
Mischief & Dai-Jin

AnnGuslavia · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

XXV. Her

He grinned at me, slowly, sensually… dangerously like a devil, "Ajumma."

"What are you doing here, ahjussi?"

"I came to give you this, ajumma," he something from the frontal left pocket of his grey sweatpants and extended it to me.

Bringing my eyes down, I stared at it, surprised, "Wristbands?" Not just simple wristbands, but fluffy, soft and forest green wristbands that are the perfect size to cover the wounds in my wrists.

"I just thought you wouldn't want to anyone staring at the scars," he shrugged as if it wasn't important, when it is. "Don't think about it too hard, ajumma, it was no problem, Kazuha happens to share your favorite color, and be really into using wristbands all the time because she says it's part of her look. She was happy to present you with this pair, she got it on July when we dropped by Milan in summer vacation."

I blinked but took the wristbands, avoiding our hands from touching not to feel anything else aside from what I'm feeling, which I shouldn't. Ha, thank God that Raibh is sleeping, or they would mess with me again. "You don't need to give explanations, ahjussi. I accept the present," slowly, I put them on. "But who's Kazuha?" I asked, glaring up at him suspiciously.

"Ah," he chuckled, "I forgot you didn't get all of our names. She is my little sister, the youngest in my family. I have two younger siblings, both 10-year-olds, they are twins. He's 17 minutes older than her. I told you I had two younger siblings who spoke Korean, ajumma. It's them."

Did he just get me wristbands from a child? "10 years old?"


I scoffed in dismay with how okay he's with that, "Ahjussi! Do you think I'm a child or something?" I snapped and he frowned. "I'll accept it because she gave it to me, but did you really went to a 10-year-old to get something for me? Are you mocking me, ahjussi?"

"How's it my fault, that your wrists are of the same size, ajumma?"

"I beg to differ, ahjussi," I hissed.

"Your denial of your pocket sized body, won't change the fact that you are that short, ajumma," he hissed back.

My eyes widened, "Pocked-sized body? Ahjussi!" I yelled.

"Stop yelling, ajumma, it's 8 in the morning," he yelled back.

"I don't fucking care, ahjussi!"

"There are people sleeping, ajumma!"

"Ahjussi!" I hissed through clenched teeth, angered.

"Ajumma!" His hiss mirrored my own.

And we stared at each other, him down at me, and me up at him, for what seemed like an eternity, unyielding, until the hugest dog I've seen in my fucking like, a black one, popped up in front of us, and before I could hold it, a scared high-pitched scream left my throat and I jumped onto Dai-Jin's body, who instantly caught me.

"What is this monster, ahjussi?" I cried horrified, holding onto him for my dear life, which is contradictory if you remember that I was trying to kill myself days ago. "From what portal of hell did it came from?" I cried.

"That's…" he held his laughter, "that's Cerberus, ajumma."

"Shoo it away," I yelled. "And I swear, if you laugh, I'll burn you alive, ahjussi. I swear I will!" I threatened him.

"I'm not, ajumma," he said, holding his laughter shamelessly. "I'm just surprised that for someone who's so used to ravens and serpents, you are scared of a harmless dog, ajumma."

"That… that thing is not harmless," I hissed horrified, doing my best to ignore the feeling of his huge hands on my lower back thighs and back, of how his touch was igniting my entire fucking soul, or how hot his body feels, how hard his muscles are against my side, how… ugh. "Do something, ahjussiiiiiiiii!"

"Landon," he called someone, still repressing a smile, holding me even tighter against him, "Landon, come here. Cerberus is out and Aleena is scared of… she's scared of dogs," he laughed at the last part.

I punched his shoulder, "Ahjussi, it's not funny!"

"Oh, but it is, ajumma," he chuckled. "Landon!" He called again.

After a second, a tall black bulky men in a black suit ran to us, "Yes, young Master Dai," Jesus, they talk to him like that?

"Take Cerberus for a walk, Aleena is scared of him," he told him and a grin danced on his lips. "And though that would be lovely, she can't spend the rest of the day in my arms just because he's walking around."

"You piece of shit," I cursed him under my breath, grabbing his ear and turning it hard enough for him to growl.

"Ajumma, ajumma, ajumma," he whined.

"Sorry for frightening you, young Lady Aleena!" The men spoke.

I fully cringed, "Missy. You can call me Missy."

"Young Lady Missy?" He asked and I nodded helpless. "Okay. It's good to see you in better health now, young Lady. We have all been worried for you, but I'm glad young Master Dai was able to bring you to us. Master Silas has been looking for you for ages."

Well, what am I supposed to say to that? "Ah…"

"She's still recovering, Landon," Dai-Jin helped me out, "you can go with Cerberus now. Make sure Cerberus isn't in the same room as her in the future, we don't want her to be frightened again."

"Yes, young Master Dai," he bowed softly and left with the beast.

"If you say anything like that again, I'll best you up," I snapped, forcing my way off of him, and God if the fall wasn't high. "Pervert."

"How am I the pervert?" He gasped. "It's you who threw yourself at my arms, ajumma. Not the other way around." He snapped, caressing the ears I abused. "What a violent little thing you are."

"You haven't seen half of it," I countered.

"Said the one who's scared of dogs," he mocked.

I glared daggers again, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Killing your savior? Aren't you a little villainess, ajumma?"

"Call me little one more time and I'll,"

"Jesus Christ, I told you to call her to have breakfast with us and you've been here bickering like two kids, Dai?" A tall men, shorter than him but definitely taller than appa and my brother, came to us, descending from a set of stairs, and by how Dai-Jin looks almost identical to the men, I think I know who he is.

"Otou-san," Dai called, confirming my suspicious.

Swallowing, I turned my eyes to the muscled man in front of me, his body looks like Drax's from Guardians of the Galaxy, the man is huge. The biggest differences between him and Dai is that he has tanned skin, a Doctor Strange-like mustache, his hair is cut short and straight, and he does not has the same lightning tattoos crawling up his neck, collarbones, and down his shirt like Dai-Jin does. "You must be Yoshihiro Nishimura," I finally spoke, feeling him analyze me as much as I just did to him. "Appa's best friend and ahjussi's father."

His grin was feral and slightly similar to Dai-Jin's, but missing the warmth his son carries within him, "And you are Aleena, our arsonist. I mean, Mischief, our little hacker. Or should I call you Yeji?"

"Which one do you find more memorable?" I grinned curiously.

And he seemed amused by my question, "Mischief, for sure."

"Then Mischief it is…?"

"Uncle Hiro," he winked.

Well, that feels weird, "Uncle Hiro," it sounds weird.

"It's amazing to finally meet you like this, Mischief. My son told lots of things about you," ugh, why do I feel as if I was meeting my father—in-law instead of my father's best friend?

"Horrible things, I bet," I mocked. "So, you're a hacker too?!"

"If I need to be, yes. But mainly I take care of maintaining all the security of the members of our circle. Cybernetically and physically. If we were in a medieval era, I would be the General of the King, and his right hand men," he pointed to the stairs and I walked towards him.

"I like that analogy. I like medieval stories a lot," I told him, feeling the strong presence of Dai-Jin walking behind me.

"Me and my son do too. Have you watched Game of Thrones or read the books of the Song of Ice and Fire, Mischief?" He gently pointed to the three small eastern dragons breathing fire in my upper right shoulder.

I have many tattoos, another thing in common with the bastard that is walking behind me, so huge I can feel his shadow over mine, "Yeah, with harabeoji," I swallow for a second, "he loved the books, so I read then first when I was 15 and then watched the series later. Still waiting for the last book and silently praying for a better ending than that shit they did at the end of the series. I'm also into House of the Dragon."

"Same with us," he smiled, waiting for me to walk at his side. "In the story as a whole, which house did you like better."

"House Targaryen. Ain't I an arsonist?" I grinned mischievously. Both father and son chuckled to that, and I did my all not to close my eyes and enjoy the sound of his laughter again.

"Stark for me," Dai-Jin said.

"My favorite character was Tyrion, so, I have to say Lannister," his dad grinned. "He's just a majestic character, it's a pity he wasn't that well used in the series. But he's the only Lannister I like."

"Being honest to yourself is what matters, uncle Hiro. It would be easier to say Targaryen or Stark, but you chose honesty. That's good."

"I like you, Mischief," he said, as if he could see something in me I cannot yet. "You're really interesting."

"Interesting? That's a first," I chuckled self-deprecatingly as we got to the very rooftop of the fucking building, and when I realized that, and how high we actually are, I froze. "Why… why are we so high?"

"It's okay, ajumma," Dai-Jin whispered behind me and I felt his big hands on my waist, pushing me forward, "you can't fall from here."

"Ahjussi," I hissed, overwhelmed with his touch, "hands off." The bastard dared to giggled but let me go and stepped at my side. But as soon as I took a step forward, my belly pretty much screamed like a beast, and I felt my skin on fire. "Ugh… I think I'm hungry."

"You think? Ajumma, I bet the people in Michigan heard that."

I glared up at him, "Fuck off, ahjussi, I haven't eaten in days."