

I had a swimming competition for an entire day and now Im tired as hell.

Which is why Im late with my chapters.


The city of Tinell

A city full of life and business.

It was like everything I thought it would be.

Wooden street stalls filled with various goods ranging from normal things like food stuffs, small tools like pots and pans alongside small hand made goods that looked like small toys.

And at the same time not.

To more fantastical and dangerous items, weapons likes swords, shields and axes, strange alchemical brews coming off with a strange smell, small pieces of jewelry that emitted unnatural chills and flames.

Small entertainers performed magic tricks as bards playing music among the crowd performed for coin.

The bards playing their instruments among the din of the crowd, making a nice tune to vibe to whenever you entered the market.

The street performers doing two different types of tricks to entertain the crowd.

The magic tricks using skill like making a cloth into a dove and grabbing a bunny from the hat, granted these street performers were using much less entertaining tricks.

But I was a man from the modern world that has seen someone get teleported from within a piranha tank to the theater seats, so it was a given my standards were high.

What I was interested in was the actual magic tricks.

Watching someone create balls of fire from out of nothing before juggling them within their palms with the applause of the crowd, I nodded.

But then again, I could rip apart monsters with my bare hands if I tried so it's not that interesting anymore....

Still was interested in magic though.

Trampling the cobblestone floor with my steps followed by others steps I continued.

Stall owners constantly shouted over the buzzing din of the crowd, shouting to but their 'unique' products.

And let me tell you, they were unique.

Cooked pork wrapped within some leaves and fried with honey.

I didn't even know that you could fry honey... they were very delicious though.

Biting into the juicy chunk of meat alongside the leaf I was nearly in tears from how good it was.

Eating the meat while looking around.

I heard the shop owners all bargain with their customers, either trying to raise or lower the prices of the things they were attempting to sell.

Catching at the corner of my eye a pickpocket lifting someone's coin purse from their pouch and quickly escaping.

Followed by the angry shout of the pick pocketed one and the subsequent chase.

Watching the child run off into the alleyways I mentally remembered their size.

Maneuvering myself around the crowd my sense of wanderlust which had slightly died down after being testing myself to find several things within the underground, reignited itself.

Chuckling while carrying the bag filled with rare and precious materials I first thought about getting rid of said goodies...

Well most of them anyways, I was quite interested with the items I had access to and could make in the future.

But I couldn't really make any except for the base Dead Cells weapons, Iron Minecraft gear (Diamonds are extremely rare apparently), and a few of the Terrarian Items (They needed various materials I didn't have access to).

Dodging the cart filled with... something covered in a cloth running across the now freer streets.

I noticed one thing.

I had no idea what to do.

'Huh' Looking up my eyes were dragged to the blue skies before I came to the conclusion. 'I should do what I came here to do'

So doing the most obvious thing as someone not native to the city, I grabbed the most native looking man walking the streets and asked him a question.

"Sir, do you know where the adventurers guild is?"

To which he replied with hesitance seeing my large form that loomed over him. "Sorry, but I don't know"

Pursing my lips I let go of the mans shoulder and turned.

So thus my adventure of finding my way to the Adventurers guild begun...

And ended extremely quickly. 

I don't know whether it was just bad luck or that native looking guy was also someone not part of the city.

But the next woman I asked gladly pointed me in the right direction, to which I tipped her a copper coin.

People like money.

That is a simple desire that all people who have a desire to live have.

The world runs on the laws that the intelligent people made, and the laws made by the people of the world state.

That the world now runs on money.

Good thing that I could just gain money by slaying monsters through some dark art that I didn't know about.

Walking along the streets I flicked the hand of someone reaching for my pockets where I manifested the coins.

"No" With a simple answer to the confused stare of the tiny little brat who was trying to take my coins.

I continued to the adventurers guild.


"Are the preparations complete?" A man in blue robes with golden markings quietly spoke to the other man in blue robes.

Their face covered in the darkness as the robe covered their faces, the blue robed people all bowed to the man wearing a white crow mask.

"Sir Lunatic , the preparations are almost complete and when they are complete we can start the summoning"

"Heh heh heh heh" Darkly chuckling the blue robed man wearing a crow mask raised their hands to the air as a dark energy slowly seeped out of them.

"Good. Good... Oh great lord!" Touching their chest in what seemed like a heartfelt confession. "Soon we will find the sacrifices and soon! Soon..."

Bringing their hands down as a red glow flashed between the holes of the Crow mask the blue robed man spoke "The Moon lord will descend"

Looking at the cultists who worshipped the moon lord bow towards him the Lunatic he nodded and disappeared.

Not before leaving behind a few parting words.

"Now then, no mistakes will be tolerated otherwise..."

Leaving behind a dark chuckle that caused shivers to travel up the cultists spines.

They shouted even though the Lunatic Cultist had already left. 

"We will follow the Lunatic Cultists Will!


"So this is the adventurers guild?"

Looking at the giant plaque at the top of the large building that read in bold words Adventurers guild, a sigil of a sword down the middle going through the bow, in place of where the bow would be.

"Much more impressive than I thought"

Smiling while carrying the chests filled with smelted ores, ores and stones galore I opened the door in front of the hall.

