
I'm a human... I think

'I think I'm fully human'

Blinking a few times I thought about the question the green mage had asked me.

And to be honest?

I wasn't entirely sure.

Ever since I was living in this world, after my first and following consecutive deaths, I had my doubts.

No normal human should be able to respawn right?

And even if they could, they would usually be old monsters that had researched the concept of immortality and reincarnation or what not.

But I am pretty sure I'm human so I'll stay that way.

Smiling slightly I opened my mouth and spoke out my answer.

"I don't know the answer myself, but I think I'm human, so I'll stay that way thank you very much."

As the Plant mage's green eyes seemed to bore into my very being, the emerald green eyes gleamed with an unknown light before dimming to their original state.

As I was still in my wooden bindings, I couldn't really move much so I only shifted a few times in my binds all the while the green mage had an inscrutable look on her face.

It was honestly strange.

Eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light, the vines surrounding me in incredibly tight binds and knots slowly retreated back into the ground.

"Strangely enough, I can tell that you aren't lying when you say you are human."

'But I guess I could believe I was a dragon if I put my mind to it.'

Mocking herself within her mind, Celestia silently mocked herself as she was the last dryad of the world, it would be a hard pressed desire to identify herself as something else when she already knew that she was the last of her kind.

If she didn't know of her own species maybe she could naively believe she was a dragon with her incredible affinity to nature, but...

It would always and only stay as an if forever within her mind.

Shaking her head, she slowly made her way to the fruits growing in the garden all the while she dropped red dust onto them.

Eagerly absorbing the red crystal fragments into their bodies, the golden heart shaped fruits started to glow all the while light continued to pour through the sky through unknown sources.

Lightly waving her hand, a vine moved up and started to tip the leaves on it, opening up sprinkles of water onto the plants.

Of course, I was still there.

But since I was unfairly dragged here without my knowledge...

Well... the hell am I supposed to do?


"Is it ready?"

"Yes Cult Leader, the Eater of Worlds can be awakened at your command."


The Purple lined helm of the Corrupted Cultist nodded, light shining off of the dark blue helm, The Corrupted cultist spoke again.

"Has there been any sign of the bastard that ruined our plans?"

Calmly placing their arms behind their back in an act of calmness, the Corrupted Seer with his augmented eyes saw through that facade.

He was in fact the very opposite of calm, Arms lightly trembling in rage, it was a honest to corruption miracle that they hadn't torn him apart yet.

'I'm relocating to a different branch if I have the time.'

Having those thoughts, the corrupted Seer felt like he knew why his predecessor decided to demote herself to a different area.

"I'm sorry leader, but the bastard is still hiding away and hasn't been caught by any of our eyes yet."


"I see..."

Hearing the calm voice, chills went down the seer's spine all the while the sounds of cracking continued to sound from their mouth.

"Hoo..." expelling a purple mist of incredibly corruptive purple smog from the slits of their mouth, shards of bone white powder following it.

The Corrupted Cultist stared directly at the seer.

"Activate it."

"Are you su-" Quickly swallowing their words when remembering the current volatile state that the leader was in, the corrupted Seer only nodded and bowed before making their way out.

Quickly moving away, the Corrupted Cultist silently stared at the man moving away before they looked towards the purple sky tainted with the corrupted mists of the corruption.

Watching a bird that unluckily trespassed into the corrupted sky and morph into a strangely fleshy being devoid of feathers, the evil energies in the sky turned the bird into something unrecognizable.

It was still a bird, but now with its appendages wrapped with purple flesh and their beaks and talons turning into large blade like things, it was barely recognizable.

"Oh Corrupted Lord"

Eyes closing underneath the dark blue elm, the sky thundered as clouds seemed to gather in the distance, periodic strikes of lightning thundering across the black carapace of the storm.

Staring at it, the Corrupted Cultist had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen.

And that terrible thing was going to happen today.

With the pallid face of the moon staring down at the earth, it seemed to flicker and change to a pale blue color for a split second before disappearing.


As I was wandering around the large garden filled to the brim with strange plants that were... well plants.

Several herbs and fruits emanating a strange feeling such as a grass that was emanating a chilling field around it and a fruit that was literally on fire were common here.

The most common of the bunch were actually the star fruits that were amassed on the ceiling of this jungle like place.

Lighting up the area with starlight, all the plants here grew up with their help.

Absentmindedly wiping the sweat off of my head, the plants took in the sweat from my body and quickly grew with the infusion of waste mana.

Sensing the unintended growth, Celestia turned to look at the strange non human with a look of surprise.

Opening her mouth to ask the man why he had such a high natural affinity with the world and how he had so much pure mana within his body.

She quickly shut it when the earth around them rumbled.

Face changing she snapped her head to the side.

And coincidentally, the world around them began to shake.


[You feel the earth begin to stir from its slumber.]

'Well no shit sherlock'

Hurriedly stabilizing myself, the earth continued to shake for a few moments before stabilizing.

'...What the hell happened?'

[The Eater of Worlds has awakened!]

'Oh shit'

Having no other words, I could barely prepare myself for the ground bursting out from underneath me and revealing the gargantuan creature that was burrowing underneath.


Falling into its mouth, the mouth of the eater of worlds closed up.


Staring at the collosol worm boring through the ground and heading up to the surface, memories which had been sealed away with the passage of time returned to her eyes.

As she was the youngest dryad born by the world in a desperate attempt to preserve the world, she didn't have enough the time like her sisters to grow up.

And due to that, she was relegated to a supporting role of the supporting roles, growing the precious plants with her powers to aid the heroes.

Minions of the fallen lord almighty had already ravaged the continent of Minaft, rendering the entire continent incapable of providing support.

The great lunar god was one that would destroy the world all for the sake of its growth.

And it was there that she witnessed all of the beings born from the wounds that the dark lord bore.

One of them was the long string of guts that had rotted beyond recognition and formed into the corruption that the world knows today.

Morphing into a being of indescribable proportions, it was covered in red eyes all the while several bone like appendages circled the monsters leathery purple body.

Circular green eyes peering into the garden that she had personally crafted in this part of the world, Celestia was overcome with terror.

Twisting its body, Celestia had the premonition that it wasn't actually staring at her and was instead staring at the golden hearts behind her.

But despite that, she couldn't move an inch, head spinning around in a tumultuous revery of fear, her limbs froze in place as horrible memories of the Eater of Worlds in its prime wreaked havoc on the underearth of all the continents.

That is until the head of the beast was instantly sliced apart revealing a bloody figure wielding two knives to cut apart the flesh around them.

Seeing that, she instantly broke out of the revery.

Breaking through the ceiling crafted by intertwining layer after layer of vines, the circular maw of the eater of worlds tore through the fibrous plants and devoured the star fruits.

Slamming her hands down onto the ground, green energy filled the entirety of the room, following that she shouted.

{Tear apart my enemy!}

And the plants answered the call.

In this world, there were many dangers that people warned others about.

Especially in the adventuring profession where every single step they take int he unknown world was a dangerous one.

One of the more well known dangers however, is to never step into a mage's abode.

They will tear you apart.

And the scene before Celestia was the reason why many warned others of treading into mages homes.

Every single plant in the garden came alive.

In fact, the garden itself came alive.

Awakened by the infusement of natural energy by the last dryad and the fact that the garden itself had been accumulating energy for a while now.

Plants sprung up to devour the menace that oh so rudely intruded in the underground abode of the Dryad.

Iron tipped vines piercing forwards, they pierced through the skin of the beast even as other vines diverted the beast from its initial objective.

Flaming fruits mixed with frozen leaves were thrown in its path, exploding the frontal face of the beast into bits.

But nevertheless, blasting through the smoke, the flesh of the beast melted off like snow, tearing away all the easily as purple smoke billowed outwards from the broken off parts.

Diving back into the earth, the vines which had dug into its body were pulled taught even as the rest of its body followed.

Myriad eyes dilating in realizing the danger, the Eater of Worlds billowed as the gigantic wooden blade with a strength akin to steel cut through the leathery skin and split the monster into two different pieces.

Of course, if that was the end it would've been a wonderful thing.

Shedding off its rotten flesh as if it was never a part of it in the first place, bones which had interlocked before to create spines instantly revealed themselves to be instead another set of jaws.

Morphing both ends of its body, the eater of worlds became two.

And by looking at the vast stretch of flesh that the boss monster was, it wasn't hard to see that this would be a hard fought battle.

