
The Kingdom of the Malaise (33)




Using the map as a higher form of sight so far was bringing... less then desirable results.

Tripping over a pre set obstacle for the nth time and falling flat on my face once again, I rolled back to face the sky and took off the cloth around my eyes.

Using the map function as a higher form of sight was an idea I came up on the fly after realizing I could still use the map as sight when it was dark.

And although I could use flaming hair as a sort of light source, I wasn't all to confident that means of blinding people didn't exist.

A world of magic includes a world of possibilities after all.

But yeah.

I wouldn't have been experimenting with the higher form of sight if not for me being slightly frustrated at not being able to progress farther into the sync rate which I would sometimes call power bar.

On that note I would now call it All sight due to its convenience in being able to see all around me even though I had no eyes on the back of my head.

Silently letting the sweat roll off of my skin, I closed my eyes before letting them snap open.

Jumping up from my prone position, I tightened my grip around the red band in my hand and quickly covered my eyes once again.

I didn't feel right doing nothing, so I would just start to train.

Or I would've at least tried to train some more.

But something definitely interrupted the training regime I was going through.

And by that something, it was an explosion.


The ceiling underneath me trembled as the explosion rocked the very earth that we stood on.

Quickly ripping away the cloth around my eyes, I saw a significant portion of the wooden battlements fall away underneath the pillar of smoke rising from the wood.

And bursting from the smoke, a giant malformed zombie like creature called a [Elite Rampager] swung its long glowing claws in the air, drawing a trail of flame.

Slicing through the unfortunate woman in the way, the long spike on the end of the elbows stabbed a man sneaking up behind it.

Seeing the giant monster that already reached half the height of the wooden battlements run into the survivors camp leading an army of rampagers with it.

The large maw in the center of its face bit into a tall watch tower in its way with an unmatched ferocity.

But besides the Elite Rampager which had led the charge into the camp of survivors and was quickly met with a multitude of spells and arrows.

More monsters came pouring in like it was nothing.

[Elite Disgusting Worms], [Elite Zombies], [Elite Undead Archers] And [Elite Rancid Rats] were the most common monsters that came running in.

Wielding a multitude of powers, I could dully note that the monsters that were elite usually had a following theme.

Like the Elite zombies usually had powers related to screaming much like the shockwaves which left their mouths.

What I could definitely appreciate that the place I was in was soon going to be a hell hole.

And I would gladly jump into it.

Jumping up from above, I manifested a bloody blade and stabbed right into the head of a nearby Rampager.

Activating my inferno like powers, scarlet red flames burst out of the body and quickly scorched the living corpse a Medium well done.

Jumping from the fried Rampager and simultaneously dodging an arrow flying to my head, I locked onto the Elite Undead archer who fired it.

Staring at the black skeleton with focused eyes, I watched as a string of mana coursed through its dark body and latched onto the arrow that flew off behind me.

Spinning through the air to slice apart the returning arrow with a twin dagger, I swore I saw surprise rise on its skeletal face.

Slicing apart that surprise with considerable strength, the twin dagger in my hands broke apart right as it broke apart the steel like skull.

Ignoring the quickly falling apart skeleton, I grabbed a broadsword and positioned it on the flat side to block the giant fist from a zombie from crashing into me.

Pulling my arm up, a giant nutcracker fell into my hands and flew into the giant zombie's skull.

Crushing the skull into a bunch of bloody brain matter, I brought out the new acquisitions to my arsenal and thanked the lord that I got rid of anything I didn't need.

[Double Crossbow-o-matics] appeared and latched onto a surface as the it began automatically firing arrows at the encroaching horde of monsters from both sides.

Throwing the sinew slicer far away, I watched as it accidentally got latched onto a flying piece of rubble and instantly fired giant spinning saw blades into the crowd of monsters.

Seeing as those two traps began tearing into my foes flesh and bone, I threw a cluster grenade into the encroaching hoard and watched the chain of explosions occur and erase a portion of the horde.

But I couldn't just be satisfied with erasing a portion of the horde since more kept on coming.

Bending over backwards to dodge the [Weirded warrior's] blade, the monster itself appearing like some sort of mechanical wonder ball of blades.

I used the magnetic grenade to pull the enemy that tried to bring down a giant sword onto my face away.

With sweat dropping from my face, I glanced at the map and rolled forwards to dodge the giant mouth which clamped at my previous position.


Cursing loudly, I stabbed the blood sword right into the stone ground beneath me and activated the Fragmented inferno core and watched as my surroundings got swallowed in crimson flame.

Eye of Cthulhu charging upwards to dodge the flames which tried to latch onto the shed blood on me, I watched as my enemies were engulfed in a burning flame that dug into their veins.

Throwing ice shards everywhere, the monsters around me instantly broke apart due to the contrasting temperatures.

Double jumping barely an inch off the ground, a giant ball rolled underneath me and crushed the rest of the monsters in its path.

[Pirate Captain]

Staring at the green skinned white bearded man load another cannon ball into a hand held cannon of all things.

A fuse quickly burning out and a screech from behind were my only warnings.

Spinning halfway in the air, my nutcracker cracked its last nut by sending the cannon ball barreling back the way it came from.

Letting go of the broken shaft, I continued the lingering momentum and glanced at the map, changing my mind mid air.

The sword half coming out of the inventory was removed and replaced by a multi nocked bow.

Pulling back the purple bow, three arrows appeared on it.

Letting the arrows fly, without even glancing to see if the arrows even hit the targets.

A broadsword flew out of my inventory and embedded itself into a giant green worm that was trying to take a big bite out of me.

Instead biting into the sword and breaking it into a series of blue sharp steel fragments.

I spun around and kicked the remaining part of the sword into the disgusting sword and tore it apart.

Throwing a magnetic grenade and attracting many monsters in my general vicinity to the corpse.

The pink rocks on the back of the disgusting worm pulsed once before bursting open into a splatter of molten blood.

Dragging a spear out of my inventory, I unleashed a dazzling display using the steel and quickly covered the new weapon in a layer of blood.

Spinning the [Impaler] in my hands, I baptized its appearance in this world with a bath of blood.

Switching it out for the low durability Blood sword, I stabbed the blade into the earth and scorched it.

Using the blade to its last durability point, the blade disintegrated due to the flames and quickly burnt a circle around me.

The red flames jumping from blood covered body to blood covered body.

Of course I wasn't exempt from this, but with a quick freezing of myself and hurting. 

I quickly tapped onto my stock of quickly depleting healing potions and felt all my wounds heal with relief.

But nevertheless, I gazed at my surroundings with a cold gaze.

The battle continued to rage all around me despite doing my utmost best to get rid of all the monsters in the area.

And during the battle, I noticed many things that were a problem during the ensuing battle.

The high tension, high stress battle was to much for many of the weapons in my arsenal and I had already lost many of the previously crafted things in my arsenal.

Only having an assassin's dagger, multi nocked bow and impaler left in my inventory.

The rest of the things had broken apart.

That included the Magnetic Grenade as it turns out, they also have durability.

So currently I was nearing weaponlessness and I would soon have to resort to using my own body as a weapon.

'Actually... Why should I?'

Glancing at my game system which was having its cell numbers quickly rise, I felt my mind spin.

Smiling quietly, I felt a stare in front of me.

Quickly meeting the glare, I saw a bandaged figure sitting on top of a throne of bone sitting on top of a big monster aptly named by the system [Elite Goliath].

And as I stared at the hooded figure.

The orange eyes beneath the hood stared back.


Tree that put out double chapter.

Minor spoiler, Slade here makes sure to kill big guy.

Sorry for the info dump but just know things are... bloody to say the least.