
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: The Way Home

When I arrived at the rendezvous point, there were no soldiers in sight. Instead, there was a "communication stone" used by soldiers of the Nonette Kingdom placed there.

A communication stone is a flat stone with a message on the bottom that is placed on top of a large stone buried in the ground. It is a method of communication that people from the Nonette Kingdom, who live in the mountains, can notice unusually and find the stone, while the people of the Mendashium Kingdom, who live on flatlands, cannot find it.

"What's this... To the soldier who arrived late. An intruder is approaching. Go ahead."

I put the communication stone back in its place and followed the path along the ridge where the soldiers must have escaped. While standing on the steep ridge in the still dark sky, when I looked down at my feet, I had the illusion that I was walking on a tightrope stretched across a cliff.

The soldiers, who were raised in the mountains and underwent rigorous training, would have no problem, but if the Mendashium soldiers chasing after us were to come here, they would inevitably slip in fear and fall down the mountain.

I wrapped a blanket around the stolen staff and decided to move forward, poking the ground with the tip of the handle.

If I walked with a clacking sound, it would alert the Nonette soldiers ahead of me to my presence. And if the Mendashium soldiers following behind me heard it, they might chase after me. In that case, the harshness of this mountain might lead them to their death.

After walking for a while, I reached a spot on the ridge where the path widened a bit. There, Nonette soldiers had gathered and were aiming their weapons towards me. Judging by their faces, it seemed that everyone was here. Some of them appeared to be injured, but they had been treated and didn't seem to be in serious condition.

"Hey there, yaho~"

When the people of the Nonette Kingdom, waving their hands, greeted each other in the mountains, they were met with disappointed expressions from everyone.

"You see? Even if we thought Mimo was killed, he won't die. It was just a waste to worry, right?"

"That's true. I mean, he was supposed to be chased by enemy soldiers, but he hasn't suffered a single injury. Is he really a prince?"

"I want the time spent on the discussion we just had back."

I'm not quite sure, but I feel like I'm being criticized.

"Oh, could it be that they're angry about me being late for the gathering? Ah, no, my bad, my bad. I had some errands to run."

While trying to explain in a casual tone, a sudden gust of wind blew in from the side.

The strength was enough to blow me away, but I managed to withstand it and didn't fall off the ridge.

"Oh, that was quite a strong wind. Looks like the weather is about to change, so let's hurry ahead— Oh, what's wrong?"

The soldiers were looking at me, their mouths agape.

When I tilted my head, they started arguing among themselves, and Centis, as their representative, approached me.

"Mimo, what's that thing you're holding in your hand?"

The indicated location was the staff in my hand. The blanket I had wrapped around it earlier had come off due to the gust of wind.

"This? It's an imperial-made staff I found in the Mendashium Kingdom's territory. When I tried using it, I realized it's an amazing staff that multiplies the power of magic several times."

"Ah... What we want to know is not that, but how you obtained it."

"That's right, Marshal. The soldiers who followed you didn't have such a staff, right?"

"This staff is an important item for capturing the fortress. If we lost it in the pursuit, it would hinder the Mendashium Kingdom's operation."

"So, why is it that Mimo has the staff that was supposed to be hidden in the enemy's territory?"

"Well, if it's only in the enemy territory, then it's obvious that I infiltrated it. Oh, don't worry. I didn't just steal it; I also set it on fire with a Molotov cocktail before returning. I think most of the staff is broken and useless now."

As I proudly proclaimed, the soldiers reacted with expressions that seemed to indicate a headache.

"Um, Marshal. Did I just hear a strange word?"

"So, Mimoboy infiltrated the enemy's territory alone, stole the staff, set fire to the depot, and escaped?"

"And despite accomplishing that infiltration mission, he's not even injured?"

"That's right. How about that? Isn't it amazing?"

While boasting about my fine play, believing that the enemy's forces would be greatly diminished, the soldiers somehow transformed their exhausted expressions.

"Is he really our country's prince, that guy?"

"To think he's such a chaotic person. Old man Alektem must be having a hard time."

"From now on, we shouldn't let him act alone. Without someone watching him, he might do something outrageous."

"...Huh? I feel like they're looking at me with exasperation."

Perplexed, I tilted my head, and the soldiers surrounded me and began pushing my back.

"Let's hurry back to the fortress, Marshal."

"I'll report everything that happened so far to Old man Alektem, and let him scold you."

"I'm craving some warm food after marching in this chilly autumn weather."

"Hey, wait a minute! I can walk without being pushed! Besides, we're on a ridge, it's dangerous, and if the country of Mendasium moves quickly, we'll have to hinder their advance!"

Without anyone listening to my complaints, we started walking toward the fortress.

And so, thanks to the soldiers who displayed an unexpectedly high level of enthusiasm despite the recent night raid, I ended up returning to the fortress.