
Burst out of the Sea

"Let's fucking do this"

Bringing out my magically enhanced eyes which definitely helped by drawing several paths for me.

It wasn't exactly enough.

Looking at the paths with various levels of success in them, most of them containing risks such as one path which had a shark as a foothold, I decided to follow the most intact looking one.

Jumping up from my platform of wood, it was quickly swallowed up by the roaring tides as it was instantly flipped over and crushed into bits.

Shivering at the thought of ending up like that, my eyes tracked the path.

Stepping on a lingering piece of ice, ice arrows and shards flew.

Impacting the surface and turning into semi stable platforms that were only platforms for a moment, it was enough.

Climbing up the moving mountain of water, the platforms of ice quickly fell through and sunk.

Following that, I jumped up a swept up building pillar and used it as a platform.

Breaking it up into many little pieces, the water underneath me frothed before revealing the maws of a shark that had thought I would make a nice meal.

Seeing that my plans changed on the fly.

Turning around, I roundhouse kicked the shark in the snout sending it careening downwards where I was able to briefly go past the crest of the wave.

But it wasn't enough, falling down before the crest could come over me, my worst fears came.

The wave was starting to turn into an actual wave that would come crashing down.

Due to a combination of physical qualities and momentum the wave wasn't exactly a wave as it was just a swell of water.

But it seemed that the pressure from behind finally pushed it over the brink and made it an actual wave.

God I hate physics sometimes.

Biting my lip, an ice grenade was held in my hands and thrown, turning the surrounding waves into frozen popsicles.

Actually, at these speeds aren't popsicles basically icicles?

Blankly thinking aout that fact, the world answered me by shredding shark into sushi.

'Well I guess I got my answer'

Redoubling my efforts to cover the crest of the wave because I wanted to get over it before the wave covered me and not because I wanted to become a slushy or something.

With a final blast of ice, I finally covered the crest just as the frozen icicle party passed underneath me.

'Noted, underneath harsh conditions its a bad idea to use ice powers.'

Since I nearly got blended into a new type of human drink made of meat.

Feeling my lungs burn witht he exertion of all my senses going into overdrive trying to get over it, I finally reached the top.

Only to meet the gaze of a not so welcome foe.

But I guess it was only expected to happen.

"Well hi There."

Since I already met the overlord of the sea in the sea and the Eater of worlds underground, is it the sky this time?

Hi there skeletron.

Made out of nothing but bone and levitating itself with jets of blood that came out of its limbs, the gigantic skull opened its mouth wide hoping to crush me with its canines.

Of course I wouldn't like thaat to happen.

'I guess route one is the only option!'

Letting myself fall limp, the ram rune aided my descent bringing me back to the side of the wave that I had oh so painstakingly climbed up.

Feeling the ice slice at my limbs that got to close to it, I winced.


But nevertheless, seeing the bone white hand dive into the water and try to grasp at me before I could leave wasn't a good feeling to have aside from the fact that I was bleeding from my upper left arm.

Like a sharks in the water, the moment my blood dripped onto its surface, they immediately renavigated positions and pointed towards me.

If before they couldn't pay attention to me because it was a rather awkward place to search, now that my blood was acting like a signal stating there was inured prey here.

The Predatory instincts of the sharks instinctively activated.

And that included the strange hybrid sharks.

Sporting the same tentacles as the big mama, the sharks wordlessly roared before...

Heading towards Skeletron.

Glancing at the jets of blood coming from its limbs I pursed my limbs.

'Yeah that makes sense.'

Making their way to the giant source of blood that activated their predatory instincts to the max, my eyes instead dragged themselves to the forest that was now worryingly close now.

'I probably shouldn't have dropped that far.'

At least when I was near the top I should've been able to cover the top of the trees without problem.

But down near the tree trunks where there were only things such as branches and branches and some vines, it would be a miracle that I Would come out of this intact.

Hopefully I should be able to come out intact although I wouldn't pray for it.

And since I Just used the last of my building materials in making that wooden board that was now swallowed by the waves...

Stepping on top of a broken piece of ice, I quickly froze it over again, freezing my feet in the process.

'This'll have to do.'

Bending my knees and spreading my arms to maintain the best balance possible, I waited.

And wait long I did not.

Spinning around, a very dangerous game of tag was playing out.

Bending down to dodge some branches, the next moment had me lift my legs up alongside the board and bring me up against the branches.

Knowing that any accidental bump would leave my body under the control of the waves, I hurriedly twisted my body around to dodge the giant body of wood resolutely standing against the waves.

Weaving through the network of branches, animals that hadn't escaped far enough yet had been caught up by the swell letting out a cacophony of howls and barks that melted into the crashing of waves.

Hearing several cracking noises come from behind me, my face paled as I took the risk of quickly glancing backwards.

And oh I'm glad I did.

The trees that had stood up for eons enduring the wrath of nature had finally fallen.

Tall Ancient pines maybe even older than me, dark oak trees with twisting and turning branches.

The flexible willow trees.

None of them survived.

Turning around, as if I had eyes on the back of my head, without even turning around, I blasted forwards with the recoil of the ice bow.

Turning the wave behind me into crackling and sparkling ice, it was overwhelmed as I continued to bend my body back and forth through the trees.

Water continued to gush through the roots.

Blasting through the skies, pieces of bark were sent flying everywhere all the while, splashes of sea water treatened to get into my eyes.

Blinking away the sweat drop which dribbled down my forehead, my hair which was slick with water was suddenly set alight with pitch black flames.

Removing the hindrance blocking my vision, my eyes unknown to me glowed a strange orange as strange runic designs appeared on my bare skin.

Squeezing through the gaps of a split tree, thunder crackled in the sky as unknowingly, the sky had already darkened and had gathered a thunderstorm.

Crackling incessantly, the sky broke open.

Like wounds, the sky bled rain.

Feeling the surging tides which were waning earlier suddenly intensify, I glanced back only to see a very unwelcome beast.

As the cause of one of my deaths, the overlord of the seas seemed to mirror my hatred as it was following the ocean waves all the while its maw of many rows of teeth aimed to shred me to bits.

A very painful experience that I almost wouldn't want to wish onto my worst enemy.

Punching through the waves to grasp at one of the tentacles, Skeletron silently roared above the waves as it was now slick with the blood of various shark like hybrids.

Biting into the tentacle, the Overlord of the seas roared underwater before turning its attention to the floating skeleton.

And where was the one boss monster that I was able to meet underground you may ask?

Oh that was an easy question to answer.

It was right in front of me.


Hurriedly twisting my legs encased in the ice, several items disappeared from my inventory as the stack of incredibly heavy stone appeared out of thin air.

Expanding to their natural size, the boulder sized rock quickly crushed the eater of worlds underneath its weight.

Biting my lip, the skies thundered loudly as lightning struck across the black ominous skies.

Feeling my heart pound in unison, the rain fell from the sky.

