
Minecraft: Calamity of injustice

The blocky world of Minecraft slowly succumbs to the "darkness"... However new heroes arise from the depths to conquer and prevent the Calamity that is till yet to come in the world... Join Kyle Brave Heart and Johann Grant! Along with some good friends along the way to stop the so called Calamity of Injustice...

Chris_Quinonez · Videojogos
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12 Chs


Getting out of that hot hot desert we deserve a little cool down, and what I meant down like deep in the "caves"

"It's been a long time since we last went to mining! Let's re craft our stolen stuff and start anew!" Said Johann. "No objections" I obliged!

But what's even better... We met a new friend! Jack Airiel, a self proclaimed ninja! He will also accompany our journey to prevent the "Calamity of Injustice". Together we're bound to emerge victorious!

At exactly noon we ate our lunch which was cooked by your truly Kyle! That delicious aroma and taste of cooked steak with extra partnered fish cod and shredded kelp roasted at the perfect duration results in a motivating lunch for mining!

After eating that delicious lunch we have finally decided to go to the nearest cave! We have gotten deeper and deeper until we've reached the depth near the negative deepness! Inching closer to the desired depth were diamonds can be found we have stumbled upon a "Lush Cave"!

It was very very huge!

It might be pretty easy to get lost in...

We have to keep in mind to stay together at all times, never let our guards down just because lush caves have self illuminated light source we will still get lost due to the thick moss.

And.... So we thought staying together would work... of course! We will always somehow find a way to lose ourselves!

"Guys? Where are you?" The distant voice of Johann can be heard.. Jack also shouted to signal Johann he's nearby...

Well... That did not turn out well..

The shouts we created would also alert some hostile mobs, wether it'd be zombies or skeletons or even the poisonous cave spiders they will slowly come towards us...

Luckily we were all fully iron stacked of armor and have iron weapons and shield but even so, a number of mobs can cause the flow of our strength to get disrupted...

As expected we came running away from the hordes of rampaging mobs, I hear it! A lot of them! Dozens of mobs composed of creepers, skeletons, zombies, spiders name it all! They were chasing us!

I did not know what happened to those two but I knew I was in grave danger... I met a dead end!


Grunts... Huff. Fuhh. Guys were are you?

It's me Johann! Can you both hear me? Oh no?! They can't hear me! Dang it! Shouldn't have pick up that random gold nugget in the floor! ( Zombie noises) Well, it's now or never die! (Sword slashes)

(Swoosh) I can sense them! I can sense Johann and Kyle I need to run faster! Luckily I past away from those deadly mobs! Oh wait! This is sooo high! I'm in an in cave mountain! But this won't stop me! Wait what's that? That is... Kyle! He is getting cornered by the mobs and there is a lot of them! I need to help him!

Meanwhile in the bottom part...

Tsk! What should I do? Oh wait I need to distract them! I should throw this piece of stone that way! Maybe, just maybe they could get distracted! (Throw!) (Banging nosies) (zombie groans) grrr...

It didn't work! I'm sooo screwed! When I was just going to bring out my sword I saw tons and tons of gravel falling from the ceiling suddenly crushing the mobs in front of me! Maybe it was the stone I threw? I don't know but hey! It meant I was safe!

By using the fallen gravel Jack rushed down to aid Kyle!

Yes I can get down now! I need to dig those gravel so Kyle can escape! I'm coming Kyle! Huff huff. Hey Kyle im here! Are you there?

I responded with a relieved yes! Jack dug out a small tunnel so I can crawl out and meet Jack outside. Phew. It was a total relief! However, we still need to find Johann!

(Sword slashes) Grunts.. huh. Huff... Die?!?! Stupid mobs. Tsk! Im super lo! Ouch! (Loud noises) What's that noise? Falling gravel? Something must have happened! Oh no I hope they are both safe! I need to meet up with Kyle and Jack immediately! The noise should've come from my nort east side direction I need to go!

Johann! Where are you?! Me and Jack shouted! Luckily there were no nearby mobs (yet). Luckily we made the good decision of staying in the same spot and wait for Johann to wander here. After shouting a couple of times we finally reunited with Johann! As we were celebrating dozens of dozens of mobs came falling down!

They must have heard the noises we've made! In this time we were sorrounded in a complete circle with no way out! We prepared for combat and we will kick some stupid mobs butts...

(Grunts) (slashes) (blood splaters) die!!! Stay away from us idiots! Yahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With will power we have some how just barely managed to survive the barrage of attacks from the dangerous mobs.. As of what we've thought it was all over and we were eating so we can regenerate...

A creeper! Exploded behind us!

Launching us several blocks in the air and landed in a not so good spots... It hurts, but the pain then was wiped out because that creeper blew a hole in the ground revealing another cave system!

As curios miners as we are we decided to take a look for hopes of finding good stuff! And to our luck we did! We had found what we were looking for!


Yess!!!!!! We did it! We all cheered and shouted with satisfaction in our faces! We went and mined those sweet diamonds! And oh boy! We've got a lot! But of course! Again it was still too good to be true! The cave gravel started collapsing and if we don't get out quickly we will get trapped!

Quick! I shouted! We built a stack of blocks quickly escaping from the little cave sustem, for the final glance we said our goodbyes to the precious diamonds still left inside! After our farewell we focused primarily on escaping the collapsing Lush cave!

We went on the route we had entered before going into the lush cave barely escaping the death a few meters behind us!

We finally went out both half disappointed and satisfied! For we had found enough diamonds to get ourselves each one diamond sword and pickaxe with also some to spare for crafting an enchanting table!

But there were still a lot of diamonds waiting to be mined by us but we failed to do so... Next time we go mining we will be sure to get full diamond armour!

They are in the cave mining for resources till they stumbled upon a Lush Cave! Trouble ensues them as they were separated from each other and were sorrounded by hostile mobs! luckily events happened and they were reunited and also found some diamonds in the end!

Thank you once again for the supp5we have reached 520 views probably increasing to 530 as we speak!

Chris_Quinonezcreators' thoughts