
Minecraft: Calamity of injustice

The blocky world of Minecraft slowly succumbs to the "darkness"... However new heroes arise from the depths to conquer and prevent the Calamity that is till yet to come in the world... Join Kyle Brave Heart and Johann Grant! Along with some good friends along the way to stop the so called Calamity of Injustice...

Chris_Quinonez · Videojogos
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12 Chs


The mobs outside are ruining our late night rest, previously we went through the Imperium dungeon and outstandingly survived the outcomes from traps in a gigantic spuder. Also meeting the great enemy we were looking for! I've also claimed the so called "ring of Resonance".

So far... I have no idea -_-

Oh well... Maybe I'll just help Johann and Jack outside!

(Bones crackling) (zombie growls)

Hello! And good evening mobs of the night! But you guys stop here, cause the legendary trio of "vengeance" shall annihilate you!

(Laughter) ha! Vengeance, where did that come from? Johann asks laughingly...

"Don't know, just thought of a cool name?" I said in response.

Hmm.. Vengeance! I like it! Says Jack.

"Vengeance it is!" Says Johann!

"Johann! Behind you!"

(Swoosh!) Shoots arrow*


Yahhh!!! (Swish) slice* alrighty! Says Jack!

We slayed and slayed... Until we didn't realize we were sorrounded by even more mobs!

(Groans in the distance)

"Crap! Tsk! I think we're in trouble! Look!"

"Oh my dirt! Wha-"

In the distance on what looks to be several pairs of eyes numbers tallying to a hundred, perhaps even more! On what came from the other side of that hill was like an orchestrated army of mobs ready to ambush us at any moment...

As we defeat the remaining mobs closest to us... We backed down slowly... And quietly..

However... It seemed these ones were smarter than we anticipated!

Every single one of those mobs emerged from hiding running at full speed towards us!

We were sorrounded indeed! We had nothing to do because our iron swords and our armor was going to break! So we decided to make our place higher in the air!

Well of course... There were always skeletons who will shoot us! Dozens of arrows came flying towards us! It was too hard to dodge! My shield broke*

It wasn't also my shield! Johann and Jack's shield is also breaking... We were down to the last pieces of our durability...

We made a dirt wall around us hoping nothing bad could absolutely happen...

However... Mother of luck was not on our side this time! For some reason creepers came flying down on us from the air!

I think I knew what the reason was! A mutant mob! That must have explained everything!

I looked down and there it was! A five block high "Mutant Zombie!" It was huge! Huge enough to have strength that can catapult creepers in the air at us!

He threw creepers at us several times and barely missed... However! He finally landed one on us... The creeper slowly descending from the sky also trying to ignite itself at the same time... It exploded!

(Booom!) Our wall made of dirt was destroyed! We had no blocks left! And broken shields... The skeletons below us started shooting arrows again!?!?

The arrows hit us! We were plumenting Into the ground!

(Ouch) IT HURTS?!

As we were growling in pain... Creepers, Spiders, Zombies and other mobs started going to us!

"I guess we have no choice but to fend them off" says Johann.

Wait! I said to them...

Let me handle this!

"Kyle? What? Why are you glowing?"

I don't feel like "Kyle Brave Heart" anymore..

I feel like I'm a different person...

As I gaze at my own body I saw some things filling up my pocket! Blocks! Also my armor... It's changing into diamond?!

I see... So this is what resonance does!?

It enchances the current skills of the user! Like my swordsmanship and my ability to mine minerals/ores!?!?

With the extra power I had in my arsenal I was prepared to fight!

Take this Johann! I'll give you my blocks! Protect yourself and Jack!

I will handle the rest...

(🎶We fight and win against our fate!!!🎶)

Resonance is within me... This power shall help throughout the battles to come?!

( 🎶 The grasps within us shall annihilate you now! 🎶)

Swish* slices* Diiieeee?!?!

( 🎶 Sharpen our swords to kill?!🎶)

(🎶 Watching the bravery lean, makes us try to give up unless we're together now...🎶)

I won't ever let you all harm my friends! Until I defeat that mutant, seek that scoundrel, save this world... I won't rest...

Slice?!?!* Swoosh...

(🎶Sharpen our sword to kill?!, follow the path of reso-nance, try it... Wake up, it's time to gather now🎶)

It's only you left... I will defeat you along with the lowly mobs I just destroyed!


With all my power... I'm gonna defeat this mutant!

(🎶Sharpen our swords and we kill! Screw it! Place the blocks that we scavenged through the night, wake up it's time to beat em up!🎶)

(Swoosh) (groans)

With that... A nice minced head of a mutant zombie acquired?!

(🎶The lone wolf in the moon howls through the dark...🎶)

I actually did it... I defeated a zombie mutant along with a hundred mobs... I di- (faints)


"Hang on! We're here!"

"You were cool out there! Thank you!"

I guess I did something useful again huh? (Laughs) I'll just sleep for a while...

"Kyle... Kyle Brave Heart...

Wake up my friend..."

"Huh?" I asked myself whom I think I'm stuck again in a white bright luminous room...

I heard a voice... It wasn't that man's voice...

It was another "person"?

"Don't call me that friend... Instead call me the creator of that ring and resonance itself!

Call me "Achilles" the demi-god of Resonance... "

Well.. ok.. it might be rude to ask but what is happening to my body am I dead?

"No. You're all right... Your body is resting deeply in a slumber guarded by your precious friends.. our meeting is only your dream, and I've did in my own power to meet and talk to you about how I'm glad you successfully chose the "path of Resonance" as the power you've seek!" He said

What does it mean exactly? I asked

You do know that man you've been talking to from time to time right? His actually my superior in our lands! And I'm under his ehh what you call it... A council? Basically a group of his underlings or something... And we serve as tools to help the people that whom he awknowledges like you! We are called demi-gods the ones who serve under a full pledge god! I do apologize I won't tell you his name but I assure you we are allies and from now on I will aspire to help you and your friends through the path of Resonance and defeat the foe that is a threat to Minecraft!

That speech he just said gave me goosebumps! However it made me determined to save this world and eradicate the threats that can harm Minecraft!

"Through the path of Resonance I shall use it to my power and promise to defeat the Calamity of Injustice!"

Well said... It's my time to depart now hero... Tell your good friends to help you along In this journey... And remember, walking in the path of Resonance you can find what your looking for! Strive and work hard never give up and lose hope! Instead do what you can in your current power and surpass your limits and in that you can find what you seek" farewell.. till we meet again...

(Opens eyes) as I woke up at my slumber I see my friend Jack beside me..

I asked "Where is Johann?"

"Johann is cooking our breakfast..." Jack replied.

"Well you were pretty awesome last night thank you for saving us! Better lay down and rest more Kyle." Jack added

No thanks! I replied enthusiastically!

I've got up and went to check up Johann..

"Oh! You've woken up! Thank you kyle for saving us!" Johann happily said to me..

I think I'm gonna throw up... What's that "smell"?!?! I asked him..

"Don't you dare ridicule my cooking again.."

I've known Johann for years now, for a fact I knew he is terrible at cooking?!

"It's the least I can do for saving us" he said.

Well it's fine then I'll let it pass.. I obliged.

We are our breakfast cooked by Johann.

"Uhh. Sure enough it's horrible Johann." I said to him.

"Man... I knew you would say that! That is why I prepared you cooked beef and chicken!"

"HORRAY" I shouted in joy for seeing my favorite meat!

"Well at least this one is not as horrible as the one you've cooked (laughs)"

"I know you would not like my cooking recipe so I tried think about your favorite meat instead!" Says Johann.

"Well that's one step more for becoming a decent cook like me! Knowing your customer's favorites!" I said to Johann..

"Well... That is enough you too! Let us keep eating! Thank you for the food!" Says Jack!

We happily ate our breakfast and started packing a our items... We then planned our next destination! We were going to a city that was rumoured to have traces of black miasma! Luckily for us it was the closest city!

The city known for its freedom and joy...

City if "Trimerio"

Located in south east from us a couple of dozen miles... Will get there in about 2 days...

Once we get to Trimerio we will start our investigation on what we could potentially find about the Calamity of Injustice! We can also finally stay at a decent looking place with people!

In that early morning the three heroes set off their journey by going to the nearest city "Trimerio"...j

It's almost the end of 2023 as I'm writing this!

Wonder what will happen to the heroes?

who knows! Kyle will follow the path of Resonance! Will showcase the power of it and his friends?!

What will they find a Trimerio?! tune in because I will post 3-5 chapters per week! This arc will show you what Resonance can do?! Onward and Place those blocks cause here we go?!

Chris_Quinonezcreators' thoughts