

It all started with a simple message on the smartphone. ⚠️ There's a milf in your area. ⚠️ With some doubt Steve looks at the screen trying to make a little memory to know when I download this application. Seconds later, a new message arrived on the Smartphone. It was the image of the Milf along with the rewards. The second message was worse than the first, because Steve knows the woman in the image perfectly. this seemed more like a scam than a Quest. with a bright smile Steve was ready to delete the pair of messages along with the app. only before, a knock on the bedroom wall, scares Steve and presses. [ OK ] by mistake. But Steve's troubles had just started. ....

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37 Chs

Beautiful and useless weapons.

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

The 15 female slaves divided into three teams in black robes...

Blonde: You have team 1. This team is in charge of the booths...

Boobs: You have team 2. This team is in charge of transporting and storing merchandise...

Meaty lips: You have team 3, this team is in charge of the containers...

Only the three of them have storage equipment. (two rings, two bracelet and two necklaces) one storage kit with sweets and the other is for fruits....


Now, the remaining 12 people will be in charge of 5 slaves and these slaves will form a team, these slaves will wear white robes...

After forming all the teams, these teams are divided into 4 shifts, each shift lasts 6 hours, and each shift only 3 teams work. ( booths | merchandise | storage )

I hand out brochures to the team leaders with the fruits that we are going to trade and I stick the remaining brochures in front of the window of the booth...

Among the team leaders in black robes and workers in white robes are 75 slaves...

When finishing the preparations of the store. everyone was nervous mainly the slaves without robes, a total of 15 people…

Steve looks at the 18 rows of 5 people with a smile on his lips and tells them: ⁓ "When you're ready I'll start working, now everyone go rest" ⁓ the slaves in black robes nodded and went home. the slaves in white robes followed suit and left...

Finally, those who did not have tunics white or black, had pale faces when they entered their houses...


Before going out to the street Steve changed his clothes wearing a black tunic with a white mask that covered his entire facea and went straight to the Dwarf's store...

Upon reaching the street there were many more people around and as amazing as it seemed, no one obstructed the front door, which made it easier for him to arrive...

When the Dwarf who attends the sideboard enters, he looks at Steve's appearance between closing his eyes and asks with doubts: ⁓ "what is offered to you sir" ⁓ Steve shows the clover brooch and the Dwarf immediately went for the Dwarf Blacksmith...

As the corner door opens, the Dwarf Blacksmith immediately shouts: ⁓ "You damn brat, my shop has been under siege ever since you left."⁓ Steve just shrugs...

The Dwarf Blacksmith mumbles a few words under his breath in a strange language, before inviting Steve into the forge...

Upon entering the forge, in the middle of the room, there is a group of 6 Dwarves in front of a metal table, on top of the table is a chest...

The Blacksmith stands in front of the chest and pats the deck...

The chest opens and a pair of purple Desert Eagles come into view. then the Dwarf Blacksmith begins the description of it: ⁓covers made of Meteorum to resist heating and impacts. Mithril firing pin to improve the magic driver. Gravitium handle to lighten its weight by 80%. "⁓ The Dwarf shows his best smile and says proudly: ⁓ "each weapon has seven different spells that boost damage, anti-sound spell, anti-recoil spell and as icing on the cake they are binding."⁓ Steve could not open his mouth anymore But the Dwarf hadn't finished because he was gasping for air to keep talking...

The Blacksmith raises the pair of weapons and hands them over, Steve holds the two pistols and little by little a smile appeared on his face, while he checks, aims, weighs, tests and calibrates both pistols.

The Dwarf Blacksmith lifted the mat from the chest, below are 7 different chargers with different colors. pointing to each one he comments: ⁓ "from left to right, bullets with fire, water, earth, wind and lightning spells. You just have to go by the color of the bullet."

(Although it would be a pain in the ass to change magazines in the middle of combat) Steve thought before nodding in satisfaction, but the Herero's smile became brighter and brighter, he clears his throat and with his eyes points to the other two magazines...

But we're talking about Steve. the fool, he just stares as the Dwarf rolls his eyes at him...

Until Steve asks: ⁓"what, what's up? "⁓

The Blacksmith just rolls his eyes and in a sad voice comments: ⁓"explosive rounds and armor-piercing rounds, each magazine holds 100 rounds, but we can expand the load to 1000 rounds"⁓

Steve looks at the dwarf as if he's out of his mind and asks ⁓ "why don't you do it?" ⁓

The Dwarf sighs and comments: ⁓"budget. "⁓

⁓ "Do you need it?" ⁓ Steve was about to take out more crystals, but the Dwarf stops him with a yell ⁓ "stop, stop." ⁓ After the yell, he shows the two chargers...

The Blacksmith flashes an apologetic smile and comments::⁓ "In terms of cost, each gun costs two Ultimate Crystals and each bullet costs one mana drop."⁓

⁓ "Oh, so how many crystals I owe you." ⁓ Steve asks starting to pull out crystal after crystal...

Seeing the amount he took out, the Dwarf wanted to cry and sadly said: ⁓ "one" ⁓

⁓ "Ah" ⁓ he says and puts the sack away from him, after several seconds of silence Steve frowns and adds ⁓ "how many bullets did they prepare" ⁓

⁓ "700,000 bullets. 100,000 of each type, they would have prepared more just that all the available mana ran out. "⁓ comments the Dwarf Blacksmith proudly.

Steve pulls out a 200-litre wooden barrel causing the Dwarves' faces to light up and they yell with excitement: ⁓"Beer "⁓

Steve looks at them confused, shakes his head, and says, ⁓"Mana"⁓

The Dwarves felt like crying when they looked at the barrel. not for the beer.

It is because of their poverty.

Steve ignores the Dwarves' tears and pats the barrel. ⁓ "tell the Elves to prepare this for me." ⁓ he pulls out another barrel and points to it ⁓ "this will be the payment." ⁓ The Dwarf smith nods sadly...

Steve grabs the guns, but the dwarf stops him. ⁓ "Guns link together like the magic storage rings and You can only keep the chargersand bullets...." ⁓ Steve nods, shrugging off his trench coat and pulling out two leather shoulder holsters and slinging them over each shoulder. he puts the pair of pistols in his holsters and covers them with the trench coat...

The Dwarf Blacksmith nods and watches as Steve the weapons are drawn, while the other Dwarfs clap. after the awkward moment Steve keeps the guns in his holsters and covers them with the raincoat...

Steve is satisfied with the work and takes a Barrett 50' caliber rifle from inventory with different parts, ammunition and plans...

The Dwarf Blacksmith's face scrunched up at the rifle and ammunition. He sighed to get some air and comments: ⁓ "sir, the weapons are new and powerful, but they have performance problems. For example, with a single shot you will use twice the concentration of using a basic spell." ⁓

⁓"Oh"⁓ that information left Steve speechless. but the Blacksmith hadn't finished and grabbed a cartridge: ⁓"now, let's talk about the cost: Being an independent projectile it doesn't use an enchantment to be cast, in short it's instant, but you need to channel double the mana into the weapon, without to mention that each bullet costs one drop of mana and with that drop the baddest magician in history can generate eight fireballs sir, your weapon is so useless in battle and has an exorbitant price, only a magician out of his mind, the would use."⁓

Steve's smile was even brighter than at first...

The Dwarf Blacksmith after explaining to Steve what he thinks of weapons, now had a clearer conscience. but Steve's response nearly exploded his head: ⁓ "I want two rifles like these." ⁓ palming the Barrett Rifle. making the Blacksmith sigh and he says through his teeth:. ⁓"this boy is crazy."⁓

But the Blacksmith confirmed that he was crazy, when Steve asks for a hundred dark rocks for meditation...

The Blacksmith and Steve were doing business for more than two hours, where the Blacksmith's face gets more and more complicated with each request from Steve. to the point that the only thing the Blacksmith could do is sigh and complain in silence...

At the end of the negotiations, one of the assistants brought a couple of beers, in large jars of more than one liter, while they toasted. Steve remembered the bottles of wine and took out a couple of bottles and begins to give them to the Dwarves, at first glance the bottles look clean and new...

At the time no one made a comment regarding the wine and as it was a gift, the Blacksmith decided to keep the bottle...

Steve said goodbye to the Blacksmith, put on his mask and sighed heavily, before stepping on the street...

When he left the store, all the people were still waiting and although several people looked suspiciously at his appearance from head to toe. Steve just continued walking calmly and even after leaving the item area he continued to feel an infinity of gazes on his body...

Looks that make him feel uncomfortable to the point of itching his skin...

He had to walk through more than seven avenues where he visited stores and bought random things before the gazes stopped completely...

Knowing people, this shouldn't surprise you, but he shows that the same kind of selfishness exists in other races as well.....

Steve kept walking the streets buying things, mostly fruit, because all the low intelligence animals that he had put in the storage space are dead, just like the normal plants, only mana based plants survived...

As Steve walks distracted by his own thoughts, a group of 5 people dressed in elegant robes with strange aspects approach Steve in front of him. those people closed the passage of the street and salute with a bow of 45° degrees...

The person in the middle of the group says: ⁓ "greetings bearer or should I call you the Heir.."⁓ Steve was silent, not knowing how to respond and stammered a bit, before turning around and wanting to run. but behind him are hundreds and hundreds of tigers:

There are males and females alike, even countless puppies that look on with big smiles and show their sharp fangs...

Steve stops and as the tigers approached with slow steps...

He manages to scream in fear trying to cover his balls: ⁓ "the arms, only in the arms, I punish the one who bites my balls."⁓ of course no one paid attention to their screams and they bit where they seemed most comfortable, before to disappear...


The slaves were shocked to see Steve walking around with his torn clothes and several hundred bite marks on his skin.

By having a white skin, the bites are more visible.

He walked into his tent and patted the little orange tiger's back a couple of times in his arms. the little tiger wakes up, yawns and immediately disappears...

Blonde: he approaches and before asking, Steve he says: ⁓"Don't worry, it's nothing, I ran into a clan of crazy fans. It's nothing to worry about."⁓

Blonde the slave woman nods and comments: ⁓"my lord the teams say they are ready. we will start when you ask."⁓

Steve nods and points to the booths. ⁓ "Open and always remember to wear your masks, the slave that doesn't obey send him back." ⁓ Steve said the last sentence out loud and several people listened and immediately put on their robes and masks...


All the slaves were nervous, when the cabins began their operations, because of the bites I feel dizzy enough, so that my steps were clumsy and slow...

I wasn't worried about my safety or that my slaves were going to attack me, believe me that slave that attack, wouldn't know, who was the beast that hit him first...

Team 2 took me to one of the houses...

Boobs: I went to a store for various healing potions, while the other slaves on the team clean my wounds. With my eyes closed, I only hear a couple of laughs when they took off my boots and pants, I also feel a pair of naughty hands kneading my balls tenderly...

I let the slave follow her and her soft hands slid over my shaft, the slave woman rubbed her fingers up and down slowly over my shaft and got closer face. because I felt her breath on my head dragon...

I open my eyes and look at her face...

The slave woman looked me in the eye, then my dragon, and looked back into my eyes. she slowly wets her lips a couple of times and slowly the woman begins to open her mouth, little by little she tilts her face forward...

I lean forward and stop her advance with my finger on her forehead. I push that same finger away and deny a couple of times. The slave girl's eyes glaze over and before she gets sad, I turn my hand, palm up, and motion for her to get up…

The slave girl stands up and with more signs I indicate to lift her tunic, the girl grabs and picks up the edge of her tunic, slowly showing her legs, thighs and when she reaches her waist, I ask her to stop ....

With other signals, I ask the girl on my right to pull down her partner's panties. her mate does and I can see her juices glisten from her in the contours of her cave and the same nectar runs down the inside of her left thigh in a thin trickle of clear water...

The slave acts embarrassed and tries to get away from me, but my dragon senses her presence and reacts. another of the girls helps her partner with her fingers to wet and lubricate her pink folds....

I see how the body of the slave girl trembles, due to the caresses of her partner, the slave girl closes her eyes and lets out a sigh. letting her partner finish lubricating her cave....

The slave's partner, I run her fingers around the contour of the cave and wet her fingers, when finishing with the girl, with those same fingers she rubs and lubricates my dragon...

The whole atmosphere of the house is broken by the return of the team leader...

Boobs: Arrive running with several healing potions in her arms, interrupting both slaves...

It's funny to see Boobs' face: she doesn't know what to do or say at this moment...

I have to break the awkwardness: ⁓"stop wasting time"⁓ I say before stretching my arms. Boobs: she reacts and walks up to my side, she sits on the floor and begins to distribute the healing potions to her companions...

The slave who has her tunic clutched in her hands, wets her lips again and gets closer little by little until she gets into my legs and when she gets on top of my shaft, she stops...

All the slaves around me along with the slave named Boobs had sour faces as if they had eaten flies and they look with envy at the girl on top of my shaft…

When the woman on top of my shaft, she begins to lower her body, I slowly slide my dragon into her cave and before reaching the end. the slave lets her weight fall on my thighs, closing her eyes and letting out a moan... ⁓ "Humph !!!" ⁓

The slave lifts her bottom and slides my shaft back to its cave, letting out a new moan: ⁓"Ufff"⁓ the slave places her hands on my abdomen and begins to move up and down her hips.. *Clap* *Clap* * *Clap* her swaying hips begin to gain strength and become so intense that my whole body trembles with each crash of her buttocks against my thighs...

To the point, in which the slave tilts her body, to gain more and more speed with her hips, until the slave stops and closes her eyes. she throws her head back from her and her body starts to spasm....

The slaves around me stopped all their movements and their gazes are jealous, towards the slave on my lap...

At that moment, all the slaves were silent…

Until my voice wakes them up: ⁓"next"⁓ causing all the slave girls to look at me doubtfully. I lean back to make myself more comfortable on the sofa and add ⁓ "the woman who does not heal my wounds will not come up" ⁓ at the end of my words I extend my arms to the sides...

Three of the four women helping me smile and immediately, each of the slaves begins to heal my arms and legs...

I look at the pair of girls healing my legs and I order: ⁓ "put her down" ⁓ the girls stand up, grab the slave on my thighs, hold her in her arms and drag her off my lap...

My dragon slips out of her cave, flails from side to side, and stares up at the sky...

Before climbing the next slave, the woman I call "Boobs" stopped healing my arm and grabbed my shaft at the base with her hand. she tilts her face, opens her mouth and pushes my shaft deep into her mouth. Boobs: she bobs her head a few times cleaning my dragon of any kind of residue...

The two slaves that took the girl from my lap are back and the other slave is healing my arms, they look at each other with hostility. I have to intervene or this will turn into a free-for-all to ride my shaft. I order with a strong and clear voice: ⁓ "Calm down, whoever starts fighting I will take her out of the house and bring another one in. "⁓

My voice made the women slaves look at me again with their bright eyes, for my part I point to " Boobs" and order: ⁓ "Undress and What are you waiting for to continue healing my wounds?, these bites do not heal alone. "⁓ "Boobs:" she got up immediately off the ground and in one movement removes his tunic. With a smile on her lips and a couple of soft pats on her cave, she approaches my lap...

"Boobs:" As she sit on my thighs, she does it as if she's riding a sports motorcycle. Her feet are placed on my knees and she lies on my body. The woman put my dragon into her cave and began to swing her hips, it was like a lizard on a stone...

The Blonde slave opens the door at the entrance to the house and stopped when she saw the image of the naked woman on top of my thighs, all her words get stuck in her throat and a babble is heard....

"What?" I ask with annoyance...

Blonde's babbling stops, she swallows and comments, ⁓ "there's a group of merchants outside who want to speak to you and want to pay with DC for their goods." ⁓

I screwed up my face in annoyance and shook my head a few times before saying, ⁓ "No, no and no, tell them it's a barter trade." ⁓

⁓ "But sir, they threaten to block the store."⁓ Blonde comments scared. snorted with annoyance and asked: ⁓ "Blonde, do you work for me or for them?" ⁓ Blonde lowers her head and between her teeth answers: ⁓ "for you" ⁓

⁓ "Well, if you can't do this, talk to Meaty Lips, she'll figure it out." ⁓ Hearing my words, Blonde's body trembles and she nods. I look at the stupid smile that "Boobs" has on her face, I slap her butt hard and say out loud: ⁓"What are you waiting for, move your ass."⁓ she begins to move his gelatinous buttocks on my thighs....

When I finished curing myself, the girls left the house one by one with 5 candies in their hands and immediately eat them, while I take a shower, put on the tunic and use the mask...

Leaving the house, I go straight to the cabins and before arriving I hear a couple of shouts from outside: ⁓ "What the hell are you waiting for to call your cowardly boss." ⁓ a slave shouted furiously. Seconds later an intense light that comes from above illuminates his body and immediately the slave was silent and left the booths. but another slave took his place and began to scream until that slave is enlightened, then followed another and another.

I looked at Blonde standing on one side of the booths and asked curiously:. ⁓"What's with that light "⁓

⁓"It's the first warning from the Lobby "⁓ answers Blonde and adds: ⁓"the second Warning is a red light. "⁓

⁓ "What about the third Warning." ⁓ I asked even more curious.

⁓ "There isn't" ⁓ answers Blonde worried and continues explaining: ⁓ "every warning is a kind of offense. On the third offense, you will be expelled from the Lobby to one of the most dangerous places in Tartaros and you will be banned from the Lobby for the next 10 years."⁓

"Wait, wait, what's with their fights." I ask pointing at the slaves...

⁓ "Our fight was an agreement of equals, where we both agreed to have a fight." ⁓ Blonde answers me...

⁓ "Well, let those merchants bark whatever they want." ⁓ I comment and turn around to look for the most secluded place in the store, it was time to start meditating...

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨

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Boys and Girls: I have a problem. about the development of the story.

is the growth of the MC. The more he grows, the more he moves away from the main plot.

I explain:

The stronger or more powerful the MC is, he will stop looking for women, in a few words the women will take second place, which conflicts with the title of the story.

Some will think that it is better to continue with the plot of the first volume. The problem I have with this type of plot is that it I saturate myself with so many sex scenes and ends up boring me, that's why I look for alternatives to the story and another special thing I have is that I don't like romantic drama.

I can't write romantic drama it makes me desperate.

I like more the drama of deceit, betrayal or plans.

The first option is to change the title of the novel something more in line with the story.

The second option is to continue developing the character where he will have encounters with Milf but less frequently.

When that type of scene arrives +18 I will add a notice to the title.

I make this notice for all those who take the time to read this novel

I'll set myself a goal of 10 episodes, if you like it we'll continue with this one and if you don't like it or have an idea or something the MC is missing, feel free to say it without exaggeration of course. .

[can't get the MC to shoot magenta rays out of his ass] note in case you thought of that.

In case you no longer like the direction that history is taking, it was a pleasure to have you with us see you soon comrade.

thanks for his support.

SHAMEFULcreators' thoughts