
Military Demon Lord

A Classic world where Humans and other kingdoms and empires allianced together to defeat the Demons in the Demon Continent This continues over a fucking 5000 YEARS! The Demon Faction cannot even win to shit! And for some reasons the "Heroes" are a problem When they die and go the Gods realm they are very arrogant and they thought they are Gods too. This enraged all of the Gods and Goddesses in the Gods realm so they needed to put some "punishment" on that world. For all the troubles they made But assigning the Goddess of punishment there is a little too extreme and a little too boring So all of the Gods and Goddesses discussed who will make them suffer for all the Arrogant and shit heroes they sent in the Gods Realm? They spread across the multiverse to find a suitable person to take up for the Job Meanwhile a Military Librarian stationed near Kyoto is at the Library reading history books Books about military history, Books about military tacticd, Books about anything that says military in them Aaand some Anime, Manga Fanfiction military His name is Kanemoto Mamoru. Age 28. Rank Captain Hobbies: Reading history books, others Dislikes: Stupidity As he finally finished the final volume of a military Novel. He then breathed in relaxation that he already finished his favorite As he closed his eyes just to relaxed he felt his entire atmosphere was cold. He thought it was the AC Until he opened his eyes and knew. He is in a different place Many more will come in later chapters --------- Pic not mine Novel is just an experiment and a practice run

Daoistmaster · Guerra
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10 Chs

Bandit Raid

"Can you build a guard tower there?" Kanemoto said to the engineer/builder

"I build anywhere, sir." The builder said and started to build guard towers

"Can you build a sandbag barrier?" (Kanemoto)

"On my way, sir." He thenstarted to build several sand barriers on the entrance

He ordered many many builders to build many defense buildings

'Why do they say very nostalgic lines from an RTS game I played before?' Kanemoto thought but didn't mind

He had built iron fences with barbed wires on top and to top it all off basic wooden watch/security towers, wooden structure, and sandbag barriers in both two entrances

His base had two entrances one from the East, and one from the West. And to top of the joke the Russians guard the east while the americans and other European ethnicity soldiers guard the west. Yup, GRAPE soldier humor. Shit

Personnel: 10000/500000

Vehicles (Transport): 80/1000

Vehicles (Fighting): 150/750

Heavy Vehicles (Tanks and IFV): 40/1000

Helicopter(s) (Transport): 4/1000

Helicopter(s) (Attack Heli's): 6/1000

Planes (Transport): 0/500

Planes (Fighter planes, ETC): 0/1000

Ships (Transport): 0/500

Ships (Battleships, Cruisers, and missile Cruisers): 0/1000

Submarines: 0/500

"Sir, Is it time for you to do your main objective?" (System)

"What?" (Kanemoto)

"The Bandit Base, Sir. Even we have 10 thousand soldiers and the Bandits have 150, it is still a threat because pass them is the Two Gold mines." System said and Kanemoto clapped

"Shit, That. OK uhh... I don't have "God's View" like in most RTS games so I can instantly command like 500 soldiers and tanks. Is there a solution?" (Kanemoto)

"Sir, I am a system, of course I know the solution. All of the summoned and created soldiers I can signal them to do your orders. Example you want to raid this said Base, right? I can instantly order 500 soldiers via telepathy by me and 500 soldiers will be volunteering." System said and Kanemoto nodded

"Is that simple? Well please tell at least 500 soldiers, 20 fighting vehicles, and three tanks." Kanemoto said

"Why do you need three tanks? Even I don't care of the lives of those bandits bringing three tanks to defeat 150 bandits in their base with 500 soldiers but is a bit too much." (System)

"System, you never now there would be a elite "Mage" that is in their area. Even I knew bringing three tanks is overkill. I read too much Manga that this will gonna happen, chances are 50 but chances of victory is 99%." (Kanemoto)

"Well as your orders, I will tell 500 soldiers and three tanks at your command." (System)

About an hour later 500 soldiers had lined up in a box formation and three tanks behind the box formation. Kanemoto used a speaker to do the briefing so everybody will here the plan

"Alright you fucking twats, This is your first combat that you will ever see. We will gonna attack this said "Bandit Base". The plan is that the 500 soldiers will be split into 250 soldiers. The scouts said that they have two entrances, one for escape, one for getting in and out so the split 500 will pick which. 250 from the entrance and 250 from their escape route. The tanks, they will consist of two Challenger 2s and a Leopard 2A7. The Leopard crew will be at the escape route and the two Challenger 2s gonna be at the entrance center of the road. Fuck stealth because some Bitches there can sense precence so we will give them a suprise. Also some of you don't need to worry about "Swordsman" or "Berserks" but there are some classes that I have to warn you."

"Archers are the concern, they're quiet and nobody of you will know who shot it, Also there are some arrows that can hurt you at the same force of a rifle bullet so please don't get nailed by them."

"Mages are very concerning and it may danger some light transport vehicles. In this world the most common type of mages is a "Earth Mage" and a "Fire Mage" and combining them they create a "Mage Hybrid" and said they are "Rare" to see on some parts of the country. So I need small squads to defend some MRAPs and Humvees. Don't worry about the tanks because they will be absorbing most damages."

"I don't want to see any deaths, and if you die I will kill you again if you actually die. Heavy injuries is OK but no deaths, I want to go clean. DOES ANYONE FUCKING GOT THAT OR I HAD TO KICK YOUR SORRY ASSES TO COMPLETE IT?!" Kanemoto shouted

"UUUURRRRAAAA!!" (Russian Soldiers)

"SIR, YES, SIR!!" (American Soldiers)

"HAI!!" (Japanese Soldiers)

"Good! Operation starts in 30 minutes! We Raid the Bandit base today! Also If you find any slaves please! Capture them so we can save them! I don't want slavery so let's have a little campaign of abolishing slavery!" (Kanemoto)

After 30 minutes Kanemoto's soldiers are near the base

Match is Starting!

Bandit Team (Red Team)


Otherworldly Team (Kanemoto) (Blue Team)

Match Starts in 10 seconds











Red Team Objective: Defend

Blue Team Objective: Capture the Base (4 Flags/Sectors)

Capture Point Alpha (Entrance)

Capture Point Bravo (Escape Route)

Capture Point Charlie (Area where Slaves live (possible))

Capture Point Delta (Enemy Headquarters)

Secondary Objective: Save Slaves

Match Start!!

"Los! Los! Los!" The German Officer said to his squad mates as they charge at the enemy while finding cover

"Panzer Vor!" The Leopard 2 commander commanded the driver

Good thing Kanemoto predicted that the enemies escape route has less guards

"{Capturing Objective Bravo!}" The German Tank commander radioed Kanemoto

"{OK! Hold that position till we capture Objective Alpha! Stand by for orders!}" (Kanemoto)

"{Jawohl!}" (German Tank Commander)

The two Challenger 2s came rolling in Objective Alpha

"{Oi! Guard tower, Dead Ahead! Load HE shell and blast it to kingdom come!}" One of the Challenger 2 commanders ordered the Loader/Operator and Gunner

"UP!" the Loader/Operator shouted signaling it's already loaded

"FIRE!" the commander shouted at the gunner

*CHUG!* (if They sound like auto cannons I don't have any other tank gun SFX)



The Tower exploded, one left

"{We have captured Objective Bravo!}" The German Tank commander radioed Kanemoto that they have successfully captured Objective Bravo

"{Alright! Hold that position till we swarm them in the inside!}" Kanemoto radioed back

"{Jawohl!}" (German Tank commander)

The other Challenger 2 targeted the last remaining tower and successfully destroyed it. Making them advance further

As he was taking cover because the archers were readied and did an Arrow volly

The British Tank commanders of the Challenger 2s immediately hide inside the tank while the soldiers took cover

"Agghh!!" A Japanese soldier next to Kanemoto was hit in the arm unabled him to shoot his weapon

"Shit! Medic!" one of the soldiers noticed it and helped his comrade

A medic came

"Hey! Do not remove that arrow! He will have massive bleeding if you just yank it out!" An American soldier advices them as they patched up their buddy's arm

"Alright! Forward!" Many officers shouted and the Tanks continue to move forward as they cover the soldiers advance

The First Challenger 2 went inside and arrows and Magic didn't do affect as they are all killed. The other Challenger 2 is in the destroyed Gate

"Sir, We are capturing Objective Alpha." (System)

"Good!" (Kanemoto)

As they hold it for 30 seconds they successfully captured Objective Alpha

"{OK! All units! All entry ways are blocked! The enemy has no ways of escaping! You can kill them all and if they surrender detain them!}" Kanemoto radioed everyone including the officers

"{Kommandant! Orders?!}" (German Tank Commander)

"{Tell your MRAPs and Humvees to guard the escape route, let no Bandit escape here! You tank crew will go to Objective Charlie and hold it! We and the Challenger 2s will go to Objective Delta! Also watch out for civilians on the way their! They are the slaves!} (Kanemoto)

"{Jawohl, Kommandant!}" (German Tank Commander)

"Sir, the enemy is losing but four "Elites" had appeared." (System)

"Elites?!" Kanemoto was confused

"Example, Regular swordsman can have multiple elite branches like Paladin Knight or Templar when they are promoted. The Enemy has a "Dark Knight" Elite. They have massive amount of armor when fighting with melee and impenetrable by arrows. The weapons that are effective to kill "Dark Knights" are weapons that have High Caliber bullets like the M2HB. The quicker way is to kill them with Anti-tank rockets Guns or maybe your tanks. Upside is they are very slow and massive in size so they can be easily targeted by [Anti-tank Specialist(s)]. But they have a very disastrous skill called [Fearless] that makes everyone near "Dark Knight" Elites not afraid of death." System said as Kanemoto widen his eyes in shock

So making around them go for a suicide charge

"Shit!" Kanemoto quickly uses the Radio "{To all units! Four "Elites" had entered the battle! I advice shooting them with high caliber weapons from a distance. Do not get caught in it's range! Kill them with Anti-tank weapons, that will do the job!}" Every officer agreed

"Sir, They have defeated the first "Dark Knight" at Objective Charlie." System said and Kanemoto smiled

"We're making good progress!" (Kanemoto)

The Leopard team Scene

The Leopard 2A7 or "Zerstörer" as they nicknamed it. Is moving through the Slave area

"Gunner! Watch out for Slaves! They will bunch up! Use machine gun on these Swordsmen and Archers. Watch out for mages also!" The German tank commander said to his gunner

Two MRAPs and a transport truck for the slaves are moving in

"Save this slaves and kill any incoming Bandits. We'll cover you while you save them." the American soldier said

As russian, french, and Japanese soldiers saved the first slaves

The Slaves look at them. Earlier they are confused what is the unknown pops in the distance until explosions occured. They thought they are being saved until the Leopard 2A7 rolled and they thought they are being attacked by beast and death is near. As they saw people in weird clothing with weird weapons they are sceptical on who they are till the French and Japanese soldiers destroy the lock that is locking them

"Everybody stay back!" the French soldier shouted at them and they backed away

*Bang!* the soldier shot the lock

"You are free now. For your own safety please follow us." the Japanese soldier said and the slaves all cried in joy that they are finally free but some didn't feel because they are an unkown force but seeing their power they agreed to follow them

"{First batch of slaves is saved!}" An officer radioed

Many Slave batches are coming and they are being treated by Medics by giving them treatment from their wounds, clear drinking water and some food

As the American squad saw the other "Dark Knight". The American Officer radioed the Leopard 2A7

"{Elite! It's a DA! (Dark Knight) Shoot the bastard!}" as he shouted through the radio the Bandit charge at them without fesr of getting killed

The German machine gunners are taking care of the charge by shooting their MG-42 that has a high fire rate so they have no problems with bandits being all bunched up

"{Capturing Objective Charlie! Secondary Objective successfully completed!}" The German Tank commander said

"Shit! That DA! is gonna charge at us!" and officer said

"Gunner! Shoot the DA! 12 o'clock! Fire!"



The Dark Knight was instantly killed

"We have downed two Dark Knights!" The German Tank Commander said himself

Back to Kanemoto

To their side of the battle they aren't having problems because most of the buildings are made of wood

Several Squads breach each wooden building and saved some slaves that are present

"Spotted enemy "Dark Knight"!" The Tank commander if the Challenger 2 said ss Kanemoto's vision saw the Dark Knight highlighted

"Sir, when you or your soldiers spots an enemy you and everybody will see the enemy but the highlight will be gon in just 15 seconds." Sustem gave an advice

"Well thanks! {To all units focus firing the Dark Knight!}" (Kanemoto)

"UP!" (Loader)

"Fire!" (British Tank Commander)



They fired at the Dark Knight and was instantly killed

And then an explosion occured

*BOOM!* an explosion occured from the leading Challenger 2

"Shit! Is everyone OK?" The commander of the leading Challenger 2 asked his crew

"I'm Up!" (Driver)

"I'm Up!" (Gunner)

"I'm fucked up but I'm up!" (Loader/Operator)

"Need a SITREP?!" (British Tank Commander)

"Our right tracks got blown up by something! Chances there was mage that targeted us. We are immobilized!" the driver said

"{Commander Kanemoto! Our right track got blown to bits and we can't move! We can repair the tracks but it will tanke a long time.}" (British Tank Commander)

"Well don't worry! The mage that targeted you guys is already been dealt with. Let the other Challenger 2 take your place." (Kanemoto)

"Yes, Sir!" (British Tank Commander)

The other Challenger 2 took the leading Challenger's place

"{Sir! This is "Zerstörer"! We have successfully captured objective Charlie! No signs of any bandits rather than the surrendered ones. Do you need Help over there?}" (German Tank Commander)

"{Yes! We need assistance! The Challenger 2 is immobilized because of track damage. You need to follow up with the Challenger. We are nearing Objective Delta!}" (Kanemoto)

The Leopard arrived and assisted the Challenger 2

"Sir! We have spotted the enemies Headquarters! Behind the last Dark Knight!" Onayashi said to Kanemoto

"Alright! {The two tanks kill the remaining enemies outside don't damage the Building!}" (Kanemoto)

"{Jawohl, Kommandant!}" (Zerstörer)

As five minutes if fighting the remaining bandits outside the enemy HQ building, Kanemoto ordered five people to breach the front door

"Sir, Two people is present inside. The other is the Bandit Leader, and the other one might be a slave." (System)

Kanemoto silently nodded and he gestured his hands meaning throw a flashbang inside

And gestured a countdown




*Kicks Door*

*Throws a Flashbang*



As Kanemoto was the first to enter the building hos surroundings time slowed down. Everything is in slow motion

He slowly aimed his HOWA type 20 at a fat Guy's leg


He shot the fat guy in the leg and screamed in pain

"Detain this sumbitch! Save the last Slave!" Kanemoto ordered

The Bandit leader is shouting in pain while asking who they are or what they are doing till a russian soldier knocked him out by using his AKM's butt stock

Match Ends

Winner Otherworldly team (Kanemoto) (Blue Team)

Most Kills

"Zerstörer" - 71 kills

Most Assists

Russian Soldier - 67 assists ("Assist" remember that)

Most Healed soldiers (Best Medic Award)

Japanese Medic - 128 Healed units

Most Accurates shot (Best Marksman Award)

Finnish Sniper - 93% accuracy

Bonus Reward - Using just only an Iron sight (AN:You all know who this guy is)

Highlights moment

A russian soldier doing hand-to-hand combat with 6 armed dudes with spears and successfully killed them all woth their own spears

Bandit Report

Died - 150 (They executed the prisoners without Kanemoto looking)

Injuries none

Otherworldly Team Report

Died - None

Injuries (Light and Heavy) - 199

Saved Slaves - 128



Battlefield Franchise - The Match

Call of Duty Franchise - Breaching

Comand and Conquer generals - EVERYTHING

Read the Reference

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