
minecraft system in a disruption world

Once upon a time, the world was just a darkness filled with madness everywhere. a star fell from the sky splitting the horizon, and immediately shattered on the ground, giving 4 great powers to the 4 creatures on the ground. they are called 4 Kings. a lot of time has passed... A Minecraft player, came to this world with an abnormal, problematic psychology. They call him the... "King of loneliness" author: @World_simulator ps: this novel mostly Mtl i will do my best to edit it

Inttax · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


The sky was already a dark color with thunder that would strike the ground at any moment.

Where Thea now standing, there were many corpses of the goats that she had killed for the past 3 days.

Looking behind her. Then you will see the piles of corpses of the goats very high, and their blood all staining the ground to the point of making pools of blood.

At first, Thea was still afraid to fight with this herd of goats in front of her.

Seeing thousands of goats approaching her very quickly. Thea's legs felt so weak that she couldn't run at all.

In the end, when the first demonic goat approached her, Thea could not help but raise her stone sword, and fight with all of them.

When killing the demon goat for the second time. Thea's hand holding the stone sword was still shaking.

Killing for the fifth time, Thea's hand holding the stone sword didn't tremble anymore.

Thea had an epiphany.

"As long as I kill them first they won't kill me."

Holding the stone sword relaxed slightly. The hidden fears that were in his heart began to be released one after another.

Holding a stone sword covered in blood. Thea looked at the thousand flocks of goats that were rapidly approaching her.

Thea knew that if she were to be surrounded in this herd of goats, she would never get out of there alive.

That's why she uses tactics that are very wasteful but also very efficient according to him.

Run and slash!

Although this doesn't sound professional enough. This was the most suitable choice for Thea herself.

The main reason she chose this was because of her own body.

Yes! Thea will never get tired!

As long as the food bar is full and the pink heart is still very healthy, nothing can stop it at all!

Every slash she made was still exactly the same as the first! There's no such thing as weakening from exhaustion at all!

That was the beginning of Thea's war against the goats until the last blood spilled.

In the beginning, Thea was just a normal human who didn't know any sword tactics at all.

But as she slaughtered these demon goats. Thea began to become more and more skilled at waving the sword in her hand.

Now, Thea could wield the two swords in her two hands very freely.

When Thea ran while slashing at these goats using her stone sword. It was inevitable that the hunger bar would decrease very quickly.

For that, Thea has a solution.

Run a few meters to keep your distance from these goats. Thea opened the mouth of the demon goat that had become a corpse, and pulled her soft tongue out very quickly.

Yes, Thea ate the tongues of the goats.

Apart from this, Thea also ate their eyeballs in one gulp, in case she was too bothered to pull the tongues of these goats.

The softest and easiest part of the meat is actually the eyeballs of these goats. But when they were pulled out, they would immediately disintegrate from being forcibly pulled by Thea.

This is a huge waste of energy and materials.

Therefore Thea chose the next easiest part of the goats to escape.

That is its tongue.

Apart from the taste of raw meat and the iron taste that continued to cover her mouth and throat, Thea didn't feel any abnormality other than her food bar filling up much faster than eating leaves.

That's why Thea ate this part of the goat's body to restore the hunger bar she had.

As long as she's alive, everything's fine.

Thea aw a goat that approached her after eating. she slashed at it with a stone sword, and the goat fell to the ground lifeless again.

Seeing her stone sword start to crack. Thea replaced it with another stone sword in her inventory, and the battle continued.

Even though Thea continued to slaughter these goats using her stone sword. It was inevitable that one day all her stone swords would be destroyed.

And this happened 2 days later.

All of the stone swords, that filled a set of inventory columns, had been destroyed in their bloody battle.

Seeing this Thea did not give up hope at all.

She was a human, and as a human, she was an extremely skilled seeker of other weapons.

Pulling a very thick goat horn from the corpse below. Thea pulled the horn off, and pointed a thick horn the size of a basketball bat, at all of them.

Now, Thea holds 2 devil goat horns in both hands.


It had been three days since this bloody battle had begun.

A silent sky as if to witness the bloodshed of the two of them. it grew darker as Thea killed these goats.

Standing still in place while holding the two thick goat horns in both hands. Thea who had dried blood around her armor, stayed there while waiting for the next goats to arrive.

The stone armor that was originally smooth, had cracked everywhere, and their color was originally gray, had turned black.

The blood of the goats stuck to her armor and turned black from not being washed for too long.

Behind Thea. There are piles of corpses of goats, piled up to form a mountain hill that is very amazing and very horrifying.

Goats, which originally had a population of around 12 thousand or more, now only have 300 left.

All the demon goats that managed to survive, looked at Thea with horror in their eyes.


The flocked goats separated themselves, and there was one goat walking in the midst of them all.

This goat is different from the other goats in general.

it didn't have thick fur like them. However, in place of the fur, there was very dense black metal armor.

The horns on its head were not bent like the goat next to it. Rather it's strait, and has a very pointed tip and is very shiny.

Staring at the figure who had slaughtered all of his underlings with fiery blue eyes that were extremely angry yet also extremely cold. The goat spoke to Thea.

"[Why are you aiming for us?]"

"[Why did you kill us all!]"

"[Is there a grudge between us!?]"

"[When we ran, you chased us! Why do you want to kill us so much!!]"

"[Answer the KING's question!!!]"

Even though this goat was talking to Thea. Thea could only hear the goat that was always babbling to her.

Thea raised a horn filled with gore towards the goat king, in response.

"[You are looking for Death!]"


The answer to the goat king's words was, Thea was running towards him very fast.

Their battle was about to begin.