
Minecrafter of Orario

A Teenager who love playing minecraft end up transfered to World of Danmachi as Steve with the ability of Minecraft such as crafting, enchanting, brewing and more! Not only that, he also has a Minecraft Instant Dungeon where he can go into the World of Minecraft to fight Minecraft Mob and Boss to level up and collect material to use it in real world. Now come and read this book as we read his adventure into the World of Danmachi with his Minecraft ability. ???: Oh, Diamond!

Lord_of_Divine · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

The Game

[??? POV]

Currently, I on my computer as I am visiting the Minecraft SMP once more before the game completely shut down for good.

Now it is 2026, which mean it been 15 years since the game been released and many adjustment been made. But now, it will be shut down.

"Huh, I never thought this game will come to an end."

I said as I remember how popular the game was back at it age. It also a game I always played along with my friends. I continue walking through the SMP.

Unexpectedly, one of my dearest friend joined the game.

[Monochrome_God joined the game]

A notification told me as a player with a suit and pink/white haired skin appeared beside me.

"Hey, there. Long time not see, [Steve]."

[Monochrome_God] said my In-Game name a.k.a [Steve].

"Long time not see too, [Monochrome_God]. It's been about three years, hasn't it?" I greeted him back.

"It's been that long?! Damn, look like working overtime make my sense of time to messed up." He said.

"Geez, who thought a lazy player in the server is a workaholic maniac in real life." I joked remember back at the day where he is the lazy person in server.

"Say by a guy who still used basic Minecraft Skin and name." He retorted as I quickly replied.

"Hey! [Steve] is awesome okay! He is the first Minecraft Skin, so show some respect." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You told me and other many time." He told me.

"Wait, really?" I asked.

"Yeah, it started when [H3X-Delta] say your Minecraft Skin is lame and suck." He said as I remember it.

"Um… I'm sorry, I guess." He said apologise for what I said before.

"Nah, it fine."

He said with a chuckle as we started chatting as I can heared that [Monochrome_God] is yawning.

"While it fun to chat and wait with you, I got to go now."

"Can't you… wait a little longer." I asked try to make him wait a little longer.

"I wish I can, but I still need to go to work." He said with a heavy sigh

"It must be hard been an adult, right."

"Well, you can said that but it nothing we can. Everyone will become an adult in the end."

"I know but…"

"Sometime, we need to face the harsh reality, Steve." He told me as I know how true it is.

"…" I can only goes silent at this.

"Think about what I said, you still a teenager and has a time to change your life. For now, farewell Steve."

[Monochrome_God left the game].

[Monochrome_God] left me alone in the SMP as sighed as I well know how busy he and the other is. I also start to think about what he said.

Among other player on the SMP, I am the youngest one. I'm around 10 years old back where I played and joined the SMP and now, I am 18 years old teenager.

"Look like, I the only one left."

I said as I feel lonely and disappointed how the game will end. The game where everyone can do anything and decided everuthing. A game where the player been given a freedom to do as they pleased.

"Damn it! Why it must come to an end! Do you know how frustrated live is?! Do you know how much people suffer due to they duty of an adult?! It like a joke!"

I lashed out as I can't accept it but calm down as I then looked at the digital clock on my PC.


"Look like, it almost about time to say good bye."

"It really shame such a good game come to an end."


"When the timer reaches the strokes of midnight, the server will completely deleted."

"I never thought that I would be spending the moment together with you."

"Goodbye, Steve, and good night Minecraft."


The server completely shut down as the screen turn dark. I can only watched in regret. As I about to stand up and was about to walk to my bed only to stop as my PC suddenly received an e-mail.


I sit down on my gaming chair back as I clicked the e-mail.


From: Unknown


Have you ever felt that you were born into a boring world?



"What… is this? A bluffing?"

I stared at the e-mail in confusion as I don't weither to clicked the link or not.

"Well, let's just hope for the best."

I clicked the link below as it then bring me to a…

"Is not this… a Minecraft PvP? Not something I expected but… I will play with you, Unknown." I said as I send a message to Unknown said I accepted his challange.


From: Unknown

Well, let's begin then, Steve.


"Bring it."

I said seriously as I enter the battle arena. I meet face to face with [Unknown] and he really is unknown for sure for having an interesting Minecraft Skin. But that aside, I need to focus to defeat this guy first.

"Shall we begin?" He asked.

"Bring it on!" I said signaled that I am ready.

The PvP begun as both of us start running to each other and swinging out weapon.

In the SMP, I am not good at PvP actually but I still know how to fight and survive. It something that my friend known as [Bloody+Kill] is so good at. That guy literally just kill over 100 Player alone and survive in Hunger Games.

I thought as I remember past memories but I need to focus as this [Unknown].

Both of us keep hitting, dodging and running. The fight continue as I decided to end it fast.

"TNT coming through!"

I lited up TNT as I it explode in front of [Unknown] knocking him back few block, I then take a bow and arrow and started shooting from safe distance.

He then equiped a shield as I keep shooting. After few more shot, I stop shooting. He notice this as he than equiped an axe and he charge forward.

I than equiped a water bucket and drop the water to slow him down. I take this chance and hit him. He then take an Enderpearl and teleport away.

I cursed at this as he came to me. I equiped lava bucket and drop it. He of course change direction to avoid it but I already preditect it as I use a cobweb to trap him.

Now he is trap in a cobweb, I start hitting him and finally, he died.


I sigh at this as I win despite need to use dirty tricks to win. A message then show up as I read it.

"Well done. The skill put into that game was quite something."

"Thanks, I guess." I said with a tired smiled.

A message came again as I read it and it make me snapped.


From: Unknown

I am sure… you find living to be difficult?


He said as I frowned at this.

'That… is true.'


From: Unknown

What do you think of this world?


'What do I think…?'


From: Unknown

Is it fun? Is living a breeze?


'…That's obvious'

"It's a shit live." I said with a dark smirk on my face.

Eight billion peoples are moving plans around as they please. It's a crappy life with strict rule and objective.

You get penalized if you win or lose to much. You're pressured if you stay silenced, you're shunned if you talk.

If it's not a shit life, what is it?


From: Unknown

If there was a world where you can be free and decided everything.

If there were a board game world where you are the one who decided the rule and objective.

What would you think?


"I see. If there's such a world ou there."

"I'm undoubtedly, born into the wrong world then." I said with an evil smirk.

Suddenly, my PC started flashed bright as a voice can be heard.

"I think so as well."

"You was surely born into the wrong world."

"That's why I'll let you be born again."

"Again, in the world you should have been born!"

The light from PC flashed more brightly as I covered my eyes and when I opened it back.

"What the?!"

The moment I opened my eyes, I noticed I in another place. A screen suddenly appeared in front of me.


From: God of Game

Say hello to another world! This a the utopia you have dreamed off! The Block World, Minecraft!

A World where you free to do anything you want as long you has the idea.

But this only the Tutorial, your true destination is another world known as Danmachi!

For now, good luck and try your best of surviving this World.


I read the message as I can't help but to gawked at it as one thing I have in my mind.

"I always thought life was an impossible challange, a masochistic challange…"

" …countless number of times."

"It's finally "bugged out."" I cried.

"What is this super shitty life?!"

From that moment, my life that full of challange become more harder.

Such misfortune.

[To Be Continue]

[See You Next Game]