
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Food Situation in the Rocha Region

Life in the Rocha region of Solerina began.

Unexpectedly, and forgive me for saying this, but Princess Parbera and Familis volunteered to serve as hosts for the occasion.

"For me, I appreciate it, but you don't have to worry about being considerate."

"Milimos-kun's management of his territory is solid, requiring minimal supervision. And even though Milimos-kun's sister is technically my sister-in-law, she's married and living in another country. In other words, she's in the same position as us. So, I think we can get along well."

"As a female knight, I received guidance so that I can take care of a noblewoman when she becomes pregnant. I've also learned sacred techniques that prevent miscarriages even during intense activities. So, leave it to me."

With that said, I decided to entrust the matter of Solerina to the two of them.

With that settled, my immediate worries were gone.

Now, I should focus on managing the territory properly.

Checking through the documents, I learned that the crops sown in various fields during spring—summer wheat—were entering their peak season and could be harvested soon.

"We should issue a notice to ensure that the tax rates are the same across all regions."

Though the local nobles in the Rocha region also served as tax collectors, during Rocha's previous era, tax embezzlement had been rampant.

While I might turn a blind eye if it weren't for my overly diligent nature, the overseers are knights of the Knight Nation. If they hear about unauthorized tax hikes, the noble families responsible might face a dire fate.

Hence, I'll include a private message in the notice, advising them to behave since the Knight Nation is watching.

The books mentioned that if I were to deprive them of rights they previously held, it might spark rebellion. So, this can't be helped.

"Until now, the shortage of food due to requisitions after the last battle prevented rebellions. But once we harvest the summer wheat, we'll have the food we've been longing for. This might make it easier for the seeds of rebellion to sprout..."

According to the tactics book I read in the Nonette Kingdom, the approach to dealing with rebels was to ruthlessly eliminate them, making an example of them, and announcing it throughout the region to suppress any other potential uprisings.

While I understand the logic behind it, I'm not particularly eager to carry it out.

"Please, just don't start a rebellion."

The roads in various regions have been improved, soldiers have been dispatched to deal with bandits, river pollution from reduced mining has been addressed, and trade is flourishing, boosting the economy.

With all these policies in place and making the Rocha region more habitable compared to before, I want to believe that rebellion won't happen.

After a day of work, I sat down to eat with Solerina. Princess Parbera and Familis are also present as hosts. By the way, Hones declined, stating that a gathering with just royals was too intimidating.

The dish we're having right now uses ingredients sourced from the Rocha region. But before cooking, Familis has her horse Neroteola check for poison, and she ensures to minimize any mineral contamination during preparation.

For sure, when dealing with a pregnant woman, this level of consideration isn't excessive.

However, it seems that I'm the only one who thinks that way...

"Honestly, Milimos, you're going all out for your first nephew. You won't truly understand until you have your own child how much effort it takes."

With a wry smile, Solerina says this, and Princess Parbera responds with a smile as well.

"Milimos-kun is a kind person. He just wants to do his best for his beloved sister."

Princess Parbera takes this kindly, while Familis maintains a cool demeanor.

"I didn't think Prince Milimos was so heavy on sentiment. Looks like we might need to adjust our approach."

"All three of you can just keep chatting away."

Eating my croissant in silence, I see Solerina and Princess Parbera exchange smiles.

"Considering this, you still come off as quite childish."

"You're adorable."

Should I feel sad about not being perceived as a man or should I try harder to make a better impression? I'm torn.

As I continue eating my croissant, Solerina's expression shifts to something like resignation, and she starts talking.

"Milimos, you didn't really like the bean dishes in the Nonette Kingdom. Do you enjoy the meals in the Rocha region?"

"...Yes, I do. Personally, I prefer the food in the Rocha region."

Unlike the bean dishes in the Nonette Kingdom, the food here centers around wheat and has familiar tastes from my past life's memories, offering comfort.

Even the croissant I'm eating right now could easily be found in a famous sandwich chain.

"Even though I don't think it's particularly delicious, there are times when I inexplicably crave that bean dish."

"Hehe, the taste of one's homeland is something that doesn't depend on whether it's tasty or not."

"So, Sister Solerina, do you ever miss Nonette's bean dish?"

"When I arrive in Nonette, I do intend to have the bean dish first thing. Not just in the Spozart country I married into, but even in the desert nations, wheat and meat dishes are common, and there are bean dishes too. However, the way they are prepared is different from what's found in Nonette, so there's a stronger longing for the taste of home."

"Does that mean this meal is similar to the ones with wheat?"

"We use less water here, so we don't thin it out and cook it lightly. We mix the flour with a small amount of water, then bake it in an oven to make a deep dish bread called 'Bunan.' We put the dishes on this bread, and towards the end of the meal, we eat what's soaked with the broth."

"Does that mean people in your region eat with their hands?"

Solerina's mood visibly dropped as if she'd heard something that upset her.

"Are you laughing at us for eating without utensils like uncivilized savages?"

It seemed like Solerina had experienced someone laughing at her like that before.

Considering Solerina's temperament, she probably interpreted such laughter as an attack on the land that had nurtured her beloved husband, designating the laugher as an adversary.

Of course, I had no intention of making fun of her.

"While we eat with our hands like this, why would there be a need to laugh?"

As I took a bite of my roll, Solerina touched her forehead with her fingers, appearing thoughtful.

"Milimos wasn't a fool who would mock another's culture. Lately, though, I find myself getting irritated by even trivial things, and it's starting to annoy me."

When Solerina vented her frustrations, Famiris was the first to respond.

"Pregnant women tend to become more aggressive to protect their child. It's a normal behavior for living creatures, so you shouldn't worry too much."

"Is that so? I feel a bit relieved now."

Seeming to have lifted a weight off her chest, Solerina resumed eating.

Watching her, I recalled something I had heard in my past life.

"I seem to remember that the preferences in food tend to change with a pregnant woman's body. How about you, Sister Solerina?"

"Well, to be honest, I can't stand the strong smell of meat dishes now."

"Even this dish we're having now contains meat, should I set it aside?"

"This amount is fine. The meat dishes in Spozart country are quite heavy. The bread called Bunan I mentioned earlier is about the size of a face. But there's more meat than bread, and the cooked meat comes out, and there's even a pile of extra servings on the plate for seconds."

Imagining a plate piled high with massive amounts of meat, the smell of the roasted meat and fat becoming overpowering, I thought that might be tough for a woman, especially a pregnant one.

But for me, a healthy and robust young man, it did look pretty delicious.

"When Sister Solerina gives birth to a healthy baby and goes back to her homeland, maybe I'll go along to deliver her."

"Oh, Milimos. Going just to eat Spozart country's food while using my sister as an excuse?"

"That's right, but is that a problem?"

"Hehe. You really are an irredeemable child. Fine. When that time comes, I'll put in the effort to cook for you."

"What? Sister Solerina, you've never cooked in your homeland, can you really cook now?"

"There's no better strategy than cooking to firmly grasp the heart of a beloved husband. Even if my fingers get injured a bit, I'll definitely obtain a mastery level."

Ah, I see. For the sake of a beloved person, difficulties become trivial, huh? Impressed and amazed, I was about to respond when Parbera princess addressed me.

"Milimos-kun, do you also prefer women who can cook like Sister Solerina?"

"I haven't fallen in love with anyone, so I can't say for sure. But in anything, isn't it better to be able to do it than not?"

If someone were to offer me the cuisine of the place I grew up, it would also be a way to get to know them through their taste. As I shared that sentiment, Princess Parbera's expression seemed to change, as if she had made a decision.

"... I need to get a cookbook from the Holy Knight State. I'll tell you later."

"Only you, Princess Parbera, would entrust such a chore to the Black Knight."

Famiris seemed exasperated, as if she knew the princess was planning to somehow acquire the knight nation's recipes using some secret method.

Maybe she'll treat me with the recipes she gets. I'll allow myself a bit of hope. But looking at her like that, I felt a bit worried.

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