucking good.

It has been 3 days since I have become a 1st class investigator, they are still working on finding a junior for me to teach wich I am not looking forward too.

Having to tote around a teenager? Sounds like shit.

I gulp the rest of the coffee down and slide the cup to the edge of the table.

That was a nice breakfast..



Touka pulls out her phone and squints her eyes at the caller.

"Um.. Hello?"

She pauses for a moment and glances at me.

"Uh.. Sure?"

She puts the phone down from her ear and approaches me.

"Its for you."

"What? Why would I get a call?"

I quesiton, taking the phone and putting it up to my ear.


I pull the phone back as an obnoxious scream assaults me ear.

"Erm. Who is this."


The woman keeps screaming like a banshee.


The barbarian woman who 'helped' me before.

I want nothing to do with this person.

The phone is silent for a few moments.

"How do you feel about coming to Korea?"

She asks me, this time calmed down.


"Theres money in it."

"How much."

"35,000 USD."

"Let me think about it for a minute."


"Sure but I have to know why."

"A ghoul splinter group needs taking care of and the governments not doing anything."

"Ok, but how do I get there."

"A boat."


"Figure it out fucker."


The line hangs up.

I drop the phone and hand it back to Touka.

"That was alot of screaming."

She says, smiling.

"I guess I'm going to Korea."

I get up and leave the cafe and head home.



So basically I used a phone booth to call a public ferrying company and I scheduled a ride to Korea with my company card.

I'm not about to shill my own shekels for this shit.

Anyways, I have to uber to the harbor so I guess I get a little nappy.

It should be here any minute now in fact.

A blue toyota Tacoma pulls up and inside an old man with a long curly beard with a baseball cap waves to me.

Welp time to go.

I enter his truck and move the seat back so my head doesnt slam the roof.

"Alright Mr let's get going."

He revs the engine and we head off, my head nods back and I close my eyes.


My eyes flicker open and I see nothing but darkness.

A small light turns on and off quickly, flashing afterimages of my surrounding.

"Sebastian-Sannnnn.. Why do you hurt me? Why did you leave me?''

Rize sits across from me, her arms tied behind her back on a metal chair her vibrant hair dulling and graying.

"You chose this."

"I didn't choose anything.. You chose. You are always choosing. Always killing, always taking."

"No. You are a sick fucked up person."

"Sick? Yes. Crazy? Yes. Deserving of this because the way I was born? Deserving of this just because I am not human?'

"Get out of my head you psycho bitch!'

I approach the metal chair and kick it, but my foot goes through her.

"So violent.. Maybe you just enjoy ripping people down huh? Making them nothing Sebastian San."

"Hey. Wake up. wake up WAKE UP!"



The old man moves my shoulder back and forth

"You okay son?"

"Uhh yeah, just a nightmare."

"Well, your destination has arrived."

I look out the window and see a huge ship parked at a dock.

I exit the truck and begin walking to the ship named.


A man in a blue cap approaches me, his white gloved hand raised.

"Passenger code?"


"Let me check."

He pulls out his phone and types away for a few minutes.

"All clear you can board"

He waves his hand to the boarding bridge, beckoning me.

I enter and put my arms over the railing and wait.

3 hour dip in the ocean.


A horn blares out as the Korean port enters my view.

Welp time to see what this psycho bitch needs help with.


People load infront of the loading bay and shuffle off.

I join the crowd and walk down and a beatiful beach with my suitcases, one with my sword and the other with anything I need, clothes, hygiene products etc.

Well I guess I should look for Kaede, she said meet her near the port.

Walking for a multitude of minutes aimlessly around the area I find fuck all.


A ball of sand hits my face, yea that's definitely her.

The woman with the trademark black ponytail smiles and points at me.

"Sung-hoo, Ikumi that's him!"

2 others by her side wave and greet me.

My eyes are drawn to the chest, the motherly dairy products if you will. I quickly avert my gaze from Kaedes bathing suit to the man next to her, in tight red shorts and a black shirt, he also has red hair.

That guy loves red huh. Next to Kaedes right is a short woman with lime green hair and MASSIVE HONK- I mean a nice smile that gives off warm vibes.

"Why are you all dressed like that?"

"We have to have a beach day before starting our mission!"

Kaede throws some swimming trunks at me.

"DO NOT ask me why I know your size!"

I hold the shorts in my hand.

I mean why not, this is why I came to this world, for a vacation.

Approaching a change room I enter and get all my shit on, dawning a loose open center Hawaiian shirt.

Time to have some fun, and please brain do not stare directly at any milkers, it is a simple mission.

I head out onto the beach, and the 3 greet.

"We could play volleyball but this tall guy is practically a cheat!'

Ikumi, the green haired milky bearer says, chuckling.

"We could do some friendly sparring."

The man with crimson red hair stares daggers into me.


Kaede agrees, nodding her head

The man throws down a duffle bag with some wraps and boxing gloves.

"Then we should begin"

I dawn some blue everlast gloves and stare at the bulky man.

He approaches me with his feet in and orthodox stance.

"Go easy guys!"

Ikumi shouts, her chest ji-


A fist flies towards my face and I dodge accordingly, a flurry of jabs come at me, seemingly testing my range.

"You arent bad!"

I continue to parry and dodge and shuffle out of his range.

I send an cross to his chin and my range takes him as he tries to get on me.

I follow up and send an uppercut into his chin and he falls on his back.

"Ok then."


Kaede comes flying at me with her fists.


She sends a kick to my chest and the air leaves my lungs, despite her small frame she is fuckin' strong.

I spit up some saliva that was kicked out of my throat and get into a philly shell, my preferred style, my shoulder faces her and my other hand remains free and ready to strike.

"I believe in equal rights equal fight I will beat the shit out of you woman."


She comes at again, I use my shoulder to deflect some blows but she comes forward lifting her back foot, a kick is coming.

Her leg heads towards my head and I catch a glimpse of her inner thigh.


I block the kick with my arm and send a punch to her stomach wich knocks her to the ground.

She flips up and clutches her stomach.

"I think that's enough hehe."

Ikumis mouth is open wide.

"You actually will hit a girl holy shit."

She says, her face in awe.


I raise my arms and shout out.

The gloves drop from my hand and into the duffle bag.

"Damn that hurt."

Sung-Hoo clutches his solar plexus as me walk away in a horizontal line with me at the end by Kaede.

"So what's the mission?"

I ask.

"Let's get to the rental house and then I will drop the info."


[Some walking later]

Now dressed in normal clothes we all gather around a coffee table and Kaede looks at me.

"A group known as Black Pool have been operating in the outskirts of Seoul. They have killed and eaten countless people, engaged in sex trafficking and many other activities involving captured human people and ghouls. I called you in because you are the strongest person I could call on a whim, and we need some serious muscle for this operation."

I clasp my hands together.

"And who do you work for?"

Kaede bites her lips, thinking of an answer.

"Lets just say the government, kind of."

"Well I will help but mostly because I want that cash."

Kaede smiles.



The stones call my name, can you hear them singing?

[Thirst trap pics]

Chapterly song suggestion: Nefarious - Monuments.