
First kiss~

After exiting the room Norn went outside.

"Did you do it?"

Erika asked Norn as soon as she saw him.

"Yep, let's help goblins, they might have problems."

Without waiting for any more time both of them went "back" to the village.

This time, however, they didn't bother hiding.

It wasn't because of arrogance or something like that, it was obvious that hiding wont help much anyway.

Why? Because they couldn't hear any screaming in horror or other pl... unpleasant sounds.

As such, it was better to just walk around and check houses manually.

They soon returned back to the house that was the closest to their initial position.

When Norn peeked in, he could see that goblins already started having "fun" with the woman.

It disgusted him a little.

Dont think that he's a good guy or anything, it's just that she seemed a bit too old for such things.

"Good job"

He praised the goblins.

As soon as they heard it they looked at the source of the sound anxiously.

But, when they saw that it was Norn - they relaxed, one of them even said:

"Thanks Chief!"

Norn felt good because of it, he had support of some goblins!

It was a good thing, since no matter what he did, with enough positive things about him goblins wouldn't rebel.

Well, at least that was how he understood the whole "support" thing.


After some time Norn and Erika checked every house in the village.

All of them were successfully taken by the goblins.

Sadly, there were some casualties, as inside one of the houses lived a hunter.

He managed to kill three goblins before others arrived to the screams.

Goblins, however, wasn't as "merciful" as he was.

They tortured him for a while before killing him off.

Norn didn't know that it happened until one of the big goblins reported:

"We lost 3 goblin, human killed all, we revenged"

Was his words as he explained what happened to Norn.

He didn't even bat an eye at such a sight.

Whole body of that hunter was minced.

It looked like a damn truck ran over him... several times.

His only thought was:

"Do goblins eat humans?"

He was curious about it, since as he could already see the village didn't have much meat at all.

They mostly had grains and some other stuff he didn't know what was, until Erika explained.

Those were special "rations" that mages could create.

They didn't have any taste, but supplied enough nutrition to last some time.

People mostly used them in winter when food was scarce.

It wasn't anything THAT expensive from what she explained.

Norn, however, didn't care about the costs.

The only thing he wanted to know was method of production of such a thing.

It was basically infinite food! Why wont people use it more often then!?

Why bother eating meat or anything like that, it was all the same anyway!

However, Erika's answer to his questions was different from what he has expected:

"Well, you're right that it's infinite food, but you cant always eat those, you will get sick."

It dissapointed him a lot. He swore to himself that if he ever became a great mage he would create a spell that could create proper food!

"Fine, not asking about that anymore. Did you find anything else that's worth of our attention?"

He acted like a true Chief now.

Why bother doing something himself if he can just order his people?

"One golden and 13 silver coins in total, some weapons and armor of bad quality. We can also smelt farming tools, but i dont think we have a blacksmith..."

"...All in all we didn't get anything significant, but now we have proper housing and some commodities, i guess."

As she was about to end, it looked like she suddenly remembered something:

"Oh, also, i found an unsent letter, it adressed the goblin problem in this village, they wanted to put up a request to the adventurer's guild."

The last part piqued Norn's interest.

What adventurers guild? Was it that stupid setting again?

It was sooooo overused... Wait...

Surely this world doesn't have a stupid 16 yo with an 8th grader syndrome?..

If it does, he has some major problems.

First of all, it meant that this world was shit.

He never found a single good novel with that setting.

Second, which was way more imporant, those little morons were usually overpowered, because their creator was a moron.

As such, if he ever met one... That was certain death!

More than that, he would probably try to steal Erika from him as well!

Norn's brain started to hurt from so much thinking already...

"Whatever, since it's unsent we can rob several merchants before they notice..."

It was another plan of his.

Some time ago Erika explained to him how she knew of the village.

It turned out that she was traveling with a merchant caravan, and those usually traded with such villages.

So, Norn proposed an idea - why not just rob them when they arrive?

It's not like they had any idea that this village belonged to goblins now, right?

"I guess so, yeah. But we'll need to send some scouts beforehand, it would be too dangerous if some adventurers arrive."

Erika didn't bother rejecting.

At this point, Norn couldn't understand what was going in her head at all.

Was she a real psycho or something? She cooperated with a damn goblin to raid a village.

Killed innocents for no apparent reason, and even helped him with usual things?

Was it his cheat or something? Could he perhaps brainwash women around him?

Whatever it was, Norn was glad Erika was here.

Without her it would've been hard.

Mentally, that is. It's always good to have a beautiful woman nearby.

"Just tell some big goblins to handle it. Also, we need to distribute loot from the village. Order them to bring everything here."

Norn didn't want to go around and look around.

It was way easier if goblins brought all of it to him, was it not?

"Sure, but i will also look in the houses to make sure they didn't forget anything, it might take a long time..."

She said with a somewhat concerned voice, as if she didn't want to disappoint Norn at all.

"Eh, so what? Just do your thing Erika, i wont like you less because of that, you know?"

He didn't even bother acting humble anymore.

Looks like his "power" got him.


Erika said just like a girl who got confessed to...

Norn, however, responded quicker:

"Shush, go, we'll have time to talk. We finally have a good bed, after all."

He wanted to be alone right now, so he "ordered" Erika to get to work.

She, however, didn't move for several seconds.

"Something wrong?"

Norn asked with concern in his voice, not putting up an act like he now did.

"N-no, it's just that... you said that we have a bed and..."

She couldn't say the last part even after a long pause...

"So what? You think i'm gonna rape you or something? I'm not THAT goblinish."

He was as carefree as he could be.

Erika, however, didn't speak.

She didn't even stay here, she ran away immediately after Norn ended his last sentence.

"She's bold and shy at the same time? Damn, i like it."

That was all he thought about the whole situation.

As for why he wanted to be alone?

He needed to think about his course of actions in the future.

It was simple to build a city or something if he had humans under his control, but goblins?..

How would that be possible?

They cant be blacksmiths, builders or farmers, they could only rape and kill.

So, what is the best thing to do?

Continuing to pillage random villages wasn't a good idea.

Sooner or later he and his group would be wanted by whatever kingdom or empire they were in.

As such, he needed something that would allow him to prosper without making a fuss...

But what?..

"Are dungeons a thing in this world?"

What if they are?

Not those that appeared in his home world, there were several types.

Those that he thinked about were literal dungeons with floors and other things.

If they were real, he could try to monopolize one and train his goblins there.

He wondered why none of the people in the novels did that.

It was literally a free training ground that didn't require a teacher or instructor!

Just send some people to lowest ranking dungeon and in a month they'll become stronger or die!

Wasn't it just insanely productive?

Especially considering that goblins needed like a week or so to be born after being conceived.

As such, he would have an infinite supply of somewhat strong goblins!

Well, as long as he had females, that is...

But, what if those dungeons didn't exist?

What other common tropes could be real here?

Some high-tech labs scattered around the world?

Some bullshit artefact that makes a god out of you?

Maybe some cultists or a monument that will be a power-up?

Whatever it was, Norn first needed to get information about the world before making plans.

What sources of it he had?

Erika, of course!

He would have enough time to talk to her when it was time to sleep, which wasn't that far to be honest.

All of them were tired already, what else is there to do?

Well, goblins DID have a thing they would rather do, but Norn wasn't like that.

First of all, most of the women he saw were... Let's just say, compared to Erika they were literal dirt golems.

He wouldn't be able to... you know, make himself do it?

Why bother, even? He felt that if he wanted to, Erika wouldn't even refuse!

Of course, he will test it when they'll go to sleep today...


He suddenly cried out in his mind as he tried to imagine the scene of him and Erika...


He couldn't escape it, it was too beautiful!

He wanted it, he needed it!

Only after a minute or so he could stop thinking about it.

It's not like he did, he simply postponed it until he could make it become reality...


After a while it was finally time for him to look at his spoils!

Not a lot of time has passed, but it was enough for Norn to remember most of the tropes he saw in novels.

It's not like it was hard, they were all the same, basically.

Most of the ones he read weren't unique, sometimes he would question why he did it.

It wasn't time for such questions, however:

"Here's everything useful. Turns out we also have an artefact here."

Erika said with a happy smile as she presented a somewhat nice neckale to Norn.

As he looked at it...

"Fucking hell, that looks expensive!"

It was only his thought, what others heard was different:

"So, what does it do?"

Quick and simple.

"If you inject some mana into it, it will create a barrier. It has limited uses, but the barrier will be quite strong from what i can see"

Erika explained what the artefact was.

Norn wasn't interested at all.

It was probably given to some random royal lady or something like that and later on she gifted it to random farmer she fell in love with.

Boring shit.

"Eh, it looks nice, would look better on you though, so it's yours now."

He waved his hand as he said it, immediately looking back at the pile of items infront of him.

It wasn't due to his character, he planned to do it.

He wanted to see Erika's reaction to a compliment and a gift at the same time.

"Shy, bold, both?"

However, to his surprise, Erika didn't say anythng or didn't even lower her head.

She slowly approached Norn and kissed him!

It wasn't just a kiss, it was a full-blown french one!

Norn was shocked, but he succumbed to it relatively quickly.

He also felt her surprisingly tight but soft chest on his own.

It's not like he felt any before, but it felt like hers was...

To put it simply, if she ever undressed it wouldn't sag at all.

They defied gravity!

"Thank you..."

Erika said softly as she finally let go of his lips.

"I guess i'll thank you for that kiss later, when were alone."

He grinned as he said it.

It was too late for him to stop, his goblin insticts couldn't be contained any longer.

He wasn't even worried about "failing" his first time.

All he wanted was to finally take that temptress!

Next chapter might be delayed.

DaoistBadWritercreators' thoughts