
Meating the Browns

Milley woke up with a start it wasthe noise of her brothers shouting that had woken her up,she sighed looking up at her alarm it dis not go off has usual today as it was a saturday ,she tried going back to sleep but that seemed abortive a they continued yelling . 'why are they so loud' she complai ed trying to mute the noises by pitting pillows over her ears. Finally,she got out off bed and walked into her bathroom

Milley florence brown the adopted child of mrand mrs brown,she has two elder brothers,charlie and richard who were twins and her foster parents were factory workers as they were a middle class family neither poor nor rich.Richard and charlie were in their first year in college studying law and acvounting respectively ,they were on a break and had come home to spend it with their family

'That my hoodie you punk,you lost yours and you are trying to claim mine ' milley heard charlie yelling at ricky as she walked out of the bathroom

'just because mom and dad buys us identical stuff dosent mean you can cheat and claim my stuff when you lose yours'Richard shot back

'So chilldish' milley shhok her head her brothers were a pain in the ass,andshewasover joyed when they got acceptedinto the community college,walking down the stairsshe met her

Mt and mrs brownalready having breakfast

'youre up early'mrs brown remarkedas she served miley pancakes and orange juice

'They woke me up'milley said casting anaccusing stare at richard who was now at the downstairs

'you guys are older now,you gonna have to control yourselves and quit disturbing peoples slepp'mr brown addressed ricky patying milley back in a fondly manner.

Milley was mrbrown favorite as he dotted in her like crazy and never seemed to hide it .

Charlie walked down with his head phones and richard muttered 'here comes the devil' under his breath . Also serving him breakfast mrs brown had a talk with charlie and richard on the never endind fighting saga.

Finishing her breakfast ,milley picked a medium sized bag that was on the kitchentable and proceeded ro heed out

'where to sweetie?'mr brown asked

'im off tho the library'she replied walking out

'weirdo'charlie commented and his mother smacked him on his head ,unrelenting he went on 'seriously who goes to study on a saturday ,dhe dosent even have any friends,you guys should be worried '

'That why shes a straight A student while you barely made it to college 'richard countered him also standing up as they proceded to chasing each other

just started writing ,hope you guys like it

Pelumi_Kolawole_4605creators' thoughts