
A Story of the Other Side (2)

'Hoo... Why the hell is this happening to me.'

Grimacing, I felt my chest which surprisingly was already healed right back up.

But then again, I guess its just the cherry on top of a disastrous cake of other things that ad just happened.

Feeling around my malaise reserves which were incredibly low to the point of it not having anything left in the bucket, I distinctly felt that, for some reason, my malaise wasn't repleishing as fast as I would like it.

Shifting slightly uncomfortable due to the ice shards stuck in my body, I distinctly felt how advantageous my new body had become.

Since my skin was ceramic, my pain settings were set at an all time low all the while my flesh was somewhat clay like in nature.

I really felt like I wasn't really human.

But then again, could I really be called human with all of these magical powers running through my veins?

Rubbing my chest which had already healed, the red blood marking the hole where the wound had just come from made me stare at the Awakened Ice bow which was visibly melting my clay like flesh into its body.

Staring at it in its entirety, I was taken aback when its skeletal face just morphed into a human one.

Well maybe human was an understatement as it was more like a corpses, but you get what I mean.

Quickly bringing up my sword to block, I quickly remembered one thing.

Besides the Torch, Ice shards, Code 1 and some random assortment of stone blocks, I had... nothing.

I guess I'll have to make do with what I have.

Stone block absorbing all of the damage it could for me before it could be pierced, I left behind a trail of ice shards which I rapidly back tracked to.

Feet plunging onto the soft rock, my feet pushed the stone down as the cooled blocks of stone hardened by ice were still blisteringly hot.

Not that I could care when Ironically, a frozen steed from hell was chasing me.

Throwing the torch at the Awakened Ice bow, the frozen rider ignored the rather pathetic attempt to attack it

But I guess, while I'm at it, I could just...

Bringing out the long not used Code 1 which I had brought with me since entering the kingdom of the malaise, I quickly realized how difficult it was to use.

But then again, I didn't need to use it with utmost proficiency when I could just use it for defence no?

And it seems that the Code 1 was a rather great defensive tool.

Swinging the large Yo yo which had its origins set in from the Terrarian Game, the iron string spun crazily as Code 1 flew out and quickly came back while carrying several pounds of hot steaming lava.

Something that although I am grateful for, am not wanting at this current moment

Spinning, I lobbed the red hot Yo yo at the Awakened Ice bow which struck down at the flaming hot yoyo wheel.

Snapping my hand back, the yoyo instantly started rolling backwards turning a straight 90 degrees mid air to return to my hand.

Freezing the path to the side of me, I relied on the fact that a horse had rather poor turning capabilities and launched the yoyo back at the Ice bow right before trying to use my malaise to enhance the weapon all the while I hoped to make the previously made malaise arrows.

Holding my breath, I twisted my hand and tried to swing the Yoyo around blocking the one arrow heading my way.

Watching as the awakened Ice bow tried to load another one right as I was trying to make a malaise arrow, I frowned as I found out that for reasons unknown to me, the magic wasn't happening and instead of the galloping horse I was hoping for, I got a crawling snail.

Hand holding the string for dear life, I spun around and nearly plunged into the lava much to my surprise.

Frowning, I used the ice shards to make myself some more rather dubious ground all the while the Awakened Ice bow ran around me like a shark that had smelt blood.

And seeing as it was licking what it had for a tongue onto its lips, I think that it definitely smelt something.

Hopefully it would go for the thing that was making it so hungry, but I guess today that thing was me as the Awakened ice bow redirected the rearing horse towards me.

Elongating the unbroken end of the Ice bow melded right into their hand, a long lance made of ice suddenly appeared all the while the lava performed no obstacle to the frozen steed.

Actually, now that I see it, the horse's legs were melting as it touched the lava.

'Well that's some good news'

Dodging to the side and jumping onto another leftover piece of rock that was nothing more tan a small fragment of its once large self, I made sure to drag the edge of the Code 1 against the flank of the Horse.

Anything to make it die faster in hopes of throwing its rider into the lava lake.

Freezing two steps to my left and two to my right, the Awakened Ice bow skillfully twisted their mount back so that they could charge back.

But instead of doing what I thought that they would, they instead lengthed the other end of the bow so that it was now something more like a long pole with sharp ends.

Resting it horizontally across their lap, I instantly realized what they were planning.

And must I say, it would've been more effective if they made it so I couldn't limbo underneath it.

And so that was what I just did.

Bearing a shit eating grin on my face, I drew the Code 1 against the very same flank right before I threw the weak malaise arrow at the figure.

It petered out mid way, but I could attribute it to the slow crawl of malaise not entering my body in the slightest to refill its tank.

'Yeah, that plans off the table.'

Ignoring the plan which involved me trying to shot that bastard down before he could cut me down from where I stand.

Turning to look at the Awakened I ce bow which was now looking incredibly more angry than before I slightly smirked in satisfaction upon realizing how short the horse now looked.

It was honestly amusing as eveyr step that the horse made in the lava lake made its legs all the more shorter.

I mean by now, the beast was nothing more than a stubby short cake on legs.

A corgi to be exact.

It was weird to see a corgi with an extra long neck though.

Watching the legs plod through the lava and touch the foot of the rider much to its surprise, I smirked even wider right before having that smile wiped off my face when it just abandoned their ride and stood on their own two feet.

Converting the horde into armor which they wore on top of thei body, my expression changed as I prepared to use the Yoyo in my hands to their fullest potential.

And thank God I remember how the feeling of swing the medal in my hands was like.

Slowly rolling my wrist to get the base tempo going, I had the Yoyo spinning around so fast that a solid block of air had been displaced to create the whistling noise I have just surrounded myself in.

Turning the spear around and breaking off their hand, I watched with surprised eyes that instead of forming arrows it abandoned ranged superiority in favor of hand to hand combat.

Actually, now that I think about it, why was it not forming arrows to use ranged superiority?

Well I guess I would never know the answer as it charged at me rapidly.

Closing in the distance, I side stepped to allow the spear to plunge deep into the lava lake.

Wrapping the Code 1 around the shaft, I pulled it back so that the Awakened Ice bow would lose their balance.

But I guess I underestimated the skill of my opponent.

Leveraging the pulling force to punch at my face, I instantly used the remaining length of the Code 1 to wrap around the flung arm which scratched at my face.

And now that we were basically face to face, the smile on the Awakened Ice bow instantly spread across its face causing my own to change.

Sensing the remaining malaise that I had painstakingly regenerated get stolen away when in contact with this guy, allowing it to make a face, I instantly put two and two together.

This bitch was stealing my energy.

Two hands which were holding the strings of Code 1 tight pushing up to hit the chin of the awakened Ice bow, it let go of the spear in their left hand and tried clawing at my side.

Pulling my right hand back to grasp the wrist I ripped my left hand back, ripping the icy spear back.

Taking advantage of the loosened thread wrapped around its hand, the awakened ice bow quickl grabbed the spear, threatening my neck with it.

Something that I didn't like as I pushed the shaft deeper into the rock we were standing on splitting it in half.

But since we were basically connected in hand to hand combat, the suppossed splitting didn't occur and instead the lava bubbled up in hopes of consuming us.

Seeing the positives of the situation, I instantly realized what I should do.

Rapidly Letting go of everything that was connected to the awakened Ice bow I faked a push back and stored the Code 1 into my inventory right before stomping on the platform the Awakened Ice bow was stood on.

Jumping back, I grinned in satisfaction as the awakened Ice bow dumbfoundedly continued pushing to its doom.


It really decided it didn't like me it seems.

Looking at the slow moving hand aiming to grasp at any part of my body, I cursed as my body was a beat late to react to the frozen hand grasping at the flesh of my leg giving it frost bite.

'Well shit'

Getting dragged into the lava lake, I must say, getting burnt alive was not a pleasant feeling.

The smell of scorched flesh filled my nose as I soundlessly screamed.

Not that I could as lava filled my lungs.

And I must say, the pain... it really never gets better.

Sinking deeper into the lake of lava, I groaned much to my own dissatisfaction as lava immediately went into my mouth upon opening it.


Feeling an indescribable rage assault me, I quickly reached down to my foot where the hand of the Awakened Ice bow was and dragged it up where I could actually punch it before I die.

'And when I do, I hope the fucker rests nicely in hell.'

Turning into a deluge of white sparks to be reformed in another portion of the world, unknown to me, a battle of unknown proportions was occurring in another plane of the universe.


In a place of broken time and floating islands.

Staring at the glitching black figure covered in a kaleidoscope of shifting colors, the God of fun and games frowned in his own boyish visage.

Multicolored eyes staring at the figure enshrouded in a glitchy visage, said glitchy visage stared back with pure white eyes.

Opening their mouth to speak, the God of fun and games interrupted them first.

"Don't give me that self righteous speech again .EXE, you are someone who threatens the balance."

"I thought you liked game breaking bugs?" Speaking in a distorted speech that was as if someone was scraping their nails across the chalk board, they crossed their arms.

Snapping their hands to manifest several hands of white holding various weapons, the God of Fun and Games for the first time in the long time in their long life had no smile on their face.

"That bug is only fun if it is only exploited once, when it is exploited wherever you go, where is the fun in that? We also have to account for the other players playing experience don't we?"

"How Fair of you"

