
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1332 Chs

-1216- What kind of joke is this!!

Ten minutes later, Rozen arrived at the office of the chairman of Hagun Academy.

The reason, naturally, was because of the commotion in the dormitory, which led the dormitory administrators and security personnel to rush over in a panic. After understanding the situation, they notified the chairman, who then called the parties involved here.

It was inevitable.

"Just as the entrance exams have just ended, and the new semester has not yet begun, the two talented A-rank Knights who are destined to attract attention from all sides actually caused such a disturbance. If I, as the chairman, don't come out to handle it properly, I really don't know what it will turn into. Don't you think so, Arneet-kun?" Sitting behind the desk, Shinguji Kurono, who was smoking, said in a somewhat annoyed tone, indicating that this was indeed a matter that only she could resolve.

But so-called A-rank Knights have this kind of influence.

"Throughout the ages, whether it's in any academy, most of the students at the top of the Knight rankings are usually B-rank or C-rank Knights. The Blazer who are rated as A-rank Knights are all great heroes worthy of being remembered in history. Simply put, A-rank Knights should not appear among student Knights. Even within the League, A-rank Knights are quite rare. So, generally, A-rank Knights become official Knights, achieve various feats, and advance their strength to be ranked among the world's best before they can be promoted. As for student Knights, before you appeared, there was only one in all seven academies."

Shinguji Kurono said so.

"Starting from the evaluation of you two as A-rank Knights, you are destined to rise to the forefront of the world in the future, enough to attract attention from various existences worldwide. Such an accident after entering the school really gives me a headache."

Shinguji Kurono said these words, but her expression didn't look like she was having a headache at all.

In front of her, Rozen and the girl with fiery red hair were standing a subtle distance apart from each other.

Naturally, Rozen had already dressed neatly, changing into the student uniform. Even the girl had changed into a girl's uniform, and the black-and-white uniform looked so decent on her. If the color scheme were richer, it could even be worn as formal attire.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the point.

At least not for Rozen.

"Two talented A-rank Knights?" Rozen glanced at the girl.

Shinguji Kurono's words told Rozen who the girl in front of him really was.

"That's right." Shinguji Kurono affirmed Rozen's guess in a calm tone.

"She is Stella Vermillion, the second princess of the Vermillion Empire, known as the 'Crimson Princess,' the holder of the world's strongest magical power."

Unexpectedly, the person who caused such a commotion with Rozen was the princess whom Rozen had recently been curious about, who had always held the highest entrance exam scores in history.

However, now, this princess seemed to be in a daze, standing there with her head down, looking as if she had suffered a great blow.

There was no way around it. For a princess like her, witnessing a scene of an man's body completely exposed was too impactful.

If the other party was indeed a princess who was ignorant of the world and had received a good education, suddenly witnessing such a shocking scene might leave a psychological shadow from then on, and it wouldn't be surprising.

"Now I'm really in trouble." Shinguji Kurono sighed and looked at Rozen.

"What do you think we should do, Arneet-kun?"

Shinguji Kurono unexpectedly passed the buck to Rozen.

However, Rozen wanted to say...

"I'm the one who was seen naked, and I haven't even said anything yet. Are you planning to push all the responsibility onto me?"

Rozen's tone was also full of complaints.

You know, it was also the first time for Rozen to be seen completely naked by someone of the opposite sex.


"Why did the princess barge into my room? Isn't that strange?"

Rozen raised this objection.


"Your... your room?" Stella Vermillion finally seemed to come to her senses and stared at Rozen.

"What are you talking about? That's clearly my room!"

The princess made such a claim.

Her voice unexpectedly clear and pleasant, belonging to the type that sounded rough and hearty but still comfortable to listen to.

Because Rozen had only heard her wail, he was somewhat surprised to hear her have such a voice.

However, the content of her words was puzzling.

"The 406th room of the first student dormitory is my dormitory. When I received the admission notice and uniform, the administrators indeed told me so, and my key could indeed open that room. If that's your room, then what's going on?"

Rozen protested to her.

"The 406th room of the first student dormitory?" Stella Vermillion was also stunned. "But... the notice I received also told me that I lived in the 406th room of the first student dormitory, and the key I was given could indeed open it!"

Upon hearing this, both fell silent at the same time.

Immediately, Rozen and Stella both looked at Shinguji Kurono.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Shinguji Kurono said calmly under the sharp gazes of the two, without changing her expression. "Generally, the dormitories at Hagun Academy are shared by two people. Although there has never been a situation where male and female students share a room before my tenure, Hagun Academy has been completely inferior to the other six Knight schools in recent years. Even though our academy requires an entrance exam for admission and students are carefully selected, the results are getting worse year by year. So, in order to revitalize Hagun Academy, the board of directors summoned me here."

With that said, Shinguji Kurono took a puff of smoke and spoke as if she were chatting.

"Although I didn't know before that there would be such a big surprise this year, two A-rank Knights appeared among the first-year students, and they are the top two in the world in terms of total magical power. However, when I took office, I had already set a policy. In order to revitalize the academy and encourage students to grow through mutual learning, regardless of seat number, gender, or background, students with similar strength will be arranged in the same dormitory. When there are people of similar rank around, they will compete with each other to stimulate their competitive spirit, which is why this allocation method is intentionally used."

Hearing this, both Rozen and Stella had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Could it be...

"Just as you thought." Shinguji Kurono suddenly smiled and made an official announcement.

"Rorelai Arneet."

"Stella Vermillion."

"From today onwards, you two will be roommates, spending your days together at Hagun Academy."

"I hope you can improve each other and get along well."

Shinguji Kurono's words silenced both Rozen and Stella.

The next moment...

"W-What kind of joke is this...!?" Stella let out her second wail of the day.

As for Rozen, he was left with only one thought.

"It seems like the days ahead are going to be problematic."