
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Hierarchical Relationships

The barracks for the soldiers of the Rocha Army were located a short distance away from the castle.

The soldiers' living quarters consisted of large single-story row houses, with a spacious training ground adjacent to them.

"In terms of the size of the buildings, they can probably accommodate around two thousand people."

As I muttered my impression and attempted to enter the premises, I was naturally stopped by the sentry soldiers.

"What business does a beautiful lady and a child have here?"

In response to the questioning, I confirmed the appearance of the soldier. Unlike the full armor worn during the war, he was wearing a helmet and a chest plate.

I sensed the odor of some sort of salve resembling medicinal ointment coming from the soldier and deduced that he had likely been involved in the previous war. With this in mind, I came up with a slightly mischievous idea.

"I've seen your face on the battlefield in Nonette Kingdom. It's good to see you've returned safely."

Now, let's see what kind of reaction he'll give. The soldier's expression turned puzzled as he looked at me, then his gaze shifted to a look of astonishment.

"You! The 'Monkey Prince of Nonette'!"

At being called by that nickname for the first time, I involuntarily tilted my head. By the way, I could hear Familis stifling a laugh behind me, but I decided not to pay it any mind.

Meanwhile, the soldier who seemed to have slipped up hastily covered his mouth with his hand and then directed a questioning gaze at me.

"Why... why are you here?"

"Why, you ask? Because I am the 'lord' of this 'territory.' Isn't it only natural for the lord to come and check on the state of the soldiers guarding the territory?"

"... So, the rumored lord was you?"

I noticed that the soldier wore an expression that seemed to be a mix of astonishment and realization.

"They say rumors travel fast, but I only arrived in this city today, you know?"

"Well... you folks have been causing quite a stir all around. Whenever thieves appeared to the east, you wiped them out, along with Negra. And when you learned of wealthy nobles in the west lining their pockets, you disciplined the whole noble family and then brought about their reform. And when soldiers returning to their respective posts in various places after the war looked downcast, you motivated them during training if they seemed lacking in spirit. Rumors like that have even reached this city."

I recalled doing what the soldier was describing during our journey.

"I'd like to offer an explanation. Most of those things were done by the knights from that Knight's Country. I just got caught up in it."

Pointing to Familis as I spoke, the soldier nodded knowingly.

"Since people from the Knight's Country are accompanying you, the rumors must be true."

"The knights from the Knight's Country embarking on a journey of reformation have practically become a play in itself."

Many of the plays performed during festivals—equivalent to historical dramas or adventure tales in our world—feature knights and soldiers from the Knight's Country as the protagonists.

This has led to the common understanding that "people from the Knight's Country are agents of reform" throughout the continent. However, given the long-lasting wars in the Empire, there might be a slightly different perception there, but I'm not well-informed on that matter.

After establishing a connection with the soldier, I pointed towards the inside of the premises.

"By the way, could you guide us around inside?"

"I'm on sentry duty right now, so I can't really do that."

"But if we walk around inside, other soldiers might question us again."

"That might be true if unfamiliar people are walking around."

As the soldier stood there looking troubled, a loud voice came from within the premises.

"Hey, are you guys okay!?"

Running towards us while shouting was another soldier.

Upon seeing his face, I recognized who he was. It wasn't a joke when I referred to the soldier in front of me as the "Monkey Prince"; he truly was familiar to me.

Approaching us, the soldier directed a puzzled look our way, and I greeted him with a cheerful tone.

"Long time no see. The mountains at the border must've been chilly. Did you get frostbite, lose any fingers?"

As I suddenly said this, the new arrival—the leader of the advance party that had been in the mountains—looked at my whole body and his expression turned sour.

"Ugh. Are you the Monkey Prince?"

"I don't recall agreeing to that, but I guess that's what people call me. But now that I've become the lord of this land, maybe I should be called the 'Monkey Lord'?"

As I joked, the advance party leader and the sentry exchanged glances as if having a silent conversation.

Then the advance party leader composed himself and turned back to face us.

"I see. So you've come here to see how the soldiers are doing. Very well, this soldier is on duty, so I'll show you around."

"Thanks. By the way, the three women behind me are my companions, so is it okay if they come in too?"

"I don't mind."

The advance party leader took the lead to guide us through the premises.

Our destination was the training ground.

"Right now, the soldiers' training has just begun. After losing to you, they've become somewhat sluggish, so General Durlba Adatom, the drillmaster, is giving them a dressing down."

The general who I had cut both arms off during our battle has become an instructor, it seems.

"But why did you rephrase the title as 'general'?"

"He was removed from his post as general as a result of the defeat."

I chuckled at the sarcastic tone.

"Durlba, the reason he lost was that Rocha used a false pretext for war. So, it's more about the higher-ups of Rocha taking responsibility on the strategic front rather than his tactical choices. I think it's a bit much to dismiss him from his position."

"If you think that way, why not reinstate him as a general? You're the lord now, so you should be able to do that much."

"Only if Durlba agrees to take the position of general again."

Durlba, the former general, would be beneficial in the reorganization of Rocha's forces, so personally, I'd like him to return.

During our conversation, we arrived at the training ground.

At the training field, General Durba, with bandages wrapped around his lost hands, was supervising the soldiers' training.

As we observed from the sidelines, a spontaneous moment led to me and one of the soldiers engaging in a mock battle.

The catalyst was when the vanguard captain informed General Durba about our presence.

"The Marshal of the Nonette Kingdom, who fought against us and became the lord of this land, Prince Milimos—the Monkey Prince—is here for observation."

Around the area where the Monkey Prince was mentioned, the soldiers in training turned their attention towards us. Then, their gazes shifted to General Durba, who was providing guidance.

If I were to translate their gaze's movement, it would be something like: "The prince who took both of General Durba's hands is right there."

An unsettling premonition filled the air, but General Durba himself seemed unfazed by his lost hands as he walked towards us.

"Hello, Prince Milimos. Since you're our lord now, it would be appropriate to use a formal tone, right?"

"Since this isn't an official setting, you can use the same tone as back then. So, you seem to be pushing the soldiers pretty hard?"

"Hahaha, pardon my embarrassment. Losing to a small force and having our country's name vanish has weighed heavily on me. During the winter, we let things slide to the point of being utterly disgraceful. Right after receiving the assurance from the military doctor that the wounds wouldn't hinder me, I started pushing myself."

It's hard for me, the victor, to comment on this situation.

As I nodded with a polite smile, a soldier from the group murmured in a voice still audible to me.

"Just because he won using the Empire's weapons, he's acting all high and mighty."

Though it was a petty insult, it elicited clear reactions from two individuals.

One was General Durba, standing before me, and the other was Famiris, who had been standing behind him.

"Who dared to mock that battle? Disparaging Prince Milimos's fighting prowess is also an act of demeaning oneself, who lost in that battle!"

"Despite being soldiers safeguarding the people's peace, resorting to backbiting is disgraceful! If you have something to say, say it openly!"

As General Durba shouted and Famiris reproached in a knightly tone, the soldiers cowered.

However, among them was someone with resolve. Stepping forward with a stern expression, there was a man in his mid-thirties who exuded an air of seasoned experience.

"I'll take the liberty to speak up as per your words! If Prince Milimos hadn't possessed an Empire-made sword, General Durba would never have lost! If the Nonette soldiers hadn't used strange swords, the army wouldn't have been defeated!"

In the face of his resolute statement, General Durba fell silent, his head appearing pained.

Meanwhile, Famiris seemed to appreciate the soldier's forthright attitude.

"I understand your viewpoint. In that case, how about settling this here and now?"

"Hmm? Where is this conversation heading?"

When I inquired, Famiris proposed with a playful expression.

"At this spot, Prince Milimos will engage in a mock battle with the soldiers there. Of course, Prince Milimos will not use an Empire-made sword."

"I get the idea, but why do I need to—"

"I want to do it! I'll prove that the battle back then was a mistake!"

As I attempted to decline, the assertive soldier interjected eagerly.

While I aimed to avoid combat through conversation, Famiris tapped my shoulder before I could even start talking.

"Prince Milimos, this is crucial. If you make it clear to the soldiers here at the outset, gaining control will become much easier."

"Don't bring the logic of a knightly nation into this... Fine, I'll do it, but..."

When I stepped forward, several soldiers brought over mock weapons and armor, well-prepared for my arrival.

Each one seemed tailored for an adult Roccha soldier – heavy weaponry and full-body armor.

I tried lifting a large hammer-like object, the lightest among them, and it took both hands in its natural state.

As I held the hammer, soldiers who were about to fight me mockingly teased, amused by my flushed face.

"Just as expected of a monkey, can't handle regular weapons. Don't hesitate, I'll wait for you to bring monkey-friendly ones."

Their condescending words annoyed me.

Dismissing someone can lead to underestimating their abilities. For soldiers staking their lives in battle, this attitude could be deadly, so they needed educational guidance.

In principle, I decided to unleash the sacred art I had discreetly used while traveling with Princess Parubella and Famiris. This time, I would use it to the fullest.

After setting aside the hammer, I wielded a colossal sword, the largest and heaviest among the prepared weapons, its blade two meters long with an equally long hilt. Swinging it effortlessly, I stood before the soldiers.

"Let's begin. Oh, I don't need armor. One strike will be enough to defeat you."

My provocation irritated the soldier sparring with me, evident from his annoyed expression.

With both sides prepared, Famiris acted as the referee.

"Both participants, fight with all your might to settle this battle without harboring grudges afterward. Begin!"

Following Famiris's command, the soldier charged toward me. He wore training armor and held a shield in his right hand, a rod with an attached iron ball in his left. His movements indicated considerable skill.

But that's only true for those who can't use magic or sacred arts.

"Here I go!"

Stepping forward with my right foot, I swung the massive sword from right to left. The structure of the sword, either due to its hasty construction or its gigantic form, caused a creaking sound at the connection between the hilt and blade. Nonetheless, the sword remained intact, and I swung it almost as fast as a regular sword.

The soldier charging at me paused in surprise, attempting to block with his shield – an unsuccessful endeavor.


The mass and speed of the massive sword, combined with centrifugal force from the swing, generated a power capable of easily repelling an adult. The shield that collided with the sword bent and collapsed, sending the soldier behind it flying like a ball due to the impact.


Flying through the air like a hit ball, the soldier landed, tumbled, and eventually lay face down, motionless.

I aimed to incapacitate rather than kill, but even to my eyes, it seemed like I had gone overboard.

As sweat formed due to my uneasy feeling, I tossed the massive sword aside and approached the fallen soldier.

Suddenly, the fallen soldier rose and swung his clubbed rod with an iron ball, attempting to strike me.

"You fool!"

It was a complete surprise attack. If I were in my regular state, I wouldn't have had a chance.

However, since I hadn't deactivated the sacred art for caution, I survived.

My enhanced body executed the moves I had trained in the Nonette Kingdom, and my fist struck the soldier's chin from below. The sensation of bones cracking transmitted through my hand.


His neck arched back dramatically as if broken, and the soldier collapsed onto the ground once again.

I poked him with my foot to make sure he was unconscious this time.

Relieved that I had emerged victorious, I recalled the sensation of my punch.

"Someone! Looks like I broke this guy's bones. Get a doctor or medic here!"

As I turned and spoke, all the observing soldiers wore expressions of shock.

"Hey, who said the Monkey Prince only won because of his weapon?"

"He's a genuine monster. Even General Durba had his arms sliced off, it seems his strength was real."

After this fight, it seemed the soldiers had newfound respect for me, but at the moment, medical attention was more important.

Before I could say anything more to the motionless soldiers, General Durba's booming voice filled the air.

"You lot! What are you dawdling for? Assess that idiot's condition and focus on his arm, neck, and jaw!"

"Yes, right away!"

"You there! Fetch a doctor! Tell them there's a suspected fracture and bring the necessary equipment!"

"Understood! I'll go!"

The soldiers promptly obeyed the orders, displaying swift coordination.

Observing this, I realized that in order to rule the Roccha region, I would need General Durba's cooperation.

While reinstating him as General was an option, if he declined, I could follow the example set by Alextem in the Nonette Kingdom and appoint him as my aide.

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