
Mila Baker

Mila Baker's idea of dating, commitment, and civil union agitates her. She believes that being single is a privilege. When she crosses a guy named Matt Anderson at her sister's wedding, she was cynical. She doesn't think it was love at first sight. Despite that, who wouldn't get attracted to Matt? He is good-looking, wealthy, and has every connection you can name. However, she despises Matt's confidence at first, but as soon as she finally gets to know him, her opinion of him as a bad boy all changes. Nonetheless, Matt has a big secret that she is about to discover. And she'll come across her parents' biggest undisclosed topic too that will change her life forever.

wendy_redulla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Good Distraction

In my daily life, I generally do not wear dresses because they're uncomfortable but I'm here to attend my twin sister's wedding which means it leaves me no choice but to wear them. My relationship with my sister since then is undeniable.

Some say we don't look like twins because we look different. I got my angelic features from my mom and my eyes are uniquely in a shade of light blue which stands out. While my sister's eyes have spikes of a darker shade of blue. Also, she got dad's features. Not the manly features but the oval face shape.

We also have different tastes in clothing. She likes all in the shade of black and I like plain white. Her hobbies are outdoors and I'm more of an indoor person. I have low pain tolerance.

And even with friends which I don't mind by the way, so long as her friends don't cross my way, then we're good.

And most especially our taste in guys.

She likes the bad boy kind of guys and I don't know what I'm on because I've never had a serious taste of guys yet. I always thought that I am too young to understand real love.

I'm very surprised when my twin Ava announces to our family that she was getting married. It was on a Saturday evening and I usually come home every weekend since I have nothing else to do. I don't have a boyfriend that will occupy me at the moment and I have no plans of having one either.

My mom did not expect her to be married in such a rush. Mom was trying to convince Ava to at least think about it for a few more months and I think mom is right. Everything was too fast. But dad thought was cool enough to ask questions about the boy she wants to elope with. Yet, I never expected her to be this serious. I mean, she's too young to become a wife. It's unusual and I don't understand why they are in a hurry to be married immediately.

And speaking of unusual, I noticed a guy on the opposite side of my position, staring at me. He looks fine. But okay, I give it to you, he looks gorgeous. And judging from his well-proportioned face, he cleaned up pretty well. Not bad. He smiles as soon as we make eye contact and I smile back.

That is weird.

It's not my habit to smile back at strangers. I do not flirt and I have no plans of flirting. Also, I am not the type of person who reciprocates when someone flirts with me. But he looks nice though and I don't think we will be talking after the wedding either since I'm planning to go off after the ceremony and pictorial.

I said to myself, I'm here for my sister's wedding and nothing else.

I continue to take in the surroundings. All of a sudden, I remember the guy whom I awkwardly smiled back at. So I naturally look over my shoulder which is again a bit out of character for me. And there he is. Looking straight at me. Like he was expecting this moment to happen and this time he grin from ear to ear, giving his head a little shake of disbelief.

Oh gosh!

He may rather feel entertained by my action and I sense my ears felt a little warm and I look away immediately, so embarrassed. He must be thinking I'm attracted to him which I might but I'm not a hundred percent sure though because he is too far for me to tell if I am really attracted to him. Maybe a little. But still, it's awkward.

I try to look deadpan and he beamed even more.

I can't endure the embarrassment. I am glad that I am standing beside my best friend Natalie and I speak to her softly, "There is a guy, on your right who's looking here." She turn her head to look at the guy I was describing. And she chuckles a little.

"That's Matt. The groom's cousin." Oh. So that's his name.

She knows him, alright.

I did not say anything. And she continued, "He is anything but good looking and I won't waste my time with him if I were you. He doesn't date." It's absurd. I won't waste a single second with him, that's for sure.

"I'm not going to date him though. He is not my type. And he looks like he is an easy-going guy from how you tell me otherwise. "

" I know he is not your type. But I also know that you have the slightest crush on him now." That is a fact? I hate it when she's right.

She knows me too well.

"That's not true," I said defensively.

"Then why tell me this if you don't?" She's right.

"I was just... He was..." I am defeated. She won and I can't wait to get off here.

"Well?" She teases.

"Okay. Let's say you're right but we both know I also don't have time for relationships." I have a lot on my plate right now and dating is not one of them.

"I know. Though, he is a good distraction, Mila." She winks at me.

Sometimes I wonder why she became my best friend.


My plan after the pictorial did not work. Ava wished me to stay until after the reception program is finished. I want to say no, but I can't because it would be rude for me to do that during her big day. Plus I don't want her to feel bad about my actions. She would be very upset if I turn her down.

Besides, it's been a long time since I've last seen my relatives. There are a lot of reasons for that and I don't think talking about the past would change the present and future.

So, I took a seat the farthest behind. I know I should be sitting somewhere near the presidential table but I don't like being seen. Also, Ava and I had an agreement. I will attend the reception if and only if she'd let me sit far from other people.

And of course, she can't resist me so she let me do what I want which also includes no human interaction.

I enjoy my view at back. I don't mind people ignoring me. I'm used to it and I like my privacy and personal space.

Hello Readers!

I am happy to announce that this book is my first work of art and I am nervous but I hope you guys will love it.

I am grateful to share this with you today.

Thank you all for reading this chapter and please stay tuned to the next part.


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