
The Abyssal trenches (1)

Lying on the ground I let out a bubbly sigh as water seeped in and out of my lungs.

Something I never thought I would experience outside of drowning but here we are.

Uncomfortably shifting in the metal chains binding my body from all sorts of angles I did not like due to how they hugged at various parts of my body I would much rather be left untouched, I turned around.

'Thankfully it seems that just my mana is suppressed.'

I don't know what means they used to achieve it, but I was currently unable to use the incredibly familiar mana that I had been in touch of since day something.

Thankfully however, it seemed that they didn't have much knowledge of the powers of the malaise it seems like as I was still able to use it albeit the amount of power I could draw out was rather pitiful.

In that manner they were still successful in blocking the power flowing through my veins.

And now I won't say I'm vengeful or anything, but since I still have the power to blast off someones head off of their shoulders, it would be a waste to not use the power right...?

Staring upside down at a merman guard carrying a completely raw fish the scaled man felt a chill crawl up from the base of their spine.

Shivering in the already cold sea filled with sea lanterns, the merman shouted at me in some unknown language.

"$*(!) $*(#"

But seeing as they just threw the dead fish at me while shouting something I would guess it's profanities of some kind.

Turning around, I wormed my way to the fish and stared at the fish.

'This is just raw'

Seeing as it was basically just a fish without anything extra added to it I let out another bubbly sigh before just chomping down on the whole thing, scales and all.


Hoping for a quick choking death where I would black out I pulled away all the malaise from my lungs and started to eat the fish.

And even if I didn't choke to death from eating basically an entire fish filled to the brim with bones, the food poisoning that followed most definitely will.

So as I chowed down on the fish, the piratey man downing another bottle of beer from who knows where casually spoke.

"Hey, you know that the fish still has them pesky parasites right? You don't just eat fish fished straight from the sea and be alright."

'Well all the better since I want to die right now and escape this hell hole to never see it again.'

I paused at that thought before changing the rails the train was running on.

'Actually, I want to die so that I can commit guerilla warfare on these fuckers, who commits sacrifice when you just met people?! Cultists?'


'Actually now that I think about it...'

Realizing the people who lived in this not so great place called atlantis might actually be cultists I felt my opinion of them drop by the second.

I mean, they fit the description to the tee with worshipping strange unknown Gods and everything.

Heck, now that I think about it sacrificing is even in line with giving offerings to the Gods!

Gulping down the fish that easily slid down my mouth, I realized one thing as I was eating the fish whole.

'Actually, where the hell even is this place?'

Realizing that I had virtually no map of... any place that I had made contact with so far, I turned to the pirate who was looking at me dumbly.

'What? I'm just eating dude.'

Swallowing the rest of the fish, the thought of commiting suicide right now was something that I couldn't begin to attempt before I figure out where I was.

'And now that I think about it, I think I should have maps from all the places I come from so that I can tell where the hell I am.'

Jtting down that thought for a later me to solve, the pirate who's name I still didn't know strangely enough belched and spoke.

"God's yew are a freaky bastard."

"...Say what now?"

Fish now peacefully resting in my stomach as it was being broken down by my bodies acids, the Pirate stared hard at the bottle in his hands before shaking his head.

"It ain't just the beer, you just ate that fish as raw as could be."

"Technically speaking, an even rawer fish would be one that's alive."

"Still doesn't change that you swallowed a fish whole?"

Staring at me as if I was some sort of foreign alien type being, the pirate kept his single eye trained on me as he took another swig of the booze bottle in his hands.

"What in the seven seas are you?"

"Soon to be dead if we don't get out of here?"

"...That's a damn good answer."

Shaking his head the pirate man took another swig of the beer bottle in his hands as he finally rested his back onto the prismarine stone wall.

Giving me a grin underneath the black fuzz that was a beard, the pirate spoke "Now that I know you ain't an enemy, my name is Gunpowder Garry."

Grinning proudly as he said that, I blanked at that moment.

'Uh... I never thought a pirate would be named Gunpowder.' 

And as my brain was running on the fumes of its near deceased brain cells, the man named gunpowder Garry frowned.

"What, you haven't heard of the great name of Gunpowder Garry?"

'...Honestly no.'

Blinking dumbly and transmitting my non knowledge of the name through my eyes I mentally noted another thing that I would have to brush up on when I got back to the surface away from these lunatic cultists.

'So I just need to either make some maps or find them then find some books to findout history things, shouldn't be hard.'

Thinking about the future which would eventually come for my immortal body, the pirate grimaced as if he was surprised that someone was incredibly oblivious to his name.

And no offence to him although I don't expect him to understand but I literally had no set spawn point that would allow me to find out where the hell I would eventually end up.

Hell, I barely even remember the three people who I had met in the beginning and what they had said.

'The knowledge of combo's is great though although I don't know what classes do yet.'

Realizing that I had been stupidly far from set human interaction for some time now which prevented me from making reliable connections with someone to find out certain pieces of knowledge, the pirate in front of me continued.

"So you don't know the Great Gunpowder Garry? The Three G's? The Leader of the Bloody Shark Fleet? None of them?"

I helplessly shrugged. "I'm sorry gunpowder Garry, but 

Frowning the pirate took a swift swif of beer as if he couldn't even believe what I had just said.

But just in that same moment, as if the buzz had finally set in for the piratey man, he let out a bellowing laughter which echoed through the prison cell.

"Bahahah! Then I guess I just have to make is so that you will know my name then little welp!" Grinning widely, he flashed his golden tooth at me as his eyepatch made of black leather stared directly at me.


Laughing loudly, I turned my head silently to the duo of very angry looking sea people pointing their spears at us through the bars of the prison.

Rolling to the side in my worm like state, I just watched the loud pirate get poked in the ass.

"YEoWCH! Blasted Brine eaters!"

But even as he was cursing out in several creative terms that made me feel psychic damage from just listening to him I could tell from my spot on the algae bed.

That my time in this prison would actually be quite lively.

Thinking that, I silently stared at my mannequin like hands and popped it off.


In the depths of atlantis where Merpeople wearing crowns made out of bright purple coral floated while being followed by a contingent of armored fish people, they quickly swam.

Armor made of shells making them even more dynamic in the water, the guards carefully kept watch on the surroundings for any potential assassins no matter how unlikely it would be as the royals made their way to the main hall.

Tails wagging as they propelled them forwards, the stern faces of the Royal mer people made it stark that they were serious about something.

And that something came in the form of a rather familiar looking blue robed gold lined robe wearing man.

Wearing a long crow like mask made out porcelain, sharp ended metal gloves clinked in the water a blue aura floated around the man while undulating in a chaotic manner.

Red eyes glowing crimson in the water, the image of the waning moon manifested behind the man.

Framed by the moon shining gently behind the man, he appeared as if a saint to the uninformed.

But if anyone else who was even remotely informed of the identity of the man were to see him they would be absolutely terrified.

Because underneath the guise of a Saint and envoy of the moon, the man was nothing more than a devilish murderer wearing the skin of a human...

Because... he was the Lunatic Cultist.

And he was the envoy of the end.


Please tell me, did those final lines of the lunatic cultist do the bastard who killed me an innumerable number of times justice?
