
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Fujii Itsuki unexpectedly found himself in Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi rampage. Although it was a dangerous situation Itsuki still survived. His Isekai life was as dull as it gets, he didn't have any talent for being a shinobi nor did he have a system. Itsuki was prepared to live his life as a lazy bum but unexpectedly he received a summons from the Third, only to find out a piece of shocking news. " Itsuki I have arranged a marriage for you, the other party is Uzumaki Kushina, I hope you will agree to this marriage " Facing the request of the Hokage, Itsuki could only reluctantly agree while apologising to Minato who died a few days ago. It's not like he wanted to steal his wife but he was threatened into it. 'Sorry Minato, But don't worry I will raise Naruko like she is my own child and take care of Kushina well, and never let her feel any loneliness' Itsuki's seemingly ordinary life was turned upside down due to a single event. *************** Discord link : https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA This is inspired by an MTL novel. This is not a translation. But just in case you want to get a glimpse of the dumpster fire I will leave a link. Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-forced-to-marry-narutos-mother-at-the-beginning/ Pat**on: patreon.com/Life_Sa_Beach

Life_sa_Beach_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs

31. Fastest Man alive

A person who lives on half a brain cell, He can be friends with our resident most handsome and talented man in Konoha.

[ Image ] 

Oh No!... I'm a sicko for writing about two original Female characters in my fanfic, instead of following the original plot. 

It's an AU you idiot, Naruto and Sasuke don't exist in this world, if you are too much of an idiot then I don't know what to say. But it's not unexpected considering you're the only Asuma fanboy I found. 

You are even more rarer than a panda considering how rare they are (Only 1800 left in the wild), Guy's we gotta protect this guy due to him being an endangered species. 

I know you are a little butt-hurt over me and some others insulting your Idol...but don't worry...It only gets worse. Stick around dumb ass.

As for my fetishes ... don't worry your mom knows best.

Well, there will be a lot of adults who will tell me I'm making myself look bad, or I'm being childish....



Time skip...

A week later...


Itsuki was visiting his parent's grave along with Kushina, Mikoto, and the children. They also visited Minato's grave and some of Mikoto's acquaintances.

This week Itsuki Grinded his stats until he broke through the limits and the rewards were really worth the effort...



[Physique: 10.1 Kakashi ( 2 Guy ) ]

[ Spirit: 10.1 Kakashi ] 

[ Chakra: 10 Kakashi ] 

[ Chakra Control: 0.80 Tsunade ]

[ Indomitable Will 80% ]

[ Taijutsu: 0.90 Guy ] 

[ Fuinjutsu: 0.30 Mito ] 

[ Cell Activation 100% ] 

[Congratulations on breaking your limit ]

[ Special Draw commencing ]

[ Overclock 1% ]


[ Idle Transfiguration 1% ] 


[ Chakra Absorption 1% ] 


{Flashback end}

' Danzo-kun~ wait for me, Itsuki-chan will be coming for your ass soon~' Itsuki laughed giddily inside his head

Itsuki wanted to go home and grind the rest of the stats because he was still excited by the rewards he received. But he was broken out of his reverie by Mikoto's voice filled with concern.

" Itsuki-kun, Is it truly okay? " Mikoto asked with apprehension.

Itsuki gazed into her eyes which were filled with worry " Mikoto-nee, do you truly not consider me and Kushina as family " Itsuki asked back with a hurt tone while looking at Mikoto sadly.

Hearing this Mikoto got a little a flustered " N-No! I just didn't want to impose on you guys " She said hurriedly.

"Mikoto-nee don't worry, you are not imposing on us at all, instead we would love to have you and Satsuki-chan over" Itsuki said while looking into Mikoto's eyes with sincerity, unknowingly he grabbed her hand causing Mikoto to be a little flustered.

"O-Ok!" Mikoto stammered without looking at Itsuki. 

Itsuki smiled after hearing her enthusiasm and let go of her hand and turned back to resume walking.

Mikoto who felt the loss of warmth in her hands felt a little lost, she was embarrassed and wanted him to let go of her hands but at the same time, she wanted to feel that warmth a little longer.

Mikoto was pulled out of her fantasy by the sudden sensation on her face only to notice her daughter pulling on her cheeks with the same blank face she always had. 

Mikoto just smiled and followed after Itsuki, but she failed to notice Kushina who was looking at her with a smile that seemed to yell conspiracy...


Sarutobi Hiruzen regretted it.... he regretted fucking Enma's sister in a drunken daze.

It was an accident that happened after he got reverse summoned by Enma to his clan land to attend a party. Enma naturally wanted him to attend due to their bond. 

Well, he did have a blast and ended up out drinking Enma and his brethren but he also ended up being wasted and Enma's sister Enmi was the one who took care of him, but in his drunken daze .... some things happened and Enmi got pregnant.

9 months later Asuma came about, it was sad but Enmi passed while giving birth to Asuma.

{ A.N: Give it up for DaoistDemonEyesKyo !!!! Thank you for the inspiration, bro gave me inspiration about Asuma being Enma's son }

Hiruzen looked at the file on his table with a disappointed expression.

Lately, Hiruzen got intel regarding a disease outbreak among customers visiting the red light district, Hiruzen was alarmed thinking this was the work of another enemy village... he sent out Shinobi to investigate and he was surprised and enraged to find that it was his disappointment of a son that was the reason for this disease.

Luckily it was curable because it has only been a few days for those affected, but thinking about Asuma ....it has been a few weeks and although the doctor said he cured it, he also warned Hiruzen there would be side effects. 

Hiruzen sighed tiredly, he was too old for this shit.

' Enmi I tried my best ' 


Sarutobi Asuma the resident heartthrob of Konoha was walking through the red light district of the village, he had a confident smirk on his face as he sauntered through the streets as if he owned them... well he did kind of own them as he was the next Hokage!

How could he not be confident when he could literally see all the women glancing at him and laughing, some were even trying hard to stifle their laughter. This only made his smirk wider, see he was so good that they couldn't help but laugh when they saw him.

He could also hear people whisper among themselves saying 'Sarutobi Asuma is the fastest man alive ', Asuma puffed out his chest in pride. 

The Yondaime was called the fastest man alive, so them calling him that meant they understood his greatness.

When the brothel girl told him a few days ago that he had gotten faster than before and might become the fastest man she knew, he was proud but at the same time dismissive. 

'Hmph what does a brothel girl know '

But now seeing everyone whispering about his rumoured speed and even going as far as to confer titles like ' Fastest man alive ', ' Quick shot ' , Asuma couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Soon ... Kurenai would also realize his greatness, and with his speed and efficiency, he would be sure to impress her.


Guess what the side effects of curing were? 

But let's take this secret to our grave to protect the Flash's legacy

Gimme stones... I am ranked 11, so I wanna put a zero on that one. 🌚


If you like my work please consider buying me a coffee☕☕


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