
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir

Miraculous Ladybug but with Luka Couffaine as Chat Noir. I am planning on making more chapters for this, just don't know when I'll get there.

C_E_W · TV
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Mr. Pigeon (2)

Chloe peeked out from where she hid. She spotted Sabrina across the plaza. Giving her a thumbs up, Sabrina replied with an 'okay' sign.

Sabrina took off from her hiding spot and crouched down behind Marinette, out of view.

"Yes!" Marinette proclaimed in excitement while holding up her sketch for a better look.

Sabrina seized the opportunity and snapped a picture of Marinette's design with her phone.

* * * *

"Thanks, Tikki," Marinette said with a smile as she looked down at her kwami. Marinette closed her sketchbook, pleased with her finished sketch. Packing up everything, she made her way home to bring her sketch to life.

Pulling out cardboard, bobby pins, black fabric, needle and thread, she got to work.

After everything was done, she sat back to admire her work. Everything was looking good, except for-crap! "I don't have a pigeon feather for the hat. It has to have one!" Marinette ran out of her room with Tikki close behind.

It was a good thing that she didn't live to far from the plaza. She didn't stop running until she reached a flock of pigeons.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, the pigeons took off in flight, leaving behind a beautiful grey and black feather. "Yes!" Marinette picked up the feather. It was perfect. With the feather tucked safely in her purse with Tikki, she took off at a run back to her house.

Marinette ran down the plaza stairs and turned the corner, running smack dab into Sabrina's father. "Sorry, Mr. Officer, sir," she apologized as she gingerly made her way around him.

* * * *

The officer watched as his daughter's bashful classmate walked away at a brisk pace. He remembered Sabrina telling him about the fashion project that her class was working on for the day. That must have been why the girl was in such a rush, not paying attention to her surroundings.

He walked around the stairs doing his evening patrol. No sign of Mr. Ramier. That crazy guy was ruining the park by feeding those pigeons.

The officer heard a noise coming from behind him. He turned in time to see a flock of pigeons flying toward him. "Oof!" They locked their talons onto him and began flapping their wings. He watched in horror as his feet left the ground.

* * * *

The impatient beeping of car horns mirrored how Marinette felt as she waited on the bus. The last of her patience died out as she watched a pigeon land on the green light. "Come on, can't we go any faster?"

"Sorry folks," said the bus driver. "We have a situation. You'll need to get off the bus now."

Marinette got out of her seat to see what the driver was talking about. Covering the streets were flocking pigeons. Marinette had never seen so many pigeons in one place.

She got off the bus and made a run for it. It was both amazing and terrifying to see so many pigeons gathered. Pigeons were in the streets causing drivers to stop, on the sidewalks making it hard for pedestrians to pass by. They lined the power lines and terrace balconies. Marinette had never seen so many pigeons. What in the world was going on?

"Pigeons have taken over Paris," announced Nadja Chamack on a nearby tv. "This is a matter of major concern for authorities." An image of the subway station appeared on the screen. The subway was at a complete standstill as pigeons laid on the track. The screen switched back to Mrs. Chamack. "Yed. I've just been told that someone named "Mr. Pigeon" is making an announcement."

A second screen popped up behind Nadja Chamack; it showed a pigeon covered Eiffel Tower. A man wearing a grey and black costume with a pink hood stood up. Hanging around his neck was a black necklace.

Mr. Pigeon spread his arms out as if they were wings. "Oh dreary day for Parisians. Roo! Roo! Sorry to ruffle your feathers but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap-flap!" He flapped his arms up and down as if they really were wings.

Marinette took off at a run for the nearest subway station. As soon as she reached the bottom step she opened her purse to let Tikki out. "Paris needs us. Tikki, spots on!"

* * * *

Luka was sitting on his bed, strumming his guitar. For some reason he still couldn't get the melody quite right.

"I'm going to leave if you sigh one more time. You should just give up," complained Plagg as he nibbled on a piece of camembert. Thanks to Plaggs love of cheese, Adrien now thought Luka was obsessed with cheese and bought him some camembert as a gift. "Instead, you should hang with that blonde kid some more."

Luka chuckled at his kwami, knowing that the little guy was thinking of raiding Adrien's kitchen. "We actually have permission to go to his house for band practice this weekend. Marinette, Rose, and some of their friends convinced his dad. "Luka pointed a finger at Plagg. "No raiding the place."

"I wasn't going to. . .much."

Luka shook his head at Plagg. Things have definitely become interesting since the little guy came into his life.

A knock came from his bedroom door. Plagg quickly swallowed his piece of cheese and hid behind a poster of Jagged Stone. The door opened to reveal Julika. "Looks like another villain."

Rose poked her head in from underneath Julika's arm. "Pigeons have taken over Paris. We have a project due soon. What are we going to do?"

Pigeons? "Let me see." Luka put his guitar up and followed his sister and her friend to the living room. The tv was on with the news playing. The screen showed downtown and pigeons were in fact everywhere.

"I need you two to stay here where it's safe."

"What about you?" Julika asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Mom was supposed to have a captain's meeting today. I want to make sure she's safe." It was a good thing that their mom never carried a phone on her. He will stick with his word and check on her-before he met with Ladybug.

"But it's dangerous out there," Rose whined as she looked up at him with worried eyes.

He patted the top of her head. "I'll be careful." With that, he went back to his room to grab his bike helmet for pretense and Plagg.

"Trouble downtown."

"Finally." Plagg flew to Luka's shirt pocket where he took refuge. "I was getting bored.

* * * *

Ladybug somersaulted over to the next rooftop and came to a stop. Up in the sky were hundreds of pigeons flying toward the Eiffel Tower in flocks that looked like planes.

"Now this is weirder than weird."

"Couldn't agree more."

Ladybug turned to find Cat Noir poised against the chimney, looking up to the sky. "Cat Noir!" She felt her heart flutter at the sight of her partner.

Cat Noir strolled down to where she stood. "On my way over here, I found out that the park keepers are being taken by the pigeons."

"We'll have to find Mr. Pigeon. I wonder if he's still at the Eiffel Tower?"

Cat Noir shook his head. "He's no longer there. I actually came from that direction."

Ladybug brought a hand to her chin. The city was too big to search. "How are we going to find him?" She mumbled.

"With a little bait." Cat Noir held up a police officer's cap. "Found it in the Plaza."

"Looks good- I mean sounds good to me." Please let Cat Noir be the one to wear the cap that way at least one of her fantasies will come to life.

"You're drooling," Cat Noir whispered in her ear.

She jumped back, startled, almost losing her balance. "What! Where!" She desperately wiped at her chin. How embarrassing.

"Just kidding," Cat Noir chuckled. Ladybug's face heated up, she just hoped that it wasn't red.

* * * *

To Ladybug's enjoyment, Cat Noir was the one the wear the cap. He paced back-and-forth on the park's sidewalk. She hid behind a tree, secretly taking pictures of Cat Noir while on the lookout for Mr. Pigeon.

"Sorry, Ladybug. I don't think my plan is working."

"We'll just give it a few more minutes." It was clearly a pretty decent plan and she had hope that it would work. And she didn't have another plan at the ready.

Cat Noir paused in his pacing as a shadow fell over him. "Uh, Ladybug?"

Ladybug peeked around the tree and saw a flock of pigeons swooping in on Cat Noir. The birds swarmed around him and left with him riding in the center of the flock.

"Oh no, Cat Noir." Ladybug used her yo-yo to propel herself forward, following after the pigeons and Cat Noir. She followed behind them for some distance. After a while, the pigeons came to a stop and deposited Cat Noir on the rooftop of a hotel.

Ladybug joined Cat Noir and the two of them surveyed their surroundings. So far there was no sign of Mr. Pigeon. "Keep your guard up, he's around here somewhere." Ladybug couldn't see it but she knew that Cat Noir was nodding his head in the affirmative.

* * * *