
Chapter Thirty Five

"Not this bullshit again." You groaned, the bent metal of your mask cutting into your cheek as you were dead weight against the pavement of the popular hotel.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Midnight stepped past her students, shooting a stern expression towards Bakugo and Mina to stay out of this.

"On what grounds do you have the right to arrest her?" Aizawa stepped forward, arms crossed glaring daggers at the two officers who have had it out for you for years.

"Five has removed her ankle monitor which is a clear violation of her probation-" Officer Maeda declares.

"That is complete bullshit-!" Midnight points, "-just look at her leg, it's been completely crushed!"

"It was never removed-" Aizawa went to argue but a powering voice broke over the crowd.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Everyone turned to see Kenji Tsuragamae pushing himself through the crowd.

"Sir-" Eizo bowed his head in respect to the police chief.

"Would you like to explain to me why you are arresting a Pro-Hero in the middle of a crime scene?" Chief Tsuragamae questioned.

"Five has been stripped of her hero title-" Officer Maeda pointed out.

"Five has removed her anklet monitor-" Eizo quickly shut up his partner. "-we have reason to believe she was conspiring with Kaina with this heist-"

"Oh, that is complete bullshit-!" Bakugo stomps forward but is stopped by Aizawa's arm.

"Really?" Chief Tsuragamae nodded, "There are eyewitnesses who say she was doing the opposite, she was trying to stop the villains and even saved a few lives here today."

"With all due respect sir, they are lying-"

"You're calling my wife a liar!?" Chief Tsuragamae growled, then the beautiful woman with sand colored hair with deep green eyes stepped to Chief Tsuragamae's side, wrapping her arms around his.

"That's your wife!?" Mineta's mouth dropped open.

"Holy shit I'm in the wrong field." Kaminari muttered looking the woman still in her tight ball gown up and down.

"Five was not helping those villains-" Her heavenly voice stunned the crowd. "-she saved my life-"

"It's possible she was just acting-" Eizo babbled.

"No-!" The woman tightened her grip on her husband. "-she stepped in front of a blade without regard for her life. No one other than a true hero would do such a thing, just look at the mark on her back!"

"Let her up." Chief Tsuragamae ordered. Officer Maeda and Eizo exchanged glances. "I said get her off the ground-!" Chief Tsuragamae marched forward, "-and get those cuffs off her!"

"Yes sir." The two slowly lifted you, causing stomachs to turn seeing the imprint of your blood staining the pavement below. Weakly you balanced your swaying body on your right foot as you were turned, handcuffs removed while the crowds' eyes devoured the mark running through your jacket across your flesh.

Your shoulder cried as all the pain inside you began to swirl together as your broken sight began to fill with black and white dots.

"Sir this could have been planned-!" Eizo went to explain.

"Eizo-" Chief Tsuragamae closed his eyes for a moment. "-you will speak to me in my office once this mess has been cleaned up about your disgusting behavior here today."

"But sir-!"

"You are hereby off Five's case and suspended pending investigation."


"Enough!" Chief Tsuragamae barked, "You and your partner are relieved of duty, leave at once!"

Sounds circling around you began to muffle inside your head as your sight faded into black, gravity kissed you goodbye as you fell sideways.

"Five-!?" A nearby medic caught you as Bakugo and the others were stopped. "-Five!" The medic shook you trying to get a response as the crowd held their breath.

"Damnit." A second medic aiding you cursed, she reached towards your head, unclipping the metal mask. Kirishima's breath hitched; it's been so long since he has seen your face. The medic tossed the bent mask carelessly to the side shining a light into your eyes, to the crowd's disappointment you wore a black cloth mask covering the lower half of your face.

"She's losing too much blood-" The medic informed turning to the chief, "-we need to get her to a hospital, or she won't make it."

Chills ran through Bakugo as he turned wide eyed to the chief who nodded in understandment.

"Aizawa-" The police chief turned, "-go with her, I will escort you."

"Thank you." Aizawa nodded, running over as you were lifted onto a stretched and loaded into a nearby ambulance as the chief of police and his wife got into his parked cruiser. Mina and Bakugo were once again left behind watching the chief blare his lights speeding off into the distance with you.


"What the hell happened!?" Shiro's defending voice filled the peaceful white hallway of the hospital. Aizawa turned from leaning against the door frame watching the nurses check your vitals. "She wasn't supposed to be doing hero work!"

"I know." Aizawa remained calm closing your door trusting All Might to watch the doctors.

"Then you wanna tell me why the fuck she is lying in there barely alive!?"

"She is going to pull through." Aizawa spoke in a placid voice. "They say it looks worse than it is."

"Oh, that's bullshit, and you know it!"

"Shiro-" Aizawa sternly placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him from barging into your room. "-she is ok, just stop and breathe for a moment."

"Fuck!" Shiro cursed seeing you lying on your bed through the window in the door, tears pricked his eyes. "I thought this shit was over!"

"No one could have seen this coming." Aizawa explained, "It was supposed to be an easy-"

"I know what the fuck the job was-!" Shiro cut, "-I already figured out everything that happened."


"I have friends too."


"Fuck you." Shiro turned but was once again stopped from entering your room.

"You can't go in there."

"-the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry Shiro-" Aizawa sighed, "-but (y/n) is a fragile state right now, she can't have any stress-"

"I don't fucking cause stress, I am delightful!"

"We both know she has made it is very clear she doesn't want to see you."

"That was before she got her ass kicked by some fucking-"

"Shiro." Aizawa placed his hands into his pockets. "I will text you updates."

"You-How-How the fuck aren't you going to let me in her room!?" Shiro turned to fully face the lazed teacher. "Who the fuck are you to tell me no!?"

"I am the one assigned to watch over her."

"Good for you, but she doesn't need a babysitter-"

"My position allows me to pick and choose who sees her." Aizawa stalely replied, "So no, you aren't stepping a foot into that room."

"Are you gonna stop me?"

"If I must." Aizawa shrugged.

"I will always hate what I did to her-" Shiro breathes, "-but she is my family." Shiro pointed, tears pressing harder against his eyes. "I won't leave her side again, even if that means I gotta go through you teach."

"When she is stable and agrees to your visit, then I'll call you."

"You don't understand-" Shiro breathed, "-ever since Shooter we have been through everything together. I-I was always there when she was in recovery, I-I had her back and now you want me to step back?"

"For now, yes."

"No." Shiro shook his head. "I'm not leaving her again; I have been the one by her side when our life became about survival instead of fucking living! You're not going to show back up now and push me out-!"

"Do you remember what you said to (y/n) when you left her?" Aizawa wondered.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You and Gray told her you needed time to breathe and figure out what you wanted to do with your life. Don't you think she now deserves to be left alone for a little bit and figure out how to be normal again?"

"She doesn't need to be normal-!" Shiro bit, "-she is fine-"

"She is not fine-!" Aizawa snapped. "-she doesn't eat or sleep right. She doesn't show her face, she won't sleep under a blanket or wear anything other than her bullet uniform because she has been conditioned to do so, she isn't fine and neither are you and that's ok, I can't imagine what you three went through. But just how you needed space to figure out who you were, so does she."


"The moment-" Aizawa buts in, "-she says she feels comfortable enough to speak with you, I will call you. I will even pick you up and bring you to her. But for now, while she is hooked up to a machine because she can't breathe on her own, you will leave this hospital in peace, or I will remove you."

"She is my family..."

"I know, and I respect that." Aizawa sighed, "I will keep you updated on her condition, ok?"

Shiro looked through the glass watching you sleep in your hospital bed a moment longer before nodding to Aizawa, turning on his heel and walking away.

"Shiro." Aizawa's voice caused Shiro to glance over his shoulder. "She is safe with us."


Mina sighed while leaning on the kitchen island inside the dorm. She used her spoon to poke at the fruit mixed with yogurt as she quickly lost her appetite, sick with worry. She glanced at the teasing clock hanging on the wall, it was late in the night, and she still couldn't find sleep.

Mina ran her hand through her hair scratching at the healing graze on her arm. It's been two weeks since the attack on the hotel, Aizawa or All Might hadn't been around much since then. She picked up the bowl, ready for another night of mind-numbing TV in her room alone. Her bare feet pattered across the cool tile of the kitchen when the dorm's front door opened.

Mina blinked, spoon in mouth as she turned wondering who was sneaking in past curfew. Mina's jaw dropped, the spoon fell to the floor as she watched you close and lock the front door.

"(y-y/n)!?" Mina gasped causing your head to turn.

"Good to see you're alive." You commented walking over, Mina quickly noted the brace on your left leg and arm snug inside a sling with a new mask resting against your face.

"You-You're here!?"

"Yeah?" You nod, "That a problem?" You wondered, "Cause' this is where Aizawa put me, if you have a problem then I'm sure he can-"

"No!" Mina raised her hand, "Of-Of course I don't have a problem with you being here!"

"Ok then." You nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable and very tired. You turned to leave when Mina blurted out:

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry?" You raised an eyebrow.

"For getting you shot-!" Mina's eyes fell to the ground. She would be lying if she didn't admit she had been brewing on this issue for weeks. "-and...and for when you had to save me from that villain on the street before we knew it was you..." Mina's voice shook with emotions she had been trying to bottle. "...I-I keep almost getting you killed and I-I-"

"You were doing fine on your own." You shrugged.

"I..." Mina's heart fluttered.

"It was my job." You explained, "You have nothing to apologize for."

"Oh..." Mina was speechless as her eyes fell to the floor, standing before you now after all these years...Mina didn't feel like she was standing next her best friend, it felt like she was standing before a stranger with vintage memories.

Why did it feel like this?

Without another word you nod, quickly taking your leave. You may have just been released from the hospital, but you felt sore all over and desired sleep leaving Mina standing alone in the living room. She licked her lips and an idea flicked to life in her head, she quickly darted over to the kitchen pulling ingredients from the fridge.

Mina bounced on her feet waiting for the elevator doors to open, knowing Mr. Aizawa, Mina had an idea where your dorm room was placed. You slipped through the two pieces of metal before they were fully opened and excitedly made her way down the hallways and up to a door, she quickly knocked and opened it without thinking.

Mina froze.

You turned, seeing your door had opened. Mina gulped back the lump forming in her throat as you sat at one of the two chairs placed beside a small round table. You were sliding on a fresh pair of cargo pants, exposing the discoloration of your crushed leg. Mina's eyes examined the harsh purple and red color of your skin due to the trauma dealt to it. You sorely rose to your feet, slipping the pants on and doing the belt.

"Do you need something?" You wondered.

"O-Oh!" Mina licked her lips offering the small offering she made you. "I-I thought maybe you would like a little snack before going to bed? I know you have been in the hospital and their food isn't the best so...um..."

"Thanks." You said accepting the plate, you studied her stiff posture which wasn't like her. "Anything else?"

"Uh-Um...n-no." Mina shook her head, you looked at her up and down knowing something was off but decided to not press the issue.

Mina stepped out of your room, her heart thudding inside her chest. As you were closing the door Mina quickly spun around.

"(y/n)?" Her voice shook with nervousness, you looked over, hand resting on the doorknob. "Why..." Mina breathed, realizing why she felt this wall between you two. "...Why are you shutting me out?"

Mina and you stared at one another. Mina frowned, unable to see your face, she had no idea what you were thinking.

"It's too cold for you in here Mina." You replied quickly, shutting and locking the door.

Mina stared wide-eyed at the door for a moment, her heart still pounding in her chest. As she moved to return to her room she jumped, seeing Bakugo leaning against his closed door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"B-Bakugo, you scared me!" Mina lectured.

"How's she doin'?" Bakugo questioned, causing Mina's eyes to fall to the floor again.

"She...She isn't herself."

"I know." Bakugo nodded, kicking himself off the door. "But if anyone can bring her back, it's you and me."

"Yeah..." Mina nodded as a bubbly warm feeling filled her chest. "...Yeah!"

"Looks like we have to start in the morning." Bakugo opened his door.


"You know how her quirk works." Bakugo smirks.

"She needs sleep." Mina recalled.

"Yeah." Bakugo nods, "So do we, go to bed."

"Whatever!" Mina waved, "Don't tell me what to do!" She points with a smile on her face, before waving goodnight to Bakugo.