
Mink in Another World? Life or Death? WHY!

A poor flower amidst fire claiming it's breathe of life!. A glass cannon's is quite fragile. I'll pop my cherry! really?. if you want something serious don't read this novel. Not good at English? Yep my grammar sucks *happily waving*. R-18...maybe, yes or no. Is This for fun? Yes! absolutely no idea why. I'll do my best to change it. System? ....... ... ..... ... .... ..... ...... . ..... ... ..... .... ........ ... .... .. ... .... .. Is my OC too Overpowered/ just plain side character?. Find out As I, Your Granddaddy's ambition to pay the price for my arrogance.... I haven't told you piece of "?!?!!$#" that I forgotten some plots.... so I'll fill those holes with my butt. I'll soak it with my cringe worthiness. THIS IS A FANFIC CTTO & OTHER HEROES WHO BRINGS TEARFUL JOY AND SADNESS WHOM WORK HARD W/O SLEEP SET AT ONE PIECE [OC's mine and only] should I add romance or just pure adventure?

Mirikido · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Oh it's just a Dream (3)

then time resume back to normal Inuarashi quickly guard himself using his tail against Claire's kick and their clash just now had produce a tearing force and caused a loud uproar that can be heard in the entire island of Zou itself, alerting the guardians and Musketeers entire squadron of a possible sneak attack or pre-emptive invasion coming from the outside world and the whole populace quickly tensed up and the boisterous atmosphere coming from Kurau City turn silent that a buzzing of a fly nor a pin drop of water falling on the ground be heard loud and clear. "what-what's happening" some panic voice can be heard on some parts around the corners, alleys in the City, "Mama I'm scared something is happening outside Waaaah~!" and the mother moved to her little daughter who's crying in fear to console her.

with the sudden loud explosion far in distance chaos soon envelope in the city those officers and their men quickly form a defensive formation protecting the inhabitants while the elders are busy pacifying their own families and taking their weapons out in from some basement they had or under there beds, while those who are brave younglings go outside from there home to protect their family who are dear to them.

The older generation Led by an elderly monkey mink with long, white eyebrows and a mustache connected to a chest-length beard and wears a dark cloak, a hat, and baggy striped pants called Monjii while remaining calm and composed to pacify the panicking citizens "Everyone! calm down maybe the Musketeers are training seriously hard to protect us in case of an invasion so go back in what you are doing" he calmy reasoned out and remain undaunted at the panicking citizens while standing at the center of the plaza to settle the matter peacefully.

While those who are just near the area of the clash only watched with wide open eyes staring at the two figures fighting midair "Holy!! Brave Ancestors of the past!! this is..." and the other guy besides him "s-s-s-shh.. she's.. Claire's a monster..so..so strong Our Ancestors blessed us" said in utter shock, horror, happiness, jealousy and ignited spirit to break his limits.

"Claire that clash just now made me forget the fact that you are only three years old" both Shishilian and Pedro said at the same time in different locations in complete agreement and a burning desire to protect, train and raise her to someone worthy of there pride and some sweat trickling on there head. The Mink's pride and joy.

"Tsk" damn he's way out of my league Claire thought and in defiance added more force to her kick "Haaaaaaaah!!!"

'A-amazing Claire your one heck of a monstrous child, possessing this much strength. I wonder how stronger you'll become in the future' in thought Inuarashi said "Is that all you've got Claire! how disappointing" to provoke her more while using almost half of his strength to defend himself.

'But...you are not as strong as Big Mom at that age' with fleeting thoughts Inuarashi added a bit more strength in his tail to whip Claire away in the distance *grunting* he used tail whip with a little bit of Armament Haki since Claire's offense was quite a bit painful to be at the receiving end of the stick.

Claire got flung away at a distance and made a beeline through the jungle with broken trees in her wake and stop by a century old tree.

*cough-blergh* coughing out blood in her system and excruciating pain in her body, she ignore it and pushed herself to stand up even though she had lots of broken bones and nerves screaming for her not to move and with sheer Willpower alone she stand on her feet and lock her eyes at her opponent in the distance that Large frame of a dog being burned in her mind to defeat.

that's right her blood and will to fight is ignited burning her spirit with desire, the desire to win and defeat Inuarashi, no matter how long it will take her to succeed she'll both surpass the current Rulers of Mokomo Dukedom, she realized one more thing that she remembered in some Anime one of the unforgettable lessons in life, without power you'll never be able to protect those who are dear to you, they'll take away your freedom and enslaved you while laughing in Amusement and Entertainment on their part.

After locking her eyes to that figure her consciousness slowly fades away and her vision turn blurry and spinning in her eyes, Later she dropped to the ground with no strength left in her bloodied body and hearing her name being called in the distance she fell asleep. "Claire! Claire! are you alright...ah too much blood loss wait I'll carry you right now hang in there Claire you'll soon be fine in no time" Inuarashi stated after seeing Claire's serious injuries he rushed out at top speed from the jungle and met some soldiers on the way while pacifying everyone including the worried citizens at the false alarm and Wanda seeing the bloodied Claire in Inuarashi's arm carrying her and together with Wanda they head straight away to Kurau City's Medical Clinic and to inform Dr. Miyagi about Claire's condition and met Tristan a light blue-haired squirrel mink with tan fur, and dark patch on her forehead down to her nose, and a large bushy brown tail with two dark stripes down the center.

She wears a frilly yellow blouse with short puffy sleeves, a pink skirt with two layers, and red pumps.Her nurse's uniform is a light-pink minidress and a light-pink cap with a cross on it.

Wanda spoke in Inuarashi's behalf to her with urgency in her tone "Miss, is Doctor. Miyagi present here today, is the doctor inside right now" and the latter nodded and greeted the both of them first "Good afternoon Inuarashi Kōshaku and please to meet you Miss Wanda, please come in Doctor Miyagi is inside. I'll call him now so please sit down for a bit" she led them inside the building and gestured them to sat an empty sit near the counter and headed to the door at the far corner while the other assistants are cleaning Claire's bloodied broken ragdoll body.

Inside the room a busy figure known as the Doctor of Mokomo Dukedom was handling all sorts of herbs at the side of the corner concocting some herbs with formula in hand and reading it from time to time and applying them through combining, breaking, heating of liquids and using a pestle to break solid roots from an unknown plant or flowers and with beakers and some measuring tools when he is about to continue a knocking sounds was heard on a door and the assistant said "Doctor, Claire came back with severe injuries and carried by Inuarashi Kōshaku himself"

later a male goat mink with a thickset body covered in light-colored hair. He has two pointed horns on the top of his head and a long beard, and wears a white doctor's jacket, black pants, and a pair of black boots arrived and welcome them with a warm greetings "Good afternoon Sir Inuarashi Kōshaku and Miss Wanda, I've been informed by my assistant Tristan about my patient Claire condition, please let your worries out and I'll do my best to that she'll go back in full health" with an assuring tone he stated and allowed the two to come in if they want too see then moved to the room with his assistant where Claire is lying on bed unconscious with severe injuries and cleaned up body with a new clean clothing.

Once he saw the little figure's current condition he was naturally stun for a moment then remembered that loud sound earlier and made his own conjecture on what happen in wonder if who could do such a thing to a child and then he snap out of his reverie then hastily bark orders left to right at quick succession.

After examining the patient's condition he said "this is..to think that Claire's alive and still breathing with such severe internal injuries such as soft tissues, nerves, vessels, and bones" stretching and a never before seen seriousness he started Claire's treatment after his initial assessment in critically determining the extent of injuries and thought of what will be needed to manage an injury, and for treating immediate life threats.

He quickly said "Did you guys check her weight after rinsing her wounds off and changing her clothes? if you did it then let's start".

Due to insufficient scientific technology in Zou, the inhabitants are using there present resources to do their daily lives, and other Minks had to travel outside Zou and brave ahead to learn more knowledge for the sake of what's dear to them and family.

In short they're using some herbal medicines to deal with diseases and knowledge of the ancient ancestors or simply known as predecessors.

Of course a long time had passed since then and some have achieved breakthrough like making steel, iron weapons of unknown capabilities by Blacksmiths and their accuracy in making fine things that aid civilization.

During Doctor Miyagi's work he couldn't help but be surprise countless times, there are times that he will never believe that someone can recover with a body in ragdoll condition.

Most of was he'd been shock by Claire's Electro protecting her recently, no not recent especially everytime he was successful in unclogging some blood vessels his patient's body always burst out sparks of electro that hurt him badly without physically hurting him but mentally.

He stared wide saucers at how her body do the work together with his assistants present watching the spectacle before them.

"This is unbelievable ju-just what the heck is her body made off, is she truly a Mink like us, her recovering ability alone is enough...oh Dr. Miyagi also help a little but how about us...eh should we just watch or should we report it to Sir Inuarashi Kōshaku and Miss Wanda" said by a male assistant present on site with an feature of a Doberman mink named Domakiel.

"Umm, Sure inform them now as fast as you can" Dr. Miyagi replied and then ordered the latter who spoke.

'This is the first time I saw such physique, Claire you are blessed by the ancient ancestors, I hope you live much longer than anyone else...I wonder what will happen in the foreseeable future' with those thoughts in his head Dr. Miyagi sat down on a stool prepared by an assistant and smiling.

Later, Both Inuarashi and Wanda was led by the doberman mink through the door, knocking first then gaining permission to enter he open the door letting Inuarashi and Wanda enter the room first, him later and closed the door.

Meanwhile, somewhere Pedro was seen talking to a soldiers and asking about what happened. "Captain Pedro, His Inuarashi Kōshaku was carrying a wounde-" not waiting for a soldiers reply he bolted out and thinking of what building they might be he headed there.

Along the way he saw a mink resembling a humanoid maned lion. He is relatively tall, as he appears about 7'7" tall. Because of his beady eyes, people often consider him to be cute when he removes his sunglasses, even when threatening someone. He often holds his fists up in a confrontational manner and hangs his tongue out of the side of his mouth. Despite having large paws for hands, his feet are evidently small enough to fit into the small boots he wears.

He wears a pink suit, black sunglasses, a silver earring on his left ear, a sword on his right hip, and wears black high-heeled boots with white ruffled brims. He also wears a salmon-colored dress shirt underneath his suit jacket.

"Oh Pekoms its you buddy" he smiled and greeted the lion mink on his way to the Medical Clinic.

"Ahhh Brother Pedro nice to see you today, eh it seems you had some business to attend to" Pekoms replied then asked back to the rushing Pedro. "Yes I'm heading to Medical Clinic right now" he replied and without waiting he ran.

"Oy~ wait for me I'm coming with you too brother" Pekoms said following behind Pedro smiling.

"Oh Inuarashi Kōshaku is there by the way" smirking he told the lion.

"Wha- the old man is there wait is he injured? if he's injured then I'll play a lot more hahahahah Gao~" surprise for a moment and then Pekoms became joyful when he think about the colorful, beautiful freedom in the future.

He replied to Pedro without caring about the consequences of his words and not betraying his ruffian profession ways. While secretly worried and genuinely hoping that Pedro wouldn't report him. "Brother you...ahh gao~"

"Ok ok don't worry~ so are you gonna cry?" he snickered at the lion and laughed.

"Gao! I Pekoms will not cry on such a silly thing brother I'm strong GAO!" the mink replied in vigorous tone to show that he's not a crybaby but a man and a proud warrior of the Minks.

Pedro continued chuckling at the lion's and decided to tease him more and have fun with his brother. They're not blood related just brothers respecting each other, they had a tight-knit bond that couldn't be cut or severe not only are they like that but both of them help each others back.

After that little episode the two arrived at their destination. Asking plenty of direction along the way on which room Inuarashi Kōshaku was staying at Pedro knock on the door then enter with Pekoms.

When they heard what happened and the truth Pekoms was the most shocked silly at the News and about Claire's capabilities and talent. 'GAOOOOOO!!!! MONSTER this little shrimp is a monster' after shouting that monologue in his mind Pekoms look at Inuarashi Kōshaku present after that there's no after he'd just look at Claire while murmuring "why am I surrounded by monsters gao" while gritting his teeth he thought 'I will train much harder than before..if I don't she... that shrimp will take my throne as the king of ruffians easily Gao' clenching his fists with determination he felt the desire to be strong much stronger than he is. 'Shrimp, I Pekoms the king of ruffians will never give up my throne'.

Especially knowing that all of them had various thoughts running through there mind with complexity, determination, and countless emotions forming a whirlpool.

Will the Gear of Fate and Destiny move to fulfill its original purpose or someone will destroy it and create a new one.

The possibility of hardships that originally didn't exist will soon... beings that shouldn't...

*Note: Glass Cannon*