
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · Videojogos
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17 Chs


When I woke up the next day - very sore, sleeping in iron full body plate armour will do that to you -, I decided I would try and build a settlement. Why? Because I one: didn't know if this place had intelligent life, and if there was I would rather not be alone and two: what if more people accidentally triggered that weird machine that sent me here in the first place and got taken here too? I would rather be ready than not. Plus, it would help keep me sane, even if it's just from me having to maintain extra buildings.

I then gathered the few 'stacks' of cobblestone I had from the chests, and, with the 'small' mountain as the center, started digging out the foundation for a wall. I was going to be smart about this, and instead of just building on the surface like one would think, given that gravity is weird here, I actually dug a good five blocks down at the lowest point in the circle where I would build the wall and kept the foundation there. Why? To stop tunnelers. If there are intelligent monsters, or intelligent people who want in, they can just tunnel down a couple blocks and go under if I don't do this.

Planning people, planning.

As I was digging, I eventually found something interesting. Blocks can float? Despite being rather heavy, I accidentally disconnected one of the cobblestone blocks from the rest, and was rather surprised when it just... sat there, like it was in zero or micro gravity, minus the fact that a simple tap can send it floating away. I eventually gathered a bit of the sand from a nearby lake to see if this surely not solid block can float and, in a moment of glorious proper physics, it fell? So what I eventually figured was that blocks float unless they are liquid or really really loose, like sand. Maybe gravel can fall too? I would have to see if gravel can be made artificially, or if it is natural here.

I eventually ran out of stone - in other words, after filling the foundation only. And it's just three blocks thick too! - and decided I would explore that cave I found. I went back into it, and literally just spun in a circle and went down the tunnel closest to where my pointing finger landed. Keeping torches to the right, I went down, mining whatever coal or iron I came upon. There was also a 'weird' green ore which I identified as oxidized copper, which not only meant that this cave system was ancient, but that it connects to the surface somewhere nearby in order to fully oxidize copper like that.

As I was exploring down, I encountered another cave 'room', and when I lite it up, I found something shocking. A ravine. This ravine was massive, and completely sliced a wall of the cave away in a glorious spectacle of nature. I went to the edge, and looked down. I couldn't see the bottom. I looked across, and was just barely able to discern lighter darkness indicating a wall. I then picked up a loose rock, and dropped it down. The clatter made was terrifying, echoing and reverberating up and down the entire place in such a way that I couldn't even identify how deep this tunnel was. I resolved that it would be amazing to get deeper down, where heavier elements would naturally occur, but for now... it was a hazard. I carefully set up a short barrier of stone, and put a pattern of torches on it, and continued on.

I eventually entered a different biome. How I knew this, don't ask, because I don't know. All I do know is that the air suddenly became thicker, heavier, more... evil. All my senses, all the automatic and feral parts of my brain, and a good portion of the conscious part of my brain were SCREAMING at me to 'turn back while you still can!'. I kept going though, after all... curiosity killed the cat. First however, I back tracked and put all but my sword, a new pickaxe, half a stack of torches, and my armour and shield in a chest. Don't want to be weighed down if there is a danger here.

I then kept going, putting torches down. Eventually I seemed to reach a deeper part, and at this point every part of me it seemed was simply frozen in fear. What was causing this, I still had no idea. I eventually reached a strange, strange area. The floor was marked with... black... residue. What this was, I had no idea, but I knew it was not good. At this point even my atoms it seemed were past the frozen in fear point, and were endlessly wanting to go back. Suddenly, this fear went silent, almost like my body was trying to hide from a predator. I started noticing a... chanting in the background. I cautiously crept for it, and found my way to a large cavern room. Inside were... beings that seemed to be evolved to serve evil - and this is from my future understanding, at the time of discovery I had no idea what I was looking at -.

I entered the cave and all of a sudden, the chanting... stopped. At the same time, all of the... creatures, which looked human like but were just... off somehow, froze. As one, they all turned to face me, and in a very much not english language that I still understood said 'A dark one!'. Upon saying this, they all charged at me screaming things like 'Consume it's soul! Feast on it's flesh! For the Dark God!'. I of course chose the intelligent response to this, and ran as fast as I could. I turned my head to look behind me, and they were not only keeping pace, but most were catching up! I then accepted 'It's been a good run, may as well go down fighting.' I then drew my glock, the only thing I still had from Earth, and that I had been saving in case I met something a sword couldn't handle, and started firing. To my shock, it took a shot to the head or heart to bring them down, and they just shrugged off most other wound locations. I then heard the worst thing someone in my situation can hear. A click. The gun was out of ammo. I tossed it towards them, and drew my sword. I then charged forward, was promptly skewered, and only managed to slash ones arm off. As my vision faded to darkness, I heard what seemed to be the elder scream 'Rip out it's heart, before it escapes!'.

As I saw some fancy creature loom over me, probably the elder, it reached towards my chest, and with my quickly fading senses I saw it freeze and scream 'Nooooooooooo! It's gone! We failed to take the Dark One escaped! Noooo-' and then, I died.

Hope you liked this chapter, I am working as hard as I can on this story!

And now, something important.

Vote my readers, vote on the most important question:

Do you want this story to be set before or after the 'lore' of the mods I have planned? It will be vital to the content in a bit.

Vote on the last paragraph, I will be taking votes until November 20th.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts