
Chapter Fifty

Reaching the edge of Deika City where the main entrance through the police blockage was located, Class C1-A squeezed around the tiny bus windows to gaze out at the hustle and bustle around them.

Hundreds of people sporting dozens of different uniforms playing various roles moved in perfect sync. The bus was directed where to go; the class passed tents set up for a variety of reasons before it slowly came to a stop.

"How are they keeping this out of the news?" Jiro breathed, eyes drinking in the scene.

"The HPSC is really good at covering their tracks." Shiro answered while standing, the bus door opened.

"How do you know that?" Midoriya wondered, causing Shiro to chuckle.

"You haven't heard half the fights we have been in because it inconvenienced the HPSC imagine-"

"Shut up." You shoved him forward.

"Ow-!" Shiro twisted around. "-my leg still hurts!"

"Cry me a river." You replied, using your foot to kick him down the three steps.

"Uh..." Kirishima felt the sweat drop on his forehead. "...those two are ok right?"

"If they weren't Aizawa wouldn't have brought him." Todoroki comments, Kirishima nods, feeling the statement was true.

"Best case scenario, she kills him." Bakugo muttered, following suit in loading off the bus. Aizawa waved the kids over, out of the way of traffic on the dirt road.

Shiro stretches, taking in a deep breath through his nose.

"Ah-!" He sighs, the smell of gasoline, dirt and adrenaline filled his nostrils. "-nothing like the scent of base camp to start your day off right."

"This guy is psycho-" Jiro muttered to Momo, Shiro didn't hear the comment, but you did. With your hands shoved into your pants pockets you sorely twisted your torso to lock eyes with the hearing hero. Jiro felt chills fill her body from the cold stare.

"I think you made her mad." Mineta whispered, so low only Jiro could hear, scared he would earn your fridged gaze next.

Aizawa went to explain the layout, how pro-heroes are patrolling the city, but it was so much ground to cover, giving the villains large windows at escape, they were losing this fight.

Aizawa explained their job was to go inside the city and take down any villains they spot, it was believed to be nothing but low-level thugs, so Aizawa didn't feel too worried about sending his students in. Each student would have a tracking bracelet, so they would always know where they were. Each hero can rely on their quirk but will be equipped with a gun having tranquiller darts loaded in them, no live ammo.

Class B's job is to help in patrolling the boarder created around the city, they were to stop any villains trying to run and when Class A caught a villain, they were to take them to a Class B student who would have specially made handcuffs, cutting off any quirk, the Class B student would be responsible for bringing the villain to the jail carts made for this event.

You took a breath, Shiro was right, something about the anticipation lingering in the air calmed you. Maybe it was from the brutal training, the constant fights that made the battlefield feel like home.

"Hey-!" A straggly voice cut through the air, "-you fucking hero-!" The commotion didn't gain your interest as Aizawa continued to explain the rules: each team will have their own sector they needed to comb through multiple times before returning to base camp. "-you ruined everything-!"

The sounds of struggles mixed with grunts followed shortly after. It wasn't until Shiro moved was when you pulled your attention away from Aizawa. Shiro stepped around you, arms reached out, grabbing the scrawny villain before he could get an inch closer.

Shiro's eyes glowed with vexation, metal claws dug into the man's shoulder, slicing through the material.

"Looks like you might need a time out." Shiro painted a sinister grin across his face, flashing a mouth full of silver needle like teeth, making Kirishima's pearl whites look like toy bought chattering teeth.

"I'm not here for you-!" The villain growled, arm extending toward you. Shiro dug his claws further into his flesh.

"Touch her-" Shiro seethes, "-and I'll slice your fucking arm off." The villain skittered backwards, the pervious officers containing him grabbed onto his arms. The villain, however, was too focused on Shiro, who gave a playful wave as he was hauled off.

"This guy's fucking psychotic." Sato felt the sweat on his back, Shiro's dark expression still swirling around his head.

"I prefer creative." Shiro grinned, his regular carefree expression returning.

"Wha-!?" Sato jumped, whipping around. "-how-how did you behind me so fast-!?"

"Can we get back to the rules?" Aizawa called. Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki moved, placing themselves around you causing you to roll your eyes.

Now you felt like the boy in the plastic bubble.

Aizawa went over the time frame, how long the heroes were expected to be out patrolling, when they needed to check in with him. You slowly turned your head only a few inches, feeling Shiro step close, his torso brushing against your shoulder, his way of trying to be mindful of your injury.

"We have a fan." Shiro murmured in your ear, eyes flickering over to Bakugo who was drinking Aizawa's words. Shiro rolled his eyes at the eager hero, you turned back to Aizawa, without moving your head your eyes slowly scanned the area. A bright flicker from one of the buildings inside the blockage caught your attention. You knew that light well, it was the glare from the sun bouncing off a scope.

You slowly took a step backwards, not to alert your 'team' as you and Shiro pulled yourselves away from the group, out of the line of fire.

Bakugo turned his head, not feeling you next to him. You were a foot behind him, standing beside Shiro, eyes faced forward watching Aizawa. Bakugo nodded, turning back to Aizawa. The moment Bakugo turned around you and Shiro slipped around the bus undetected.

"What's the game plane?" Shiro wondered, peeking around the side of the bus as you leaned against the hood.

"You think it's intentional?"

"You think it's not an invitation?" Shiro turned, "We are surrounded by police and heroes, who would be stupid enough to blow their cover?"

You pulled your lips into a thin line, peeking around the bus, the flicker still occurred every few seconds. You chew on the inside of your cheek, you could return fire, but you didn't know how many there were, who they had locked in their sights, there were too many targets to cover.

You scratched your neck.

"Let's pay our friend a visit."

"You got the juice?" Shiro wondered, not knowing how far along in your recovery you were.

"I have enough." You replied, eyes glowing the ghostly yellow. Shiro shrugged, he knew better than to question you. Placing a firm hand on your good shoulder, the two of you stepped into the busses shadow.

There was only one person in the damp room, crouching beside the window with two broken panels. Shiro slipped through a shadow first, slithering over to the man as you quietly stepped into the room.

Shiro blew a light tune whistle, the man turned, confusion sprinkled his face watching helplessly as Shiro slams his elbow upward into his nose, taking the M82 rifle as the figure fell onto his side, holding his face in-between his hands. You moved to his bag resting against the wall, quickly you went through it, discarding the useless objects on the floor.

"Wh-What the hell-!?" The villain muffled out, holding his face, blood dripped between his fingers.

"You should have come said hi-" Shiro replied, glaring down at the frowzy man with lour filled eyes. "-you didn't have to watch us through the window like a creepy little stalker."

"I-I wasn't watching anyone-!"

"Oh yeah-" Shiro rolled his eyes, "-because I just watch professional heroes through a scope of a high-powered rifle all the time!" Shiro grabbed the front of his jacket. "That sound like a regular Tuesday for you Five?"

"F-Five-!?" The scruffy man snapped his head over to you, who relinquished his bag to the confines of the dust coated floor, holding a patch in your hand. "You-You're the Seven Bullets-!?"

You gazed down at him, expressionless eyes as always, you turned the raggedy object around. Shiro's eyes flickered to the patch, it appeared to have seen better days, but even the dried-up mud and stained fabric couldn't hide the bright red circle with a slash running through it.

"Hm." Shiro hummed, turning back to the man, ready to question him, instantly crinkling his nose getting a whiff of a musty smell. "Ew." Shiro dropped the unkept man.

"Why do you have this?" You held up the object.

"That thing?" The man gulped, "I-I just found it, I-I thought it was cool, so I kept it."

"You just happen to find it lying around?" Shiro shrugged, "Just like that?"


"You think we are stupid?"

"Of course not, but I really did just find it!"

"Do you have any idea who this belongs to?" Shiro points to the patch, which was slowly setting a blaze in the palm of your hand.

"I-I just thought it was a cool design-"

"Do you know the clan attached to that symbol!?" Shiro towed over the shivering man who was either a fantastic actor or had no fucking idea what was going on.

"What are you doing here?" You quizzed, he had no phone, no walkie, no means of communication.

"I-I am just looking for a way-out man!" The villain held his hands up in a defensive manner. "I swear, police flooded this place, I-I couldn't get out, so I have been trying to-"

"You just carry toys on you?" Shiro wondered, looking at the green paint, it was chipped and in need of a good cleaning.

Something about this guy didn't sit right with Shiro.

His clothes were slovenly, hair disheveled, smelled...musty. If Shiro didn't know any better, he would say this guy was homeless, have been for months, but homeless people don't tend to walk around with high powered rifles on their back.

"I-I swear I just found that-!" He pointed, "-I was just using it to look for a way out of this place, I wasn't going to use it, I-I have no idea how to even shoot that thing!"

"Mhm." You hummed, meeting Shiro's gaze. This story seemed a little too...easy for your liking. He could be a scout, or an innocent man just down on his luck.

Loud commotion pulled your focus outside, the little dots representing people were scurrying around outside the barricade.

"Somethings going down." Shiro mumbled, a pout resting on his face, his fun was prematurely ruined.

"They know we're gone." You breathed, feeling the headache you were about to get coming on. "Let's go."

"What?" Shiro turned, following you with his eyes. "What are we going to do with peeking Tom here?"

"Bring him."

"Uh-" Shiro looked to peeking Tom then back to you, "-we-we aren't just gonna yeet him-?"

"Let's go." You called again, glancing over your shoulder, glowing rimmed eyes sent shivers through the man. You turned, your movements stiff which caused Shiro's eyes to narrow.

You crouched down beside the man, breathing through your mouth you gazed into his eyes.

"If you speak one word about what was said inside this room, I'll crawl into your cell tonight and slice your throat."

"Wh-Wha-!?" The man squeaked as you rose.

"Let's go-" You repeated, shooting Shiro a stern look as you took the rifle from his hand. "-I won't say it again." Shiro groaned, grabbing the hood of the man, stomping his feet as he followed you into the shadow.

Stepping back beside the school bus you looked around, people were jogging, speaking to fast with too many voices made it difficult to make out any words.

"Freeze-!" A voice turned your head, you knitted your brows, an officer stood in front of you the barrel of his gun level to your chest. "-where did you get that weapon!?" He shouted.

"What the fuck-?" Shiro shook his head. "-are you going on about?"

"Where did you go-?" The officer stepped closer, gun shaking in his hands. "-who did you tip off?""

"Tip off?" Shiro repeated, "Are you stupid or something? We didn't tip anyone off-"

"Then how did you get that gun huh?" The officer gestured with his firearm. "Why did you vanish, did you go get that to attack us-!?"

"You think that-" Shiro pointed to the rusty rifle, "-is what we would use if we wanted to attack you morons...really?"

"Shut up! Put-Put your hands up!"

"He-" You nodded over with your head, lazily raising your hand holding the scope, showing you meant no threat. "-had a scope on you-"

"What?!" The officer looked to the man who kept his head locked to the floor.

"If you fucking let me talk-" You growled,

"I said put both your hands up!" The officer shouted, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Her arms in a fucking sling." Shiro shook his head, getting tired of this bullshit. "She can't-"

"Is that one of your accomplices!?" The officer accused.

"What?" The dumbfounded look plastered on your face as you turned to Shiro, making sure this was reality right now. "Why would we bring him here if he was our-?"

"Don't look at him!"

"First-" You slowly looked over to the officer. "-don't cut me off again. Second, get that fucking gun off me-"

"Why-!?" The officer stepped closer. "-so-so you can escape?"

"Oh sweetheart-" You cocked your head to the side, a sly smile creeping onto your face. "-you think you could stop me? I'm not here because I have to be, I'm only here because I want to."

"You-You're villains-!" He motioned the gun. "-you belong behind bars!"

"Is that so?" You hummed.

"(y/n)." Shiro warned, spotting the mischievous gleam in your eye as you walked forward.

"Don't come any closer-!" The officer ordered, you stopped with a foot of space between you and the barrel of his standard issued weapon. Shiro flanked you, dragging the unwilling man with him.

"You point that thing at me-" You warned, tone turning sinister. "-you better be ready to shoot me with it."