
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir

Miraculous Ladybug but with Luka Couffaine as Chat Noir. I am planning on making more chapters for this, just don't know when I'll get there.

C_E_W · TV
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Origins (4)

"Do you think they'll be up to it, master?"

The master paused with his hands on the box that contained the other miraculous. "I only got it wrong once before. It will not happen again. At least I hope not."

He closed the lid on the box and clicked the button on the Victrola. The box slid inside the base and locked itself tightly.

* * * *

"This has got to be some kind of mistake." Marinette tried to reason with Tikki. "The only super power I could have is super-awkwardness. Oh, I know. Alya would. That's my friend. At least I think she would. She loves superheroes. She'd totally be up for the job. You should totally go see her." Alya would make a really great superhero. Way better than she would.

Tikki flew closer to Marinette. "Marinette, you're the chosen one."

It took some time, more than Tikki would have liked but she finally got Marinette to agree to do the job. She explained how the Miraculous worked to her new holder.

"So, all I have to do is to rip up the thing the whatcha ma call it is hiding in?" Marinette put the earrings on.

"It's called an Akuma, which you must capture."

Marinette turned toward Tikki, still completely unsure about all of this. "Got it. Capture it. What's that charm thing again?"

"Your lucky charm, it's your secret super power."

Marinette fanned herself, reaching information overload. "This is all going to fast, Tikki. I...I..I won't be able to pull this off."

"Trust yourself Marinette. Just say spots on."

"Spots on?" As if she had spoken the magic words, the black earrings began to glow.

Tikki's little red body swirled in the air then was sucked into the earrings. "What is going on?"

Whitish-pink lights floated out of the earrings and swirled around, covering her entire body. She felt something smooth slide across her body and face.

* * * *

"Is that everything?" Luka asked Plagg.

For the past ten minutes, the kwami had been flying all over the room, checking everything out as he explained the details his powers.

Luka could tell that Plagg wasn't one for details and could easily lose track but he been able to tell that the tiny guy could easily be swayed, and he was. Luka had received the information that he wanted by promising to take Plagg to pick whatever cheese he wanted after they defeated the super-villain.

"Yep. I think so."

"Okay then." Luka held out his arm with the ring on it. "Plagg, claws out."

Plagg's tiny black body swirled around until it was sucked up into the ring. Luka seriously hoped that the little guy didn't feel any pain.

His ring, which had turned silver after the kwami came out, now turned black again as green bubbles floated out from it. The bubbles swirled and danced around his room till they converged around his body.

* * * *

Marinette looked at herself in the mirror. Her pink pants, white floral shirt, and black jacket had been replaced by a one piece ladybug spotted suit. Covering around her eyes was the mask to match.

"Ugh! How does this thing come off?" Marinette turned away from the mirror and looked for the spotted kwami. "Tikki? If you can hear me, I want my normal clothes back. I'm not going any..."

Just then, the news flashed onto the monitor screen that she had left on. It showed a video of the giant boulder monster called Stoneheart stomping down the streets. Behind him was a brunette wearing an orange and white plaid shirt riding a bicycle behind him. "Alya?"

"Marinette, did you get home okay?" Her mother called up to her.

"Yeah, mom, just super." Marinette rushed up the stairs in her room that lead to the balcony on the roof. She had to hurry if she wanted to stop Stoneheart before Alya was hurt.

Once on the balcony, she stopped to gather herself. "So, I have super powers. And apparently this amazing super yo-yo thingy."

Testing out the yo-yo, she slung it as far as she could while holding onto the string. The yo-yo sailed across the sky and wrapped itself around the ear of a gargoyle statue.

Without warning, it slung her into the air. She flailed over the rooftops and fell into some trees, becoming entangled in the string of the yo-yo.

Buildings down the street crumbled over. Falling into each other.

After she untangled herself she tried traveling by her yo-yo again. Heading toward the collapsed buildings, betting that that was where she would find Stoneheart.

* * * *

Kim was in the school's football field with some of the other students. He paid no mind to them as they were weaker than him.

Rumbling sounds could be heard in the distance, growing louder. They grew louder and louder till one final shake. A voice roared out. "Kim! Who's the weaker of use now."

Standing on top of the bleachers was the giant monster that Ivan had become.

Everyone around him grew into a panicked and took off screaming. Not wanting to be left behind, he followed them.

The monster jumped down onto the field and started chasing him.

Kim glanced behind him to keep track of the monster. Big mistake. Taking his attention off from focusing on running caused him to trip and fall.

* * * *

Luka was running on the rooftops getting used to the new dexterity that came with his transformation. Following the trail of knocked over buildings till he came across the football gym to the school where his sister attended.

A boy wearing a red hoody was laying on the ground. The monster loomed over him, getting ready to strike.

He took his baton and extended it so that the base of it landed in between the boy and the monster. He slid down landing beside the fallen boy.

"Are you all right?" He offered a hand. The boy took it. "I need you to get away while I'll keep him distracted."

The boy didn't need to be told twice. On unsteady legs he ran for the nearest exit.

Frustrated, the monster attacked. It slammed it's giant rock hands onto the ground trying to crush him.

Luka jumped back just barely making it in time. He gripped his baton with both hands and parried with the monster.

He wasn't very good with parrying or any kind of sword fighting technique but for right now it was the only thing that he could do. He just prayed that Plagg was right about him having a partner. One who supposedly was supposed to be the holder of the ladybug miraculous, and the only one who could transform this monster back into his normal self.

* * * *

Within his dark lair, Hawk Moth stood laughing in glee and triumph. "It's just as I expected. Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous have been activated. Here they come to save the day and now my super-villain will destroy them."

* * * *

Luka used his baton to fling himself in the air. Using his momentum, he brought the baton down onto the monster's head. The clinging of metal against rock rung out, the impact vibrating all the way down to his hands.

A yellow light leaked out from the cracks of the monster. In an instant the monster had grown twice its size.

* * * *

Marinette had reached the football field in time to see a guy in a black cat costume parrying with Stoneheart. She had to admit that he was doing pretty well. Far better than she ever could.

She watched as he flung himself in the air and struck Stoneheart directly in the head. Did he do it? Was this it?

But no, the fight wasn't over. A bright yellow light shone from within Stoneheart. When it disappeared, the boulder giant was twice its size.

"I can't. I'm not going to be able to do it." She covered her eyes as the panic swelled within her.

* * * *

The monster picked up a goalie net and through it at him. Luka dodged, rolling on the ground. He jumped back up, ready to continue the fight when a shout echoed from behind him. Looking back, he saw a girl filming the fight, and the goalie net was headed straight for her!

Judging the distance, he knew that he wouldn't make it to her in time. Praying that he could make it, he threw his baton. It soared through the air and extended, catching itself in the entryway, easily bouncing the net off and away from the girl.

He started to run toward his baton, not liking being weapon less when the monster's giant stone hand wrapped around him.

* * * *

"What are you waiting for super red bug! The world is watching you!" Alya shouted up to the ladybug transformed Marinette.

What was she waiting for? Alya had almost been crushed by the thrown goalie net and the boy, who had to be the holder of the cat miraculous, was in Stoneheart's grasp, literally!

Going against her better judgment, she leaped into the air. She used her yo-yo to wrap around Stoneheart's legs and propelled herself to the other side by sliding in between his legs. She planted her feet firmly on the ground and gave a hard yank, knocking Stoneheart to the ground.

The boy was released from Stoneheart's grasp. He rolled across the ground landing inside the goalie net.

Marinette ran over to him and helped him to stand. "Sorry it took so long." She apologized.

He shook his head, the black ears on his head not moving. "It's all right. As long as you showed."

He reached out a hand for Marinette to take. His blue eyes showing nothing but kindness. "Call me Chat Noir."

She took his hand and smiled. "Let's do this."

"Do you have any plans? The more I attack, the bigger and stronger he gets."

"What about are super powers?"

Chat Nior nodded his head. "It would certainly give us an edge. Since I have the power of destruction, I was planning on using mine when I found the object the akuma was in."

"That's makes sense." If they could just find the object, it would be a snatch for Chat Noir to use his power.

The sooner they could finish this the better. She was ready to go back to being plain old clumsy Marinette.

"Where do think the object is?"

Marinette looked at Stoneheart. The entire time that he was fighting, he kept his right hand closed. That's it! "It's in his right hand. It's like the Russian dolls, the object isnt on him, its hidden in his fist."

"I'll use my power first. You try to save yours." Chat Noir nodded, seeming fine with the plan.

Marinette raised her hand and called out the magic words. "Lucky Charm!" A ladybug printed diving suit landed in her hands.

She looked around her surroundings. Alya, the water hose, and Chat Noir shined red and black, indicating that they were necessary for her plan.

She placed the water hose in the diving suit.

"Don't resist, trust me." She wrapped her yo-yo around Chat Noir's legs and slung him back into Stoneheart's free hand.

With the diving suit in hand, she jumped at Stoneheart. "Catch me if you can!"

Just as she knew he would, Stoneheart let go of the object in his hand and caught her. "Now, Alya, the tap!"

Alya sprinted forth and turned on the tap to the water hose. The diving suit filled in an instant, swelling up, causing Stoneheart to let go of her.

Landing on the ground, she ran to the object that Stoneheart dropped and smashed it with her foot.

A black butterfly flew out from the smashed object.

The transformation of Stoneheart disappeared, leaving Ivan and Chat Noir on the ground.

"What's going on? What am I doing here?" Ivan looked around the football field in confusion.

"Looks like I didn't have to use my power this time." Chat Noir smiled at her. "You were amazing."

She felt a small blush creep into her cheeks at the unexpected compliment. "We both were."

"Pound it." They both pounded their fists in unison.

"I should get going. It's about time that my mother will..." He stopped when he realized that he leaked personal information.

"It's fine. Go ahead." Chat Noir thanked her before retrieving his baton and leaping up into the bleachers. Before he disappeared over the wall he turned around and waved bye to her.

She picked up the akumatized object which had been a piece of paper. Uncrumpelling it, she read aloud.

"You haven't got the guts to tell Myléne you love her. Wuss!"

"Kim wrote it." Ivan admitted quietly. "He's always making fun of me."

Marinette sat down beside Ivan and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know, you shouldn't get so bent out of shape about that. There's no shame in telling someone you love them, Ivan."

"Hey, how do you know my name, miss?" Marinette started panicking, unsure of what to tell him.

"Uncanny, amazing, spectacular." Alya raved from where she filmed them. "Are you going to be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive ladybug? Oh, I've got a ton of questions to ask you!"

Marinette was confused and had absolutely no idea what to tell her. Instead, she got up and walked off, leaving Alya to her filming.

"What do I call you miss...?" Alya asked.

Finally, a question that Marinette could answer. She turned to face the camera and struck a power pose, knowing that Alya would love it. "Ladybug, call me Ladybug."

* * * *

The black Akuma landed on the tip of the eiffel tower. Fluttering it's wings, frantically, multiplying itself.

The newly made akumas took flight, landing on random citizens and being absorbed into them.

* * * *

Luka sat down on his bed and opened the grocery bag. Inside was bundles of Camembert. Apparently, the only cheese that Plagg seemed to like.

He carefully unwrapped a piece of the smelly cheese and handed it to his kwami. He placed the rest on his dresser and grabbed his guitar.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he began to play.

* * * *

Marinette was sitting in the living room with her family watching the news when the cameraman focused on some stone beings. Scattered throughout town were smaller, inmobile versions of Stoneheart.

Marinette ran up the stairs and found Tikki in her room. "What's going on Tikki? I thought we defeated the akuma."

"Did you capture it? The Akuma?"

Marinette looked back onto the events that had unfolded. "No."

Tikki gave her a kind smile, hoping to reassure Marinette as she delivered the grim news. "If you don't capture the akuma, it will multiply, spreading it's evil."

"Oh, no!" She knew it. She was never cut out to be a superhero. "Tikki, I told you I couldn't do this. I just screw everything up."

Setting her resolve, Marinette removed her earrings and placed them in their box. "Tikki?" She looked around the room but found that her kwami had disappeared inside the earrings.

With a final look at them, she closed the lid and put them in her dresser. She fell down onto the floor in defeat. "I'm really sorry Tikki."