
Mimic demon king becomes a teacher

A mimic, who managed to become a demon king, has reigned for over a millenia, but now he has become old. To combat his age, he goes to deep sleep in order to regain his former vitality. Low and behold, he spends more time sleeping than he had immagined, and now the world has changed from what he knew. In trying to find if any of his old friends survived, he ends up becoming a teacher in prestigious academy. During his teaching career, he finds out that the one person he truly loved still exist. His secret wife on his secret life. Turns out his life is centered around helping his wife in her grand plan. He might be, what cultured people call, a SIMP for his wife to the point of wanting to kill anyone who ridicules her. After working as a teacher for a while to a quite talent filled class, he finally sees his wife and soon after, the grand plan will be finalized and all will become clear to this once great mimic.

SanderTomson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 2: Minor trouble arises

After a good night's sleep, Lucas goes and eats breakfast with the Frisks. Lucas asked "Do you have any kids?" to which John replied "We do but they are already old enough to live on their own. Two went to look for better opportunities and one stayed here and married her childhood friend." Lucas smiles and says "That's sweet. I hope they fare well in this world."

John says "You sound like a parent. Have you considered having kids?" Lucas smiles and says "I already have. But…" Lucas looks down and John notices that it isn't a good topic so he changed it by saying "Have you figured out where you are going to go?"

Lucas thinks for a while and then asks John "Have you heard of the elven mage Luciana Tyrp?" John says "Of course I have. She is a famous elf in this kingdom. She was one of the gods' chosen when demons were pushed back."

Lucas asks "Do you know where she is now?" John answers "I heard that she is principal at Saint Diane academy." Lucas asks "Where is the school located?" John says "It is in the city of Windstone around north west from here. Are you looking to go meet lady Tyrp?" Lucas answers "I have the understanding that she might hold the answers that I seek. It is imperative that I meet her as soon as possible."

John says "You might have a little difficulty meeting her. She is regarded as a high ranking noble that not everyone can meet." Lucas thinks for a moment and then says "Then I suppose I have to become famous enough to get her attention." John asks "How are you gonna do that?" Lucas smiles and says "I will do some hunting of my own. Few materials from high ranking monsters should do the trick. And then a message."

John is curious and asks "What kind of message?" Lucas answers "A message containing some things that may intrigue that elf." John smiles and looks deep in Lucas's eyes and says "You have some dirt on her right?" Lucas smiled also and said "I might have."

The men stare at each other with a smile on their face for a while until Maria stops them and says "If you aren't going to eat, be sure to hand the food to the animals." Both men come back to reality and start eating.

Then Lucas was about to head out to hunt some monsters and then head to the city of Windstone. Before he left, John handed some food and coins to him and said "If you meet a guy named Henrik Flint then say that Jonathan Frisk sends you." Lucas says "I will if I see the guy." Then promptly leaves.

After he is far enough from the village, Lucas changes his form to something that can move fast yet unseen. A silent feathered shadow owl was a good choice, so he went with that.

After looking for some prey for a while, Lucas found out that a dragon was hunting its own prey, so Lucas took the opportunity to hunt the dragon.

The dragon noticed Lucas coming, but since he appeared weak, the dragon was going to let him go, but once Lucas changed to an unknown beast that sliced the dragon's head off for a brief moment, it was already too late.

The dragon's body was then quickly put in Lucas's spatial storage. Spatial storage was a skill that not many had acquired. Spatial storage is an invisible storage that can be opened by the owner of the spatial storage. Once the owner of that storage dies, the contents spew out to the area around the dead owner.

Lucas did not know yet that the current civilisation had invented a technology known as spatial pouch that could do the same thing for an item. Variations of the name varied, but it was generally known as spatial pouch.

Then Lucas continued his journey to the city of Windstone. Lucas did not know where this city was located, so he followed the road and the signs along the road to get there.

After a day of traveling, Lucas finally reached Windstone. He figured that it would be for his best interest to go through the front gate like any other person coming to Windstone.

So he went through the gate with no problems whatsoever. It seemed that the guards were very lax and would only question people that looked suspicious and the carriages that came through it.

While Lucas was looking at the city from the skies, he noticed a few things about the city. First was that it was larger than the demon capital in his time. Second was that it had a total of five gates to let people pass. Two of those gates were in a wall that separated the commoners from the nobles. Third thing was that the academy took a noticeable amount of space from the city. Fourth was that there were two rivers going through the city that joined together inside city walls. The river didn't pass through the noble district and the river brought some small vessels through it.

Once inside the city, Lucas noticed that the city's three main focuses were the Saint Diane Academy, Smithens trade organization and the second mages tower. The academy and the mages tower were always competing with each other for magically gifted students, but it seems that the academy has a seniority over the city, so that gives the academy some strength.

After his investigation, Lucas decided that it is his best option to go to the adventurers guild to trade the dragon parts. Once he was talking to the receptionist and he said that he had a fresh dragon corpse in his spatial storage, and the room went quiet for a moment. The receptionist asked "Are you a member of the guild?" to which Lucas told her that "No, he was an outsider." The receptionist then explained that "In order for you to receive the full price, you would first need to register to the guild to receive the full price."

Lucas agreed to join for the hell of it and said "Sure. How do I sign up?" The receptionist then guided Lucas to a device that appraises his abilities and status. Lucas wondered whether or not he should say that he was a human or not, but his pride as a demon king eventually told him to "Don't feel shame for your race!" and so, once he touched the ball that was connected to the device, it showed the receptionist that he was a demon mimic who had the titles "Hunter of hunters" and "Dragon slayer". The appraisal also showed that he had skills attaining to an adventurer rank D. The ranks go from F to A to S to SSS.

The receptionist accidentally said "So you are a demon. I didn't notice at all." To which Lucas said "Well, my speciality is mimicry, so I can look like any other human." Other adventurers then looked at Lucas with scorn, saying "So he is a demon", "Of course we have to have a demon join in" and "Just our luck".

The receptionist then noticed others talking and quickly said "I'm sorry! We shouldn't say anything about what the appraisal shows us to others, but I accidentally said something unnecessary. It is strictly meant to be confidential." Lucas just said "It's alright. I don't really mind what others say. So what is next?"

The receptionist then says "Right. There is a practical exam tomorrow at 11.00, so be sure to come to the training area to be examined." Lucas says "I'll come back then." Then Lucas starts to leave.

Before he could go, he is stopped by another adventurer who says to Lucas "A demon like you will only make us look bad. Why don't you leave the city before us seniors have to show you the ropes." Lucas gives a sinister smile and says "I think that you can make people look bad just by being here without me." The man then shows his badge that shows him that he is rank B. Then he says "I'm sure you know the difference in abilities. Get lost before I make you."

One of the receptionists then comes between them and says to the man harassing Lucas "Harassing a newcomer, or any other member for that matter, is strictly forbidden in the guild. Don't make yourself lose another rank Rex." Rex says "I'm simply trying to help this poor demon." Lucas then says "You seem to fancy yourself as powerful, when you try to power trip over those who you think are weaker than you. Grow a pair and learn to act better than a wild dog." Rex gets pissed off and says to the receptionist "You think that you can shield someone who is begging to be ripped to shreds?!" The receptionist facepalms as to say that she is done with these two men and then says out loud "If you want to settle a score, then why don't you go to the training area and bout there." Rex says "Let's do this then you demon fuck."

Then Rex and Lucas go to the training area with a couple of spectators coming to look as well. Before the battle began, Rex said "If you beg for mercy, I promise to be gentle." Lucas just smirks and says "I promise to do the same to you." This pisses off Rex and then he charges towards Lucas with his sword.

Before the sword hits Lucas, he dodges the sword with ease. Rex is confused and continues to attack again and again. Lucas's skill "Foresight" gives him the ability to see a little bit of what happens in the future with the cost of mana and/or mental power. This ability can be used in many ways and it can even give a person the title of "Prophet", but Lucas is not skilled enough in that field, so the best use for him is to look a bit to the future and act accordingly.

Rex is getting more and more pissed off and he releases his aura and becomes faster and stronger. To use aura is akin to use of mana, but it follows a different principle and method. Aura of a person can be felt even by someone who isn't well versed in its observation. The nature of a person's aura can vary from the aura of love to the aura of death and more. The mood of a person can also affect the nature of a person's aura.

However, no matter how much of his aura Rex uses, he can't land a hit on Lucas. When noticing he isn't landing any hits, he decides to pull out his trump card and uses "Spirit's lending". That skill allows the user to request their contracted spirit to lend their strength to them momentarily. This requires the spirit's approval first, which means the spirit can deny the request.

The spirit answered Rex's request and lended him their strength. Now Rex's abilities were closer to a rank S adventurer and most of the people who were watching the fight knew this. This time Lucas decided to block instead of dodge and he succeeded multiple times. This amazed the audience since Rex was known to have an insane attack power.

Eventually Rex got exhausted and said "How… How can you still stand?" Lucas said "It's simple. You were deceived by appearances." Rex says "So you tricked me!" Lucas answers "I wouldn't say that. You just jumped to the conclusion that I was weak and I decided to provoke your little inferiority complex. Now then…"

Lucas starts to walk closer. Rex got a worried look on his face as he said "What are you doing?" Lucas answers "The match is still going on. You haven't forfeited yet, so why should I not approach you." Then a sharp looking tentacle comes out of Lucas' back and this starts to terrify Rex.

Rex said "Stop" with a weak voice. Then when Lucas got closer, Rex started to shout "Stop! Don't come any closer!" Then when Lucas was just about to pierce Rex's shoulder with his tentacle, Rex managed to shout "I forfeit!" Lucas' attack stopped just when the tentacle pierced Rex's armor and was about to hit the flesh.

Then Lucas retracted his tentacle and then said "Good. Now we are finally starting to resonate through understanding." Lucas then started to leave peacefully from the training area and the onlookers just let him go in silence.

People wondered to themselves "This newcomer is a beast" and "I won't mess with him anytime soon".

The next day Lucas came to the practical exam, people couldn't help but to come and take a look. One of the other participants, a noble named Jarim Ocelot, thought that they came looking at his magnificence. There was another noble named Lucressa Rosset who didn't seem to care about the onlookers.

Then the practical exam started. The practical exam was to fight the examiner in combat. Some didn't pass and some did.

Jarim managed to get a quite high score by using complex spells. He was thinking after the score was given "This is completely as expected of me."

Lucressa also managed to get a quite high score. She thought "I could have done better" after the score was given.

The last who was examined was Lucas. The examiner heard that Lucas beat Rex in combat, so he would act accordingly. Lucas took up a sword and readied for a fight.

The examiner Kent was rank A and quite experienced one at that. Even though Lucas knew that he himself was more powerful, he had to be careful as to not make any mistakes.

The battle began and both classhed their blades against each other's blades. Again and again they would strike. Kent could sense that Lucas wasn't serious, so he started to try and defeat Lucas with the best of his abilities.

Even after many strikes, Lucas was dancing with Kent like it was breathing. Lucas didn't think that Kent was weak by any means. In fact, he quite admired Kent's ability to dance in this tune after Lucas used appraisal on Kent. Kent didn't have many skills that were useful to him, but he has strengthened his body to the best of his ability. This impressed Lucas who was happy to dance with someone like that. Lucas, who was born strong to begin with, admired the effort that people without strength or talent would put themselves through.

The exam ended when Lucas managed to disarm Kent and the victor was settled. Kent tried his best, but he could not defeat Lucas. Lucas got the highest score as expected.

The results came in the next day and Lucas got a rank C card on him. He didn't mind that since he only wanted the card to sell the dragon parts for a full price.

Jarim got a rank A card, which he was proud of and bragged about. Everyone knew that the reason why Lucas didn't get a higher rank was because he wasn't a well known noble. Even Jarim acknowledged the fact that he got a higher rank thanks to his family name, but he felt that it was only right for him to reach this rank.

Lucressa also got a rank A, but she felt bitter about it because she knew after watching Lucas fight that he should have gotten the same rank. The rank that she received was thanks to her lineage.

Over all, Lucas was satisfied as the results and the news of him defeating a dragon got around